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Hypergonadotropic (1°) rheumatic fever, 319 thyroidectomy, 347 Hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis

hypogonadism, 656 sulfonamides, 191 tumor lysis syndrome, 440 GnRH analog effects on, 332
Hypergranulosis, 491 Hypersensitivity types, 110 Hypochlorhydria hypergastrinemia, Hypothalamic-pituitary hormones
Hypergranulosis, characteristics/ Hypersomnia, 580 386 adrenal insufficiency, 353
examples, 483 Hypertension Hypocomplementemia, 616 functions and clinical notes, 332
Hyperhidrosis ACE inhibitors for, 630 Hypocretin, 587 Hypothalamus
treatment of, 136 aortic dissection risk with, 307 Hypodermis, 481 endocannabinoid effects, 340
Hyper-IgM syndrome, 115 β-blocker use, 244 Hypofibrinogenemia, 210 functions and nuclei of, 509
Hyperinsulinemia episodic, 355 Hypogammaglobulinemia, 224 in narcolepsy, 587
polycystic ovarian syndrome, 665 intracranial hemorrhage with, 530 Hypogastric nerve, 647 nuclei of, 509
Hyperkalemia in upper extremities, 304 Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) primary polydipsia and, 342
aldosterone in, 608 renovascular disease, 625 function, 521 reproductive hormone control, 676
aliskiren, 630 risk factors, features and lesion in, 548 secretions from, 331
angiotensin II receptor blockers, 630 predisposition to, 304 with stroke, 529 sleep cycle role of, 508
blood transfusion risk, 434 Hypertension in pregnancy, 662 Hypoglycemia Hypothenar muscles, 454
cardiac glycosides, 326 Hypertension treatment, 321 gluconeogenesis and, 76 Klumpke palsy, 452
cation exchange resins for, 361 in asthma, 321 hypoketotic, 87 Hypotheses (statistical) testing, 264
potassium shifts and, 610 in pregnancy, 321 in diabetes mellitus, 352 Hypothyroidism
potassium-sparing diuretics, 629 with diabetes mellitus, 321 in ethanol metabolism, 70 amiodarone and, 328
tumor lysis syndrome, 440 with heart failure, 321 Von Gierke disease, 85 carpal tunnel syndrome with, 463
Hyperkalemic tubular acidosis (RTA Hypertensive crisis with insulinoma, 357 causes and findings, 345
type 4), 613 as psychiatric emergencies, 589 Hypogonadism, 402 drug reaction and, 248
Hyperkeratosis MAO inhibitors, 595 diagnosis of, 658 hormone replacement for, 360
characteristics/examples, 483 phenoxybenzamine, 243 disorders of imprinting , 56 iodine deficiency or excess, 345
verrucae, 485 with pheochromocytoma, 355 estrogens for, 676 lithium, 594
Hyperlipidemia Hypertensive emergency gynecomastia, 669 systemic effects of, 344
atherosclerosis and, 305 acute end-organ damage, 304 Kallmann syndrome, 658 Hypothyroid myopathy, 344
immunosuppressants, 118 RBC casts in, 614 pituitary prolactinomas, 332 Hypotonia
signs of, 305 treatment, 323 testosterone/methyltestosterone, splicing of pre-mRNA in, 41
thiazides, 629 Hypertensive retinopathy, 554 678 Zellweger syndrome, 46
Hyperopia, 551 Hypertensive urgency, 304 zinc deficiency, 69 Hypoventilation
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state Hyperthermia Hypogonadotropic (2°) causes of, 688
DM type 2, 350 atropine causing, 240 hypogonadism, 656 metabolic alkalosis compensatory
pathogenesis, signs/symptoms and MDMA, 591 Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, response, 612
treatment, 351 Hyperthyroidism 658 Hypovolemic shock, 317
Hyperparathyroidism amiodarone and, 328 Hypohidrosis, 86 Hypoxanthine
calcium pyrophosphate deposition causal agents, 248 Hypokalemia in nucleotides, 33
disease, 473 causes and findings, 346 antacid use and, 406
symptoms with testicular Hypoxanthine guanine
cinacalcet for, 361 loop diuretics, 628 phosphoribosyltransferase
lab values in, 469 choriocarcinoma, 673 on ECG, 298
systemic effects of, 344 (HGPRT)
metastatic calcification, 207 potassium shifts with, 610
thionamides for treatment, 360 adenosine deaminase deficiency,
types and presentation, 349 VIPomas and, 378
Hyperphagia, 56 Hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm Hypoketosis, 88 35
depression with, 580 Hypoxia and hypoxemia, 688
β-blocker use, 244 Hypoketotic hypoglycemia, 87
erythropoietin production, 609
Hyperphosphatemia Hypertriglyceridemia Hypomanic episodes, 580
calcification with, 207 acute pancreatitis and, 404 Hyponatremia exercise response, 690
hypoparathyroidism, 348 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 315 as paraneoplastic syndrome, 224 high altitude response, 690
renal osteodystrophy and, 624 euvolemic, 342 lung diseases, 700
β-blocker use, 244 nocturnal, 699
tumor lysis syndrome, 440 with Friedreich ataxia, 547 MDMA, 591
with chronic kidney disease, 349 thiazides, 629 susceptible regions, 206
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, 705 vasoconstriction, 700
Hyperpigmentation paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 Hypoparathyroidism
bleomycin, 444 lab values in, 348 vasoconstriction/vasodilation and,
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 366 300
busulfan, 445 Hypertrophic scars, 214 types and findings, 348
fludrocortisone, 360 Hypertrophy Hypophosphatemia with limited oxygen diffusion, 686
hemochromatosis, 402 cellular adaptations, 202 hyperparathyroidism, 349 Hypoxia inducible factor 1a, 220
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 394 skeletal muscle, 460 Hypopituitarism Hypoxic stroke, 527
primary adrenal insufficiency, 353 Hyperuricemia causes and treatment, 343 Hypoxic vasoconstriction
Hyperplasia drugs causing, 249 Hypoplasia, 635 (pulmonary), 686
adrenal, 352 gout and, 473 Hypopyon, 555 high altitude, 690
cellular adaptations, 202 kidney stones and, 619 Hyporeflexia Hysteresis, 685
of parathyroid, 349 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 35 magnesium hydroxide and, 406 I
parathyroid, 356 thiazides, 629 Hypospadias, 643
Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis, 306 vitamin B3 toxicity, 65 Hyposplenia Ibandronate, 495
Hyperplastic polyps, 394 Hyperventilation Streptococcus pneumoniae IBD-associated arthritis
Hyperprolactinemia, 332, 542 metabolic acidosis compensatory infections, 134 HLA subtype, 98
anovulation, 665 response, 612 Hypotension Ibuprofen, 495
causal agents, 248 therapeutic, 513 adrenal insufficiency, 353 Ibutilide, 328
drug reactions, 323 Hypervitaminosis D, 469 aliskiren, 630 ICAM-1 protein
effects, 332 Hypertriglyceridemia angiotensin II receptor blockers, in leukocyte extravasation, 211
Hyperpyrexia, 589, 595 familial dyslipidemias, 92 630 viral receptor, 163
Hyperreactio luteinalis, 665 Hypnagogic hallucinations baroreceptors in, 299 I cells
Hyperresonance (chest percussion), narcolepsy, 578, 587 drugs causing, 195 cholecystokinin secretion, 378
702 Hypnopompic hallucinations, 587 endotoxins, 129 Ichthyosis vulgaris, 485, 491
Hypersalivation, 169 narcolepsy, 578 ephedrine for, 241 Icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis, 145
Hypersensitivity Hypnozoites, 154 hypermagnesemia, 611 Idarucizumab, 247
Type IV reaction, 485 Hypoaldosteronism, 613 in pregnancy, 663 Idealization, 573
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, 696 Hypocalcemia, 347 magnesium hydroxide and, 406 Identification (ego defense), 573
Hypersensitivity reactions acute pancreatitis and, 404 midodrine for, 241 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension,
cephalosporins, 186 cinacalcet causing, 361 norepinephrine for, 241 538
Graves disease, 346 hypoparathyroidism, 348 orthostatic, 353 acetazolamide for, 628
immune complex-mediated, 111 lab values with disorders, 348 phenylephrine for, 241 associations and findings, 538
mast cells and, 414 magnesium with, 611 scombroid poisoning, 246 drugs causing, 250
organ transplants, 117 renal osteodystrophy, 624 sympatholytic drugs and, 243 hypopituitarism with, 343
penicillins, 184 secondary hyperparathyroidism, Hypothalamic/pituitary drugs with danazol, 678
piperacillin, 185 349 clinical use and adverse effects, 360 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 696

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INDEX  801
Idiopathic thrombocytic purpura Imiquimod Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator Inflammation
(ITP) mechanism, use and adverse (ICD), 312 acute-phase reactants, 209
risk with hepatitis B and C, 172 effects, 497 Imprinting disorders, 56 cardinal signs, 209
IDL (intermediate-density Immature ego defenses, 572 Prader-Willi and Angelman characteristics of acute, 210
lipoprotein), 92 Immature teratoma, 667 syndrome comparison, 56 chronic, 212
Iduronate-2, 86 Immune checkpoint interactions Inactivated (killed) vaccine, 109 CRP with, 209
IFN-α (Interferon-α), 107, 119 (cancer), 218 Incidence vs prevalence, 261 ESR with, 210
myopathy with, 249 Immune complex Inclusion bodies, 45 granulomatous, 213
IFN-β(Interferon-β), 119 fibrinoid necrosis, 205 Inclusion cell disease in atherosclerosis, 305
IFN-γ (Interferon-γ), 107, 119 Type III hypersensitivity, 111 cell trafficking, 45 neutrophils in, 412
chronic inflammation, 212 Immune evasion Inclusions systemic manifestations (acute-
Ifosfamide in cancer, 217 Cowdry A, 163 phase reaction), 209
Fanconi syndrome with, 250 Immune privilege organs, 97 Negri bodies, 169 types of, 209
hemorrhagic cystitis with, 250 Immune responses “owl eye”, 162 wound healing, 212
mechanism, use and adverse acute-phase reactants, 97 RBCs, 422 Inflammatory bowel diseases
effects, 445 antigen type and memory, 103 reticulate bodies, 146 colorectal cancer and, 394
IgA and IgG deamidated gliadin Bordetella pertussis vaccine, 141 Incomplete penetrance, 54 Crohn disease vs ulcerative colitis,
peptide autoantibody, 113 cell surface proteins, 108 Incontinence (fecal/urinary), 457 389
IgA antibodies cytokines, 106 Increased intracranial pressure erythema nodosum, 490
anti-endomysial autoantibody, 113 hypersensitivity types, 111 venous sinus thrombosis, 515 methotrexate for, 444
anti-tissue transglutaminase immunoglobulin isotypes, 103 vitamin A toxicity, 64 microscopic colitis, 389
autoantibody, 113 Immune system Incus (ossicles), 549 sclerosing cholangitis and, 402
functions of, 103 aging effects on, 225 pharyngeal arch derivative, 640 spondyloarthritis with, 475
Peyer patches and, 381 organs, 94 India ink stain, 123 therapeutic antibodies for, 120
IgA deficiency Immune thrombocytopenia, 432 Indirect bilirubin, 382 Inflammatory breast disease, 669, 670
ataxia-telangiectasia, 115 Type II hypersensitivity, 110 Indirect cholinomimetic agonists Inflammatory hypersensitivity
IgA nephropathy (Berger disease) Immunity actions and applications, 239 reaction, 111
immunoglobulin A vasculitis adaptive, 415 Indirect inguinal hernia, 377 Infliximab
association, 479 innate, 415 Indirect (inhibitory) pathway, 512 for Crohn disease, 389
nephritic syndrome, 616 passive vs active, 108 Indirect sympathomimetics mechanism, use and adverse
IgA protease Immunocompromised patients actions and applications, 241 effects, 497
bacterial virulence, 127 Candida albicans in, 150 Indomethacin, 473, 495 target and clinical use, 120
IgD antibodies common organisms affecting, 176 Infant and child development, 574 Influenza
B cells and, 103 Cryptosporidium, 150 Infant development, 574 bacterial superinfections, 166
IgE antibodies invasive aspergillosis, 150 Infantile gastroenteritis, 165 pneumonia, 703
allergen-specific, 110 Listeria monocytogenes, 137 Infarction structure and medical importance,
ataxia-telangiectasia, 115 Pneumocystis jirovecii, 150 bone and marrow, 468 164, 166
atopic dermatitis, 485 Immunodeficiencies hypoxia/ischemia in, 206 treatment/prevention, 197
functions of, 103 Infarcts Informed consent, 267
flow cytometry diagnosis, 52 Informed consent requirements, 268
immunotherapy, 120 infections in, 116 atherosclerosis, 305
type I hypersensitivity, 110 cortical areas, 514 Infraspinatus muscle
Th1 response, 114 cortical watershed areas, 514 Erb palsy, 452
IgE-independent mast cell Th17 cell deficiency, 114
degranulation, 414 pituitary, 343 pitching injury, 451
thymus in, 96 types of, 206 Infundibulopelvic ligament, 645
IgG antibodies Immunofluorescence
as passive immunity, 108 Infections Inguinal canal, 376
pemphigus vulgaris vs bullous brain abscess with, 177 Inguinal hernia, 377
ataxia-telangiectasia, 115 pemphigoid, 489
bullous pemphigoid , 489 dilated cardiomyopathy and, 315 Inguinal ligament, 375
Immunoglobulin A vasculitis, 478, ESR with, 210 Inguinal triangle, 377
in multiple myeloma, 436 479
pemphigus vulgaris, 489 fungal, 150 Inhalational injury/sequelae, 697
epidemiology/presentation, 479 IL-12 receptor deficiency, 114 Inhaled anesthetics
response to antigen, 103 Immunoglobulin isotypes, 103
type III hypersensitivity reactions, in immunocompromised patients, mechanism and adverse effects,
Immunoglobulins 137 567
111 adaptive immunity and, 97
IgM antibodies in immunodeficiency, 116 naming conventions for, 252
breast milk and, 655 Infectious esophagitis, 384 Inhaled glucocorticoids, 708
antigen response, 103 for Kawasaki disease, 478
hepatitis A (HAV), 172 Infective endocarditis Inhaled psychoactive drugs, 590
in biliary cirrhosis, 402 Immunohistochemical stains Candida albicans, 150 Inheritance modes, 57
IL-12/IL-23 tumor identification, 223 causes, presentation, 318 Inhibin B
immunotherapy target, 120 Immunologic blood transfusion coarctation of aorta, 304 Sertoli cell secretion of, 648
IL-12 receptor deficiency, 114 reactions, 112 Coxiella burnetii, 147 Initiation (protein synthesis)
IL-17A Immunologic memory, 99 culture-negative, 148 initiation of, 43
immunotherapy target, 120 Immunology daptomycin, 192 Injectable drug use
IL-23 cellular components, 97 enterococci, 135 common causes of pneumonia,
immunotherapy target, 120 immune responses, 102 marantic, 224 176
Ileum immunosuppressants, 118 nonbacterial thrombotic, 224 Injury (unintentional), 276
histology of, 369 lymphoid structures, 94 prophylaxis, 194 Innate immune system
Ileus, 393 Immunophenotype assessment, 52 Staphylococcus aureus, 133 components and mechanism, 97,
bacterial peritonitis (spontaneous), Immunosuppressants Streptococcus bovis, 135 415
397 mechanism, indications and Inferior colliculi, 516 in acute inflammation, 210
neurogenic, 239 toxicity, 118 Inferior gluteal nerve, 457 natural killer cells in, 415
postoperative, 239 nucleotide synthesis effects of, 34 Inferior oblique muscle, 557 Innate vs adaptive immunity, 97
Iliacus, 456 transplant rejection, 118 Inferior rectal artery, 372 dendritic cell functions, 414
Iliohypogastric nerve, 456 Immunosuppression Inferior rectus muscle, 557 Inner ear, 549
Iliopsoas, 455 squamous cell carcinoma and, 493 Inferior vena cava (IVC) Inotropy, 291
Iliotibial band syndrome, 465 vitamin A deficiency, 64 embryological derivation of, 2 INR (international normalized ratio),
Illness anxiety disorder, 585 Immunosuppressive drugs 86 431
Iloperidone, 593 nucleotide synthesis effects of, 34 Infertility Insomnia therapy
Imatinib Immunotherapy clomiphene, 676 agents, mechanism and adverse
CML, 437 recombinant cytokines, 119 Kallmann syndrome, 658 effects, 564
mechanism, use and adverse Impaired automobile drivers, leuprolide for, 676 Inspiration, 295
effects, 447 confidentiality and, 269 mumps, 673 Inspiratory capacity (IC), 684
IMG registration timeframe, 6 Impaired colleague, 273 salpingitis, 182 Inspiratory reserve volume, 684
Imipenem Imperforate hymen, 664 varicoceles, 671 Inspiratory stridor, 167, 183
seizures with, 250 Impetigo, 486, 487 with uterine anomalies, 642 Insulin
Imipramine, 252 crusts with, 483 Infiltrative cardiomyopathy, 315 fructose bisphosphatase-2 and, 74
enuresis treatment, 587 Streptococcus pyogenes, 134 Inflammasome, 210 glycogen regulation, 84

