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Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74

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Advances in diagnosis of protozoan diseases

T. de Waal ∗
School of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Microscopy still remains the gold standard procedure for the diagnosis of many proto-
Apicomplexa zoan infections in animals, but the specific identification requires skilled and experienced
LAMP personnel. Immunoassays, detecting antibodies or specific protozoan antigens, have been
developed but often lack sensitivity and specificity due to close relationship between many
protozoa. Recent research has focussed almost exclusively on molecular based techniques
for the identification and quantification of parasite DNA in samples. Opinion differ on most
appropriate targets to use and there are very few diagnostic kits available making compar-
ison between laboratories difficult. Future research needs to focus on robust, cheap field
diagnostic assays.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Laboratory diagnostic methods for protozoan

The improvement of the microscope from a novelty to a
scientific tool by the Dutch scientist Antony van Leeuwen- 2.1. Classic diagnostic techniques
hoek in the 17th century has led to pioneering discoveries
concerning protozoa and their role as causative agents 2.1.1. Microscopy
of disease. The effective control and treatment of proto- The most unequivocally diagnosis of protozoan infec-
zoan diseases requires rapid, reliable and highly sensitive tions is by demonstration of the organism in the blood, bone
diagnostic tests, in order to diagnose infections, as well marrow, cerebrospinal fluid, faeces or urine. The simplest
as to monitor the therapeutic and prophylactic protocols. method of microscopic examination is the examination of
Today, microscopy is still widely used for the diagnosis smears. In the case of protozoa occurring in the circulation,
of protozoan infections in animals. Recent developments blood smears are prepared and stained. The Romanofsky-
in molecular biology have opened many new avenues for type stains usually give best results and can be routinely
the development of improved diagnostics tools for the applied to diagnose babesiosis, theileriosis or trypanoso-
detection of protozoa. This aim of this short review is mosis (Garcia, 1999).
to highlight the progression of the technologies and how In the case of gastrointestinal protozoa, the simplest
they have improved the diagnosis of protozoan diseases technique is a direct faecal smear with or without fur-
in sheep. ther staining (Garcia, 1999). A direct saline smear of a
small amount of faeces mixed with saline is prepared on a
microscope slide. This is often used for the identification of
trophozoite stages of Giardia, Trichomonas and Balantidium.
The advantage is that the movement of these organisms can
be observed which aid in the identification. Direct smears
can also be used to identify the cyst stages of many of these
parasites. Further staining is often used to improve the
∗ Corresponding author.
sensitivity of this technique. The greatest disadvantage of
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0304-4017/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
66 T. de Waal / Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74

Table 1
Immunodiagnostic techniques available for laboratory diagnosis of protozoa.

Test Protozoan genera for which can be applied References

Complement fixation test Babesia, Theileria, Toxoplasma, Trypanosoma Warren and Sabin (1942), Böse et al. (1995), Herr
et al. (1985)
Sabin–Feldman Dye test Toxoplasma Sabin and Feldman (1948)
Indirect fluorescent antibody test Babesia, Theileria, Toxoplasma, Neospora Böse et al. (1995), Seefeldt et al. (1989)
Radioimmunoassay Kahl et al. (1982)
ELISA Babesia, Theileria, Toxoplasma, Neospora, Trypanosoma, OIE (2010), Bjorkman et al. (1999), Buxton (1998),
Cryptosporidium Seefeldt et al. (1989), Von Blumröder et al. (2004),
Smith (2008)
Competition-inhibition ELISA Babesia, Theileria, Trypanosoma Katz et al. (2000).
Latex agglutination test Toxoplasma Buxton (1998), Seefeldt et al. (1989)
Trypanosoma Asonganyi et al. (1998)
Antigen detection ELISA Cryptosporidium, Giardia Weitzel et al. (2006)

