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PRACRES REVIEWER cultural heritage of these communities and

gain insights into their challenges,

Research Design in Methodology resilience, and contributions to society.
— it refers to overall plan or strategy that a
researcher employs to answer research Case Study
question or test hypotheses — a case study is an in-depth investigation
— it includes research methods, data of a particular individual, group,
collection techniques, and data analysis organization, or event.
procedures — it involves a detailed examination of a
— it acts as a guide throughout the specific case within its real-life context,
research process. aiming to understand the complexities,
dynamics, and interrelationships among
Descriptive design various factors.
— it is a type of research design that aims
to describe or explain the characteristics, Case Study is Commonly used in
behaviors, phenomena of a particular — commonly used in fields such as
population or situation psychology, sociology, business, and
— it is about providing an accurate medicine to explore phenomena that cannot
representation or summary of the observed be easily generalized and to generate rich
variable without manipulating them and contextualized insights.

Ethnographic Research Methodology? (how do u conduct your

— qualitative research approach that research)
involves studying and understanding the — refers to the overall approach or strategy
culture, behavior, and practices of a specific employed in conducting research.
group of people — it encompasses the systematic
— can be done by observation or immersion procedures, techniques, tools, and
of yourself in the setting theoretical frameworks used to collect and
— it aims to gain an in-depth understanding analyze data, interpret findings, and draw
of the social and cultural aspects of the conclusions.
group being studied — involves making decisions about
research design, data collection methods,
Particular Case that is Ethnographic sampling techniques, data analysis
— an example of a case where procedures, and ethical considerations,
ethnographic research can be applied in the among other aspects.
Philippines is the study of indigenous
communities and their traditional practices. Sampling Design (the way the
Examples here in Pampanga are Aetas. participants are chosen)
— we can learn about their cultural beliefs, —it involves selecting participants based on
social structures, rituals, and daily lives. subjective criteria rather than random
Importance of Ethnographic Research — often used when researchers seek to
— by conducting ethnographic research, it gain in-depth insights, explore specific
can be documented so we can preserve the characteristics or experiences, or select
cases that are particularly relevant or information about the phenomenon under
unique to the research objectives. investigation
— purposive is a type nonprobability
Non Probability Sampling Design sampling in which the researcher
(qualitative in nature) consciously selects specific elements or
— it is a sampling method commonly used subjects for inclusion in a study in order to
in qualitative research. It involves selecting ensure that the elements will have certain
participants based on subjective criteria characteristics relevant to the study
rather than random selection.
— is often used when researchers seek to Sampling design
gain in-depth insights, explore specific — method you use to choose your sample
characteristics or experiences, or select — sampling design explains how the
cases that are particularly relevant or population of the study where selected
unique to the research objectives.
Local of the study
Purposeful Sampling (used in qualitative — natural settings
research) — discusses the place or the setting of the
— selecting participants or cases that are study
knowledgeable and have a lot of — it briefly describes the place where the
experiences that are relevant to the study is conducted
research objectives. — setting where the participants are located
— it aims to maximize the richness and
depth of data by selecting individuals who 3 Modes of Data Collection
can provide the most valuable and accurate — Hybrid, Face-to-face, and Online
Online Survey Questionnaire
Deviant Case Sampling Design (focuses Advantages
in unusual cases or ordinary — it is relatively inexpensive, easy to
characteristics) administer, potentially more consistent than
— it focuses on selecting unusual or the other methods, assures confidentiality,
atypical cases that deviate from the norm or and minimizes biases based on
possess distinctive characteristics. question-phrasing modes.
— it is often employed in fields such as
sociology, psychology, or organizational
studies, where understanding outliers or In-depth Interview Advantages
exceptions can help refine or expand — you will be able to get detailed
existing knowledge and theories. information, we can understand more of the
participants thoughts, knowledge and
Purposive Vs. Purposeful Sampling behavior because we can add follow-up
— purposeful qualitative, purposive questions
— purposeful sampling is a sampling Focus Group Discussion Advantages
technique used to recruit participants who — it is flexible and we can get rich data
can provide in-depth and detailed because participants get to share their ideas
and they can discussed the topics freely all agreement by individuals who can’t give
together legal and valid consent

How do we analyze qualitative data? Instruments Allowed In Quali

— by transcribing, coding, clustering, and — observation, interview, questionnaire,
using thematic analysis FGD, audio and video recorders,
4 Qualitative Data Analysis
— Transcript, Coding, Clustering, Thematic During the interview, what can you do to
Analysis get in-depth answers?
— ask follow-up questions
Ethical Considerations in Quali
- voluntary participation, informed consent, First Consideration in Preparing
data privacy, confidentiality, anonymity, have Interview Questions
the right to back out — make sure that it is aligned with your
research questions, so we will be able to get
Data collection/Data Gathering the most accurate data or knowledge that is
Procedure need for research objectives
- it is the step by step process of gathering
information from participants 3 Kinds of Themes
— expected, emergent, and divergent
Data Collection Importance
— it allows us to explore ideas and to have 30. Emergent and Divergent
a further explanation — divergent themes are unexpected
themes that emerge during research and
Types of Data Collection in Quali may not be related to the research question,
- Interview, FGD, Observation, while emergent themes are unplanned but
Questionnaire still related to the research question and
emerge from the collected data.
First Step in Interviewing
— provide a consent form, assent form and Inclusion in Thematic Analysis
letter of request — explanation of what the theme is all
— we use letter of request to get a about, literature review, and we put the
permission response of the participants to support or to
further substantiate the theme
Contained in Consent and Assent Form
— title and information of research, Conclusions
purposes of the research, the rights of — it answers your research questions and
participants, informations about what it your conclusion is connected in your
means to take part, date themes

Consent Vs. Assent Form Paragraphs in Conclusion

— consent may only be given to a person — one paragraph per research question
who is 18 and above while assent is an
Part of Discussion specific location of research, journal or
— lessons learned, conclusion and article from your citation
Inclusion in Lesson Learned — is the way where we can see the patterns
— these are the knowledge that you have in our data, it is where we get the most
gained in the process of conducting your important codes and see how these codes
research are combined to present the results that we
— lessons learned from participants, topic, have got based on the participants’ answer
and what you have learned as a researcher
Thematic Analysis
Recommendations — it is a method of analyzing qualitative
— these are suggestions or solutions that data
we can provide to address certain problems
based on the results of the study
— significance is the source for the people
that we will include in recommendations

2 Types of Citation
— in-text and reference list

To Avoid Plagiarism
— paraphrasing and citation

Relation of In-text and Reference List

— dapat same sila ng number or amount
— in-text citation is included in the
paragraph while reference list is included

Information Included in References

— Authors Surname, Date of Publish, Title
of the Book or Research Paper, and the
Source, Link or DOI

What is DOI
— Digital Object Identifiers (useful in
locating references on web)

Why do we prefer DOI?

—it allows a quick and precise searching, it
is more credible, it will help readers to
easily locate a document or to get the – Liyan Turla

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