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Insulin (continued) Internal hemorrhoids, 373 Intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway Ischemic priapism, 671
potassium shifts with, 610 Internal jugular vein, 515 regulation factors Islet amyloid polypeptide, 208, 351
synthesis, function, and regulation, Internal oblique muscle, 456 function and regulation, 204 Islet cell cytoplasmic antibodies, 92
338 Internal rotation Intrinsic pathway Islets of Langerhans, 331
Insulin deficiency, 610 hip, 455 coagulation disorders, 431 Isocarboxazid, 595
Insulin-dependent glucose International Foundations of heparin and, 441 Isocitrate dehydrogenase
transporters, 338 Medicine (IFOM), 10 Intrinsic renal failure, 622 rate-determining enzyme, 71
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 526, Introns Isodisomy, 55
acromegaly, 343 560 splicing out, 40 Isoflurane, 567
signaling pathways for, 341 Interossei muscles vs exons, 41 Isolated atrial amyloidosis, 208
Insulinoma, 357 Klumpke palsy, 452 Intussusception, 391, 392, 479 Isolation of affect, 573
pancreatic cell tumor, 354 Interpersonal therapy, 592 Inulin Isoleucine
Insulin preparations Interpreters, use of, 274 clearance, 602 classification of, 79
mechanism and adverse effects, Interpreting study results, 262 glomerular filtration rate and, 601 maple syrup urine disease and, 79
358 Interstitial (atypical) pneumonia, 703 in proximal convoluted tubules, Isoniazid
Insulin resistance Interstitial cells of Cajal, 369 607 cytochrome P-450, 251
acanthosis nigricans and, 491 Interstitial fluid, 299 Invariant chain, 98 hepatitis with, 248
cortisol, 340 Interstitial fluid oncotic pressure, 301 Invasive carcinomas mechanism and adverse effects,
GH, 333 Interstitial lung disease, 696 cervix, 664 193
with human placental lactogen, 654 Interstitial nephritis Invasive lobular carcinoma (breast), peripheral neuropathy with, 250
Insurance as drug reaction, 250 670 seizures with, 250
financial coverage, 273 NSAID toxicity, 495 Inversion (foot), 457 visual disturbance, 250
types of plans, 275 penicillins, 185 Involuntary treatment, 269 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency,
Integrase inhibitors, 199, 252 Interstitial pneumonia, 703 Iodine 65
Integrins Interventricular foramen, 285 infection control, 200 Isoproterenol
epithelial cell junctions, 482 Interventricular septal rupture, 309, teratogenic effects of, 634 sympathomimetic action, 242
viral receptor, 163 314 Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, 346 Isosorbide dinitrate, 323
Intellectual disability Interviewing techniques Iodophors, 200 Isosorbide mononitrate, 323
autism and, 576 patient-centered, 270 Ionizing radiation Isotretinoin
childhood and early-onset “Intestinal angina”, 393 carcinogenicity of, 221 cystic acne, 64
disorders, 576 Intestinal atresia toxicity, 207 teratogenicity of, 634
cri-du-chat syndrome, 62 presentation and causes of, 366 IP3 Isovolumetric contraction, 292
fragile X syndrome, 60 Intestinal disorders, 393 endocrine hormone signaling Isovolumetric relaxation, 292
Patau syndrome, 61 Intestinal infections pathways, 341 Itraconazole, 196
phenylketonuria, 82 cestodes, 157 IPEX syndrome, 100 systemic mycoses, 149, 151
Williams syndrome, 63 nematodes, 156 Ipilimumab, 446 Ivabradine
Intellectualization, 573 trematodes, 157 Ipratropium, 240, 708 mechanism, use and adverse
Intention tremor, 535 Intestinal microbiota Irinotecan, 445 effects, 328
Interdigital tinea pedis, 488 Klebsiella spp in, 143 Iritis, 555 visual disturbances with, 250
Interferons vitamin K synthesis, 69 Iron Ivacaftor
clinical use, 119 Intestinal obstruction absorption and vitamin C, 67 in cystic fibrosis, 58
mechanism, clinical use and intermittent, 370 absorption of, 67, 381 Ivermectin, 156, 158, 196, 197
adverse effects, 107 Intimate partner violence, 273 excess, 65 IVIG therapy, 108
Interferon-γ Intoxication (psychoactive drugs), 590 granules in RBCs, 422 “Ivory white” plaques, 698
functions of, 106 Intracellular bacteria, 125 in hemochromatosis, 402 Ixazomib, 447
Interferon-γ release assay (IGRA), 138 Intracellular receptors interpretation of studies, 423 Ixekizumab
Interleukin 1 (IL-1), 106 endocrine hormone signaling restless legs syndrome and, 535 target and clinical use, 120
Interleukin-2 agonist/analog pathways, 341 toxicity of, 67 Ixodes tick, 144, 147, 154
naming conventions for, 254 Intracranial calcifications toxicity treatment, 247
Interleukin 2 (IL-2) Toxoplasma gondii, 153 Iron deficiency anemia J
clinical use, 119 Intracranial hemorrhage iron study interpretation, 423 JAK2 gene
functions of, 106 eclampsia, 662 lab findings with, 424 associated neoplasm, 220
sirolimus and, 118 types and findings, 530 organisms associated with, 158 in myeloproliferative disorders, 438
tacrolimus and, 118 Intracranial hypertension with colorectal cancer, 395 Janeway lesions, 318
Interleukin 3 (IL-3) idiopathic, 538 Iron granules, 422 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, 144
functions of, 106 vitamin A toxicity, 64 Iron poisoning, acute vs chronic, 431 Jaundice
Interleukin-4 (IL-4) Intracranial pressure Iron studies, interpretation, 423 biliary tract disease, 400
functions of, 106 ex vacuo ventriculomegaly, 538 Irreversible cellular injury changes, 203 cholangitis, 403
Interleukin 5 (IL-5) hydrocephalus, 538 Irritable bowel disease (IBD) drugs causing, 248
functions of, 106 in Cushing reflex, 299 fecal calprotectin and, 389 graft-versus-host disease, 117
Interleukin 6 (IL-6), 106 in perfusion regulation, 513 GI bleeding with, 387 hereditary hyperbilirubinemias,
in inflammation, 209 superior vena cava syndrome, 706 Irritable bowel syndrome 401
Interleukin-8 (IL-8) Intraductal papilloma, 669 antispasmodic drugs, 240 painless, 375
acute inflammation, 210 Intraepithelial adenocarcinoma, 663 criteria and symptoms, 390 pancreatic cancer, 405
functions of, 106 Intraocular pressure (IOP), 553 Isavuconazole, 196 yellow fever, 168
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) Intraparenchymal hemorrhage, 530 fungal infections, 150 Jaw jerk reflex, 521
acute inflammation, 210 Intrauterine adhesions, 668 Ischemia JC virus infection (John Cunningham
functions of, 106 Intrauterine device, copper, 677 acute tubular necrosis, 623 virus)
Interleukin 12 (IL-12) Intravascular catheters, 182 acute tubular necrosis from, 622 in demyelination disorders, 540
functions, 106 Intravascular hemolysis coagulative necrosis, 205 JC virus (John Cunningham virus)
Interleukin-13 (IL-13) causes and findings with, 427 colonic, 370 HIV-positive adults, 174
functions of, 106 G6PD deficiency, 428 digital, 480 immunocompromised patients, 117
Interleukin receptor antagonist microangiopathic hemolytic liver effects of, 374 polyomaviruses, 161
naming conventions for, 254 anemia, 429 mesenteric and colonic, 393 Jejunum
Interleukin receptor modulators paroxysmal nocturnal of bowel, 399 histology, 369
naming conventions for, 254 hemoglobinuria, 105 vulnerable organs and Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome,
Intermediate acting insulin, 358 Intravenous anesthetics mechanisms, 206 312
Intermediate filaments mechanism and adverse effects, watershed areas, 206 Jimson weed, 240
cytoskeletal element, 46 567 Ischemic brain disease/stroke “jock itch”, 488
Intermediate lobe (pituitary) Intraventricular hemorrhage, consequences and time course, 527 Jod-Basedow phenomenon
secretions of, 331 neonatal, 529 types of, 527 causes and findings, 346
Intermediate zone (Zone II), 374 Intrinsic factor Ischemic heart disease Joint hypermobility, 49
Intermittent explosive disorder, 576 source, action and regulation, 379 contraindicated antiarrhythmics, Joints
Internal carotid artery Intrinsic hemolytic anemias 327 angle change sensation, 505
cavernous sinus, 559 types and findings, 428 manifestations of, 308 Chikungunya virus, 168

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INDEX  803
hypermobility, 49 changes in glomerular dynamics, Kyphoscoliosis, 547 Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
restricted movements of, 45 603 I-cell disease, 45 injury, 455
Jugular venous distention chronic graft nephropathy, 117 Kyphosis Lateral corticospinal tract, 523
heart failure, 316 collecting system anomalies, 599 in homocystinuria, 83 Lateral elbow tendinopathy, 462
right heart failure, 316 congenital solitary, 599 osteoporosis, 467 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve,
with Budd-Chiari syndrome, 399 electrolyte disturbances, 611 456
Jugular venous pulse, 292, 320 embryology, 598 L Lateral geniculate nucleus, 509
Justice (ethics), 267 filtration, 603 “la belle indifférence”, 585 Lateral medullary (Wallenberg)
Juvenile polyposis, 394 glucose clearance, 604 Labetalol, 244, 323 syndrome, 529
Juvenile polyposis syndrome, 394 hormonal functions of, 609 hypertension treatment, 321 Lateral meniscal tear, 455
Juxtaglomerular apparatus hormones acting on, 610 in pregnancy, 662 Lateral nucleus (hypothalamus), 509
components and functions, 609 ischemia, 206 Labile cells, 44 Lateral rectus muscle, 557
Juxtaglomerular cells reabsorption and secretion rate Lac operons, 38 Lateral thoracic artery, 458
tumors in, 354 calculation, 604 Lacrimation reflex, 521 Lateral ventricles
transplant prophylaxis, 118 Lactase deficiency, 388 ventricular system, 516
K Kidney stones types, findings and treatment, 79 LD50 (lethal median dose), 233
Km, 228 cystine stones, 83 Lactase-persistent allele, 79 LDL (low-density lipoprotein), 92
Kala-azar, 155 electrolyte disturbances, 611 Lactation, 650, 655 PCSK9 enzyme, 91
Kallikrein, 105 hyperparathyroidism, 349 Lactational mastitis, 669 receptor binding, 91
Kallmann syndrome, 509, 656, 658 presentation, content and findings, Lactic acid dehydrogenase, 75 serum tumor marker, 222
Kaplan Meier curve, 259 619 Lactic acidosis Leaden paralysis, 580
Kaposi sarcoma, 486 risk factors for, 613 ethanol metabolism and, 70 Lead lines, 425
bacillary angiomatosis vs, 486 urinary tract infections, 179 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex “Lead pipe” appearance (colon), 389
HHV-8, 162 Kiesselbach plexus, 692 deficiency, 75 Lead poisoning
HIV-positive adults, 174 Killed (inactivated) vaccine, 109 Lactobacillus spp anemia with, 425
oncogenic microbes, 222 Killian triangle, 391 neonatal microbiota, 175 mechanism and presentation, 430
Kartagener syndrome Kinases, 71 Lactose-fermenting enteric bacteria signs/symptoms and treatment, 425
dextrocardia, 284 Kinesin culture requirements, 124 Lead-time bias, 262
obstructive lung disease, 695 movement of, 46 types and culture, 142 Leber hereditary optic neuropathy,
Karyolysis, 203 Kinin cascade/pathways, 418 Lactose hydrogen breath test, 79, 388 60
Karyorrhexis, 203 Klebsiella spp Lactose intolerance, 388 Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
Karyotyping, 53 acute cystitis, 621 Lactose metabolism (LHON), 57
Kawasaki disease, 478 alcohol use disorder, 176 genetic response to environmental Lecithinase, 131, 136
Kayser-Fleischer rings, 402 effects of, 143 change, 38 Lecithin-cholesterol acetyltransferase
K cells healthcare-associated infections, Lactulose (LCAT)
GIP production, 378 182 for hepatic encephalopathy, 398 activation of, 91
K complexes/sleep spindles, 508 kidney stones and, 619 gut microbiota effects, 408 Ledipasvir, 200
Kegel exercises, 620 pneumonia, 703 in hyperammonemia, 80 Leflunomide
Keloid scars, 214 pneumonia with, 703 Lacunar infarcts, 528 dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
Keratinocytes, 212 Klebsiella pneumoniae Ladd bands, 392 inhibition, 34
Keratin pearls, 493, 705 cephalosporins, 186 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome mechanism, use and adverse
Keratoconjunctivitis, 162 polymyxins, 190 as paraneoplastic syndrome, 224 effects, 495
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, 474 urinary tract infections, 179 autoantibody, 113 Left bundle branch, 298
Keratomalacia, 64 Klinefelter syndrome pathophysiology, symptoms and Left circumflex coronary artery, 309
characteristics of, 657 Left heart disease
Keratosis chromosome association, 62 treatment, 480 pulmonary hypertension, 700
hyperkeratosis, 483 gynecomastia, 669 Lamina propria Left heart failure, 316
parakeratosis, 483 Klumpke palsy in Whipple disease, 388 Left shift, 412
seborrheic, 485 injury and deficits, 452 Peyer patches in, 381 Legally incompetent (patient), 268
Keratosis pilaris, 485 Klüver-Bucy syndrome Lamins, 46 Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 466, 468
Kernicterus, 200, 401 brain lesions with, 526 Lamivudine, 199 Legionella spp
Kernohan notch, 545 Knee conditions Lamotrigine atypical organism, 176
Kernohan phenomenon, 545 common, 464 for bipolar disorder, 580 culture requirements, 124
Ketamine, 567, 580 iliotibial band syndrome, 465 mechanism and adverse effects, Gram stain for, 123
Ketoacidosis ligament and meniscus, 464 561 macrolides, 190
ethanol metabolism, 70 Osgood-Schlatter disease, 466 rash caused by, 249 pneumonia, 703
in ethanol metabolism, 70 overuse injury, 466 Lancet-shaped diplococci, 134 pneumonia with, 703
Ketoconazole, 678 popliteal cyst, 464 Landmarks (anatomical) stain for, 123
cytochrome P-450, 251 prepatellar bursitis, 464 for dermatomes, 525 Legionella pneumophila
mechanism, use and adverse test procedure, 455 structures penetrating diaphragm, findings and treatment, 141
effects, 196 Knockdown, 54 683 Legionnaires’ disease, 141
Ketogenesis Knock-in, 54 vertebral, 371 Leiomyoma, 668
ethanol metabolism, 70 Knock-out, 54 Langerhans cell, 138 Leiomyoma (fibroid)
metabolic site, 72 Knudson 2-hit hypothesis, 220 Langerhans cell histiocytosis nomenclature, 216
rate-determining enzyme for, 71 KOH preparation, 488 presentation, 439 Leiomyosarcoma, 216
Ketogenic amino acids, 79 Koilocytes pulmonary, 696 Leishmania spp
Ketone bodies condylomata acuminata, 180 Langhans giant cell, 138 visceral infections, 155
in starvation, 89 Koilocytosis, 485 Lansoprazole, 406 Length-time bias, 262
metabolism of, 88 Koilonychia, 424 Laplace law, 289, 681 Lens
Ketorolac, 495 Koplik spots, 167, 178 Large cell carcinoma of lung, 705 collagen in, 48
Kidney disease Korsakoff syndrome, 64, 577 Large-vessel vasculitis disorders of, 552
acute injury, 143, 622 Kozak sequence, 40 epidemiology/presentation, 478 Lens dislocation
acute interstitial nephritis, 622 Krabbe disease, 86, 540 Larva migrans, 156 causes and disease association, 552
acute tubular necrosis, 623 KRAS gene Laryngeal papillomatosis, 692 in homocystinuria, 83
diffuse cortical necrosis, 623 adenomatous colonic polyps and, Laryngopharyngeal reflux, 384 Marfan syndrome and
extrahepatic manifestations of 394 Laryngospasm homocystinuria, 50
hepatitis, 172 associated neoplasm, 220 drug-induced, 589 Lenticulostriate artery
pyelonephritis, 621 lung cancer and, 705 tracheoesophageal anomalies, 366 stroke effects in, 528
renal papillary necrosis, 623 Krukenberg tumor, 386 Larynx Lentiform nucleus, 512
renal tubular defects, 606 Kulchitsky cells, 705 carcinogens affecting, 221 Leonine facies, 139
vitamin D deficiency and, 68 Kupffer cells, 374 intrinsic muscles of, 640 Lepromatous leprosy, 139
Kidneys Kuru, 175 respiratory tree, 682 Leprosy, 139
adrenergic receptors in, 236 Kussmaul respirations, 351 Lassa fever encephalitis, 164 animal transmission, 147
blood flow autoregulation by, 300 Kussmaul sign, 320 Latanoprost, 570 dapsone, 191
carcinogens affecting, 221 Kwashiorkor, 69 Latent errors, 278 erythema nodosum, 491

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Leptin, 340 secretions of, 648 Lipoproteins Long acting insulin, 358
appetite regulation, 340 tumors of, 673 functions of, 92 Long-chain fatty acid (LCFA)
in hypothalamus, 509 LFA-1 antigens, 211 Liposarcomas, 216 metabolism of, 87
Leptospira spp LFA-1 integrin protein Lipoteichoic acid Long QT syndrome
Gram stain for, 123 defect in phagocytes, 115 cytoplasmic membrane, 122 sudden cardiac death, 308
zoonotic infections, 147 Libido Liquefactive necrosis, 205, 527 Long thoracic nerve
Leptospira interrogans testosterone and, 655 Liraglutide, 359 neurovascular pairing, 458
clinical significance, 145 Libman-Sacks endocarditis, 318 Lisch nodules, 541 Loop diuretics
Leptospirosis, 145, 147 Libman-Sacks Endocarditis (, 476 Lisdexamfetamine, 593 for heart failure, 316
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Lice Lisinopril, 630 mechanism, use and adverse effects
clinical findings, 35 head/scalp, 158 Lissencephaly, 501 of, 628
inheritance, 59 treatment, 196 Listeria monocytogenes, 137 toxicity of, 250
Leser-Trélat sign, 224 Lichen planus, 172, 483, 491 food poisoning, 175 Loop of Henle, 628
GI adenocarcinoma, 485 Lichen sclerosus, 663 Lithium Bartter syndrome and, 606
Lesser omental sac, 368 Lichen simplex chronicus, 663 bipolar disorder treatment, 580 ethacrynic acid effect on, 628
Letrozole, 676 Liddle syndrome diabetes insipidus and, 248 “Loose associations”, 578
Leucine renal disorder features, 611 mechanism, use and adverse Loperamide
classification of, 79 renal tubular defects, 606 effects, 594 for diarrhea, 569
Leucine zipper motif, 51 Lid lag/retraction, 344 prenatal exposure, 304 mechanism, clinical use and
Leucovorin, 247, 444, 447 Lidocaine teratogenicity of, 634 adverse effects, 407
Leukemias Class IB sodium channel blockers, thyroid functions with, 248 Lopinavir, 199
carcinogens for, 221 326 toxicity of, 589 Loratadine, 706
cyclophosphamide for, 445 Lidocaine, 567 Live attenuated vaccines, 109 Lorazepam, 563
cytarabine for, 444 Life support withdrawal, 273 Livedo reticularis, 306, 565 Losartan, 630
epidemiology in children, 218 Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 54 Liver Lovastatin, 324
lymphoma comparison, 434 chromosomal abnormality, 62 blood supply to, 374 Löwenstein-Jensen medium, 124
mucormycosis, 150 osteosarcomas, 471 carcinogens affecting, 221 Lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
nomenclature, 216 tumor suppressor genes, 44 functional liver markers, 397 achalasia and, 378
suppressor genes, 220 Ligaments in gastrointestinal anatomy, 368 nitric oxide and, 378
T-cell, 435 female reproductive anatomy, ischemia, 206 Lower extremity
types and characteristics, 437 645 lipid transport and, 92 nerves, injury and presentation, 456
vinca alkaloids for, 445 gastrointestinal anatomy, 368 sources of metastases, 399 neurovascular pairing in, 458
Leukemoid reaction Ligamentum arteriosum, 287 tissue architecture, 374 Lower GI bleeding, 387
chronic myelogenous leukemia Ligamentum teres hepatis (round tumor metastases from, 219 Lower left quadrant (LLQ) pain, 390
comparison, 438 ligament), 287, 368 Liver/biliary disease Lower motor neuron
Leukocoria, 555 Ligamentum venosum, 287 alcoholic, 398 CN XII lesion, 548
with retinoblastoma, 555 Lightheadedness, 550 biopsy with hepatitis, 171 deficits with syringomyelia, 502
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency Light-near dissociation, 544 Budd-Chiari syndrome and, 399 effects of injury, 545
immunodeficiencies, 115 Likelihood ratio (LR), 259 drug dosages with, 229 facial nerve lesion, 548
types, 211 Limb ataxia, 526 hepatosteatosis, 70 facial paralysis, 528
Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase Limb compartment syndrome, 465 hereditary, 401 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
(LAP), 412 Limbic system serum markers, 397 546
Leukocyte esterase, 179, 621 behavior modulation, 509 Wilson disease and, 402 lesion signs in, 545
Leukocyte extravasation structures and function of, 510 Liver disease pathways for, 524
steps of, 210, 211 Limited scleroderma enzymes released with, 397 Low-molecular-weight heparin
Leukocytes autoantibody, 113, 481 hyperammonemia with, 80 naming conventions for, 253
in leukemias, 437 Linaclotide, 408 protein-energy malnutrition, 69 LPS endotoxin, 129
in urine (pyuria), 179, 614 Linagliptin, 359 RBC morphology with, 420 LTB4 (Leukotriene B4), 412, 494
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, 172 Lines of Zahn, 693 “violin string” adhesions, 182 Lubiprostone, 408
Leukocytosis Lineweaver-Burk plot, 228 vitamin D deficiency with, 68 Lumacaftor
healthcare-associated infections, Linezolid Liver fluke in cystic fibrosis, 58
182 mechanism, use and adverse hyperbilirubinemia with, 400 Lumbar puncture, 522
inflammation, 209 effects, 190 Liver function tests idiopathic intracranial
Leukodystrophies, 504 thrombocytopenia with, 249 cholestatic pattern of, 402 hypertension, 538
Leukoerythroblastic reaction, 412 Lingual thyroid, 330 thyroid storm, 346 in hydrocephalus, 538
Leukopenias Lingula (lung), 683 Liver transplants Lumbosacral radiculopathy, 458
cell types, counts and causes, 429 Linitis plastica, 386 graft-versus-host disease, 117 Lumbrical muscles
ganciclovir, 198 Linkage disequilibrium, 55 Living wills, 268 functions, 454
trimethoprim, 191 Linoleic acid, 63 Loa loa, 155 Klumpke palsy and, 452
Leukoplakia Linolenic acid, 63 disease, transmission and Luminous phenomena/visual
hairy, 487 Liothyronine (T3), 360 treatment, 156 brightness, 328
squamous cell carcinoma of penis, Lipases Loading dose calculations, 229 Lunate bone, 453
671 in pancreatitis, 404 Lobar pneumonia Lung
vulvar carcinoma and, 663 pancreatic secretion, 380 natural history of, 704 carcinogens affecting, 221
Leukostasis, 437 Lipid-lowering agents organisms and characteristics, 703 Lung abscess, 704
Leukotrienes diarrhea with, 248 physical findings with, 700 Lung adenocarcinoma
cortisol effects, 340 Lipids Lobular carcinoma in situ, 670 oncogene, 220
Leuprolide, 676 transport of, 87 Local anesthetics Lung and chest wall properties, 685
hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal Lipid transport classes, mechanism, use and Lung cancer
axis effects, 332 key enzymes in, 90, 91 adverse effects, 567 carcinogens for, 221
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Lipoamide naming conventions for, 252 cisplatin/carboplatin for, 445
clomiphene effects on, 676 activated carrier, 73 Localized amyloidosis, 208 hypercalcemia, 224
Levator veli palatini muscle, 640 Lipodystrophy Locked-in syndrome incidence/mortality in, 218
Levetiracetam, 561 tesamorelin for, 332 osmotic demyelination syndrome, metastases from, 219
Levodopa (l-DOPA)/carbidopa, 565 Lipofuscin, 225 540 non–small cell, 705
Levofloxacin, 192 Lipoic acid, 74 stroke and, 528 presentation and complications,
Levomilnacipran, 595 Lipolysis Locus ceruleus, 506 705
Levonorgestrel, 677 cortisol and, 340 Locus heterogeneity, 55 small cell, 224, 705
Levothyroxine (T4)/liothyronine(T3) sympathetic receptors and, 237 Löffler endocarditis types, location and characteristics,
mechanism, use and adverse thyroid hormone and, 335 restrictive/infiltrative 705
effects, 360 Lipomas, 216 cardiomyopathy, 315 Lung diseases
Lewy body dementia, 536 Lipooligosaccharides (LOS) Löffler medium, 124 obstructive, 694
Leydig cells endotoxin activity, 140 Corynebacterium diphtheriae, 137 physical findings in, 700
cryptorchidism, 671 Lipophilic hormones, 335 Lomustine, 445 restrictive, 696
endocrine function, 641, 656 Lipoprotein lipase, 91 Lone Star tick, 147 SIADH with, 342