smears is its lack of sensitivity; to overcome this, methods Antigen detection. An alternative to improve diag-
for concentrating protozoa from a larger volume of start- nosis is to specifically detect parasite antigens, rather than
ing material before microscopic examination have been host antibodies against the parasite. Currently, there are
developed. In the case of gastrointestinal protozoa, faecal several antigen detection tests available for in vitro diag-
flotation is commonly used to concentrate cysts/oocysts in nosis of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in faecal samples
faeces. This method is based on the difference in specific (Table 1). A drawback of many of the diagnostic assays
gravity of (oo)cysts and faecal debris and by using specific is the lack of standardised reagents resulting in variation
flotation solutions allowing the cysts to float to the surface in results between laboratories. However, more and more
of the solution and the larger particles of faecal debris sink protozoan serological and antigen assays are becoming
to the bottom, thus ‘concentrating’ the cysts on the surface commercially available.
of the solution. The most common flotation solutions used
to concentrate protozoan cysts are Sheather’s solution and 2.2. Nucleic acid-based diagnostics
ZnSO4 (Garcia, 1999).
Thick blood smear allows examination of a slightly 2.2.1. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis
larger amount of blood than a thin blood smear and is often Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis is a method for
used in the diagnosis of Babesia infections, while a buffy characterizing organisms by the relative mobilities under
coat method is another concentration technique often used electrophoresis of a large number of intracellular enzymes.
for the detection of trypanosomes in blood samples. Differences in the electrostatic charge and size between
homologous enzymes as a result of the underlying varia-
2.1.2. Indirect diagnostic methods tion in the originally transcribed DNA sequence will affect
If organisms occur at densities below the sensitivity of its electrophoretic mobility. Thus, it is possible to relate
the direct method employed or cannot be directly demon- mobility differences to different alleles at the gene locus for
strated in a biological sample due to the life cycle in the host the enzyme in question. Multilocus enzyme electrophore-
false negative results may be encountered. Numerous sero- sis has been used to characterize Trypanosoma isolates
logical tests have been developed to indirectly diagnose (Barnabé et al., 2000) and Eimeria spp. (Shirley, 1975).
infections. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis has many drawbacks;
strains with the same enzyme phenotype may in fact have Immunodiagnosis – antibody detection. Tests com- distinct amino acid sequences, the degree of relationship
monly used to detect the presence of antibodies against between different phenotypes is not known, putative het-
a specific protozoan include the complement fixation test erozygous phenotypes are difficult to interpret, it is time
(CFT), the immunodiffusion (ID), the indirect haemagglu- consuming and expensive and requires large volume of
tination (IHA), the latex agglutination (LA), the indirect parasite material.
fluorescent antidody test (IFAT), the radio-immunoassay
(RAI) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 2.2.2. Southern blot technique
(Table 1). A drawback of serodiagnosis is the fact that In the Southern blot technique, DNA fragments are
antibodies persist for long time, even after elimination of digested using one or more restriction enzymes and sepa-
the parasite, therefore a positive result does not necessar- rated by electrophoresis before being transferred (blotted)
ily indicate the present parasitological status of the host. onto membrane filters and hybridized with complemen-
Moreover, serology is not useful to diagnose acute infec- tary (radio) labeled probes (Southern, 1975). Methods
tions. Cross reactions are also often encountered between for non-radioactive labelling of DNA probes have also
closely related parasites resulting in false positive outcome been developed and include the incorporation of reporter
such as trypanosomes. With the development of molec- molecules, such as biotin (Murasugi and Wallace, 1984),
ular techniques, it has been possible to develop test that acetylaminofluorenzyl modified guanosine (Tchen et al.,
are based on specific subunit proteins/antigens given much 1984) and sulphonated cytidine (Poverenny et al., 1979).
greater specificity to these tests for Babesia, Theileria and Detection of these molecules is with an appropriate anti-
Trypanosoma (Katz et al., 2000). body or, in the case of biotin, with avidin or strepavidin
T. de Waal / Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74 67

Table 2
Real-time PCR detection of protozoan parasites.

