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A Directions: Analyze the following situations and decide whether it can help you obtain factual information or
not. Write YES or NO on the space provided before each number.

1. You are reading an article about the number of new positive cases of COVID-19 in your place. Then, you
found out that the article is already out of date.
2. Bella checks the correctness of the quotations used to support the main point raised in the video
3. A social media influencer stressed, "Filipinos have no right in the West Philippine Sea." However, he failed to
cite any source to prove his claim.
4. Your friend saw a cryptic news headline and shared it in her timeline, but it does not present any details
about the whole story.
5. Sofia saw a viral Facebook post from an unknown source who asserted that a medicinal plant is being used
to cure COVID-19 patients.
6. A resource speaker in the seminar you are attending mentioned names of credible authors while
expounding his ideas.

B. Directions. Read the statements carefully and determine whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write
your answers on the blank before each number.

7. The relevance of the ideas presented in any material should be evaluated by the viewer.
8. Checking on the author or writer of the material we have obtained is not necessary in determining its
truthfulness and credibility.
9. An idea is considered relevant if it is not appropriate to the subject being talked about.
10. To determine the truthfulness, you must analyze the if it comes from a reliable source, proven through a
research of experts from the field, and if it discusses the facts.
11. Some source use misleading headline that deceives readers into reading an irrelevant content by using
catchy or sensational titles.


Directions. Choose the that corresponds to the type of evidence given. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number. * Statistical Evidence * Testimonial Evidence * Anecdotal Evidence * Analogical
12. *Yeah I have read the health warnings on those cigarette packs and I know about all that health research,
but my uncle smokes, and he says he's never been sick a day in his life, so I know smoking can't really hurt
13. Lebron James' quote encourages the consumer to believe that Nike athletic shoes won't let the average
Joe be disappointed in a basketball game.
14. Customer testimonials are the most effective form of content marketing according to 89 percent of
marketers in a recent survey.
15." Europa (one of the Jupiter's moons) has oxygen in its atmosphere, just like the Earth. There's life on
Earth, so there might be life on Europa.
16. Research from the University of Pittsburg School Of Medicine studied over 1,700 people between the ages
of 10 and 32. It was found that on average, participants were spending 61 minutes per day on social media
and visiting social media website over 30 minutes per week.
Directions. In each sentence, identify the conclusion and the premise. Underline the Conclusion and box the
17. Public libraries should be funded in every community because they provide learning resources for all ages
and provide spaces for people to read, study and gather.
18. Over fifty years of searching has not revealed life on other planets. Therefore, life in the universe exists on
the planet earth.
19. People should add exercise to their daily routine because it keeps their bodies at a healthy weight, and it
reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
20. Do not play sound system too loudly as you may not be able to hear warning sirens from emergency
21. Experts say that giant squid can be a cause of deep sea pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to take
measures quickly.


Directions. Identify what is described in each statement. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided
before each number.
22. In which paragraph does the thesis/claim appear?
A first paragraph B. second paragraph C. last paragraph
23. It is a sentence that gets the reader's attention
A. thesis statement B. hook C. background information
24. Sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph
A. topic sentence B. supporting sentences C. thesis statement
25. An argument that is contrary to, or the opposite of the writer's opinion.
A. conclusion B. counterargument C. claim
26. Which of the following best described an argument?
A. a claim that has logic and facts B.a claim that tells a story C. a claim that has feelings in it
27. Which of the following choices are hooks used in an essay?
A. question, quote B. sentence, viewpoint C. thesis, hook
28. The following statements must be considered in your conclusion paragraph except_ * End with "This is the
end of my essay" * Summarize your reasons * End with a strong statement that shows you are correct
29. Which of the following is not a form of evidence?
A. government definitions B. your friend's opinion C. quote from expert
30. What is the purpose of an argumentative essay?
A. to persuade or convince the reader give information about the topic tell an interesting story %.