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INDEX  805
Lungs EBV and, 162 vitamin D excess and, 68 Mammary glands, 633
anatomical relationships, 683 follicular, 435 wound healing, 211 Mammillary bodies
anatomy, 683 Hodgkin, 434 Macrosomia, 654 lesions in, 526
blood flow regulation, 300 hypercalcemia, 224 Macula adherens, 482 limbic system, 510
congenital malformation of, 681 leukemia comparison, 434 Macula densa Mandibular process, 640
development stages, 680 mantle cell, 435 juxtaglomerular apparatus, 609 Manic episode, 579
parenchyma of, 682 nomenclature, 216 Macula (eye) Mannitol
physical findings, 700 non-Hodgkin, 435 age-related degeneration of, 554 blood-brain barrier effects of, 507
respiratory zones, 687 of stomach, 386 Macular cherry-red spot, 86 extracellular volume measurement,
sclerosis of, 481 oncogene for, 220 Macular sparing, 528 601
structural development, 680 oncogenic microbes, 222 Macule Mantle cell lymphomas
volumes and capacities, 684 paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 characteristics/examples, 483 chromosomal translocations, 439
Lupus primary testicular, 673 Macules occurrence and genetics, 435
drug-induced, 249 Lymphopenias characteristics/examples, 483 MAO-B inhibitor
microangiopathic hemolytic ataxia-telangiectasia, 115 junctional nevi, 485 naming conventions for, 252
anemia, 429 cell counts and causes, 429 Maculopapular rash Maple syrup urine disease, 82
nephritis, 476 Lynch syndrome, 54, 395 graft-versus-host disease, 117 leucine, 79
neutropenia, 429 colorectal and associated cancers, measles (rubeola) virus, 167 Marantic endocarditis, 224
Lupus anticoagulant, 113 394 rubella virus, 166 Marasmus, 69
Lurasidone, 593 mismatch repair and, 37 syphilis, 145 Maraviroc, 199
Luteinizing hormone Lyonization (x-inactivation) Mad cow disease, 175 Marburg hemorrhagic fever
contraception, 677 Barr body formation, 59 Magenta tongue, 65 virus structure and medical
estrogen/progesterone regulation, Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 591 Magnesium importance, 164
650 Lysine antiarrhythmic treatment, 328 Marfanoid habitus
signaling pathways of, 341 classification of, 79 cardiac glycoside overdose, 326 homocystinuria, 83
Luteinizing hormone (LH) cystinuria, 83 digoxin toxicity, 328 MEN2B syndrome and, 356
in menstrual cycle, 652 for pyruvate dehydrogenase low vs high serum concentration Marfan syndrome
in ovulation, 651 complex deficiency, 75 effects, 611 aortic aneurysm with, 306
Lyme disease kidney stones, 619 Magnesium citrate, 408 cardiac defect association, 304
animal transmission, 147 Lysogenic phage infection, 128 Magnesium hydroxide, 406, 408 chromosome association, 62
ceftriaxone, 186 Lysosomal storage diseases, 86 Magnesium sulfate elastin and, 50
findings and treatment, 144 inherited, 45 for cerebral palsy, 547 homocystinuria comparison, 50
Lymphadenopathy Lysosomal trafficking regulator gene preeclampsia/eclampsia, 662 Marginal zone lymphoma
autoimmune lymphoproliferative (LYST), 115 Magnetic gait, 538 chromosomal translocation, 439
syndrome, 204 Lysosomal α-1 4-glucosidase, 84, 85 Maintenance drug dose, 229 occurrence and causes, 435
Corynebacterium diphtheriae, 130 Lysosomes, 45 Major apolipoproteins, 91 Marginal zone (spleen), 96
hilar, 696 LYST gene, 115 Major basic protein (MBP), 414 Marine omega-3 fatty acids, 325
in viral infections, 94 Lytic bone lesions Major depressive disorder Marjolin ulcer, 493
Lymphogranuloma venereum, 180 adult T-cell lymphoma and, 435 diagnostic symptoms for, 580 Masseter muscle, 521
measles (rubeola) virus, 167 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, 439 peripartum onset, 581 Massive RNA (mRNA)), 40
mediastinal, 697 multiple myeloma, 436 with psychotic features, 580 Mast cells
mononucleosis, 162 with seasonal pattern, 580 functions of, 414
postauricular, 166 M Malabsorption syndromes/ Mast cell stabilizers, 414, 708
regional, 180 MacConkey agar, 124, 142 malnutrition, 388 Mastectomy
rubella, 181 “Machinelike” murmur, 303 anemias with, 426 winged scapula with, 452
serum sickness, 111 Macroangiopathic hemolytic anemia fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, 63 Mastication muscles, 521, 522
syphilis, 180 causes and findings, 429 inflammatory bowel diseases, 389 Mastoid air cells, 639
tinea capitis, 488 Macrocytic anemias pancreatic adenocarcinoma, 405 Mastoiditis
Toxoplasma gondii, 181 megaloblastic anemia, 426 with Whipple disease, 388 brain abscesses, 177
Trypanosoma brucei, 153 Vitamin B12 deficiency, 426 Malaria granulomatosis with polyangiitis,
Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) with orotic aciduria, 426 Plasmodium, 154 479
Wuchereria bancrofti, 156 Macroglobulinemia, Waldenstrom, Malassezia spp Maternal diabetes
Lymph nodes 436 cutaneous mycoses, 488 fetal insulin effects of, 338
drainage sites, 95 Macrolides seborrheic dermatitis, 484 teratogenicity of, 634
gonadal drainage, 644 Bordetella pertussis, 141 Malathion, 158, 196 Maternal PKU
Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis, 151 hypertrophic pyloric stenosis Male genital embryology, 641 teratogenicity of, 634
Lymphocyte-depleted lymphoma, 434 association, 366 Male reproductive anatomy, 646 Maternal (postpartum) blues, 581
Lymphocyte rich lymphoma, 434 Legionella pneumophila, 141 Male sexual response, 647 Matonavirus
Lymphocytes mechanism, use and adverse Malformation (morphogenesis), 635 structure and medical importance,
breast milk and, 655 effects, 190 Malignant carcinoid syndrome, 65 164
CLL/small cell lymphocytic Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 148 Malignant hyperthermia Mature cystic teratoma, 667
lymphoma, 437 naming conventions for, 252 with inhaled anesthetics, 568 Mature ego defenses, 573
lichen planus, 491 protein synthesis inhibition, 188 Malignant mesothelioma Maturity onset diabetes of the young
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 435 Macro-ovalocytes, 421 carcinogens for, 221 (MODY)
spleen, 94 Macrophage activation, 106 Malignant (necrotizing) otitis externa, glucokinase in, 73
thymus, 94 Macrophage-lymphocyte interaction, 549 Maxillary artery, 285
types of, 415 100 Malignant transformation, 202 Maxillary process, 640
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Macrophages, 413 Malignant tumors, 216, 471 Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser
(LCMV) apoptosis, 205 Malingering syndrome, 641
arenaviruses, 164 breast milk and, 655 factitious and somatic symptom McArdle disease, 85
Lymphocytosis caseous necrosis, 205 comparison, 585 McBurney point, 390
Bordetella pertussis, 141 cell surface proteins, 108 symptoms and motivation for, 585 McMurray test, 455
Lymphogranuloma venereum, 180 cytokines secreted by, 106 Malleus (ossicles), 549, 640 MDMA intoxication and withdrawal,
Chlamydia trachomatis, 146 endotoxin activation, 131 Mallory bodies 591
Lymphoid hyperplasia, 390 hemosiderin-laden (alveolar), 681 in alcoholic hepatitis, 398 Mean arterial pressure
Lymphoid neoplasms, 435 in chronic inflammation, 210 Mallory-Weiss syndrome, 384 equation for, 290
types of, 437 in heart failure, 316 Malnutrition, 69 gradient with intracranial pressure,
Lymphoid structures in MI, 309 measles mortality in, 167 513
Peyer patches, 381 innate immunity, 97 Malrotation, 392 Mean (statistics), 264
Lymphomas, 445 in rheumatic fever, 319 “Maltese cross” appearance, 154 Measles
Burkitt, 435 in Whipple disease, 388 MALT lymphoma paramyxovirus, 164
carcinogens for, 221 in wound healing, 212 Helicobacter pylori, 144 vitamin A for, 64
cytarabine for, 444 Kupffer cells, 374 H pylori and, 386 Measles (rubeola) virus, 178
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, 435 lymphocyte interaction, 94, 100 oncogenic microbes, 222 unvaccinated children, 183
doxorubicin for, 444 pneumoconioses, 698 Sjögren syndrome, 474 Measurement bias, 262

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Measures of central tendency, 264 Melanocyte-stimulating hormone Meningococci vs gonococci, 140 Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints,
Measures of dispersion, 264 (MSH) Meningoencephalitis 472
Mebendazole function and notes, 332 herpes simplex virus, 181 Metachromatic granules, 137
microtubules and, 46 signaling pathways of, 341 Naegleria fowleri, 153 Metachromatic leukodystrophy, 86,
Mechanical ventilation, 182 Melanocytic nevus, 485 West Nile virus, 164 540
mecA gene Melanoma Menkes disease Metalloproteinases, 212
penicillin resistance and, 133 nomenclature, 216 collagen crosslinking in, 48 Metal storage diseases, 206
Meckel diverticulum, 391, 638 oncogene, 220 mechanism and symptoms, 49 Metamorphopsia, 554
MECP2 gene recombinant cytokines for Menopause, 655 Metanephric diverticulum, 598
Rhett syndrome, 60 metastatic, 119 hormone replacement therapy, 677 Metanephric mesenchyme, 598
Medial collateral ligament (MCL) tumor suppressor gene, 220 Turner syndrome, 657 Metanephrines
injury types of, 493 Menorrhagia in pheochromocytoma, 355
in “unhappy triad,” 464 Melanotropin, 331 coagulation disorder presentation, Metanephros, 598
Medial elbow tendinopathy, 462 Melarsoprol, 153, 196 433 Metaphase, 44
Medial femoral circumflex artery, 468 Melasma (chloasma), 484 Menstrual cycle, phases of, 652 Metaplasia
Medial geniculate nucleus, 509 MELAS syndrome, 60 Meperidine, 569 esophagus, 385
Medial lemniscus, 529 Melena Mepivacaine, 567 intestinal, 386
Medial longitudinal fasciculus GI bleeding, 387 Mepolizumab, 708 specialized intestinal, 385
lesion effects, 526 Meckel diverticulum, 391 Meralgia paresthetica, 456 stress adaptation, 202
ophthalmoplegia and, 560 polyarteritis nodosa, 478 Mercury poisoning, 247 Metastases, 216
Medial medullary syndrome, 529 Meloxicam, 495 Merkel discs, 505 common sites, 219
Medial meniscal tear, 455 Memantine, 566 Merlin protein, 220 from prostatic adenocarcinomas,
Medial tibial stress syndrome, 465 Membrane attack complex (MAC), MERRF syndrome, 60 674
Medial umbilical ligament, 287 104 MERSA gastric cancer, 386
“Median claw,” 454 membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis prophylaxis for, 194 heart tumors from, 320
Median nerve (MIRL/CD59), 105 MERS (Middle East respiratory lung cancer, 705
carpal tunnel syndrome, 463 Membranoproliferative syndrome) mechanisms, 217
injury and presentation, 450 glomerulonephritis structure and medical importance, melanoma, 493
neurovascular pairing, 458 hepatitis B and C, 172 164 neoplastic progression, 215
recurrent branch, 450 nephritic syndrome, 617 Mesalamine, 389 testicular choriocarcinoma, 673
Median (statistics), 264 Membranous glomerular disorders, Mesangial cells to liver, 399
Mediastinal pathology, 693 614 juxtaglomerular apparatus, 609 Metastatic calcification
lymphadenopathy, 696, 697 hepatitis B and C, 172 Mesencephalon, 500 electrolyte disturbances, 611
mediastinitis, 135 Membranous interventricular Mesenchymal tissue vs dystrophic, 207
Mediastinitis, 693 septum, 285 immunohistochemical stains, 223 Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints in
Medical abortion Membranous nephropathy, 618 Mesenchymal tumor nomenclature, gout, 473
ethical situations, 272 primary autoantibody, 113 216 Metencephalon, 500
methotrexate for, 444 Membranous ossification, 461 Mesenteric arteries Metformin
Medical errors Memory jejunal and ileal atresia and, 366 diarrhea with, 248
analysis of, 278 neural structures and, 510 Mesenteric ischemia, 393 mechanism and adverse effects,
types and causes, 278 Memory loss 359
anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, Mesna, 447
Medical insurance plans, 275 Mesocortical pathway, 510 Methacholine, 239
224 Methadone
Medical power of attorney, 268 Mesoderm
lead poisoning, 430 opioid analgesics, 569
Medicare/Medicaid, 276 MEN1 derivatives, 633
Medication—induced esophagitis, 248 opioid detoxification/maintenance,
characteristics of, 356 microglial origin, 500 596
Medication-induced esophagitis, chromosomal abnormality, 62 pharyngeal (branchial) arches
384, 495 opioid withdrawal treatment, 590
gastrinoma association, 357 derivation, 639 Methamphetamine, 590, 593
Medium-chain acyl-CoA MEN1 gene, 356 Mesolimbic pathway, 510 Methanol toxicity, 70, 247
dehydrogenase deficiency, product and associated condition, Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct, 641 Methemoglobin, 690
87 220 Mesonephros, 598 Methemoglobinemia
Medium-vessel vasculitis MEN2A Mesothelioma, 697 dapsone, 191
presentation and pathology, 478 characteristics of, 356 Meta-analysis, 266 local anesthetics and, 567
Medroxyprogesterone, 677 thyroid cancer association, 347 Metabolic acidosis oxygen content of blood, 689
Medulla (brain) MEN2A/2B laboratory findings with, 612 presentation, 690
cranial nerves and nuclei, 516 oncogenes, 220 renal failure, 623 toxicity and treatment, 247, 690
Medulla (lymph nodes), 94 MEN2B Metabolic alkalosis Methenamine silver stain, 151
Medullary carcinoma (thyroid), 347 characteristics of, 356 in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, Methimazole
Medullary cystic kidney disease, 624 thyroid cancer association, 347 366 agranulocytosis, 249
Medullary thyroid carcinoma Menaquinone, 69 laboratory findings with, 612 aplastic anemia with, 249
serum tumor marker, 222 Ménétrier disease, 386 renal tubular defects, 606 mechanism, use and adverse
Medullary thyroid carcinomas Ménière disease, 550 thiazides, 629 effects, 360
amyloid deposits in, 208 Menin, 220 Metabolic disorders teratogenicity of, 634
multiple endocrine neoplasias, 356 Meninges, 507 galactose, 80 Methionine
Medulloblastoma, 354, 544 Meningioma glycogen storage, 85 classification of, 79
“Medusa head” appearance, 135 characteristics and histology, 542 Metabolic drug naming conventions, genetic coding for, 35
Mefloquine, 154, 194 Meningitis 253 start codons, 42
Megaesophagus chloramphenicol, 189 Metabolic fuel use, 89 Methotrexate
Trypanosoma cruzi, 154 coccidioidomycosis, 149 Metabolic syndrome effects in humans, 34
Megakaryocytes, 413, 438 common causes by age, 177 in Cushing syndrome, 352 hydatidiform moles, 661
Megaloblastic anemia cryptococcal, 150 Metabolism, 71 lung disease with, 696
causes and findings, 426 CSF findings in, 177 disorders of galactose, 78 mechanism, use and adverse
Diphyllobothrium latum, 157 Hemophilus influenzae, 140 dyslipidemias, 92 effects, 444
drugs causing, 249 hemorrhagic, 135 fatty acids, 87 megaloblastic anemia, 249
RBCs and PMNs with, 421 HIV-positive adults, 174 fructose disorders, 78 pulmonary fibrosis with, 250
trimethoprim, 191 Listeria monocytogenes, 137 gluconeogenesis, 76 rheumatoid arthritis, 472
tropical sprue, 388 mumps, 167 lipoprotein functions, 92 toxicity treatment, 247
vitamin B9 deficiency, 66 picornavirus, 165 pyruvate, 75 vitamin B9 deficiency, 66
Megestrol, 677 Streptococcus agalactiae, 135 rate-determining enzymes and Methotrexate (MTX)
Meglitinides, 253, 359 unvaccinated children, 183 regulators, 71 purine and pyrimidine synthesis,
Meissner corpuscles, 505 viral, 162 sites for, 72 34
Meissner plexus, 391 viruses causing, 177 summary of pathways, 72 Methylation
Melanocytes with rhinosinusitis, 692 TCA cycle, 75 in heterochromatin, 32
destruction of, 484 Meningocele, 501 tyrosine catabolism, 81 protein synthesis, 43
tumor nomenclature, 216 Meningococcal prophylaxis, 194 Metacarpal neck fracture, 463 Methylcellulose, 408