Detection chemistry Examples of protozoa for References

which can be applied

Intercalating dyes (SYBR Green I) Fluorescence when bound to Cryptosporidium parvum Widmer et al. (2004)
dsDNA, but not when free in Leishmania Nicolas et al. (2002)
solution Trypanosoma brucei Becker et al., 2004

TaqMan probes Fluorescence following hydrolysis by Taq Cryptosporidium Higgins et al. (2001),
DNA polymerase Keegan et al. (2003)
Giardia Bertrand et al. (2004)
Toxoplasma gondii Jauregui et al. (2001)
Theileria parva Papli et al. (2011)

Fluorescence resonance-energy-transfer Energy transfer between donor fluorophore and Toxoplasma gondii Simon et al. (2004)
(FRET) assay reporter fluorophore at 3 and 5 ends,
respectively, of 2 different probes. Fluorescence
is detected only when the probes hybridize
adjacent to each other on the target DNA. Cryptosporidium parvum Limor et al. (2002)

coupled to a colorimetric, fluorimetric or chemilumines- The next enhancement of this technology came with
cent signal. Direct cross-linking of probes to enzymes the development of real-time amplification. The primary
which act as signal generators has also been described advantage of RT-PCR over conventional PCR is that it pro-
(Renz and Kurz, 1984). DNA probes have been developed vides for high-throughput analysis in a closed system,
for the detection of various protozoa in both mammalian thus eliminating the problems of cross-contamination. This
hosts and insect/tick vector, including Babesia spp., Thei- method can also be used to quantify by exploiting the
leria spp. and Trypanosoma spp. (McLaughlin et al., 1986; proportional relationship between the threshold cycle, at
Posnett and Ambrosio, 1989, 1991; Petchpoo et al., 1992; which exponential amplification is detected and the start-
Hodgson et al., 1992). The first nucleic acid-based detec- ing number of the copies of the target fragment. Various
tion and characterisation of trypanosomes were done by RT-PCR detection chemistries have been developed and
using the genes coding for trypanosome variable surface applied in the detection of protozoa (Table 2).
glycoproteins (Williams et al., 1982; Majiwa et al., 1985b;
Majiwa and Webster, 1987), which can detect the parasite
in the tsetse fly vector (Kukla et al., 1987; Gibson et al., 2.2.4. LAMP
1988). Ellis and Bumstead (1990) also developed probes Alternative DNA amplification, such as loop mediated
that could distinguish between various Eimeria spp. A lim- isothermal amplification (LAMP) has been applied to pro-
itation of this technique is that an appropriate probe must tozoa (Alhassan et al., 2007; Karanis et al., 2007; Njiru et al.,
be designed to hybridise to the digested DNA fragments 2008; Guan et al., 2008; Karanis and Ongerth, 2009). In
and a rather large number of organisms to process. this method, six different primers, specifically designed
to recognise eight distinct regions on a target gene, with
amplification only occurring if all the primers bind and
form a product. Unlike PCR, LAMP is carried out at a temper-
2.2.3. PCR ature range of 60–65 ◦ C eliminating the need of a thermal
Development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in cycler. In addition, the reaction can be carried out without
1985 has revolutionised the diagnosis of infectious diseases the need of DNA extraction.
in general (Saiki et al., 1985, 1988). With PCR, a specific
DNA fragment from complex DNA samples can be ampli-
fied resulting in many millions of copies of the target DNA 3. Advancement of detection methods in selected
molecule. The standard method requires a DNA template, protozoan diseases
containing the region to be amplified and two oligonu-
cleotide primers flanking the target region. PCR products 3.1. Piroplasmosis
can then be visualized by separating them electrophorec-
tically according to size on agarose gels. Since the original Piroplasmoses are tick borne infections caused by
description various modifications has been developed to intra-erythrocytic protozoan parasites belonging to sev-
further increase the sensitivity and specificity of the ampli- eral Babesia or Theileria species, infecting a wide range
fication procedure, such as nested PCR, in which the PCR of domestic animals worldwide. Theileria lestoquardi, Thei-
product is subjected to a second round of amplification leria ovis, Theileria separata, Babesia ovis, Babesia motasi,
with a second pair of oligonucleotide primers located inter- Babesia crassa have been identified from sheep (Uilenberg,
nally from the first pair (Dieffenbach et al., 1993). The 2006). B. ovis are usually regarded as the most important
reverse-line blot assay, which allows for the identification disease agent. In addition, several novel Babesia and Thei-
of novel genotypes or species and also allows for the detec- leria (Theileria uilenbergi and Theileria luwenshuni) species
tion of mixed infections has been developed for Babesia were isolated from naturally infected sheep in China, where
and Theileria infections (Gubbels et al., 1999; Nagore et al., it cause severe and often lethal disease (Yin et al., 2007;
2004). Guan et al., 2010). In endemic areas, they are of significant
68 T. de Waal / Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74

