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Detailed Lesson Plan

DLP No . Learning Areas Level Quarter Duration

P.E and Health Grade 12 4th Quarter 1 hour
Learning Recognizes one’s potential for health-and-recreation-related career opportunities
Competency/ies ( Refer to CG
Key Concepts /  Health-and-recreation-related career opportunities
1. Objectives
KNOWLEDGE Identify the health-and recreation career opportunities
SKILLS Differentiate the health-and recreation career opportunities
ATTITUDE Display cooperation during group activity
VALUES Act responsibly in undertaking a task
2. CONTENT Recreational Activities

3. LEARNING  Power point presentation

RESOURCES  Pictures
 Video Clips
 Interview Form
 Internet
 LCD Projector
4.1 Introductory Show a video clip about recreational activities.
Activity Students will list down the recreational activities that they have seen from the
( 5 minutes) video presented.
4.2 Activity / GALLERY WALK(Group Activity)
Strategy Using the pictures of health and recreation related careers.
( 20 minutes) Let each group observe and describe each pictures and assign one member to
share it to the class.
4.3 Analysis - Teacher will ask relevant questions
( 5 minutes) Sample Questions
- How did you find the activity?
- What relevant information, you learned from the sharing?
Note : teacher can also solicit from learners concepts that are confusing to them
4.4 Abstraction  teacher will discuss concepts through power point presentation or video
( 15 minutes) presentation
Ask the following questions:
1.Why do we need to know the health and recreation related career
2. How does it help you in recognizing your own potential?
4.5 Application Group Activity (Group themselves according to their interests and skills)
( 30 minutes) Let each group make an artistic presentation about the work of that chosen
career they are interested.
(prepare rubric)
4.6 Assessment ( Talking to Learners / Conferencing)
( 10 ) Ask students the following questions:
1. What health-and-recreation-related career will you choose based on your
knowledge, interests and skills, why?
2. Do you think you are ready to take a health-and recreation related
career? Why?
4.7 Assignment Conduct an interview/survey to the health- and recreation related career
personnel within the locality. (Using the Interview form)
4.8 Wrap –Up/ I chose to have a career, and I enjoyed it while I had it. - Nancy Reagan
5. Remarks Carried
6. Reflection

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