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INDEX  807
Methyldopa Microsomal transfer protein (MTP), murmurs caused by, 295 Motor cortex
Coombs-positive hemolytic 92 pressure-volume loops in, 293 thalamic relay for, 509
anemia, 249 Microsporum spp, 488 Mitral/tricuspid regurgitation topographic representation, 514
hypertension treatment, 321 Microtubule inhibitors heart murmur with, 296 Motor function
Methylene blue, 247, 690 mechanism, use and adverse Mitral valve abnormal posturing, 526
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase effects, 445 in cardiac cycle, 292 conversion disorder, 585
(MTHFR) deficiency, 83 Microtubules, 46 Mitral valve prolapse dysarthria, 531
Methylmalonic acid cytoskeletal elements, 46 heart murmur with, 296 upper and lower motor neuron
vitamin B9 deficiency, 66 drugs acting on, 46 Marfan syndrome, 50 signs, 545
vitamin B12 deficiency, 67 dysfunction of, 115 renal cyst disorders and, 624 Motor innervation
Methylmalonic acidemia, 83, 88 structure and function of, 46 Mittelschmerz, 651 derivation of, 640
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, 67, 83 Micturition center, 236 Mixed cellularity lymphoma, 434 to tongue, 503
Methylmercury, 634 Micturition control, 236 Mixed connective tissue disease Motor neuron signs
Methylphenidate, 576, 593 Midazolam, 563 antibodies with, 476 Brown-Séquard syndrome, 547
Methyltestosterone, 678 Middlebrook medium, 124 anti-U1 RNP antibodies, 476 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
Methylxanthines, 708 Middle cerebral artery autoantibody, 113 546
Metoclopramide saccular aneurysms, 532 Mixed cryoglobulinemia in anterior spinal artery occlusion,
drug reactions, 250 stroke effects, 528 epidemiology/presentation, 479 546
extrapyramidal symptoms, 407 Middle ear, 549 Mixed (direct and indirect) upper compared to lower lesions,
Parkinson-like syndrome with, 250 Middle meningeal artery hyperbilirubinemia, 400 545
with chemotherapy, 447 epidural hematoma and, 530 Mixed germ cell tumor Movement disorders
Metolazone, 629 Middle rectal vein, 372 serum tumor marker, 222 abnormal posturing, 526
Metoprolol, 244, 327 Midgut Mixed platelet and coagulation neurodegenerative, 536
Metronidazole blood supply and innervation, 371 disorders, 433 Moxifloxacin, 192
bacterial vaginosis, 147 Midgut volvulus, 392 Mixed venous content M phase, 44
clindamycin vs, 189 Midodrine, 241 shock, 317 M protein
disulfiram-like reaction, 250 Mifepristone, 677 MLH1 and MSH2 gene mismatch, bacterial virulence, 127
for Crohn disease, 389 Miglitol, 359 395 rheumatic fever and, 134
Helicobacter pylori, 144 Migraine headaches MMR vaccine, 167 mRNA
mechanism and clinical use, 192 characteristics and treatment, 534 Mobitz type II block, 313 aminoglycosides, 188
protozoal GI infections, 152 contraception contraindications Mobitz type I (Wenckebach), 313 hepatitis viruses, 171
vaginal infections, 179 with, 677 Modafinil, 587 pre-mRNA splicing, 40
vaginitis, 155 hormonal contraception cytochrome P-450 interaction, protease inhibitors, 199
Mexiletine contraindication, 677 251 splicing error detection, 51
Class IB sodium channel blockers, triptans for, 564 Modes of inheritance, 57 start codons, 42
326 Migrating motor complexes (MMC), Mode (statistics), 264 stop codons, 42
Meyer loop, 559 378 Molecular cloning, 53 translation of, 40
MHC Migratory polyarthritis, 319 Molecular mimicry, 127, 540 mRNA vaccines, 109
MCH I and II comparison, 98 Milestones, in development, 574 Molecular motor proteins, 46 MRSA (methicillin-resistant
Micafungin, 196 Milnacipran, 595 Molluscum contagiosum, 161, 487 Staphylococcus aureus), 133
Michaelis-Menten kinetics, 228 Milrinone, 245 “Monday disease”, 323 cephalosporins, 186
Miconazole, 196 mineralocorticoids, 353 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors daptomycin, 192
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia Mineralocorticoids atypical depression, 580 healthcare-associated infections, 182
causes and findings, 429 adrenal steroids and, 340 mechanism, use and adverse Mucicarmine stain
Mineral oil, 63 effects, 595 polysaccharide capsule staining,
hypertensive emergency and, 304 Minimal change disease, 618
intravascular hemolysis in, 427 Parkinson disease, 566 123
Minocycline, 189 Monobactams Mucinous carcinoma, 666
Microarrays, 52 drug reaction with eosinophilia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 Mucinous cystadenoma, 666
Microbiology, 121 systemic symptoms, 249 Monoclonal antibodies naming
antimicrobial therapy, 184 Mucociliary escalator, 682
Minors consent for, 268 conventions, 254 Mucolipidosis type II, 45
clinical bacteriology, 132 Minoxidil, 678 Monoclonal gammopathy of Mucopolysaccharidoses, 86
mycology, 149 Minute ventilation, 685 undetermined significance, Mucor spp
oncogenic organisms, 222 Miosis 436 opportunistic infection, 150
parasitology, 152 cholinomimetic agents, 239 Monoclonal immunoglobulin, 436 treatment, 195
systems, 175 drugs producing, 251 Monocytes Mucor
virology, 159 pupillary control pathway, 556 differentiation of, 413 in immunodeficiency, 116
Microcephaly, 61 Mirabegron, 236, 241 innate immunity, 97 Mucormycosis, 150
cri-du-chat syndrome, 62 Mirizzi syndrome, 373 morulae in, 148 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
maternal phenylketonuria, 82 Mirtazapine Monozygotic twinning, 637 (MALT), 474
Zika virus, 168 depressive disorders, 580 Montelukast, 708 Mucosa (digestive tract), 369
Microcytic, hypochromic anemias, physiologic effects, 243 Mood disorder, 578, 579 Mucosal cells, 379
424 use and toxicity, 596 hypomanic episode, 580 Mucosal neuromas, 356
Ancylostoma, 156 Mismatch repair, 37 manic episode, 579 Mucosal polyps, 394
iron deficiency, 424 Misoprostol Mood stabilizing drugs, 580 Mucositis
lead poisoning, 425, 430 mechanism and clinical use, 406 Moraxella catarrhalis, 549 methotrexate, 444
Sideroblastic anemia, 425 off-label use, 406 Moro reflex, 525 “Muddy brown” casts (urine), 614
thalassemias, 424 Missense mutation, 38, 416 Morphine, 233, 569 Mulberry molars, 145
Microcytosis, 210 Mites/louse treatment, 196 for acute coronary syndromes, 315 Müllerian inhibitory factor (MIF)
Microdeletion Mitochondria Morphogenesis Sertoli cell production, 642
22q11, 114 genetic code in, 35 errors in, 635 Müllerian inhibitory factor (MIF)
congenital, 62 high altitude and, 690 Mortality rate, 259 secretion, 641
fluorescence in situ hybridization, Mitochondrial diseases, 60 Morulae, 148 Müllerian (paramesonephric) duct
53 Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Mosaic bone architecture, 469 agenesis, 641
Microfilaments, 46 heteroplasmy, 55 Mosaicism, 55 anomalies of, 642
Microfold (M) cells, 381 Mitochondrial inheritance, 57 Mosquitoes (disease vectors) structures from, 641
Microglia, 500, 503 Mitochondrial myopathies, 60 malaria, 154 Multicystic dysplastic kidney, 598,
Micrognathia Mitosis, 44, 196 Zika virus, 168 599
Edwards syndrome, 61 Mitral regurgitation Motilin Multidrug resistance (MDR)
Pierre Robin sequence, 640 heart murmur with, 296 source, action, and regulation of, Klebsiella, 143
Microphthalmia, 61 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 315 378 Multidrug resistance protein 1
MicroRNA (miRNA), 40, 54 in myocardial infarction, 309 Motion sickness, 240 (MDR1), 223
Microsatellite instability pathway, 395 pressure-volume loops in, 293 treatment of, 507 Multifactorial pulmonary
Microscopic polyangiitis Mitral stenosis Motivational interviewing, 271, 592 hypertension, 700
autoantibody, 113 murmur and clinical associations, Motoneuron action potential to Multifetal gestation, 654
epidemiology/presentation, 479 296 muscle contraction, 459 preeclampsia with, 662

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Multifocal atrial tachycardia tumor suppressor genes, 44 Myeloid neoplasms, 437 NADPH (reduced nicotinamide
description and management, 311 WT1 deletion, 626 Myelomeningocele, 61, 501 adenine dinucleotide
Multinucleated giant cells, 503 MUTYH gene associated disorders, 394 Myeloperoxidase, 107 phosphate)
Multiple endocrine neoplasias Myalgias H2O2 degradation, 126 source of, 77
subtypes and characteristics of, 356 Ebola virus, 169 in neutrophils, 412 universal electron acceptors, 73
tumor occurrence, 354 fluoroquinolones, 192 Myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil Nafarelin, 676
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 356 Leptospira interrogans, 145 cytoplasmic antibody Nafcillin, 185
Multiple myeloma Lyme disease, 144 (MPO-ANCA) Naegleria fowleri
clinical features, 436 meningitis, 183 autoantibody, 113 CNS infection, 153
plasma cell dyscrasia, 415 polymyalgia rheumatica, 477 Myeloproliferative disorders Nails
Multiple sclerosis trichinosis, 156 hydroxyurea with, 444 glomus body tumors, 486
drug therapy for, 569 vasculitides, 478 Myeloproliferative neoplasms pitting, 485
findings and treatment, 539 Myasthenia gravis effects and gene associations, 438 splinter hemorrhages in, 318
internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 560 as paraneoplastic syndrome, 224 gene association, 220 Tinea unguium, 488
oligodendrocytes in, 504 autoantibody, 113 Myeloschisis, 501 with psoriatic arthritis, 475
recombinant cytokines for, 119 neostigmine for, 239 Myelosuppression Nalbuphine, 569, 570
therapeutic antibodies for, 120 pathophysiology, symptoms and alkylating agents, 445 Naloxone
Mumps virus treatment, 480 antimetabolites, 444 dextromethorphan overdose, 706
acute pancreatitis with, 404 pyridostigmine for, 239 flucytosine, 195 for opioid toxicity, 247, 590
medical importance, 167 restrictive lung diseases, 696 Myenteric nerve plexus (Auerbach), opioid detoxification, 596
paramyxoviruses, 164 thymus association with, 96 369 Naltrexone
Munro microabscesses, 485 Type II hypersensitivity, 110 Myocardial action potential, 297 alcohol use disorder, 592
Murphy sign, 403 MYCC (c-myc) gene hereditary channelopathies, 312 opioid toxicity, 569
Muscarinic ACh receptors, 235 associated neoplasm, 220 Myocardial hibernation, 308 relapse prevention, 596
Muscarinic agonists, 236 MYCL1 gene, 220 Myocardial infarction Naming conventions for drugs, 252
Muscarinic antagonists MYCN (N-myc) β-blocker use, 244 Naproxen, 495
atropine, 240 associated neoplasm, 220 CK-MB in diagnosis, 310 Narcissistic personality disorder, 584
for asthma, 708 Mycobacteria, 138 complication and findings, 314 Narcolepsy
micturition control, 236 Mycobacterial infections diagnosis of, 310 amphetamines for, 241
multiple sclerosis treatment, 539 Il-12 receptor deficiency, 114 evolution and complications, 309 characteristics and treatment, 587
organ system and applications, 240 Mycobacterium spp, 138 NSTEMI vs STEMI, 308 CNS stimulants for, 593
Muscarinic effects, 239 Gram stain for, 123 Myocardial O2 consumption/demand sleep changes in, 508
Muscarinic receptors (M1) Ziehl-Neelsen stain, 123 angina treatment, 324 Narrow complex tachycardias, 311
vomiting center input, 507 Mycobacterium avium complex in antianginal therapy, 324 Narrow spectrum anticonvulsants, 561
Muscle HIV-positive adults, 174 Myocarditis Nasal angiofibromas, 692
immunohistochemical stains, 222 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare adenovirus, 161 Nasal congestion/decongestion, 241,
Muscle contraction HIV positive adults, 174 causes and complications, 320 707
motoneuron action potential and, prophylaxis and treatment, 194 coxsackievirus, 164 Nasal nitric oxide (screening test)
459 Mycobacterium leprae diphtheria, 137 screening test, 47
Muscles animal transmission, 147 Toxocara canis, 156 Nasal septum perforation, 479
in starvation, 88 diagnosis, 139 Myoclonic seizures, 533 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 692
mastication, 522, 640 prophylaxis and treatment, 194 Myoclonus, 535 EBV and, 162
metabolism in, 85 Mycobacterium marinum Myofibrils, 460 oncogenic microbes, 222
motor neuron signs and, 545 hand infections, 138 Myofibroblasts, 212 Natalizumab, 120, 539, 540
proprioceptors in, 461 Mycobacterium scrofulaceum in wound healing, 212 Nateglinide, 359
muscle spasm treatment cervical lymphadenitis, 138 Myoglobin, 689 National Board of Medical Examiners
α2-agonists, 569 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Myoglobinuria (NBME), 2, 9
Muscle spasm treatment, 136 culture requirements, 124 McArdle disease, 85 Natural contraception, 332
Muscle spindle, 459 prophylaxis and treatment, 194 neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Natural killer (NK) cells, 97, 415
Muscle stretch receptors, 461 symptoms of, 138 589 activation of, 106
Muscular dystrophies, 59 vertebral osteomyelitis, 177 Myonecrosis, 136 cell surface proteins, 108
frameshift mutation, 59 Mycolic acid Myonuclei, 460 functions, 99
X-linked recessive disorder, 59 isoniazid, 123 Myopathy Natural selection, 55
Muscularis externa, 369 Mycology, 149 daptomycin, 192 Nausea
Musculocutaneous nerve, injury and Mycophenolate drugs causing, 249 adverse drug effects, 407
presentation, 450 inosine monophosphate with hypo- and hyperthyroidism, appendicitis, 390
Musculoskeletal/skin/connective dehydrogenase inhibition, 34 344 biliary colic, 403
tissue Mycophenolate mofetil, 119 Myopectineal orifice, 376 migraine headaches, 534
changes in pregnancy, 653 Mycoplasma spp Myopia, 551 myocardial infarction, 309
dermatology, 481 atypical organisms, 176 Myositis ossificans, 477 ranolazine, 324
pharmacology, 494 Gram stain for, 123 Myotonic dystrophy, 60 vitamin A toxicity, 64
Musculoskeletal system macrolides, 190 findings with, 59 vitamin C toxicity, 67
aging effects on, 225 pneumonia caused by, 703 Myxedema treatment, 360 Near miss (medical errors), 278
common conditions, 465 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Myxomas, 320 Nearsightedness, 551
drug reactions, 249 culture requirements, 124 Nebivolol, 244
paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 presentation and findings, 148 N Necator spp
Mutases, 71 Mycoses N-acetylcysteine disease associations, 158
Mutations cutaneous, 488 for acetaminophen toxicity, 247 infection routes, 155
allelic heterogeneity, 55 systemic, 149 N-acetylglucosaminyl-1- Necator americanus
BRAF, 437 Mycosis fungoides, 435 phosphotransferase, 45 disease, transmission and
cancer and genetic linkage Mydriasis N-formylmethionine (fMet), 42 treatment, 156
analysis, 52 drugs producing, 251 N-myc oncogene, 354 Neck and head cancer, 692
COL3A1, 49 glaucoma treatment and, 570 N2O, 567 Necrosis
COL5A1, 49 muscarinic antagonists for, 240 NAAT (nucleic acid amplification acute pancreatitis, 404
COL5A2, 49 pupillary control pathway, 556 test), 140 Amanita phalloides, 40
in cancer, 217 saccular aneurysm, 532 Chlamydiae diagnosis, 146 Arthus reaction, 111
in HbS and HbC, 416 Myelencephalon, 500 severe acute respiratory syndrome causes and histology of, 205
in PBPs, 184 Myelin, 504 coronavirus 2, 170 enterocolitis, 393
JAK2, 438 Myeloblasts (peripheral smear), 437 NADH (reduced nicotinamide femoral head, 119
locus heterogeneity in, 55 Myelodysplastic syndromes, 436 adenine dinucleotide), glioblastoma, 542
mosaicism, 55 acute myelogenous leukemia, 437 75, 76 granulomatous inflammation, 213
muscular dystrophies, 59 leukemias, 437 Nadolol, 244 hepatic, 494
myelodysplastic syndromes, 436 lymphoid neoplasms, 437 NADPH production jaw, 495
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 435 sideroblastic anemia, 425 Pentose phosphate pathway (HMP saponification, 205
STAT3, 114 Myelofibrosis, 420, 438 shunt), 77 transplant reaction, 119

