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Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Landscape with the fall of Icarus (c.1558)

The inventor Daedalus made wings of feathers and wax for himself and his son Icarus, so they could
escape the Crete, but Icarus flew too close to the sun, and the wax melted. If you take a look closely, you
can see the legs of poor Icarus in the water. Bruegel was so fascinated by the story that he painted it
twice, both times with the farmer in the foreground. This is the original painting; the second is nearly
identical except that Daedalus is shown flying above the cliffs. The Roman poet Ovid, who retold the
story, specifically mentioned in his Metamorphoses that the fall was witnessed by a plowman, shepherd,
a fisherman, and that is why Bruegel put them in his painting.


1.Bruegel’s painting shows the fall of Icarus, but you have to look hard to find him. Why do you think the
artist did not make Icarus the focal point of the painting?

-Bruegel’s painting “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” shows Icarus as a tiny figure in the lower right
corner, almost unnoticed in the larger landscape. This was likely intentional on the part of the artist, as it
emphasizes the vastness and indifference of the natural world to human struggles and ambitions

2.This story is often used as a metaphor to the overextending one’s self. Do you agree that this is the
lesson of the story? Based on the texts from Aristotle in the previous lesson, and entering these texts
further in this lesson, what do you think would Aristotle say?

-Regarding the lesson of the story of Icarus, Aristotle might say that it illustrates the danger of excessive
ambition and the importance of pursuing virtue through the concept of the golden mean. Aristotle
believed that virtue lies in finding the right balance between extremes, and that one should strive to
achieve the right level of ambition, neither too high nor too low.

3.How does technology help in attaining the good life?

-Technology can play a role in helping individuals achieve the good life by providing tools and resources
that make life easier and more convenient.For example, advances in medicine can improve our health
and quality of life, while communication technologies can connect us with loved ones and allow us to
access information from around the world. However, technology alone cannot guarantee the good life,
as it is ultimately up to individuals to use technology in ways that promote well-being and happiness.

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