financial significance, due to production losses and melophagium is a non-pathogenic parasite of sheep trans-
increased mortality rate. mitted by Melophagus ovinus with a worldwide distribution
Piroplasmosis can be diagnosed by the examination (Martinkovic et al., 2012).
of peripheral blood smears or smears from visceral Trypanosomes can be demonstrated microscopically in
organs (brain/kidney/lung/lymph nodes) stained with infected animals by examining fresh or fixed and stained
Romanovsky-type staining methods, such as the Giemsa smears prepared from blood or lymph nodes. However,
stain. In carrier animals, it is quite difficult, if not impos- sensitivity of this method is quite low and can only detect
sible, to demonstrate parasites, as the number of parasites >104 parasites/ml of blood. Although fixed and stained
fall below detectable levels soon after the acute stages of blood/lymph node smears are useful for the specific iden-
the disease. While it is possible to differentiate the differ- tification of trypanosomes to the subgenus level, based on
ent Babesia species based on their morphology, this is rarely morphology and morphometry, its sensitivity is lower than
possible in the case of Theileria infections. that of fresh blood. Various concentration techniques have
A number of serological assays are available to detect been developed to increase the sensitivity of microscopic
antibodies in carrier animals. The drawback of serological examination, such as the haematocrit centrifugation tech-
assays, as described above, is that presence of antibod- nique (also known as the Woo test) with a sensitivity of
ies only confirms exposure to the parasite in questions ∼103 parasites/ml of blood.
and does not indicate acute infection, nor confirms the Because of the low concentration of parasites in biolog-
carrier state. Moreover, many of these tests have been ical samples, a widely used method is the in vivo culture of
developed in-house at specific laboratories, hence very few the parasites by the intraperitoneal inoculation of the sam-
are commercially available, with standardised antigens and ples into mice. The method is often used for the diagnosis
test procedures, thus making interpretation and compari- of Trypanosoma evansi infections, a parasite which is par-
son between regions difficult. However, serological assays ticularly virulent in the mice with results being obtained
are commonly used for testing animals as requirement within 3–5 days. The success of this technique is variable
for international trade (OIE, 2010). A CFT has been devel- with other Trypanosoma species. Because of the lag time
oped to detect antibodies against a variety of Babesia and in diagnosis and the cost and ethical considerations, this
Theileria parasites (Table 1). Titres usually rise soon after technique is not used for the routine diagnosis.
infection, but also decrease rapidly in carrier animals. Cross Use of serological techniques is useful for epidemiologi-
reactions are common between closely related species. cal studies. However, considerable antigenic cross-reaction
The immunofluorescent antibody test using smears of occurs between Trypanosoma species, and no serologically
Babesia/Theileria as antigen is still widely used and more technique is available that will confirm the identification of
sensitive than the CFT (Böse et al., 1995). ELISA test have species. The common tests available include the agglutina-
been developed for various Babesia and Theileria parasites. tion, the card agglutination, the CFT, IFAT and the ELISA. As
Antigens can be crude lysates obtained from infected ery- indicated for piroplasms, the production and standardisa-
throcytes, soluble extracts from in vitro cultures or subunit tion of antigens used in these assays remains a constraint.
antigens produced in vitro (Katz et al., 2000). Since trypanosomes are intravascular parasites and
DNA probes have been developed to detect Babesia DNA they would release many components, including spe-
in infected animals, based primarily on sequences of the cific antigens into the blood stream of the infected host,
18S rDNA gene (Böse et al., 1995). To increase the sensi- the detection of these antigens has been investigated. A
tivity of these techniques PCR reaction is used to amplify sandwich-ELISA using a series of monoclonal antibodies
specific target sequences (Böse et al., 1995). A reverse- developed in the late 1980s (Nantulya et al., 1987), which
line blot assay has been developed for the simultaneous could detect three specific subgenera with high sensitivity
identification of animals carrying different species of Thei- and specificity were developed and subsequently applied
leria and/or Babesia simultaneously. The assay employs one in the field. However, further field validations showed that
set of primers that specifically amplify the rRNA gene V4 these reagents were less sensitive with some cross reaction
hypervariable region of all Babesia and Theileria species. occurring and maybe ascribed to the fact that hosts con-
The PCR product obtained are then hybridised to a nitro- tain multiple infections causing errors in the test and this
cellulose membrane, onto which different species-specific approach has now been abandoned (Eisler et al., 1998).
oligonucleotide probes are covalently linked (Sparagano The first nucleic acid-based detection and characterisa-
and Jongejan, 1999). The assay has been used in epidemi- tion of trypanosomes was based on probes for the variable
ological surveys in various countries (Almeria et al., 2002; surface glycoprotein genes (Adams and Hamilton, 2008).
Niu et al., 2009). No cross-hybridisation occurred with other trypanosome
species and it was even possible to distinguish between dif-
3.2. Trypanosoma infections ferent groups of T. congolense. The ‘first generation’ of PCR
tests relied on species-specific hybridisation probes based
Trypanosoma generally cause chronic infections in on satellite DNA sequences offering increased sensitivity
sheep and are transmitted by haematophagus insects and specificity over other techniques (Majiwa et al., 1985a;
either biologically with Glossina spp or mechanically Majiwa and Webster, 1987). However, since this test would
by Tabanids or Stomoxys spp. Sheep are infected by require a panel of probes to distinguish between the dif-
Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma congolense and Try- ferent species in a field sample, it is expensive and several
panosoma vivax with the latter being the most preva- approaches have since been investigated to set up multi-
lent infection in many parts of Africa. Trypanosoma specific diagnosis within a single reaction. One approach is
T. de Waal / Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74 69

