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Proposed Rehearsal Plan

Phase One

Meeting can be physical or virtual

- Identification of a lead Trainer

- Identification of a lead conductor and assistants
- Trainers’ rehearsal and analysis of the pieces
- Printing of Pieces for all participants
- Purchasing sheet music Folders
- Voice Placement (Monophonic & Polyphonic)
- Assigning every voice at least 3 trainers
- Trainers to meet with their assigned voice members and agree on the frequency and
venue for rehearsal meetings (Mainly for learning the notes and mastery of the lyrics)
for a period of 6 weeks
- Reports from the above agreements submitted to the lead trainer.
- The lead trainer will conduct weekly assessment of all the participants’ progress.
- Any participant who will not have thorough mastery of the notes and lyrics of the
concert repertoire by the sixth week will be requested to join the team for the next
event. However, they may be considered for services in church as choristers during
normal church programs.

Phase Two

Physical meeting

- Formation of groups for respective voices

- Formation of polyphonic voice sub-groups
- Joint overview of the pieces (whole choir + Trainers). Focus on the theme and
contextual meaning of the texts in the pieces forming the concert repertoire
- First Joint Rehearsal.
- Guidance for vocal warm-up exercises during sub-groups’ rehearsal.
- Conduct a brief voice warmup session
- Go through one of the selected hymns
- Give the list of pieces with the order of priority.
- Trainers will take at least 2 weeks to ensure the first 3 pieces as directed by the lead
trainer are thoroughly learnt and mastered.

Phase Three

Physical Meeting

- The Whole Choir meeting for the Second Joint rehearsal

- Brief vocal warm-up session
- The Lead Trainer will give guidance on the technicalities encountered in the first set of
three pieces.
- Polishing of the 3 pieces forming the first set of the concert repertoire
- The Lead Trainer will provide the second Set of 3 pieces for rehearsal.
- Trainers in their respective voices will take another two weeks to ensure all members in
their sub-groups have thorough mastery of the pieces
- Challenges encountered during the first set of 3 pieces rehearsal should all be

Phase Four

- The whole choir will meet for the third Joint rehearsal.
- Brief vocal warm-up session
- The Lead Trainer will give guidance on the technicalities encountered in the second set
of three pieces.
- Polishing of the 3 pieces forming the second set of the concert repertoire
- The Lead Trainer will provide the Third Set of 3 pieces for rehearsal.
- Trainers in their respective voices will take another two weeks to ensure all members in
their sub-groups have thorough mastery of the pieces
- Challenges encountered during the second set of 3 pieces rehearsal should all be

Phase Five

- The whole choir will meet for the Fourth Joint rehearsal.
- Brief vocal warm-up session
- The Lead Trainer will give guidance on the technicalities encountered in the Third set of
three pieces.
- Polishing of the 3 pieces forming the Third set of the concert repertoire
- Challenges encountered during the second set of 3 pieces rehearsal should all be
- The Lead Trainer will pick at least 3 songs with major technicalities from the concert
repertoire and polish the sections where members have challenges.

Phase Six

- The Whole Choir together with the pianist will meet for the Fifth Joint Rehearsal.
- Intonation and Voice Blending exercises will be conducted.
- The Choir will go through the congregational hymns and learn any possible
rearrangements as will be suggested by the Lead Chorister of the day.
- The Lead trainer will give guidance on polishing of all technical parts of the concert

Phase Seven

- The whole choir and the Mini Orchestra will meet for a joint rehearsal. Pre-Dress
- Two conductors will be assigned to the choirs and the orchestra for a separate 1 hour
- The Two groups will polish all the hymns.
- They will be guided by the lead Chorister.
- The two groups (Choir and Orchestra) will have a joint rehearsal. Guidance will be
provided by the Lead Conductor.

Phase Eight

- The Whole Choir and the Orchestra will meet for a 1 Hour Dress Rehearsal.
- 10 Minutes voice warm-up session will be conducted.
- The lead trainers will provide guidance concerning the choir arrangement and orchestra
sitting arrangement on stage
- The Communication team will conduct mic balancing and arrangement.
- The Floor managers will provide all necessary details as far as the concert program is
- The Choir will do a one-through-run over all the arranged pieces.
- The Choristers choir, the orchestra and the lead chorister will go through the
congregational hymns


- Dates for the 7 joint rehearsals are not included. This is open for discussion.
- This plan entirely is a proposal that is also subject to discussion.
- After analysis and adjustments a final document of this plan could be shared with all the
participants (Choristers, Trainers and the pianists)


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