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INDEX  809
Necrotizing enterocolitis, 393 vitamin K synthesis in, 69 ubiquitin-proteosome system Neutrophils, 412
Necrotizing fasciitis, 134, 144, 487 Zika virus effects, 168 defects, 46 chemotactic agents, 106, 412, 494
Necrotizing glomerulonephritis, 479 Neoplasia/neoplastic progression, 215 Neuroectoderm, 500 chemotaxic agents, 104
Necrotizing vasculitis, 479 dysplasia, 202 Neuroendocrine cells chemotaxis in, 42
Negative predictive value, 260 Neoplasms secretions of, 354, 357 in leukocyte adhesion deficiency,
Negative reinforcement, 572 mature B cells, 434 serum tumor markers for, 222 115
Negative skew distribution, 264 mature T cells, 435 tumors of, 354, 357 in myocardial infarction, 309
Negri bodies, 169 myelodysplastic syndromes, 437 Neurofibromatosis innate immunity, 97
Neisseria spp Neoplastic transformation chromosome, 62 liquefactive necrosis, 205
bacteremia with complement chronic inflammation, 212 types I and II, 541 megaloblastic anemia, 426
deficiency, 105 Neostigmine, 239 variable expressivity, 54 nonmegaloblastic anemia, 426
cephalosporins, 186 Nephritic-nephrotic syndrome, 615 Neurofilament protein, 503 pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly, 436
gonococci vs. meningococci, 140 Nephritic syndrome, 615, 616, 617 Neurofilaments stimulation of, 42
transformation, 128 Nephroblastoma, 626 cytoskeletal element, 46 wound healing, 212
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Nephrocalcinosis, 207 tumor identification, 223 Never event (medical error), 278
culture requirements, 124 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Neurogenic (autonomic) symptoms, Nevi
cystitis, 621 central diabetes insupidus 352 dysplastic, 493
epididymitis and orchitis, 673 comparison, 342 Neurogenic bladder intradermal, 485
osteomyelitis, 177 lithium toxicity, 589 with multiple sclerosis, 539 Nevirapine, 251
pelvic inflammatory disease, 182 treatment, 629 Neuroglia cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251
prostatitis, 674 Nephrolithiasis immunohistochemical stains, 223 Nevus flammeus, 541
septic arthritis, 474 calcium oxalate, 67 Neuroglycopenic symptoms, 352 Nevus/mole, 216
septic arthritis with, 474 Nephron transport physiology, 605 Neurohypophysis NF1 gene
sexually transmitted infections, 180 Nephropathy hypothalamus and, 509 product and associated condition,
Neisseria meningitidis hypertension and, 304 Neurokinin receptors (NK-1) 220
chloramphenicol, 189 transplant rejection, 118 vomiting center input, 507 NF2 gene
culture requirements, 124 Nephrotic syndrome, 615 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, product and associated condition,
meningitis, 177 early-onset, 626 569, 589 220
Nelson syndrome, 353 ESR with, 210 Neurological deficits NF-κB activation, 97
Nematode infections fatty casts in, 614 pituitary apoplexy and, 343 NHE3 inhibitor, 408
infection routes and sites, 155 types and histology, 618 Neurologic drug reactions, 250 Niacin
intestinal, 156 Nephrotoxicity Neurologic signs/symptoms hyperuricemia with, 249
tissue infections, 156 acute tubular necrosis, 623 neurologic, 388 lipid lowering agents, 325
Nematodes infections aminoglycosides, 187, 188 unvaccinated children, 183 myopathy caused by, 249
disease, transmission and amphotericin B, 195, 250 Neurology and special senses Nicardipine, 323
treatment, 156 cidofovir, 198 anatomy and physiology, 503 Nickel carcinogenicity, 221
Neocortex drugs causing, 250 embryology, 499 Niclosamide, 157
hypoxic-ischemic insults, 206 foscarnet, 198 ophthalmology, 499, 551 Nicotinamides, 73
Neomycin, 188 ganciclovir, 198 otology, 499, 549 Nicotine intoxication and withdrawal,
Neonatal abstinence syndrome, 569, immunosuppressants, 118 pathology, 526 591
635 pharmacology, 561 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, 163
Neonatal birth weight, 654 platinum compounds, 445
polymyxins, 190 Neuromuscular blockade Nicotinic ACh receptors, 235
Neonatal conjunctivitis acetylcholinesterase poisoning, 239 Nicotinic acid, 65
Chlamydia trachomatis serotype, sulfonamides, 191
Neuromuscular blocking drugs Nicotinic effects, 239
146 Nephritic syndrome, 616
types and use, 568 Niemann-Pick disease, 86
Neonatal lupus, 476 Neprilysin inhibitor, 324 Neuromuscular junction Nifedipine, 323, 662
Neonatal respiratory distress Nerve fibers, 506 diseases of, 480 Nifurtimox, 155, 196
syndrome, 681 Nerve injury in reflex pathways, 524 Night terrors, treatment, 508
adhesive atelectasis with, 701 peripheral nerve regeneration, 46 skeletal muscle, 235 Nigrostriatal pathway, 510
Neonates Nerves Neuromuscular paraneoplastic Nikolsky sign
birth weight of, 654 lower extremity, 457 syndromes, 224 blistering skin disorders, 487, 490
brachial plexus injury in, 452 upper extremity, 450 Neuron action potential, 504, 505 scalded skin syndrome, 487
Candida albicans in, 150 Nervous system Neurons Nilotinib, 447
coagulation cascade in, 419 aging effects, 225 functions of, 503 Nimodipine, 323, 530
common meningitis causes, 177 Neural crest immunohistochemical stains, 223 Nipple
conjunctivitis, 140 immunohistochemical stains, 223 in spinal tracts, 524 intraductal papilloma, 669
Group B streptococcal meningitis, Neural crest cells, 500, 633 primary motor cortex, 509 lactational mastitis, 669
177 Neural development, 500 vitamin E protection of, 68 Nissl bodies, 45
hemolytic anemia in, 428 Neural plate, 500 Neuron-specific enolase, 222, 354 Nissl staining (neurons), 503
hemolytic disease of, 411 Neural tube, 500 Neuropathic pain, 477, 531 Nissl substance, 506
hepatitis B, 171 defect prevention, 66 Neurophysins, 331 Nitazoxanide, 152
hernias in, 377 defects, 501 Neuropsychiatric dysfunction, 402 Nitrates
herpes in, 162 derivatives, 633 electrolyte disturbances and, 611 and hydralazine in heart failure,
hyperbilirubinemia in, 400 regionalization of, 500 in hepatic encephalopathy, 398 316
hyperthermia in, 240 Neural tube defects in Wilson disease, 402 antianginal therapy, 324
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in, serum tumor marker, 222 neurofibromatosis, 541 mechanism, use and adverse
366 Neuraminidase inhibitors primary central nervous system effects, 323
intraventricular hemorrhage, 529 naming conventions for, 252 lymphoma, 435 Nitric oxide source and action, 378
Listeria monocytogenes in, 137 Neuroblastomas vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Nitrites, cyanide poisoning treatment,
kernicterus, 191 incidence and mortality, 218 deficiency, 426 691
necrotizing enterocolitis and, 393 oncogenes, 220 with polyarteritis nodosa, 478 Nitrite test, 179
normal microbiota, 175 paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 with porphyria, 430 Nitroblue tetrazolium dye reduction
obesity risk factors, 655 presentation, 354 Neurosyphilis, 145 test, 115
persistent jaundice in, 401 serum tumor marker, 222 Neurotoxicity Nitrofurantoin
physiologic gynecomastia, 669 Neurocutaneous disorders methylxanthines, 708 hemolysis in G6PD deficiency, 249
pneumonia, 146 genetics and presentation, 541–570 polymyxins, 190 in glucose-6-phosphate
pneumonia causes in, 176 Neurocysticercosis, 157, 158 Neurotransmitters dehydrogenase deficiency,
primitive reflexes in, 525 Neurodegenerative disease therapy, bacterial toxin effects, 130 77
pulmonary vascular resistance in, 566 synthesis and changes with disease, Nitrogen mustards
303 Neurodegenerative disorders 506 mechanism, use and adverse
Streptococcus agalactiae in, 135 dementia, 536 Neurovascular pairing, 458 effects, 445
TORCH infection manifestations, drug therapy for, 566 Neutropenia Nitroglycerin, 323
181 movement disorders, 536 cell counts and causes, 429 acute coronary syndromes, 315
tracheoesophageal anomalies in, Niemann-Pick disease, 86 disseminated candidiasis, 150 angina, 308
366 Tay-Sachs disease, 86 ganciclovir, 198 Nitroprusside, 323

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Nitrosamines mechanism, use and adverse O Oligohydramnios

carcinogenicity of, 221 effects, 495 Obesity, 403 associations with, 636
stomach cancer and, 386 misoprostol use, 406 amphetamine for, 241 posterior urethral valves and, 599
Nitrosoureas osteoarthritis, 472 anovulation with, 665 Potter sequence, 598
mechanism, use and adverse patent ductus arteriosus, 287 DM type 2 and, 351 Oligospermia, 407
effects, 445 peptic ulcer disease and, 387 esophageal cancer and, 385 Olive-shaped mass, 366
naming convention, 252 renal papillary necrosis, 623 hypertension, 304 Omalizumab, 120, 708
Nivolumab, 218, 446 respiratory disease exacerbation, 695 hypoventilation syndrome, 699 Omeprazole, 406
Nizatidine, 406 rheumatoid arthritis, 472 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251
NK1 blocker naming convention, 253 Non-ST-segment elevation MI injury, 456 Omphalocele vs gastroschisis, 365
NNRTIs in HIV therapy, 199 (NSTEMI) osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis, Onchocerca volvulus
Nocardia spp ECG changes with, 310 472 disease, transmission and
caseous necrosis, 205 findings with, 308 renal cell carcinoma association, treatment, 156
stain for identification, 123 STEMI comparison, 310 625 Oncogenes
sulfonamides, 191 treatment, 310, 315 sleep apnea, 699 gene product and neoplasm, 220
Nocardia spp vs Actinomyces spp, 137 Nonthyroidal illness syndrome, 345 stress incontinence and, 620 Oncogenesis
Nocturia, 674 Non-α, non-β islet cell pancreatic Obesity hypoventilation syndrome, aneuploidy, 54
Nocturnal enuresis, 333 tumor, 378 699 Oncogenic microbes, 222
Nocturnal perianal pruritus, 158 Norepinephrine Obligate intracellular bacteria, 125 Ondansetron, 407, 447
Nodes of Ranvier, 504 actions and applications, 241 Obliterative endarteritis, 306 1-25-(OH)2D3
Nodular goiter, 346 bupropion effect on, 596 Observational studies, 256 kidney endocrine function, 609
Nodular phlebitis, 478 isoproterenol vs, 241 Observer-expectancy bias, 262 “100-day cough”, 130
Nodular sclerosis, 434 MAO inhibitor effects, 595 Obsessive-compulsive disorder “Onion skin” periosteal reaction’, 471
Noise-induced hearing loss, 550 pheochromocytoma secretion, 355 characteristics, 582 “Onion skinning” (arteriosclerosis),
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, 397 synthesis and change with diseases, preferred medications for, 592 306
Nonbacterial thrombotic 506 trichotillomania, 582 Onychomycosis
endocarditis, 224, 318 vitamin B6 and, 65 Obsessive-compulsive personality terbinafine, 196
Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics, 564 Norethindrone, 677 disorder, 584 tinea unguium, 488
Noncaseating granulomas, 213, 696, Normal aging, 225 Obstructive crystalline nephropathy, Oocysts
697 Normal distribution, 264 198 acid-fast stain, 152
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus, Normal microbiota Obstructive hydrocephalus, 544 toxoplasmosis, 153
538, 544 colonic, 135 Obstructive jaundice, 405 Oogenesis, 651
Noncompetitive agonists, 228 female genital tract, 134 Obstructive lung disease Opalescent teeth, 49
Noncompetitive antagonist, 233 neonates, 175 flow volume loops in, 694 Open-angle glaucoma, 239, 553
Noncompetitive inhibitors, 228 skin, 133 pulsus paradoxus, 317 pilocarpine for, 239
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular Normal pressure hydrocephalus, 538 types, presentation and pathology, Operant conditioning, 572
blocking drugs, 252, 568 Normocytic, normochromic anemias 694 Ophthalmoplegia
Nondihydropyridines, 323 causes and findings, 427 Obstructive shock, 317 internuclear, 560
Non-frameshift mutations, deletions Norovirus, 164, 176 Obstructive sleep apnea, 699 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 592
Becker muscular dystrophy, 59 Northern blot, 51 hypertension risk with, 304 Opioid analgesics
Nonhemolytic normocytic anemia, Nortriptyline, 595 pulse pressure in, 290 intoxication and withdrawal, 590
427 Notched (Hutchinson) teeth, 145 pulsus paradoxus, 317 mechanism, use and adverse
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 435 Notochord, 500 Obturator nerve, 456 effects, 569
HIV-positive adults, 174 Novobiocin Obturator sign, 390 overdose, 590
oncogenes, 220 Staphylococcus epidermidis, 134 Occipital lobe, 509, 528 pupil size effects of, 251
rituximab for, 445 NPH insulin, 358 Occult bleeding, FOBT for, 395 sleep apnea, 699
types and epidemiology, 435 NRTIs in HIV therapy, 199 Ochronosis, 82 toxicity treatment, 247
vinca alkaloids for, 445 NS3/4A inhibitors Octreotide Opisthotonos, 130
Nonhomologous end joining, 37 mechanism and toxicity, 199 acromegaly treatment, 343 Opisthotonus, 183
Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), naming convention, 252 carcinoid tumor treatment, 357 Opponens pollicis muscle, 454
51 NS5A inhibitors growth hormone excess treatment, Opportunistic fungal infections, 150
Non-HPV vulvar carcinoma, 663 mechanism and toxicity, 199 333 Oppositional defiant disorder, 576
Nonmaleficence (ethics), 267 naming conventions, 252 islet cell tumor treatment, 357 Opposition (thumb), 450
Nonmegaloblastic anemia, 426 NS5B inhibitors mechanism, clinical use and Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome,
Nonmotile (primary) cilia, 47 mechanism and toxicity, 200 adverse effects, 407 354
Non-neoplastic malformations, 216 naming conventions, 252 Ocular motility, 557 Opsonin, 209
Nonnormal distributions, 264 Nuchal translucency, 61 Oculomotor nerve (CN III) Opsonins
Nonoverlapping genetic code, 35 Nucleosome, 32 causes of damage to, 558 functions of, 104
Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, Nucleotide excision repair, 37 functions of, 521 Opsonization
554 Nucleotides in herniation syndromes, 545 complement activation and, 104
Nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, 341 composition of, 33 internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 560 Optic nerve (CN II)
Non-REM sleep stage, 508 deamination reactions, 33 ocular motility, 557 function and type, 521
Nonrhegmatogenous retinal ribose for synthesis of, 77 palsy of, 530 Krabbe disease, 86
detachment, 554 synthesis, 72 palsy with pituitary apoplexy, 343 Optic neuritis
Nonsecreting pituitary adenoma, 343 Nucleus accumbens, 506 pharyngeal arch derivation, 640 drug-related, 250
Nonselective antagonists, 244 appetite control, 340 pupillary contraction, 556 with multiple sclerosis, 539
Nonselective α-blockers, 243 Nucleus ambiguus, 517 Odds ratio, 256, 258 Optic neuropathy, 553
Nonsense mutation, 38 stroke effects, 529 Odynophagia, 384 ethambutol, 193
Nonspecific PDE inhibitor, 245 Nucleus pulposus, collagen in, 48 Off-label drug use, 257 Oral advance directives, 268
Nonspecific screening antibody, 113 Nucleus tractus solitarius, 517 Okazaki fragment, 36 Oral contraceptives
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), 507 Olanzapine, 593 vitamin B6 deficiency, 65
(NSAIDs) Null hypothesis, 264 Olaparib, 447 Oral contraceptives (OCPs)
acute gout treatment, 473, 496 Number needed to harm, 258 Olfaction SHBG effects on, 341
acute pericarditis treatment, 319 Number needed to treat, 258 hallucinations, 578 Oral glucose tolerance test
aplastic anemia, 249 Nursemaid’s elbow, 466 limbic system in, 509, 510 diabetes mellitus diagnosis, 350
calcium pyrophosphate deposition Nutcracker syndrome, 370 Olfactory nerve (CN I) Oral hairy leukoplakia, 174
disease, 473 Nutmeg liver, 316, 399 function and type, 521 Oral/intestinal ganglioneuromatosis,
chemopreventive for CRC, 395 Nutrition, 63–92 Oligoclonal bands, 539 356
gastritis with, 386 Nyctalopia, 64 Oligodendrocytes Oral mucositis, 478
GFR effects of, 609 Nystagmus derivation and functions, 504 Oral pathologies, 383, 389
gout, 473, 496 cerebellum, 526 in progressive multifocal Oral thrush, 174
headaches, 534 Friedreich ataxia, 547 leukoencephalopathy, 540 Orchiectomy, 672
hemolytic anemia with, 429 internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 560 Krabbe disease, 86 Orchiopexy, 671
interstitial nephritis with, 250 retinoblastoma presentation, 555 Oligodendroglioma, description and Orchitis, 167, 673
loop diuretics and, 628 Nystatin, 195 histology, 542 Orexigenic effect, 340