Table 3
Sensitivity of various diagnostic techniques for Cryptosporidium.

Technique Sensitivity (oocysts per g of faeces) References

Unconcentrated faecal smears 106 Webster et al. (1996)

Faecal smear following concentration 1 × 104 –5 × 104 Weber et al. (1991)
FITC-mAb staining 1 × 103 Webster et al. (1996)
Antigen capture ELISA 3 × 105 –1 × 106 Smith (2008)
PCR based methods <100 Webster et al. (1996)

the amplification of the ITS-1 region which enables simul- been due to the preferential amplification of the dominant
taneous detection of seven Trypanosomes, even in mixed species in mixed infections (Xiao, 2010).
infections (Desquesnes et al., 2001). However, this test In the 1970s Cryptosporidium was first recognized as
lacked sensitivity, especially for T. vivax. Cox et al. (2005) an important aetiological agent in newborn calf diar-
increased the sensitivity of this technique by developing rhoea complex (Pohlenz et al., 1978). Initially, diagnosis
nested PCR strategies. Other studies have used generic of the infection was based on demonstrating the organ-
primers in a semi-nested PCR assay to amplify the variable ism in histological sections. Henriksen and Pohlenz (1981)
region of 18S rDNA gene followed by restriction enzymatic investigated differential staining of the organism in faecal
digestion. With this restriction fragment polymorphism smears, by using techniques routinely used in the bacterio-
approach it was possible to distinguish between the impor- logical laboratory and discovered that acid-fast techniques
tant trypanosome species infecting cattle even with mixed were suitable differentiating stains. The Ziehl–Neelson
infections (Geysen et al., 2003; Delespaux et al., 2003). staining technique was the first staining technique to be
With the use of species-specific PCR tests, it is now possible used routinely. The technique is based on the principle that
to identify the 11 tsetse-transmitted trypanosome species oocysts can be stained with carbol-fuchsin and retain the
and subgroups for which there are available primers. dye during the decolourising step with acid alcohol. Var-
A fluorescent fragment length barcoding method has ious other direct staining method have been developed,
also been described, which was able to detect and dis- such as Auramine-O (Casemore et al., 1985); DMSO carbol-
tinguish trypanosomes (with the exception of members fuchsin (Pohjola, 1984); Kinyoun (Ma and Soave, 1983)
of the subgenus Trypanozoon) in both laboratory and field and safranin-methylene blue (Baxby et al., 1984). Direct
experiments (Adams and Hamilton, 2008; Hamilton et al., staining is still widely used today for the demonstration of
2008) and was reported to be more sensitive than the ITS oocysts in faecal matter. However, generally the sensitiv-
method. The big drawback of this technique is its cost and ity of these techniques is low, hence, due to their small size
the requirement for specialised equipment. and paucity in some samples, oocysts may be overlooked
A promising development is the application of the LAMP or confused with yeast cells (Table 3). The use of fluores-
method for Trypanosoma detection. Recently this technique cently labelled monoclonal antibodies directed against the
has been adapted to detect African trypanosomes. A num- oocysts wall of Cryptosporidium oocysts has been reported
ber of primers have been described for the detection of T. to achieve higher specificities and sensitivities (Jex et al.,
brucei, T. congolense, T. vivax, Trypanosoma gambiense and 2008). Commercially FITC-mAbs, directed against Cryp-
T. evansi (Kuboki et al., 2003; Njiru et al., 2008; Thekisoe tosporidium oocyst wall, are available and routinely used for
et al., 2007). the detection and enumeration of Cryptosporidium oocysts
in faecal and environmental samples (Smith, 2008).
Indirect methods to detect Cryptosporidium antigens in
3.3. Cryptosporidium infections faecal samples have also been developed and a number of
them are available commercially in an ELISA format. These
Cryptosporidium is an ubiquitous small coccidian par- copro-antigen assays have been developed for detecting
asite infecting a wide range of mammals, birds, reptiles C. parvum antigens in faeces, although when applied to
and fish. The parasite has a direct life cycle and is gener- animal faecal samples results can be variable and some-
ally transmitted through the faecal oral route. The oocysts times less sensitive than routine microscopic approaches
are highly resistant in the environment and most chemi- (Johnston et al., 2003).
cal disinfectants have no effect. It is also recognised as an Given the limitation of these staining techniques and
important waterborne infection. Currently more than 20 inability to discriminate between species or genotypes,
species are recognised, with many more genotypes being various molecular methods have been developed. Fluo-
identified. The majority of these species tend to be host rescent labelled oligonucleotide probes targeting variable
specific and are not considered pathogenic to the immuno- regions of the ribosomal RNA can be used to detect oocysts
competent hosts. The exception is Cryptosporidium parvum, in environmental samples (Smith, 2008). These probes,
which infects a wide variety of domestic and wild animals, however, do not distinguish among species and geno-
including humans, and is often the primary cause of diar- types. This has lead to the development of various PCR
rhoea in newborn animals. Among domestic ruminants, and nested PCR approaches targeting different genetic loci.
newborn kids are the most susceptible species, followed The most common loci used for the specific identification
by calves and lambs. Although some studies have indi- of Cryptosporidium is the 18s ss rRNA gene; Cryptosporid-
cated that C. parvum occurs less frequently in sheep, others ium oocysts wall protein (cowp), 70 kDa heat shock protein
have shown that the failure to detect C. parvum may have (HSP70) and 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) (Smith, 2008).
70 T. de Waal / Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74

