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The Life God Blesses

Acts 9:31–43, especially verse 36 At Joppa, there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is
translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did.
Introduction: The violinist Paganini stood before a packed house and played a number of
difficult pieces, but one of the strings on his violin broke. He improvised on three strings, but a
second string broke. Near the end of the concerto, a third snapped! Amazingly, he finished the
piece on one string. The audience stood and applauded till all hands were numb. In the same
way, think of what God can do with one man or one woman whom He blesses and uses.
1. A Life Marked by Ministry (Acts 9:32–33). God uses a life marked by ministry. Peter was a
go-getter, going everywhere with the gospel. God seems to use busy people. It seems like every
biography I read tells the story of someone who’s on the move, doing the work God has
assigned. We find God’s will by being about the will He’s already revealed to us.
2. A Life Marked by Humility (Acts 9:34–35). As Peter itinerated, he came to Lydda where he
found a certain man named Aeneas who had been bedridden for years. Peter told him, “Jesus the
Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed.” Peter approached Aeneas, not to seek glory for
himself, but for the Lord. God will not use those who are not humble in His sight. If you want to
be impressed with yourself, God won’t bless you; but if you’ll allow God to work in your life
and if you’ll give Him the glory, He will honor you. Peter wasn’t the healer, just the instrument.
This was a one-person miracle, but its impact affected the entire city and area. Peter dealt with
one man, but many turned to the Lord. Was Peter a God-blessed minister? I guess he was!
3. A Life Marked by Availability (Acts 9:36–39). From the restoration of Aeneas, Peter moved
to the resurrection of Dorcas. The second miracle was a result of being available for the first one.
If Peter hadn’t been in Lydda, they wouldn’t have come to get him. Walking with the Lord is an
adventure. We start one place, and one opportunity leads to another. And Peter was willing to go.
He didn’t have any roots that would keep him from being where God wanted him to be. This
woman (Tabitha is her Aramaic name, and Dorcas is her Greek name; both words mean gazelle)
was apparently a very graceful woman. The Bible calls her a “certain disciple.” She was full of
good works and charitable deeds. Verse 39 says she sewed tunics and garments for those around
her. She was a model of the verse saying we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for
good works” (Eph. 2:10). When Dorcas died, her friends washed her body, laid her in an upper
room, and went for Peter.
4. A Life Marked by Dependency (Acts 9:40–41). Peter needed something in that hour he
couldn’t provide, so he knelt and prayed. We need a spirit of dependency: “Lord, if You don’t do
something here, nothing’s going to happen.” When Peter finished praying, he turned to Dorcas,
and said, “Arise.” She opened her eyes and sat up. Imagine the joy in the church that day.
5. A Life Marked by Productivity (Acts 9:42). The life God blesses is marked by productivity
because everyone in Joppa heard of this, and as news spread more progress was recorded for the
6. A Life Marked by Flexibility (Acts 9:43). This verse is about Peter’s remaining among the
Gentiles. Peter has yet to deal with the idea that Gentiles are included in the church. He’d grown
up with traditional Jewish prejudices, so when he dwelt with Simon the tanner—oh my
goodness, tanners dealt with dead bodies. To a Jew, a tanner was an outcast from synagogue and
society. Now everyday Peter woke up to see stinking animal skins hanging through the house.
God was teaching Peter that the legalistic life was over, and now in Christ, there is neither Jew
nor Gentile.
Conclusion: God blesses a life that’s marked by ministry. What are you doing to serve God? A
life marked by humility. Do you give the glory to Christ for what He’s doing in your life? A life
marked by availability. Are you willing to go to Joppa? A life marked by dependency. When you
do something for God, do you kneel and pray? A life marked by productivity. When you serve
the Lord, something’s going to happen. And a life marked by flexibility. Are you willing to serve
God no matter the circumstances?

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