Business Correspondence 12.12.18

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Деловая переписка.
2 Startalk.PRO
Make mistakes Startalk.PRO

Say it
Repeat, repeat &
University English vs. Company English
5 Startalk.PRO

8 Key Tips to Effective Business Correspondence

▸Respond QUICKLY
▸ALWAYS reread your emails and check for mistakes
▸Use an appropriate SUBJECT
▸Once your message is sent it CANNOT be recalled
▸Watch out for your STYLE
7 Startalk.PRO
Case Study
Replying to a previous email
“Sure, sounds fine… Please proceed.”


“Sure, sounds fine… Please proceed.”

You wrote: “Hi Jody, Are you okay with the proposed color
scheme on the new brochure? I’d like to print it next week.”

OHIO principle
Only Handle It Once

• Read it straight away, respond (or forward), and file

• Read it to the point where you determine it requires action
later and send it to the to-do list
• Label as one not worth reading and delete
Informal vs. Formal

- Contractions - Complete grammatical forms

I’m writing I am writing
- Short sentences - Complex syntax
It looks ok. I’m not sure we can Although it seems reasonable, we are not certain
make it though we can proceed with it now
- Abbreviations - 100% grammatically correct
Re ur msg
- Missing Words - Introductory phrases and “frills”
Sorry about that. You alright? With all due respect we regret to inform you that…
- Phrasal Verbs - English derivatives of Latin verbs
ask for, look into, find out request, investigate, discover

How to put it?

11 English Verbs vs. Latin Verbs
to ask for to request
to ask to enquire

to get to acquire / obtain / receive

to keep to maintain

to give to provide

to book to reserve

to fix to repair

to check / prove to verify

to tell to inform

to have to possess

to take to accept
English vs. Latin
to promise to assure
to turn down to reject
to help / help to assist / assistance
facts information

because of due to

more further

to need / needs to require / requirements

duties responsibilities

about regarding / concerning

job occupation
I am afraid I will not be able to attend the meeting on Friday. As I will miss the
meeting, I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the minutes? I will email
Mary as well, in order to inform her that I will not be there. Once again, please accept
my apologies, and I can assure you that I will be present at the next meeting.

Great evening, wasn’t it? Really enjoyed the meal, and nice to see Mary and Roger
again. Has a chance to speak to Lucy yet? Don’t worry if you haven’t, will be seeing
her tomorrow.
Going to my parents at weekend – looking forward to it. They live in London, Ever
been there?
We need to talk about holiday plans for next summer. Things still a bit uncertain.
Three weeks impossible. Pity.
Anyway, got to go now. See you later
Opening an Email
Formal Informal
Common Introductory Phrases
Formal Informal
• В ответ на Ваше письмо от «02» января сожалеем сообщить Вам, что Ваше
предложение не было принято.

• Я хотел бы поинтересоваться, не могли бы Вы переслать мне Вашу

презентацию по электронной почте.

• Уважаемый Мистер Грин, мне необходимо получить информацию о линейке

Вашей продукции. Не могли бы Вы послать мне ее по электронной почте как
можно скорее

• Спасибо за Ваше письмо, полученное «16» февраля. В соответствии с

нашими данными, Вы не отчитались за последний квартал
Closing an Email
18 Startalk.PRO

Using Abbreviations

— Re ur order. It’s ready 4 delivery. Hv 2 work now, ttyl (Касательно

твоего заказа. Он готов к доставке. Сейчас мне нужно работать. До
— Thx 4 ur email. This is good news. I let Anna know asap. CU (Спасибо
за письмо. Это хорошая новость. Я срочно расскажу Анне, до

— FYI: We hv received ur order, i.e. 300 printing machines. We’ll

complete it asap. BR, John
List of Common Abbreviations

▸ FYI – for your information ▸ encl. – enclosed

▸ FYG – for your guidance ▸ e.i. – id est
▸ ASAP – as soon as possible ▸ e.g. – exempli gratia
▸ CC – carbon copy ▸ etc. - et cetĕra
▸ BCC – blind carbon copy ▸ NB – nota bene
▸ FW/ Fwd – forwarded ▸ c/o – care of
▸ Re – regarding ▸ fao – for the attention of
▸ NIM / NM – no internal message
▸ NRN – no reply necessary
▸ P.S. – postscript
▸ RSVP - Répondez s’il vous plaît
▸ BR – Best Regards
List of Informal Abbreviations

▸ ttyl– talk to you later ▸ 4 – for

▸ gbty– get back to you ▸ u – you
▸ ot– off topic ▸ 2 – to, too
▸ btw– by the way ▸ GB – goodbye
▸ BCC – blind carbon copy ▸ GBFN –??
▸ otoh – on the other hand
▸ msg– message
▸ yr – your
▸ cu – see you
▸ L8R – later
▸ Pls – please
▸ cz – because
• Email 1
Subject: Yr order ref no YT8765
Re yr order rec’d today, we cannot supply the qty u need at this moment. Pls confirm
asap if a part-delivery wd be acceptable. L8R. Rdgs. Stefan

• Email 2
Subject: Thx for yr msg
Re yr msg left on my ans machine – yes, I’m free 4 lunch on wed next wk. Btw, good
news abt yr interview. Hv 2 work now. CU, Jane
Job Titles

Директор по продажам – Sales Director

Менеджер по работе с клиентами – Account Manager

Менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами – KAM – Key

Account Manager

Финансовый директор – CFO – Chief Financial Officer

Президент, Генеральный директор – CEO – Chief

Executive Officer
24 British vs. American English


Features of a Lingua Franca

▸Mutual integrity, not rules of the native speaker

▸Aim is to get the job done – not “theoretical” linguistic


▸Problems caused by inadequate language skills, but by

inadequate communication skills

▸Culture is not dominated by the “native speaker” national

culture, but by a mix of business culture


Brazilian: How long do you need to get there?