Specific enzymatic digestion of the products (fragment characterized amplification regions (SCARs) (Fernandez
polymorphism) or sequencing is then used to identify et al., 2003). Woods et al. (2000) described a polymerase
species or genotypes. Boulter-Bitzer et al. (2007) reviewed chain reaction-linked restriction fragment length polymor-
additional genetic markers with potential for diagnosis and phism (PCR-RFLP) approach targeting the second internal
population genetic studies. transcribed spacer (ITS-2) to characterize six Eimeria spp.
Real-time PCR has also been developed to quantify and However, the ITS sequences show some variability both
differentiate species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium in within a genome as well as between species and strains
animal, human and environmental samples (Monis and (Cantacessi et al., 2008).
Giglio, 2006). Mini- and microsatellite typing and gp60
sequencing have been used to subtype C. parvum and Cryp-
tosporidium hominis (Smith, 2008). Studies in recent years 3.5. Toxoplasmosis
have identified a number of Cryptosporidium species and
genotypes in sheep faeces. The most frequently described Toxoplasma gondii is a tissue cysts forming coccidian
species, apart from C. parvum, include Cryptosporidium parasite that infects most warm-blooded animals; in utero
bovis, Cryptosporidium xiaoi (=C. bovis-like genotype) and infection can result in foetal death in humans, sheep and
Cryptosporidium ubiquitum (=C. cervine genotype) (Ryan goats.
et al., 2005; Mueller-Doblies et al., 2008; Robertson et al., The demonstration of oocysts in cat faeces is possi-
2010). ble by using standard flotation techniques, but definitive
diagnosis usually require sporulation of oocysts and fol-
3.4. Coccidian infections lowed by bioassay in mice to distinguish them from other
closely related coccidian species (Dubey and Beattie, 1988).
Eimeria spp. are apicomplexan protozoan parasites that However, cats only excrete oocysts for a short period after
infect a wide variety of domestic animals. Infection with primary infection and, therefore, various serological meth-
Eimeria spp. in sheep can cause either clinical (diarrhoea) ods have been developed to detect humoral antibodies in
or subclinical disease (poor weight gain) and often is an exposed cats and other animals. The CFT was the first sero-
infection of significant economic importance especially in logical tests to be developed to detect antibodies in exposed
intensively reared sheep (Chartier and Paraud, 2012). More individuals (Warren and Sabin, 1942); this was followed
than 15 species of Eimeria have been described in sheep and by the Sabin–Feldman dye test (Sabin and Feldman, 1948),
mixed infection often occurs. Eimeria ovinoidalis is consid- which showed to be a very sensitive test. However, as live
ered, by far, to be the most pathogenic species (Catchpole tachyzoites are used in this procedure, which could poten-
et al., 1976). The pathogenic effect of coccidia is often tially pose a danger to the operator, other tests have been
further aggravated by other pathogenic agents, such as developed. These include the immunofluorescent antibody