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INDEX  811
Orexin, 587 Osteomalacia, 611 Ovotesticular DSD, 657 divisum, 367
Organ failure in acute pancreatitis, lab values in, 469 Ovulation endocrine cell types, 331
404 vitamin D and, 68 anovulation causes, 665 tumors arising from, 375
Organic acidemias, 83 Osteomalacia/rickets process of, 651 Pancreas and spleen embryology, 367
Organ of Corti, 550 presentation and lab values, 468 progesterone and, 650 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Organogenesis Osteomyelitis prolactin effect on, 332 carcinogens for, 221
teratogens in, 634 associated infection and risk, 177 “Owl eyes” inclusions, 434 location, risk factors and
Organophosphates Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 Oxacillin presentation, 405
acetylcholinesterase poisoning, 239 Staphylococcus aureus, 133 characteristics of, 185 nonbacterial thrombotic
pupil size effects of, 251 Osteonecrosis, 495 Oxaliplatin, 445 endocarditis with, 318
toxicity treatment, 247 Osteopenia, 468 Oxazepam, 563 serum tumor marker, 222
Organ transplants Osteopetrosis, 468 Oxidative burst, 107 Pancreatic cancer
azathioprine for, 444 lab values in, 469 Oxidative phosphorylation, 76 adenocarcinomas, 375
Kaposi sarcoma with, 486 Osteophytes, 472 electron transport chain, 76 biliary cirrhosis and, 402
TORCH infections, 181 Osteoporosis in mitochondrial diseases, 60 5-Fluorouracil for, 444
WBC casts, 614 bisphosphonates, 495 metabolic site, 72 hyperbilirubinemia with, 400
Organum vasculosum of the lamina causes of, 332 skeletal muscle types and, 460 oncogenes, 220
terminalis (OVLT), 507 denosumab, 120 Oxybutynin, 240 paraneoplastic syndromes, 224
Orientation (mental status), 577 diagnosis and complications of, 467 for micturition control, 236 Pancreatic ducts
Origin of replication, 36 drugs causing, 249 Oxygen development, 367
Orlistat Gaucher disease, 86 exercise and, 687 obstruction of, 375
diarrhea with, 248 homocystinuria, 83 for carbon monoxide poisoning, tumors from, 405
mechanism, clinical use and hormone replacement therapy, 677 247 Pancreatic insufficiency
adverse effects, 407 lab values in, 469 Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation malabsorption with, 388
Ornithine teriparatide for, 496 curve, 689, 691 with chronic pancreatitis, 404
cystinuria, 83 Osteosarcoma, 216 Oxygen toxicity, 206 Pancreatic islet cell tumors, 357
kidney stones and, 619 epidemiology and characteristics, Oxytocin Pancreatic secretions
Ornithine transcarbamylase 471 function and notes, 332 enzymes and role of, 380
deficiency, 81 risk with osteitis deformans, 468 hypothalamus production, 509 lipase, 91
inheritance, 59 Ostium primum, 284 lactation and, 655 Pancreatitis
Orofacial clefts, lips and palate, 641 Ostium secundum, 284 secretion of, 331 ARDS and, 699
Oropharynx Otitis externa, 549 signaling pathways for, 341 causal agents for, 248
carcinogens affecting, 221 Otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) chronic, 404
Orotic acid, 81 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 P hyperchylomicronemia, 92
Orotic aciduria, 426 Otitis media p21 hyperparathyroidism, 349
“Orphan Annie” eyes, 347 brain abscess from, 177 cell cycle regulation, 44 hypertriglyceridemia, 92
Orthomyxoviruses granulomatosis with polyangiitis p53 gene mumps, 167
structure and medical importance, and, 479 cell cycle regulation, 44 Pancuronium, 568
164 Haemophilus influenzae, 140 dominant negative mutation of, 55 Pancytopenia, 155, 427
Orthopedic conditions Langerhans cell histiocytosis, 439 Pacemaker action potential, 297 Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, 115
common knee conditions, 464 presentation and complications, 549 Pacinian corpuscles, 505 Diamond-Blackfan anemia, 426
Orthopnea Streptococcus pneumoniae, 134 Packed RBCs, transfusion of, 434 Gaucher disease, 86
heart failure, 316 Otology, 549 Paclitaxel hairy cell leukemia, 437
left heart failure, 316 anatomy and physiology, 549 mechanism, use and adverse osteopetrosis and, 468
Orthostatic syncope, 318 Otorrhea, painless, 550 effects, 445 Paneth cells, secretions of, 369
Ortner syndrome, 288 Ototoxicity Paclitaxtel Panic disorder
Ortolani maneuver, 466 aminoglycosides, 188, 200 peripheral neuropathy with, 250 preferred medications for, 592
Oseltamivir amphotericin B, 250 Paget disease SSRIs for, 582, 595
mechanism and use, 197 drugs causing, 250 breast, 670 symptoms and treatment, 582
Osgood-Schlatter disease, 466 ethacrynic acid, 628 extramammary, 663 venlafaxine for, 592
Osler nodes, 318 loop diuretics, 628 Paget disease of bone Panitumumab, 446
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, 320 platinum compounds, 445 bisphosphonates, 495 Panniculitis, 491
Osmoreceptors, 507 vancomycin, 187 lab values in, 469 Pantoprazole, 406
Osmotic demyelination syndrome, Outcome quality measurement, 277 osteosarcomas and, 471 Pantothenic acid, 65
540 Outer ear, 549 serum tumor marker, 222 Papillary carcinoma
Osmotic diarrhea, 388 Outer membrane (bacteria), 122 woven bone in, 461 causes and findings, 347
Osmotic laxatives, 408 “Oval fat bodies”, 614 Pain nomenclature, 216
Ossicles, 49, 549, 550 Ovarian cancer neuropathic, 477, 531 Papillary muscle rupture, 309, 314
Ossification, 461 cisplatin/carboplatin for, 445 periorbital, 534 Papillary thyroid carcinoma
Osteitis deformans, 468 epidemiology of, 663 post-stroke, 531 oncogenes, 220
Osteitis fibrosa cystica, 349 hypercalcemia, 224 sensory receptors for, 505 Papillary thyroid carcinoma,
lab values, 469 microtubule inhibitors, 445 thalamic nuclei and, 509 carcinogens for, 221
Osteoarthritis serum tumor marker, 222 treatment in multiple sclerosis, 539 Papilledema
celecoxib for, 495 with Lynch syndrome, 395 Painless chancre, 145 cause and funduscopic appearance,
pathogenesis, findings and Ovarian cycle, 652 Palbociclib, 447 554
treatment, 472 Ovarian cysts Pale infarct, 206 hydrocephalus, 538
Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, 224 types and characteristics, 665 Paliperidone, 593 hypertensive emergency and, 304
Osteoblastoma, 470 Ovarian dysgerminoma “Palisading” nuclei, 493 idiopathic intracranial
Osteoblasts serum tumor marker, 222 Palivizumab hypertension, 538
bone formation, 461, 462 Ovarian ligament, 645 pneumonia prophylaxis, 166 medulloblastoma , 544
cortisol effect on, 340 adnexal torsion, 645 target and clinical use, 120 Papillomas, 216
Osteochondroma, 470 male/female homologs, 644 Palliative care, 276 Papillomaviruses
Osteoclast-activating factor, 106 Ovarian teratomas Pallor in aplastic anemia, 427 genome, 160
Osteoclasts paraneoplastic syndrome, 224 Palmar interossei, 454 structure and medical importance,
bisphosphonate effects, 495 Ovarian tumors, 666 Palmar reflex, 525 161
bone formation, 461 Ovaries PALM-COEIN, 653 Pappenheimer bodies, 422
dysfunction in osteopetrosis, 468 descent of, 644 Panacinar emphysema, 400, 694 Papules
mechanism, 462 estrogen production, 650 Pancoast tumor, 706 actinic keratosis, 493
Osteodystrophy, renal, 624 lymphatic drainage, 644 lung cancer, 705 capillary, 486
Osteogenesis imperfecta Overflow incontinence, 620 superior vena cava syndrome, 706 characteristics/examples, 483
bisphosphonates, 495 Overuse injury thoracic outlet syndrome, 452 dermatitis herpetiformis, 490
collagen synthesis in, 48 carpal tunnel syndrome, 463 Pancreas molluscum contagiosum, 161, 487
findings in, 49 elbow, 462 adrenergic receptors in, 236 rosacea, 485
Osteoid osteoma, 470 knee, 465, 466 annular, 367 Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH), 602
Osteoma, 216, 470 radial nerve, 450 carcinogens affecting, 221 Para-aortic lymph nodes, 644

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Paracoccidioidomycosis lumbosacral radiculopathy, 458 endocrine, 342 intraventricular hemorrhage, 529

unique signs/symptoms, 149 vitamin B12 deficiency, 67 gastrointestinal, 383 juvenile polyposis syndrome, 394
Paracortex (lymph node), 94 Parietal cell (stomach) secretions, 379 hematology/oncology, 420 juvenile polyposis syndrome in, 394
Paradoxical emboli Parietal cortex/lobe inflammation, 209–225 lead poisoning treatment, 247
with patent foramen ovale, 284 lesions in, 526 musculoskeletal/skin/connective leukocoria in, 555
Paradoxical splitting, 294 projections to, 509 tissue, 462 neglect in, 575
Paraesophageal hiatal hernia, 377 Parinaud syndrome, 526 neoplasia, 215 neuroblastomas in, 354
Parafollicular cells, 330 Parity (“para”), 653 oral, 383 pathogens affecting, 183
Parainfluenza Parkinson disease renal, 614 precocious puberty, 55
croup, 167 benztropine for, 240 reproductive, 657 primary brain tumors, 544
paramyxovirus, 166 MAO inhibitor use, 595 respiratory, 692 rhabdomyomas in, 320
Parakeratosis neurotransmitter changes with, 506 Patient and ethical scenarios scalded skin syndrome in, 487
characteristics/examples, 483 seborrheic dermatitis association, alternative/holistic medicine trial, sleep terror disorder in, 587
psoriasis, 485 484 273 strawberry hemangiomas in, 486
Paralysis symptoms and histologic findings, angry about waiting, 272 tetracycline adverse effects, 189
face, 528 536 assisted suicide request, 272 volvulus in, 392
inflammatory demyelinating therapy, 566 attraction to physician, 272 Wilms tumors in, 626
disorders, 540 therapy strategy for, 565 continued life support after brain Pediculus humanus
inflammatory demyelinating trihexyphenidyl, 240 death, 273 disease and treatment, 158
polyneuropathy, 540 Parkinson-like syndrome feels guilt for sibling death, 273 Pegloticase, 496
limb compartment syndrome, 465 drugs causing, 250 feels ugly, 272 Pegvisomant, 343
osmotic demyelination syndrome, Paromomycin, 152 impaired colleague, 273 Pellagra, 65
540 Parotid gland intimate partner violence, 273 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
rabies, 169 embryologic derivation, 633 invasive test on wrong patient, 273 copper IUD, 677
stroke, 528 enlargement of, 474 pharmaceutical company Neisseria spp, 140
tetanic, 136 mumps, 167 sponsorship, 273 Pelvic organ prolapse, 645
unvaccinated children, 183 Parotitis, 167 possible abuse, 273 Pelvic splanchnic nerves, 235
Paramedian pontine reticular Paroxetine, 595 religious beliefs and, 273 Pelvis
formation, 508 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, 316 suicidal patient, 272 fracture and nerve injury, 456
extraocular movements, 508 Paroxysmal nocturnal treatment cost discussions, 273 nerve injury with surgery, 456
lesions in, 526 hemoglobinuria treatment from another physician, Pembrolizumab, 218, 446
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct, causes and findings, 428 272 Pemphigus vulgaris, 113
641 CD55 deficiency, 105 vaccination refusal, 273 acantholysis and, 483
Paramyxoviruses diagnostic procedures, 52 Patient-centered interviewing autoantibodies in, 482
croup, 166 eculizumab for, 120 techniques, 270 pathophysiology and morphology,
medical importance, 166 intravascular hemolysis in, 427 Patient information disclosure, 272 489
mumps, 166 Paroxysmal supraventricular Patient prognosis disclosure, 272 type II hypersensitivity, 110
structure and medical importance, tachycardia Patients with disabilities Penicillamine
164 description and management, 311 communication with, 274 for Wilson disease, 402
Paranasal sinus infections, 692 Partial agonist, 233 Patiromer, 361 myopathy with, 249
Paraneoplastic syndromes, 625 Partial (focal) seizures, 533 Pattern recognition receptors, 97 Penicillin, 249
manifestation and associated anticonvulsants for, 561 Pautrier microabscess, 435 Actinomyces treatment, 137
tumors, 224 Partial thromboplastin time (PTT), Payment models for healthcare, 276 antipseudomonal, 185
small cell (oat cell) carcinoma, 705 431 P-bodies, 40 penicillinase-resistant, 185
Paranoia, 591 Parvoviridae PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test penicillinase-sensitive, 185
Paranoid personality disorder, 584 DNA viruses, 161 arbovirus diagnosis, 168 Penicillinase-resistant penicillins
Parasitic infestations genome, 160 Babesia spp diagnosis, 154 mechanism, use and adverse
granulomatous inflammation, 213 structure and medical importance, Chlamydiae diagnosis, 146 effects, 185
IgE in, 103 161 Clostridioides difficile diagnosis, Penicillinase-sensitive penicillins
infections with immunodeficiency, Parvovirus B19 136 mechanism, use and adverse
116 hereditary spherocytosis, 428 Ebola diagnosis, 169 effects, 185
myocarditis with, 320 hydrops fetalis, 178 for protozoa GI infections, 152 Penicillin G
sign/symptom and organism hints, rash, 181 HSV identification, 163 syphilis treatment, 145
158 receptors, 163 leprosy diagnosis, 139 Penicillin G/V
Parasitology, 152 Passive aggression, 573 Neisseria meningitidis, 140 meningococci treatment, 140
Parasympathetic nervous system Passive leg raise, 295 of amniotic fluid, 153 prophylactic use, 194
cranial nerves supply of, 235 Passive vs active immunity, 108 severe acute respiratory syndrome Penicillins
gastrointestinal innervation by, 371 Pasteurella spp coronavirus diagnosis, 170 antipseudomonal, 141
male erection, 647 culture requirements, 124 Zika virus diagnosis, 168 cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis
thoracoabdominal viscera Pasteurella multocida PCSK9, 91 with, 478
innervation, 521 osteomyelitis, 177 PCSK9 inhibitors, 325 interstitial nephritis with, 250
vagus nerve and, 517 transmission, 147 PDE-3 inhibitor, 245 Penile cancer, 222
VIP and, 378 Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), 61 PDE-4 inhibitor, 245 Penile pathology, 671
Parasympathomimetics Patches (skin) asthma therapy, 708 Penis
pupil size effects of, 251 characteristics/examples, 483 PDE-5 inhibitors, 245 carcinoma in situ, 671
Parathyroid adenomas Patellar reflex, 525 naming conventions for, 253 congenital abnormalities, 643
MEN1/MEN2A syndromes, 356 Patellofemoral syndrome, 466 visual disturbance with, 250 lymphatic drainage of glans, 644
Parathyroid glands Patent ductus arteriosus PDSA cycle, 277 pathology of, 671
adenomas of, 349 heart murmur with, 296 Pearson correlation coefficient, 267 squamous cell carcinoma, 671
disease diagnosis and causes, 348 indomethacin for, 495 Peau d’orange, 670 Pentamidine, 151
Parathyroid hormone, 468 mechanism and treatment, 303 PECAM-1/CD-31 Pentobarbital, 563
bone formation and disorders, 462 neonatal respiratory distress tumor identification, 223 Pentose phosphate pathway (HMP
calcium homeostasis, 337 syndrome and, 681 Pectinate line, 373 shunt)
Paget disease of bone, 469 NSAIDs in closure of, 287 Pectineus, 455 functions, sites and reactions, 77
signaling pathways of, 341 Patent foramen ovale, 284 Pectoriloquy (whispered), 700 NADPH production, 72
source, function, and regulation, atrial septal defect vs, 302 Pectus carinatum, 50 rate-determining enzyme, 71, 72
336 Patent urachus, 638 Pectus excavatum, 50 vitamin B1 deficiency, 64
Paraumbilical veins, 368 Patent vitelline duct, 638 Pediatric patients Pentostatin, 437
Paraventricular nucleus Pathogen-associated molecular abuse, 575 mechanism, use and adverse
secretions of, 331, 509 patterns (PAMPs), 97 brachial plexus injury, 452 effects, 444
Parent-of-origin effects (genetics), 56 Pathologic hyperplasia, 202 causes of seizures in, 533 PEP carboxykinase, 76
Paresthesias Pathology common causes of death, 276 Pepsin
acetazolamide use, 628 aging, 225 common fractures, 467 source, action and regulation, 379
fibromyalgia, 477 cardiovascular, 302 growth retardation in, 623 Pepsinogen
in upper extremity, 450 cellular injury, 202–225 infant and child development, 574 location of, 379

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INDEX  813
Peptic ulcer disease Peripheral resistance, 291 Pharyngeal pouch derivatives, 639 Photosensitivity
glycopyrrolate for, 240 Peripheral vascular disease Pharyngitis drugs causing, 249
H2 blockers for, 406 with atherosclerosis, 305 adenovirus, 161 sulfa allergies, 251
H pylori risk for, 386 Peripheral vertigo, 550 mononucleosis, 162 Phototherapy for jaundice, 401
Helicobacter pylori, 144 Periplasm prophylaxis (rheumatic fever), 194 Phrenic nerve, 683, 706
mechanism and presentation, 387 in bacteria, 122 strep prophylaxis, 194 Phthirus pubis
misoprostol for, 406 Periportal zone (Zone I), 374 Streptococcus pyogenes, 134 disease and treatment, 158
proton pump inhibitors for, 406 Peristalsis unvaccinated children, 183 Phyllodes tumor, 669
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 357 motilin receptor agonists and, 378 Pharyngoesophageal false Phylloquinone, 69
Peptidoglycan visible, 366 diverticulum, 391 Physical abuse (child), 575
in gram negative bacteria, 123 Peritoneum Pharynx, 682 in factitious disorders, 585
Peptostreptococcus spp hernias and, 377 Phencyclidine Physician-assisted suicide, 267
alcohol use disorder, 176 in gastroschisis vs omphalocele, 365 intoxication and withdrawal, 591 Physiologic dead space
lung abscess, 704 “violin string” adhesions, 182 Phenelzine, 595 determination, 684
Percussion, 700 Peritonitis Phenobarbital, 563 Physiologic splitting (S2), 294
Perforation (GI) appendicitis, 390 cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251 Physiology
inflammatory bowel diseases, 389 diverticulitis, 390 Phenotypic mixing (viral genetics), 159 cardiovascular, 289
necrotizing enterocolitis, 393 spontaneous bacterial, 397 Phenoxybenzamine endocrine, 332
ulcer complications, 387 Periventricular calcifications (brain), for pheochromocytomas, 355 gastrointestinal, 378
Perforin, 99, 100 181 Phentolamine hematology/oncology, 416
Performance anxiety, 582 Periventricular plaques, 539 in hypertensive crisis, 589 musculoskeletal, skin, and
Perfusion-limited gas exchange, 686 Permanent cells, 44 reversible block, 243 connective tissue, 450
Periarteriolar lymphatic sheath, 96 Permethrin Phenylalanine renal, 601
Pericardial effusion, 314, 317, 319 anti-mite/louse therapy, 196 classification of, 79 reproductive, 649
Pericarditis for scabies, 158 Phenylalanine embryopathy, 82 respiratory, 684
acute, 319 Pernicious anemia, 379 Phenylephrine, 241, 707 Physostigmine, 570
constrictive, 319 autoantibody, 113 Phenyl ketones anticholinergic toxicity treatment,
fibrinous, 309 vitamin B12 deficiency, 67, 426 in urine, 82 247
jugular venous pulse in, 292 Peroneus longus, 456 Phenylketonuria (PKU) anticholinesterase toxicity antidote,
picornaviruses, 164 Peroxisome mechanism and findings, 82 239
postinfarction, 309 functions of, 46 pleiotropy with, 54 Phytanic acid, 46
pulsus paradoxus in, 317 Per-protocol analysis, 257 Phenytoin Phytomenadione, 69
referred pain from, 288 Persistent depressive disorder, 580 Class IB sodium channel blockers, Phytonadione, 69
Pericardium Persistent depressive disorder 326 Pia mater, 507
anatomy of, 288 (dysthymia), 580 cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis Pica, 424, 586
Pericentral (centrilobular) (Zone Persistent metaplasia, 202 with, 478 Picornaviruses
III), 374 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251 characteristics, 165
Pericytes, 507 the newborn, 304 drug reaction with eosinophilia and hepatitis A, 171
Perihepatitis, 182 Persistent truncus arteriosus, 285, 302 systemic symptoms, 249 structure and medical importance,
Peri-infarction pericarditis, 314 Personality disorders classification, 584 gingival hyperplasia with, 249 164
Perinephric abscesses, 621 Pertussis mechanism and adverse effects, Pierre Robin sequence, 640
Perineurium, 506 unvaccinated children, 183 561 PIGA gene, 105
Perinuclear ANCA (p-ANCA) Pes cavus megaloblastic anemia, 249 Pigmented skin disorders, 484
autoantibody, 113 Friedreich ataxia, 547 peripheral neuropathy with, 250 Pigment-producing bacteria, 126
Periodic acid-Schiff stain, 123 Petechiae vitamin B9 deficiency, 66 Pigment stones, 403
Periodic acid–Schiff stain, 85 aplastic anemia, 427 Pheochromocytomas Pilocarpine, 239, 570
Perioral numbness, 246 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 216, 394 etiology, symptoms, findings and Pilocarpine-induced sweat test, 58
Periorbital edema PEX genes, 46 treatment, 355 Pilocytic astrocytoma, 544
thyroid disease and, 344 Peyer patches, 381 gene association, 220 Pilus, 122
Trichinella spiralis, 156, 158 histology, 369 MEN2A/MEN2B and, 355 Pimozide, 593
trichinosis, 156 IgA antibody production, 103, 381 phenoxybenzamine for, 243 Pindolol, 244
Peripartum cardiomyopathy immune system organ, 94 Philadelphia chromosome Pineal gland
dilated, 315 Peyronie disease, 671 in myeloproliferative disorders, location of, 516
Peripartum mood disturbances, 581 PGI2, 494 437, 438 tumor histology, 544
Peripheral blood smear P-glycoprotein, 223 translocations of, 439 Pinworms, 156
basophilic stippling, 425 Phagocyte dysfunction Phlebitis Pioglitazone, 359
in plasma cell dyscrasias, 436 exotoxin inhibition in, 130 drugs causing, 195 Piperacillin
RBC inclusions, 422 immunodeficiencies, 115 Phlebotomy mechanism, use and adverse
schistocytes, 429 Phagocytosis for hemochromatosis, 402 effects, 185
smudge cells, 437 group A streptococcal inhibition, Phobias Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with
spherocytes and agglutinated 134 diagnosis of, 582 tazobactam, 141
RBCs, 429 Phalen maneuver, 463 Phosphatases, 71 Piroxicam, 495
with acute myelogenous leukemia, Phantom limb pain, 531 Phosphate Pisiform bone, 453
437 Pharmaceutical company low vs high serum concentration Pitting edema, 316
with HbC disease, 428 sponsorship, 273 effects, 611 Pituitary adenoma, 343
Peripheral edema Pharmacokinetics, 229 Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors characteristics and histology, 542
calcium channel blockers, 323 age-related changes in, 246 for pulmonary hypertension, 707 growth hormone secretion with, 333
heart failure, 316 Pharmacology type, clinical use and adverse Pituitary apoplexy, 343, 542
right heart failure, 316 autonomic drugs, 235, 238 effects, 245 Pituitary gland, 331
Peripheral facial palsy, 548 cardiovascular, 321 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase Pituitary tumors
Peripheral nervous system, 506 endocrine, 358 gluconeogenesis, 76 MEN1 and, 356
myelin synthesis in, 504 gastrointestinal, 405 Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) Pityriasis, 488
origins of, 500 hematologic/oncologic, 440 metabolic pathways, 71 Pityriasis rosea, 491
Peripheral neuropathy musculoskeletal/skin/connective Phospholipid bilayer sac Pityrosporum spp
alcohol use disorder, 592 tissue, 494 in bacteria, 122 cutaneous mycoses, 488
drugs causing, 250 neurology, 561 Phosphorus pKa, 231
eosinophilic granulomatosis, 479 pharmacokinetics/ values in bone disorders, 469 Placenta
Fabry disease, 86 pharmacodynamics, 228 Phosphorylases, 71 estrogen production, 650
Krabbe disease, 86 renal, 627 Phosphorylation fetal component, 636
lead poisoning, 430 respiratory, 706 posttranslational, 43 hormone secretion by, 653
linezolid, 190 toxicities and adverse effects, 246 Photodermatitis, 328 immune privilege in, 97
Lyme disease, 144 Pharyngeal apparatus, 639 Photophobia/photosensitivity maternal component, 636
sorbitol, 79 Pharyngeal arch derivatives, 640 drugs causing, 189, 191 progesterone production, 650
vitamin B6 deficiency, 65 Pharyngeal (branchial) cleft cyst, 639 migraine headache, 534 twin-twin transfusion syndrome, 637
Peripheral precocious puberty, 656 Pharyngeal cleft derivatives, 639 rabies, 169 Placenta accreta, 659

