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PSCI 3020
International Politics and the Muslim World


Dr.Syaza Farhana binti Mohamad Shukri

Prepared by:

Name: Haiqal Wajdi bin Zahir

Matric no.: 2015525



● This memorandum was produced to show the aid or ideas that can be contributed by
the Republic of Mauritania through the minister of military and defence in assisting
the OIC to resolve the crisis of the uyghur community.

● This memorandum was mainly produced to reach a joint resolution of the countries
involved in this summit, namely Saudi Arabia, Republic of Senegal, Republic of
Indonesia, People's Republic of Bangladesh, and Islamic Republic of Iran.

● This memorandum was also produced to pay special attention to the crisis of the
Uighur community among the OIC countries.

2) Uyghurs background
● Uyghur is an interior asian community that speaks Turkic-based language.

● Uyghur today is known as a minority of ethnic group that lives in Xinjiang

autonomous region located in the northwest of the Republic's people of China.

● In the early twenty-first century, there were approximately 10,000,000 Uyghurs in

China and at least 300,000 in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

● The Uyghur in Xinjiang are mainly a sunni Muslims which the OIC countries need to
address their particular situation and issues as totally significant for the OIC countries
to deal with. This is align with the teachings of Islam that Muslims should help and
taken care with other people regardless of ethnic or backgrounds.

3) The problems and issues of the Uyghurs

● The problems that hit the Uyghur in Xinjiang occurred when a large number of Han
who are also a Chinese ethnicities moved to Xinjiang due to its becoming a unique
autonomous region in China during the 1950s.

● Economic inequality and ethnic tensions between the Uyghur and Han populations
grew over time, resulting in protests and other disruptions. For instance, in 2009, there
was a violent outbreak that occurred in which most of Han’s people with
approximately 200 people were killed and around 1,700 were injured. The situations
become more tense as there are more cases with the attacks of suicide bombers.
● In this regard, the Chinese governments have suspicious thoughts on the Uyghurs to
have an intent in becoming a separatist. Therefore, the People’s Republic of China’s
government launched a thorough operation on Uyghurs in Xinjiang, which included
shootings, arrests, and lengthy prison sentences.

● However, there is controversy pertaining to China's thorough operation on Uyghurs

when up to one millions of Uyghur are in indefinite detention in heavily fortified
buildings which have sorts of similarities with the reeducation camp during Mao
Zedong period. The United Nations already pointed out China to end the detention of
Uyghur back then in 2018 but the China’s government denies the existence of such

4. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania’s relation with People’s Republic of China

● Mauritania has a good relationship with China. However, the northwest African
country does not have a particular military relationship with China. In this regard, the
ministry of military and defense from Mauritania would provide some ideas and
initiative on how to resolve the Uyghur issues.

5. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania’s role in OIC

● Mauritania is not a state that has a prominent influence in OIC. However, the
northwest African country vows to help the OIC in achieving their target goals.


1. Proposed a “containment” plan to the China’s government.

In conjunction with the United Nations peacekeepers, as a minister of military and

defence for Islamic People’s Republic of Mauritania, I urged the OIC to have a
strong cooperation with China in dealing with the violence that happens in Xinjiang
provision. In this regard, new “containment” policies should be developed by both
China and OIC that should focus on the issues of Uyghurs in Xinjiang’s provision.
The proposed “containment” should be about the United Nations involvement and
presence in this conflict by aiding their peacekeepers to Xinjiang to reduce the
tensions in the region instead of up to one million of Uyghurs becoming imprisoned
in infinite detention in which such an act violates human rights. Therefore, by
applying the “containment” policies, the detention of the millions of Uyghur should
be stopped and let them live freely in Xinjiang under the provisions of the United
Nations peacekeepers.
2. The appointment of Mauritania to be the secretariat in resolving the Uyghur issues and
As the representative of Islamic People’s Republic of Mauritania in the summit, I am solely
open for our nations to become the secretariat for this summit. This is an opportunity for our
nation to be more credible in dealing with such issues, despite not being a strong and
influential member in the OIC. Furthermore, other states that participate in this summit have
bigger ties with China that may pressure them in becoming the secretariat for this summit.
For instance, the Islamic Republic of Iran is facing a sanction from the United States.
Therefore, this is a pressure for Iran to become the secretariat as they become more reliant on
China as the trading partner and while Saudi Arabia also puts a closer military or arms trade
with China in 2022. Thus, it is safe for Mauritania to become the secretariat as it is not an
influential geopolitical country that is getting major political pressure from China in order for
this summit to execute properly unlike the other countries that are also involved in this

3. Execute an exclusive international summit on the plight of Uyghurs to be held in

As a minister of military and defence for Mauritania, I hereby pledge to the OIC to make up
an exclusive international summit pertaining to the issues of uyghurs in Mauritania. This can
be a joint action, to include the European Union (EU) countries as they have vocally
condemned and protested against China following their violations of human rights on the
Uighurs community. Therefore, the international summit should be a close cooperation
between the OIC and the European Union. The context for the international summit would be
focusing on constructives action that could be implemented on the issues of Uyghur’s
community in Xinjiang which includes the measurement or management of short, middle,
and long term planning in dealing with the issues. With having European Union’s support in
tackling this issues, an international boycott of China in terms of political, economical and
social can be agreed upon all nations as the alliance between OIC and the European Union
are providing a sense of strong geopolitical influence which would gives a massive pressure
on China to relaxed their detention on Uyghurs community in Xinjiang.

4. OIC to be an a intermediaries platform between the Uyghurs and the China’s

The OIC should have an agreement with China in which the inter-governmental organisation
should have a significant role in dealing with Uyghurs ethnic problems. The agreement
should consist of the OIC becoming a mediator between the Uyghurs' sides and the Chinese
government to the extent that the OIC would be a platform for any Uyghurs affairs. This
includes the OIC would take care of the Uyghurs welfare and basic necessities as well as if
there is any dispute that occurs particularly within the Uyghurs and issues that are related
with the Uyghurs community. While taking care of all the Uyghurs' concern in China, all OIC
countries also would boost cooperation with China politically, economically, militarily, and
socially in order to persuade the nations that the OIC are very keen in resolving this conflicts.

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