gastro-intestinal nematodes, viruses or bacteria. Coccidio- test, the direct agglutination test, the latex agglutination
sis is diagnosed by demonstrating presence of the oocysts test and the modified agglutination assay (Buxton, 1998).
during microscopic examination of faecal samples follow- Various ELISA methods using crude, fractioned or recom-
ing sugar/salt concentration, in conjunction with clinical binant antigens have been developed (Dubey, 2009). The
signs and the typical macroscopic lesions and location of modified agglutination test still appears to be the most
these lesions seen during post mortem examination. sensitive and specific of all the serological tests available.
Species identification is based on the morphology and Both animal inoculation and in vitro culture methods
morphometrics of sporulated oocysts. Identification is have been used to demonstrate T. gondii in cases of abor-
based on the size, shape and presence of characteristic ele- tion. However, these techniques are slow and expensive
ments, such as the polar cap, the micropyle, the colour and rely upon submission of fresh material to the diagnos-
characteristic of the oocysts wall, the number of sporocysts tic laboratory and, therefore, they are not routinely used
and sporozoites and the presence or absence of oocysts and (Buxton, 1998). Immunohistochemical techniques, allow-
sporocyst residual bodies. Even then, diagnosis can be dif- ing for the visualisation of T. gondii in tissue sections are
ficult and would require an expert to differentiate between often used in the diagnosis of abortions (Buxton, 1998;
species. Dubey, 2009).
Compared to many of the other protozoan diseases, To overcome the limitations of the serological tests, var-
comparatively little research has been done on alterna- ious PCR, nested PCR and real-time PCR techniques have
tive diagnostic methods. Most research has been done on been developed to detect T. gondii DNA in samples (Switaj
improving the diagnosis on Eimeria spp. infecting poultry. et al., 2005; Gutierreza et al., 2010). However, the PCR
Shirley (1975) was the first to use a molecular biologi- diagnosis is not standardised and no consensus on the
cal approach to differentiate Eimeria species on the basis primers/DNA targets to be amplified exists. Primers are
of isoenzyme patterns of oocysts by starch block elec- generally based either on the 18S rRNA-, P30-, B1-genes,
trophoresis. Ellis and Bumstead (1990) were among the 529 bp repeat fragment or the AF146527 element. PCR test
first to demonstrate that rRNA and rDNA probes could amplifying genes with high copy numbers in the genome
be used to identify individual species through charac- are more sensitive. Recently, Zhang et al. (2009) described
teristic restriction fragment patterns. PCR methods have a LAMP method for the detection of T. gondii, by using the
been developed to detect Eimeria spp. by using ITS-1 529 bp repeat element of T. gondii, and it was found that
or ITS-2 sequences (Woods et al., 2000; Gasser et al., the assay was slightly more sensitive than the equivalent
2001; Lew et al., 2003; Haug et al., 2007) or sequence PCR.
T. de Waal / Veterinary Parasitology 189 (2012) 65–74 71