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Placenta accreta spectrum, 659 Pleuroperitoneal membrane defect, Polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) Posterior interosseus nerve, 450
Placenta increta, 659 377 hypersegmented, 66, 67 Posterior nucleus (hypothalamus),
Placental abruption, 659 Plicae circulares, 369 Polymyalgia rheumatica 509
preeclampsia, 662 Plummer-Vinson syndrome, 384, 424 ESR with, 210 Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis)
pregnancy complications, 659 Pneumatoceles, 151 giant cell arteritis association, 478 functions of, 331
Placental alkaline phosphatase, 673 Pneumatosis intestinalis, 393 symptoms, findings and treatment, Posterior urethral valves, 598, 599
with germ cell tumors, 673 Pneumoconioses 477 Posterior vitreous detachment, 554
Placental disorders types, 698 Polymyositis Postinfectious encephalomyelitis, 540
chronic placental insufficiency, Pneumocystis jirovecii autoantibody, 113 Postpartum hemorrhage, 660
598 asymptomatic infections, 151 mixed connective tissue disease, 476 Postpartum mood disturbances, 580
insufficiency with preeclampsia, HIV-positive adults, 174 Polymyositis/dermatomyositis, 477 Postpartum psychosis, 581
662 opportunistic infections, 151 Polymyxin B, 190 Postpartum thyroiditis, 345
types of, 659 prophylaxis, 191 Polymyxin E, 190 Postrenal azotemia, 622
Placenta percreta, 659 stain for identification, 123 Polymyxins Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Placenta previa, 659 Pneumocytes, Types I and II, 681 mechanism, use and adverse Type III hypersensitivity, 111
Plague, 147 Pneumomediastinum, 693 effects, 190 Posttranslational modification
Plantar aponeurosis, 465 Pneumonia Polyneuropathy, 430 (proteins), 43
Plantar fasciitis, 465 ARDS, 699 Polyomaviruses Post-traumatic stress disorder, 583
Plantar flexion, 457 common causes by age, 176 structure and medical importance, diagnostic criteria/treatment, 583
Plantaris, 457 common causes in adults by age, 161 preferred medications for, 592
Plantar reflex, 525 176 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, 55 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Plaques (skin) giant cell, 167 Polyphagia prazosin for, 243
actinic keratosis, 493 Haemophilus influenzae, 140 in diabetes mellitus, 350 SSRIs for, 583
characteristics/examples, 483 HIV/AIDS prophylaxis, 194 Polyposis syndromes, 394 Posttussive emesis, 130
hairy leukoplakia, 487 injectable drug use, 176 Polyps Posttussive vomiting, 141
lichen planus, 491 measles-associated death, 167 adenomatous, 394 Postural hypotension
pityriasis rosea, 491 Pneumocystis jirovecii, 151 APC gene, 394 midodrine for, 241
psoriasis, 483 PPI adverse effects, 406 colonic, 394 trazodone, 596
seborrheic dermatitis, 484 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 hyperplastic, 394 Postviral infections
squamous cell carcinoma, 493 Q fever, 147 inflammatory pseudopolyps, 394 pneumonias, 176
Plasma acute-phase reactants Streptococcus agalactiae, 135 KRAS gene, 394 Potassium
(inflammation), 209 type, organisms and characteristics mucosal, 394 low vs high serum concentration
Plasma cells of, 703 neoplastic transformation of, 394 effects, 611
antibody production, 99, 415 VZV, 162 serrated, 394 Potassium channels
dyscrasias of, 436 Pneumoperitoneum, 387, 393 submucosal, 394 myocardial action potential, 297
functions of, 415 Pneumothorax Polysaccharide vaccine, 109 opioid effect, 569
Plasmalogens, 46 physical findings, 700 Polyuria Potassium chloride, 248
Plasma membrane presentation and types of, 702 hyperparathyroidism, 349 Potassium iodide
Podagra, 473 in diabetes mellitus, 350 for thyroid storm, 346
in cell injury, 203 Podocyte damage, 615, 618 lithium, 594 Sporothrix schenckii, 151
Plasma membrane structure, 47 Poikilocytosis, 413 Potassium shifts
Plasmapheresis, 616 Pompe disease, 85
point mutation (single nucleotide) Pontiac fever, 141 hypokalemia/hyperkalemia, 610
Plasma volume, measurement of, 601 mutation, 38 Potassium-sparing diuretics
Plasmids Pontine syndrome, 528
Point of service plan, 275 “Pope’s blessing”, 454 mechanism, use and adverse
in drug resistance, 129 Poliovirus/poliomyelitis Popliteal artery, 458 effects, 629
Plasminogen, 442 immunodeficient patients, 116 atherosclerosis in, 305 Pott disease, 177
Plasmodium spp RNA translation in, 165 Popliteal cyst, 464 Potter sequence, 598
chloroquine use, 196 spinal cord effects, 546 Popliteal fossa, 458 ARPKD, 624
hematologic infections, 154 unvaccinated children, 183 Popliteus, 457 pulmonary hypoplasia, 681
stains for, 123 Polyadenylation signal, 40 Population genetics concepts, 55 with oligohydramnios, 636
Plasmodium malariae Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase Porcelain gallbladder, 403 Poxvirus
hematologic infection, 154 inhibitor Porphobilinogen deaminase, 430 molluscum contagiosum, 487
Plasmodium ovale, 154 naming conventions for, 254 Porphyria cutanea tarda, 430 structure and medical importance,
Plasmodium vivax, 154 Polyangiitis microscopic with hepatitis B and C, 172 161
Platelet-activating factor, 412 autoantibody, 113 Porphyrias, 430, 563 PPAR-γ activator naming convention,
Platelet-derived growth factor Polyarteritis nodosa Portal hypertension 253
(PDGF) epidemiology and presentation, Schistosoma spp, 157, 158 PR3-ANCA/c-ANCA autoantibody,
signaling pathways for, 341 478 ARPKD, 624 113
wound healing, 212 risk with hepatitis B and C, 172 etiologies of, 396 Practice tests, 19
Platelet disorders, 432 Type III hypersensitivity, 111 pulmonary arterial hypertension, Prader-Willi syndrome
“Platelet inhibitors”, 245 Polyarthralgias 700 chromosome association, 62
Platelet plug formation, 417 gonococcal arthritis, 474 serum markers for, 397 ghrelin in, 378
Platelet plug formation (primary rubella, 181 varices and, 372 imprinting disorder in, 56
hemostasis), 417 Polycystic ovarian syndrome Portal triad, 368 isodisomy in, 55
Platelets anovulation, 665 Portal vein, 368, 374 Pralidoxime, 239
essential thrombocythemia, 438 antiandrogens, 678 Portal venous gas, 393 Pramipexole, 565
functional liver markers, 397 clomiphene, 676 Portosystemic anastomoses, 372 Pramlintide, 248, 359
in wound healing, 212 diagnosis of, 665 Positive predictive value, 260 Prasugrel, 417, 442
transfusion of, 434 Polycythemia Positive reinforcement, 572 Pravastatin, 324
Platinum agents blood oxygen in, 689 Positive skew distribution, 264 Praziquantel
peripheral neuropathy with, 250 Eisenmenger syndrome, 303 Postauricular lymphadenopathy, 166, antihelminthic therapy, 197
Platinum compounds paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 178 trematodes, 157
mechanism, use and adverse types and lab values for, 439 Postcardiac injury syndrome, 314, 319 Prazosin, 243
effects, 445 with pheochromocytoma, 355 Posterior cerebral artery, stroke Precision (reliability), 261
naming conventions for, 252 Polycythemia vera, 438 effects, 528 Precision vs accuracy, 265
Plecanatide, 408 Budd-Chiari syndrome and, 399 Posterior circulation strokes, 528 Precocious puberty
Pleiotropy, 54 Polydactyly, 61 Posterior circumflex artery, 458 adrenal steroids and, 339
Pleomorphic adenoma, 383 Polydipsia, 350 Posterior compartment prolapse, 645 causes, 656
Pleomorphism Polyethylene glycol, 408 Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) leuprolide, 676
characteristics of, 202 Polyhydramnios, 636 injury, 455 Precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA), 41
Pleural effusions esophageal atresia and, 366 Posterior drawer sign, 455 Predictive value, 260
asbestosis, 698 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 50 Posterior fossa Prednisolone for thyroid storm, 346
mesothelioma, 697 Polymerase-β, 37 malformations, 502 Preeclampsia, 662
physical findings, 700 Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, Posterior inferior cerebellar artery hydatidiform moles, 661
types and characteristics of, 701 312 stroke effects, 529 Preferred provider organization, 275

FAS1_2023_21_Index_775-827.indd 814 11/18/22 5:23 PM

INDEX  815
Prefrontal cortex lesions, 526 Primary adrenal insufficiency, 353 Prolactin-inhibiting factor, 332 Protein metabolism
Pregabalin, 561 Primary amyloidosis, 208 Prolactinoma amino acids, 79
Pregnancy, 653 Primary biliary cholangitis, 400, 402 treatment, 334 Protein synthesis
aliskiren contraindication, 630 Primary central nervous system Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, 554 exotoxin inhibition of, 130
anemia caused by, 424 lymphoma Proliferative glomerular disorders, 614 metabolic site, 72
antimicrobial prophylaxis in, 192 occurrence and associations, 435 Prometaphase, 44 posttranslational modification, 43
carpal tunnel syndrome in, 463 Primary ciliary dyskinesia Promoters (gene expression), 39 RNA polymerases in, 40
contraindicated antimicrobials, 200 clinical findings, 47 Pronephros, 598 sequence of, 43
ESR with, 210 Primary disease prevention, 275 Proopiomelanocortin, 331 Protein synthesis inhibitors
estrogen in, 650 Primary dysmenorrhea, 665 Propafenone, 327 antimicrobial therapy, 188
folate deficiency caused by, 426 Primary (essential) hypertension, 321 Proper hepatic artery, 368 naming conventions for, 252
folic acid supplementation, 66 Primary glomerular disease, 614 Prophase, 44 Protein transcription
heparin in, 440 Primary hemostasis, 413, 417 Prophylaxis histone deacetylation in, 32
hypertension and treatment in, Primary hyperaldosteronism, 354 calcium pyrophosphate deposition Proteinuria
243, 321, 662 hypertension with, 304 disease, 473 ACE inhibitors for, 630
intrapartum prophylaxis, 194 renal disorder features, 611 for migraine headaches, 534 glomerular disease and, 615
iron study interpretation, 423 Primary hyperparathyroidism for rheumatic fever, 319 nephritic-nephrotic syndrome, 615
Listeria monocytogenes in, 137 lab values in, 469 indications and medication, 194 nephrotic syndrome, 597, 615
lithium in, 304 neuropsychiatric disturbances, 349 infections in HIV/AIDS, 194 preeclampsia, 662
physiologic changes in, 653 presentation, 349 Pneumocystis jirovecii, 151 serum sickness, 111
pituitary infarcts with, 343 Primary lactase deficiency, 79 rabies postexposure, 169 Proteolysis
progesterone in, 650 Primary ovarian insufficiency, 655, Trichomonas vaginalis, 155 cortisol and, 340
pyelonephritis, 621 664 Propionic acidemia, 83, 88 Proteolytic processing in collagen
pyogenic granulomas and, 486 Primary sclerosing cholangitis, 400, Propionyl-CoA carboxylase synthesis, 48
risks with SLE, 476 402 vitamin B7 and, 66 Proteus spp
sex hormone-binding globulin, 341 autoantibody, 113 Propofol, 567 struvite stones, 125
Sjögren syndrome and, 474 jaundice with, 400 Propranolol, 244, 327, 346 xanthogranulomatous
stillbirth, 181 Primary spontaneous pneumothorax, Proprioception pyelonephritis, 621
Streptococcus agalactiae screening, 702 Friedreich ataxia, 547 Proteus mirabilis
135 Primary syphilis, 145 muscle receptors for, 461 cephalosporins, 186
syphilis in, 145 Primary testicular lymphoma, 673 Propylthiouracil penicillins for, 185
termination of, 677 Primase agranulocytosis, 249 urinary tract infections, 179, 621
thyroxine-binding globulin, 335 replication initiation by, 36 aplastic anemia, 249 Prothrombin
Turner syndrome and, 657 Primitive atrium, 286 for thyroid storm, 346 complex concentrate transfusion,
urinary tract infections, 179 Primitive pulmonary vein, 286 thionamides, 360 434
uterine rupture, 660 Primitive reflexes, 525 Propylthiouracil (PTU) warfarin effect on, 433
vitamin B9 deficiency, 66 Primitive ventricle, 286 T3 in peripheral tissues, 335 Prothrombin time
Zika virus in, 168 PR interval, antiarrhythmic effects, 327 Prostacyclin analogs, 707 functional liver markers, 397
Pregnancy complications Prions and prion diseases, 175 Prostaglandin analogs Proton pump inhibitors
ectopic pregnancy, 660 Probenecid naming conventions for, 253 for Helicobacter pylori, 188
hypertension, 662 gout, 496 Prostaglandins interstitial nephritis with, 250
placenta accreta spectrum, 659 sulfa allergies and, 251 aspirin effects, 495 mechanism, use and adverse
placental abruption, 659 Procainamide cortisol effect on, 340 effects, 406
placenta previa, 659 antiarrhythmic effects, 326 ductus arteriosus closure, 287 naming conventions for, 253
postpartum hemorrhage, 660 drug-induced lupus, 249 glaucoma therapy, 570 osteoporosis with, 249
vasa previa, 659 Procalcitonin, 209 kidney effects of, 609 Protoporphyrin, 430
Prehn sign, 671, 673 Procarbazine Prostate, 644 Protozoa
Preload disulfiram-like reaction with, 250 Prostate cancer CNS infections, 153
approximation of, 289 mechanism, use and adverse adenocarcinomas, 674 gastrointestinal infections, 152
Premature atrial contraction, 313 effects, 445 immunohistochemical stains, 223 hematologic infections, 154
Premature beats, 313 Procedure bias, 262 incidence/mortality of, 218 pyrimethamine effects in, 34
Premature ejaculation, 595 Process improvement model leuprolide for, 676 stains for identification, 123
Premature ovarian failure, 655, 664, quality measurement, 277 serum tumor marker, 222 visceral infections, 155
665 Process quality measurement, 277 Prostate specific antigen (PSA) watery diarrhea, 176
Premature ventricular contraction, 313 Processus vaginalis, 644 serum tumor marker, 222 Proximal renal tubular acidosis (RTA
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 595 Prochlorperazine, 407 stains for, 223 type 2), 613
Preoptic nucleus Procoagulation, 419 Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Proximal renal tubule
GnRH release, 509 Procollagen peptidase deficiency, 49 serum tumor marker, 222 relative concentrations along, 607
Prepatellar bursitis, 464 Proctitis, 393 Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), 674 PRPP amidotransferase
Preprocollagen, 48 Progesterone Prostatic adenocarcinoma, 674 in Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 35
Preproinsulin, 338 lactation and, 655 Prostatitis, 674 PRPP (glutamine-phosphoribosyl-
Prerenal azotemia, 622 signaling pathways for, 341 Escherichia coli, 674 pyrophosphate)
Presbycusis, 550 source and function of, 650 gonorrhea, 180 amidotransferase, 71
Preschool age development, 574 Progestins, 677 Prosthetic devices Prucalopride, 408
Pressure sensation mechanism and clinical use, 677 Staphylococcus epidermidis, 126 Pruritus
receptors for, 505 Progressive multifocal Prosthetic heart valves, 429 anal, 156
thalamic relay for, 509 leukoencephalopathy, 540 Protamine sulfate, 247 aquagenic, 438
Pressure-volume loops, 292, 293 oligodendrocytes in, 504 Protease inhibitors atopic dermitis, 485
Presynaptic β 2-autoreceptor, 241 Progressive multifocal fat redistribution with, 249 biliary tract disease, 402
Presyncope, 299 leukoencephalopathy HIV therapy, 199 chloroquine, 196
Pretectal nuclei, 556 (PML) naming convention for, 252 cutaneous mycoses, 488
Preterm birth, death with, 276 HIV-positive adults, 174 Proteases dermatitis herpetiformis, 490
Pretest probability, 259 polyomaviruses, 161 pancreatic secretion, 380 ectoparasites, 158
Prevalence vs incidence, 261 Projection, 573 Proteasome lichen planus, 491
Prevotella spp, 176 Prokaryotes in immune response, 46 lichen sclerosus, 663
healthcare-associated infections, 182 DNA replication in, 36 Proteasome inhibitor nocturnal perianal, 158
Priapism mRNA start codons, 42 naming conventions for, 254 otitis externa, 549
ischemic, 671 RNA polymerases in, 40 Protein A pseudofolliculitis barbae, 485
sickle cell anemia, 428 Prolactin bacterial virulence, 127 Prussian blue stain, 402, 698
trazodone and, 596 function and notes, 332 Proteinases, 412 Psammoma bodies
Prilocaine, 567 lactation and, 655 Protein C/S deficiency, 431 calcification, 207
Primaquine secretion of, 331, 510 hereditary thrombophilias, 433 mesotheliomas, 697
for prophylaxis, 194 signaling pathways for, 341 Protein-energy malnutrition, 69 serous carcinoma, 666
hemolysis in G6PD deficiency, 249 source, function, and regulation, Protein kinase A thyroid cancer, 347
in G6PD deficiency, 77 334 fructose bisphosphatase-2 and, 74 tumor identification, 213

