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Intermediate Econometrics

Problem Set 1 Part A – Due at the beginning of class Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Part I (6’). For each of the following questions, choose the one best answer. Briefly
explain your reasoning (2’ each).

1. If X and Z are two random variables, then E ( X − Z ) is

a. E ( X ) − E ( Z ) + 2 E ( XZ )

b. E ( X ) + E ( Z )

c. the same as E ( Z − X )

d. E ( X ) − E ( Z )

2. Any linear combination of normally distributed random variables (assume

they have a jointly normal distribution):

a. is also normally distributed

b. is t-distributed

c. is F-distributed

d. none of the above

3. What can be said about the estimated slope coefficient for a regression of Y
on X , versus the estimated slope coefficient for a regression of X on Y ?

a. the slopes are reciprocals

b. the slopes are not reciprocals

c. the slopes are the negative of each other

d. the slopes are identical

Part II (30’). The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted on September 3-5, 2004,
surveyed n=755 likely voters; 405 reported a preference for President George W.
Bush, and 350 reported a preference for Senator John Kerry. Let p denote the
fraction of all likely voters who preferred Bush at the time of the survey, and p̂ be
the fraction of survey respondents who preferred Bush. (5’ each)

a. Show E ( pˆ ) = p , Var ( =
pˆ ) p (1 − p ) / n .

b. Use the survey results to estimate p , and estimate the standard deviation of
your estimator.

c. What is the p-value for the test H 0 : p = 0.5 against H1 : p ≠ 0.5 ?

d. Will you accept the null stated above at 5% significance level?

e. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the fraction of likely voters in the
population who favored Bush in early September 2004.

f. The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted another survey on October 1-3,

2004, surveyed 756 likely voters; 378 reported a preference for Bush, and 378
reported a preference for Kerry. Was there a statistically significant change in
voter’s opinions across the two dates? (at 5% significance level)

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