Correct “standard” form,

Japanese: How long? not understood

Brazilian: How long TIME do you need to get there?

Non-standard form,
Japanese: Ah … It takes about 12 hours understood

(Dewey, 2011, p 210)

Business Letter Sample
How to Make Up a Business Letter

Recipient’s Address
Introduction, Body of the Letter, Conclusion
Key Phrases
• Email 1
Luisa, I’ve mailed Mike and Jack on the changes to the contract. Shall I have a word
with him and make sure he gets what’s going on? You work with Jack – can you talk
to him? Thanks for your help – I appreciate it.

• Email 2
Sorry for the delay in replying – I’ve been out of the country on business.
Unfortunately, the items you ordered are out of stock, but we’re expecting delivery by
the end of the week. I’ll get back to you as soon as the arrive. If you need any more
information, please feel free to contact me.
33 Startalk.PRO

Email Templates
34 Startalk.PRO
Dear [Mr.Brown],
Information Email
This is to inform you that [we have finished the pre-production acitivities and will soon be moving on to
the next stage].
Everything has been going according to the schedule .
I will keep you informed.

[Anna Breen]

Heads up
This is to inform you
Just so you know
I wanted to let you know that…
This is just to tell you

I will keep you posted/up to date/informed. I will send you an update

35 Startalk.PRO
Requesting Information
To whom it may concern,

I have found your website through google search and would like some information regarding your [new
service package].
In particular, I would like to know [if you provide post-installation maintanance].
Also could you explain how to to place an order?
I would be grateful if you could [reply to].

Best regards,
[Jack Boseman]
36 Startalk.PRO
Dear Sirs,

I am writing to draw your attention to [a problem caused by an employee’s behavior].

I would like to bring your attention that [I have received unsatisfactory service].
Even though we had agreed [to have 100 units delivered by Friday, September 17th], we only received
[half the order by the date]. I would like you to [refund the other half of the order].
I would appreciate it if you addressed this issue immediately.

[Jack Boseman]

I wish to complain about [].

37 Startalk.PRO
Dear Mr. Brown,

On behalf of [the name of the company] please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience
caused by [].
We are sorry [you did not receive the right amount of units you ordered]. [Reason, e.g. there was a system
I would like to assure you that [the issue is being resolved and the necessary measures are being taken
to prevent this from happening again].
We appreciate your business and will make every effort to avoid sending the wrong order.

Best regards,
[Jack Boseman]
38 Startalk.PRO
Arranging a Meeting
Dear Mrs. Trump,

I am writing to arrange a time for the meeting [to discuss our next steps in the project].
What time will be convenient for you?

Would it be possible [to meet in our office]?

[Jack Boseman]

Would [12 Jan 12 pm] be convenient for you / OK with you?

Could we arrange the meeting for [12 Jan 12 pm]?
39 Startalk.PRO
Arranging a Meeting
Hello Jack,

I am sorry, I can't make it to the meeting on [Tuesday, 14th]. Unfortunately, [I will have to go away till
the end of the week]. Can we meet up some time next week?

[Jack Boseman]

More formal:
I am sorry/I apologize for the inconvenience. I won't be able to attend the meeting on Tuesday. Could
we reschedule it for [the next week]?
40 Startalk.PRO
Dear Mr. Jackson,

We cordially invite you to attend [the gala to celebrate the launch of Phillips new product line].
The event will take place [on June 5th in the Radisson ballroom].
The official part will begin [at 3 pm].
Please notify if you will attend by replying to this email.

We hope to see you there.

Kind Regards,
[Jack Boseman]

RSVP by [12 Jan]

41 Startalk.PRO
To whom it may concern,

I wish to reserve [a single room] for the nights of [April 24th-27th] for [guest's name].
Please find all the required information about the guest in the attachment.

Also I would like to book a meeting room for [April 25th].

Please advise if I have to provide any additional documents to finalise the booking.

Thank you for your assisstance.

Best regards,
[Jack Boseman]
42 Startalk.PRO

I wanted to remind you about [the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 25th at 11:00 am]. It is going to
take place at [the client's office] on [the name of the street].
You need to come [15 minutes early] to [set up the projector for the presentation].

Let me know if [you need anything before the meeting].

See you there.

Best wishes,
43 Startalk.PRO
Thank you
Dear Mr.Snow,

On behalf of [the name of the company], I would like to thank you for [the excellent service we received
during the project]. It was a pleasure [dealing with your team].
We will certainly do business with you again and recommend your services to our partners.

Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Best regards,
[Name Last name]

Agreeing and disagreeing

Voicing Agreement or Disagreement 1.0

▸I’m sure … ▸I’m NOT sure …

▸I believe … ▸I HARDLY believe …
▸I think ▸I DON’T think …

… that is acceptable
… that is OK
… you are right
Voicing Agreement or Disagreement 2.0

Alternatives of BUT
▸Although that seems …, I have to …
▸Even though that sounds … , I will …
▸In spite of this, I suggest …
▸Despite this, would you …?
▸That looks … However, I can’t …
▸You seem … Yet, how about …?
American Style vs European Style

Agreeing Disagreeing
▸We agree ▸I’m afraid we can’t agree to that
▸That seems / appears acceptable ▸Unfortunately, …
▸That sounds / is probably all right ▸I don’t think it would be sensible
▸That will do for us to …
▸That’s / sounds like a deal ▸Before agreeing to that we
▸That seems reasonable would …
▸I believe you are right ▸That’s totally unacceptable
▸I imagine that’s correct ▸That’s out of the question

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