A. Directions. Read and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
31. Which of the following best describes a social issue?
A.It involves a differences in beliefs and preferences of people
B. It is a group of common problems in present-day society that many people strive to solve
C. It causes an increase in unemployment
32. What issue reflects the scarcity of resources which are deerned insufficient to satisfy human wants and
A. Economic issue B. Moral issue C. Social issue
33. Which of the following can be categorized as a moral issue?
A volatile prices of commodities B.increasing population C. cheating during exam
34. Which of these situations is NOT part of a social issue?
A.Ten years ago, oil prices per liter is P40, Today, it is P60 per liter.
B.Due to Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of Filipinos lost their jobs
C. People die quietly in some of the poorest villages because of lack of access to health care, nutrition and
35. This problem is related to the principles of what is wrong and what is right.
A. Social issue B. Moral issue C. Economic issue
36. Which of the following can be considered as an economic issue?
A. Teenage pregnancy, abortion and birth control
B. Poverty, homelessness and unemployment
C. Soaring and uncontrolled high prices of commodities and low agricultural production
37. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation? High fuel costs and uncontrolled commodity
prices, together with fears of global recession, are worries of all countries.
A. Economic issue B. Moral issue C. Social issue
38. Stealing and gambling are examples of issue.
A Social B. Moral C. Economic
39. What kind of issue is being reflected in the following situation? Your friend has a great sense of humor.
However sometimes, his jokes involve making fun of others in inappropriate ways. He will point out a physical
flaw or look for something odd or different about a person and make an unkind comment.
A. Social issue B. Moral issue C. Economic issue

B. Directions. Determine whether the statements reflect social issue, moral issue or economic issue. Write your
answers on the blanks before each number.
40. The teenaged bully did not feel compassion for the young children he harassed, he never apologized for
his actions.
1. People are suffering because of malnutrition.
2. Philippines borrowed 8 billion dollars in the World Bank.
3. Juan is an unemployed, he didn't finish college due to poverty.
4. People are being discriminated around the world because of their skin color
5. The World Health Organization (WHO must make effort to listen to people experiencing health inequality.

C. Directions. Read and analyze the following statements and identify what type of issue that manifest each
paragraph. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
46. Daisy shares a three-roomed apartment with her mother, step-father and 6 other family members. Her
step-father lost his job construction in 2022 and her mom has been unable to find any lasting work. The family
relies on a soup kitchen for food and donations of clothing from neighbors.
A. Graft and Corruption B. Poverty C. Bullying D. Climate change
47. I don't know what should I do to help my son. He has begged me not to report the incident to his school; he
believes everyone will find out and think he is weak. I desperately want to avoid betraying his trust, but I can
see how this abuse is starting to destroy him.
A. Early pregnancy B. Poverty C. Bullying D. Lack of sufficient healthcare service
48. The national government didn't immediately see the need to accredit qualified laboratories to test
COVID-19 samples. There was failure to think ahead. The Philippines relied on a single laboratory in the early
weeks of the pandemic. This is definitely one of the reasons why COVID-19 infections are still increasing its
A. Pollution B. Corruption C. Smoking D. Lack of Sufficient healthcare services
49. A politician was suspended after receiving money from a government project.
A. Gambling B. Corruption C. Bullying D. Inflation
50. The river is polluted due to constant throwing of garbage.
A. Scarcity B. Pollution C. Smoking D. Climate change
A. Directions. Identify whether the following statements show factual judgements. Write FJ for factual
judgements and J for value judgement on the space before each number.

51. Four plus four equals eight, no matter what object it is.
52. Sky blue makes the mind ease and relax.
53. Elon Musk may be the happiest person alive as he can afford everything he wanted.
54. Beard Amault is a French business magnate and the CEO of Louis Vitton (LVMH), he oversees the LVMH
empire which includes 75 brands such as Sephora. His net worth is currently $ 226.4 billion.
55. Luzon is the largest and most populous in the Philippines and the 15th largest in the world. It stretches
more than 10, 000 kilometers, its northermost tip almost touching Taiwan and its southwester finger reaching
out to Borneo.
B. Directions. Given in column A are factual judgements. Find their corresponding value judgements in
column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number COLUMN A
1. There are more than 6 billion people on the planet.
2. Having a library at home makes reading acquisition easier for children.
3. Poverty is one of the most dramatic evils of the so called third world
4. Too much alcohol causes liver damage. was selected to 14 all-star games, and won 10 scoring titles 60.
Michael Jordan won 6 NBA Championships, earned a total of 14 MVP awards,
* It is always good to have lots of books at home.
* There are too many people in the world.
* All over the world they would have ban the drinking of alcohol substances.
* He is the best basketball athlete of all times.
* The poor are poor because they want to.

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