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Baccalaureate Program Outcomes

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Baccalaureate Program Outcomes

The said knowledge gained would include verbal and quantification literacy, research

methodology mastery, and proficient use of technical knowledge.

Use of Information technologies, teamwork strategies, and collaborative

communication to improve patient care and create a safe care environment.

Thus, effective clinical practice necessitates numerous instances in which important

information must be communicated accurately. Collaboration within the team is essential. Patient

safety is jeopardized when healthcare professionals fail to communicate effectively for a variety

of reasons, including a lack of vital info, misunderstanding of info, unclear edicts over the phone,

and missed changes in status.

Healthcare errors can occur when there is a communication breakdown. These mistakes

have the possibility of resulting in severe injury or unforeseen patient death (Murray, B. (2013)).

Medical errors, particularly those triggered by a breakdown in communication, are a widespread

issue in today's healthcare organizations.

Interpret the effects of health policy on populations and healthcare systems.

Knowing the consequences of particular public health policy initiatives will aid in

establishing causality in terms of welfare state effects on birthrate well-being and inequalities.

Higher income, employment, and educational opportunities result in lower mortality and

morbidity. Health inequalities are widespread, particularly in Europe, where approximately 80

million people live in relative poverty (Murray, B. (2013)). Significant variations in health

results have already been attributed to differences in how the benefits system is administered

across Europe.

Engage in life-long scholarship and professional development.

Lifelong learning is defined as any knowledge gained through ongoing training or your

efforts after entering the workforce (Duncan, K., & Schulz, P. S. (2015). This could frame your

career or simply be something you engage in for fun.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with continuing to work without engaging in lifelong

learning or applying what you have learned. Numerous excellent careers are formed simply by

continuing to work and learning while working. However, there are various ways that lifelong

learning can structure your career as well as take it to exciting and new places if you so desire.


Duncan, K., & Schulz, P. S. (2015). Impact of change to a concept-based baccalaureate nursing
curriculum on student and program outcomes. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(3), S16-S20.

Goode, C. J., Lynn, M. R., McElroy, D., Bednash, G. D., & Murray, B. (2013). Lessons learned
from 10 years of research on a post-baccalaureate nurse residency program. The Journal of
Nursing Administration, 43(2), 73-79.

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