3.6. Neospora caninum infection into areas or farms, where the respective diseases do not
occur. The development of molecular tools has allowed the
N. caninum is a tissue cysts forming coccidian parasite
diagnosis, as well as the study of the genetic variability of
closely related to T. gondii. It is recognised as a leading cause
pathogens and the identification of species-specific mark-
of abortion in cattle and neurological disorders in dogs
ers. Frequently, the bottleneck/difficulty for an effective
(Dubey and Lindsay, 1996). It was first described in 1990
molecular diagnostic procedure is not the PCR amplifica-
in a congenitally infected lamb in UK (Dubey et al., 1990).
tion of the genomic DNA, but rather the preparation of the
However, it is generally not regarded as a significant cause
DNA. The environmental stages of many of the protozoa
of abortion in sheep (Buxton, 1998). Since 2000 neosporosis
have thick walls that are resistant to chemical and mechan-
has been reported worldwide as cause of congenital infec- ical forces; for example, effective techniques are needed to
tion in naturally exposed sheep and mortality in newborn rupture the oocysts wall of coccidian species before DNA
lambs. It recently has also been suspected in several cases extraction. The inhibitors present in faecal material also
of abortion in New Zealand (Howe et al., 2012). have negative effect on sensitivity, because of the loss of
Various methods are used to confirm the involvement material due to the purification steps needed. Major chal-
of N. caninum in clinical problems of abortion or neu- lenge remains to develop specific, fast and cheap diagnostic
rological disorders. Immunohistochemical techniques are test for the identification of protozoan parasites in animals
commonly used to demonstrate parasites in the placenta that could still be applied to remote areas with limited
or foetal heart or brain tissue (Lindsay and Dubey, 1989). infrastructure.
The most common techniques for diagnosing N. can-
inum are those aimed at detecting specific antibodies in
sera; specifically, the immunofluorescent antibody test Conflict of interest statement
(Conrad et al., 1993), the immunoblotting (Schares et al.,
1998), the direct agglutination tests (Packham et al., 1998) The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
and the ELISA have been used. Most ELISAs are based either
on whole tachyzoite lysate, fixed tachzoites or recom- References
binant and have a diagnostic specificity and sensitivity
ranging between 78 and 99% (Lally et al., 1996; Von Adams, E.R., Hamilton, P.B., 2008. New molecular tools for the identifica-
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been developed and showed high sensitivity and specificity hemoprotozoa in Minorcan cattle. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 969, 78–82.
(Ortega-Mora et al., 2006). The ELISA has also been adapted Asonganyi, T., Doua, F., Kibona, S.N., Nyasulu, Y.M.Z., Masake, R., Kuzoe, F.,
to enable analysis of IgG avidity to distinguish between 1998. A multicentre evaluation of the card indirect agglutination test
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et al., 2001). In dairy farms, individual or bulk tank milk Barnabé, C., Brisse, S., Tibayrenc, M., 2000. Population structure and
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4. Concluding remarks
Australia based on nuclear spacer ribosomal DNA. Vet. Parasitol. 152,
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