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Pseudoappendicitis interpersonal therapy, 592 Pupil Pyruvate kinase deficiency

Yersinia enterocolitica, 142 motivational interviewing, 592 CN III palsy, 558 anemia with, 428
Pseudobulbar palsy, 546 supportive therapy, 592 control of, 556 RBC morphology with, 420
Pseudodiverticulum, 390 Psyllium, 408 drugs affecting size, 251 Pyruvate metabolism, 75
Pseudoephedrine, 707 PTEN gene light reflex, 556 Pyuria
Pseudofolliculitis barbae, 485 product and associated condition, Pupillary control acute interstitial nephritis, 622
Pseudofractures, 468 220 relative afferent pupillary defect, sterile, 621
Pseudohypoparathyroidism PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) 556 urinary tract infections and, 179
lab values with, 348 functions, 336 Pupillary reflex, 521
type 1A, 348 PTHrP (parathyroid hormone-related Pure motor stroke, 528 Q
Pseudomembranous colitis protein), 224 Pure red cell aplasia, 224, 426 Q fever
Clostridioides difficile, 136 Ptosis thymoma and, 96 rickettsial disease, 147
clindamycin, 189 CN III damage, 558 Purines transmission, 148
drugs causing, 248 Horner syndrome, 557 de novo synthesis, 34 QRS complex, 298
penicillins, 185 myasthenia gravis, 480 de novo synthesis rate-limiting Quadrantanopia, 559
watery diarrhea, 176 saccular aneurysm, 532 enzyme, 71 Quantifying risk, terminology for, 258
Pseudomembranous pharyngitis, 137 Pubarche, 656 gout and, 473 Quaternary amines, 200
Pseudomonas spp Puberty Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 35 Quaternary disease prevention, 255
ceftazidime, 144 Kallmann syndrome and, 658 salvage deficiencies, 35 Quetiapine, 252, 593
epididymitis and orchitis, 673 precocious, 55 structure, 33 Quiescent (stable) cells, 44
fluoroquinolones, 192 Public health sciences, 256 Purine synthesis Quinidine
immunodeficient patients, 116 communication skills, 270 drug actions on, 34 antiarrhythmic effects, 326
osteomyelitis, 177 ethics, 267 Purkinje cells cinchonism with, 250
otitis externa (swimmer’s ear), 549 quality and safety, 277 ischemia effects, 206 thrombocytopenia with, 249
penicillins for, 144 Pudendal nerve, 373, 457, 647 paraneoplastic cerebellar Quinine, 154, 250
pyocyanin of, 107 Pulmonary arterial hypertension, degeneration, 224 cinchonism with, 250
urinary tract infections, 179 303, 700 Purkinje fibers, 298 Quinolone
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pulmonary artery, 285, 683 Purpura Legionella pneumophila, 141
biofilm production, 126 Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure aplastic anemia, 427
bronchiectasis, 695 (PCWP), 300 palpable, 478 R
exotoxin in, 130 in shock, 317 Pustular psoriasis, 483 Rabies virus
findings and treatment, 141 Pulmonary circulation, 686 Pustules medical importance, 169
healthcare-associated infections, persistent pulmonary hypertension, acne, 485 receptors, 163
182 304 characteristics/examples, 483 structure and medical importance,
in cystic fibrosis, 58 uncorrected left-to-right shunt, 303 pseudofolliculitis barbae, 485 164
pigment production, 126 vascular resistance, 686 rosacea, 485 Rachitic rosary, 468
polymyxins, 190 ventilation/perfusion mismatch, Pyelonephritis, 179 Radial head subluxation, 466
Swimmer’s ear (otitis externa), 141 687 acute and chronic, 621 Radial nerve
Pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly, 436 Pulmonary edema kidney stones, 619 injury and presentation, 450
Pseudostratified ciliated cells, 682 left heart failure, 316 WBC casts in, 614 neurovascular pairing, 458
Pseudovirion, 159 nitrates for, 323 Pygmalion effect, 262 Radiation exposure
Psittacosis, 147 opioids for, 569 Pyknosis acute myelogenous leukemia and,
Psoas abscess, 463 physical findings, 700 in cell injury, 203 436
Psoas sign, 390, 463 Pulmonary emboli Pyloric channel aplastic anemia, 427
Psoriasis, 483, 485 origin, 692 hypertrophic stenosis, 366 apoptosis, 204
cyclosporine, 118 presentation and treatment, 693 obstruction with ulcer, 387 free radical injury, 206
etanercept for, 497 treatment of, 440 Pyloromyotomy, 366 hypopituitarism, 343
hyperkeratosis/parakeratosis, 483 Pulmonary fibrosis Pyocyanin, 141 Radiation therapy
infliximab/adalimumab for, 497 diffusion limited gas exchange, 686 Pyoderma gangrenosum angiosarcomas, 486
methotrexate for, 444 drugs causing, 250 inflammatory bowel disease, 389 lymphopenia, 429
skin lesions, 483 idiopathic, 696 Pyogenic granulomas, 486 neutropenia, 429
therapeutic antibodies, 120 Pulmonary hypertension Pyoverdine, 141 papillary thyroid carcinoma risk,
Psoriatic arthritis, 475, 485 acute respiratory distress syndrome, Pyramidal cells 347
HLA subtype, 98 699 ischemia, 206 Radiculopathy
leflunomide for, 495 chronic thromboembolic, 700 Pyramidal tract demyelination, 539 lumbosacral, 458
therapeutic antibodies, 120 etiologies of, 700 Pyrantel pamoate, 156, 197 Radon
Psychiatric condition, preferred hypoxia or lung disease, 700 Pyrazinamide, 193 carcinogenicity of, 221
medications for, 592 hypoxic vasoconstriction, 686 hyperuricemia with, 249 RAG mutation
Psychiatric emergencies left heart disease, 700 Pyrethroids, 158 immunodeficiency, 115
cause, manifestation and treatment, multifactorial, 700 Pyridostigmine Rales
589 sildenafil, 707 myasthenia gravis treatment, 239, in heart failure, 316
delirium tremens, 589 Pulmonary hypertension drugs, 707 480 Raloxifene
Psychiatric overtones Pulmonary hypoplasia, 681 Pyridoxal phosphate, 65 estrogen receptor modulator
hyperparathyroidism, 349 Pulmonary Langerhans cell Pyridoxine, 65 (selective), 676
Psychiatry histiocytosis, 696 Pyrimethamine, 196 Ramelteon, 564
diagnostic criteria by symptom Pulmonary surfactant effects in protozoa, 34 Ramipril, 630
duration, 583 club cells, 681 purine and pyrimidine synthesis, 34 Ramsay Hunt syndrome, 548
pathology, 575 Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), Pyrimidine Random plasma glucose
pharmacology, 592 686 de novo rate-limiting enzyme, 71 diabetes mellitus diagnosis, 350
Psychoactive drug intoxication/ Pulmonary vasculature Pyrimidines RANK-L (RANK ligand), 336
withdrawal, 590 alveolar hypoxia effects on, 300 de novo synthesis, 34 immunotherapy, 120
depressants, 590 Pulmonic stenosis de novo synthesis of, 34 Ranolazine
hallucinogens, 591 wide splitting in, 294 structure, 33 mechanism, use and adverse
Psychology/psychiatry, 571 Pulmonic valves Pyrimidine synthesis, 495 effects, 324
Psychosis physiologic splitting, 294 drug actions on, 34 Raphe nucleus, 506
characteristics of, 578 “Pulseless disease”, 478 Pyruvate carboxylase, 76 Rapid acting insulins, 358
LSD, 591 Pulse pressure vitamin B7 and, 66 Rapid automated broth cultures, 124
postpartum, 581 equation for, 290 Pyruvate dehydrogenase Rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep,
Psychosocial impact Pulse-temperature dissociation], 142 deficiency, 75 508
child neglect, 575 Pulsus paradoxus vitamin B1 and, 64 Rapidly progressive (crescentic)
of strabismus, 557 asthma attack, 695 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex glomerulonephritis, 616
Psychotherapy, goals of, 592 cardiac tamponade, 317 cofactor requirements, 75 Rapport, establishing, 270
Psychotherapy techniques “Pulsus parvus et tardus”, 296 glycolysis regulation, 74 RAS gene, 347
behavioral therapy, 592 “Punched out” bone lesions, 436 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex Rasagiline, 565
dialectical behavioral therapy, 592 Punishment (conditioning), 572 deficiency, 75 Rasburicase, 440, 447

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INDEX  817
Rashes Redundant/degenerate genetic code, ESR with, 210 Respiratory depression
“blueberry muffin”, 166 35 Fabry disease, 86 barbiturates, 590
carbapenems, 187 Reed-Sternberg cells, 434 genitourinary trauma, 647 benzodiazepines, 590
childhood diseases and Refeeding syndrome (anorexia gout and, 473 opioids, 590
presentations, 178 nervosa), 586 ischemia, 495 psychoactive drug intoxication, 590
desquamating, 478 Referred pain renin-secreting tumor, 611 tricyclic antidepressants, 589, 595
fluoroquinolones, 192 cholecystitis, 403 staphylococcal scalded skin Respiratory failure
heliotrope, 224 diaphragm irritation, 683 syndrome, 487 inflammatory demyelination
macrolides, 190 pericarditis, 288 tetracycline use in, 189 disorders, 540
malar, 476 Reflex bradycardia, 608 waxy casts in, 614 polymyxins, 190
palms and soles, 148 Reflexes Wilson disease, 402 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
penicillinase-sensitive penicillins, cranial nerves, 521 Renal/genitourinary drug reactions, pneumonia, 703
185 grading of, 525 250 prophylaxis, 120
petechial, 181 motor neuron signs, 545 Renal oncocytoma, 626 structure and medical importance,
rickettsial infections, 148 neurons functions in, 524 Renal osteodystrophy, 349, 623, 624 164
rubella, 181 primitive, 525 Renal papillary necrosis, 623 Respiratory system
unvaccinated children, 183 spinal (clinical), 525 pyelonephritis and, 621 aging effects on, 225
Rathke pouch, 331, 544, 633 Reflex syncope, 318 sickle cell anemia, 428 changes in pregnancy, 653
Rationalization, 573 Reflex tachycardia, 243, 323 Renal plasma flow, effective, 602 drug reactions, 250
Raynaud phenomenon Reflux (erosive) esophagitis, 384 Renal sympathetic discharge, 608 muscarinic antagonist effects, 240
calcium channel blockers for, 323 Refractive errors (vision), 551 Renal system pharmacology, 706
disease vs syndrome, 480 Refractory angina, 324 aging effects on, 225 Respiratory tract infections
vs syndrome, 480 Refractory (autonomous) changes in pregnancy, 653 C3 deficiency, 105
“Razor bumps”, 485 hyperparathyroidism, 349 embryology, 598 Respiratory tree
RB1 gene Refsum disease, 46 genitourinary drug reactions, 250 conducting zone, 682
mutation effects, 555 Refusing care Renal tubular acidosis Resting tremor, 535
product and associated condition, minors, 268 types and findings with, 613 Restless legs syndrome, 535
220 Regadenoson, 308 Renal tubular defects, effects and Restricting type (anorexia nervosa),
RBC casts, 614 Regan-Lowe medium, 124 causes, 606 586
RBC inclusions, associated pathology, Registering for exam, 5–6 Renin Restrictive cardiomyopathy
422 Regression, 573 aliskiren effect on, 630 hemochromatosis, 402
RBC morphology, 420–439 Regulation of cell cycle primary hyperaldosteronism, 354 Restrictive/infiltrative
Reabsorption and secretion rate cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), source and effects, 608 cardiomyopathy, 315
calculation, 604 44 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Restrictive lung diseases
Reaction formation, 573 tumor suppressors, 44 system, 608 ankylosing spondylitis, 475
Reactive arthritis Regulation of gene expression, 39 Renomegaly, 85 flow volume loops, 694
Campylobacter jejuni, 143 Regulatory T cells Renovascular hypertension, 354 types of, 696
chlamydia, 180 cell surface proteins, 108 Reoviridae RET gene
classic triad of, 475 functions, 100 genome, 160 associated neoplasm, 220, 355
HLA subtype, 98 Regurgitation Reoviruses Hirschsprung disease, 391
Type III hypersensitivity, 111 in GERD, 384 structure and medical importance, Reteplase (rPA), 442
Yersinia enterocolitica, 142 Reheated rice syndrome, 136 164 Rete testis, 672
Reactive gliosis, 503 Reichert cartilage, 640 Repaglinide, 359 Reticular activating system
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) Reid index, 695 Reperfusion injury, 206 lesion effects, 526
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 Reinforcement, 572 myocardial infarction, 309 Reticulate body, 146
Reassortment Relapsing fever Reperfusion therapy, 315 Reticulin, 48
influenza viruses, 166 animal transmission, 147 Replication fork, 36 Reticulocyte production index, 423
viral genetics, 159 transmission, 158 Replicative potential (cancer), 217 Reticulocytes
Recall bias in studies, 262 Relationship with patients, 272 Reportable diseases, confidentiality in aplastic anemia, 427
Receiver operating characteristic Relative afferent pupillary defect, 556 exceptions, 269 intravascular hemolysis, 427
curve, 260 Relative risk, 256, 258 Repression, 573 Retinal, 64
Receptive (Wernicke) aphasia, 531 Relative risk reduction, 258 Repressor proteins Retinal artery occlusion, 554
Receptor binding Reliability (precision), 261 lactose effects on, 38 Retinal detachment, 554
potency and efficacy with Remodeling (tissue), 212 Reproductive/endocrine drug Retinal disorders, 554
antagonists, 233 REM(rapid eye movement) sleep, reactions, 248 Retinal vein occlusion, 554
Receptor-mediated endocytosis, 45 508 Reproductive hormones, control of, Retinitis
Receptor tyrosine kinase, 341 Renal agenesis 675 cidofovir, 198
Recklinghausen disease, 541 causes of, 598 Reproductive system foscarnet, 198
Recombinant cytokines Potter sequence, 598 aging effects on, 225 Retinitis pigmentosa, 554
clinical uses, 119 pulmonary hypoplasia association, anatomy, 644 abetalipoproteinemia, 92
Recombinant uricase naming 681 female anatomy, 645 Retinoblastoma
convention, 252 Renal artery stenosis, causes and male anatomy, 646 cause and presentation, 555
Recombinant vaccine, 109 effects, 625, 630 pathology, 657 chromosome association, 62
Recombination Renal blood flow pharmacology, 675 heterozygosity loss, 54
bacterial genetics, 128 diagram, 600 physiology, 649 osteosarcomas, 471
viral genetics, 159 renal artery stenosis, 625, 630 Rescheduling exam, 6 Retinoic acid, 64
Rectal sparing, 389 renal plasma flow and, 602 Residual volume, 684 Retinoids, 485
Rectocele, 645 Renal cell carcinoma Resistance, pressure and flow in Retinol, 64
Rectum carcinogens for, 221 vessels, 291 Retinopathy
familial adenomatous polyposis, chromosome association, 62 Reslizumab, 708 chloroquine, 196
394 hypercalcemia, 224 Respiration diabetic, 554
portosystemic anastomosis, 372 metastases, 219 exercise response, 690 hemorrhage, 554
Rectus abdominis muscle, 377 presentation and treatment, 625 high altitude response, 690 hemorrhages and exudates in, 304,
Recurrent branch of median nerve PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) Respiratory 318
injury and presentation, 450 functions, 336 fluoroquinolones, 192 in diabetes mellitus, 350
Recurrent laryngeal nerve recombinant cytokines, 119 organisms in unvaccinated of prematurity, 681
compression of, 288, 705 risk with complex cysts, 624 children, 183 retinitis, 555
Pancoast tumor, 706 Renal clearance calculation, 602 Respiratory acidosis sorbitol, 79
Red blood cell pathology Renal cyst disorders, 624 laboratory findings with, 612 vein occlusion, 554
inclusions, 422 Renal dialysis, 182 Respiratory alkalosis with hypertensive emergency, 304
pathologic morphology, 420 Renal disorders/failure high altitude, 690 Retinopathy of prematurity, 206, 554
Red hepatization, 704 acute pericarditis with, 319 laboratory finding with, 612 RET/PTC rearrangements, 347
Red infarct, 206 conditions and features of, 611 Respiratory burst, 107 Retrograde amnesia, 577
Redox reactions consequences of, 623 in chronic granulomatous disease, Retroperitoneal fibrosis, 620
vitamin B2 and, 65 drug dosages in, 229 115 Retroperitoneal structures, 367

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Retrospective studies, 256, 262, 278 Rickettsia rickettsii Romaña sign, 155 Salvage deficiencies
Retroviruses animal transmission, 147 Romano-Ward syndrome, 312 purines, 35
structure and medical importance, chloramphenicol, 189 Romberg sign, 546 Sampling bias, 262
164 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 148 Romiplostim (TPO analog), 119 Sandfly fever/Rift valley fever, 164
Rett syndrome, 60 Rickettsia typhi Root cause analysis, 278 SA node, 297
Reverse T3 (rT3), 335 transmission, 147, 148 Rooting reflex, 525 action potential, 297
Reverse transcriptase Rickettsial diseases, 148 Ropinirole, 565 aging effects, 312
telomerase, 36 rash common, 148 Ropivacaine, 567 antiarrhythmic effects, 328
Reversible cellular injury changes, with rash rare, 148 Rosacea, 485 blood supply, 288
203 Riedel thyroiditis, 345 Rose gardener’s disease, 151 cardiac glycoside effects, 326
Reye syndrome, 397 Rifabutin, 193, 194 Rosenthal fibers, 544 conduction pathway, 298
aspirin use, 494 Rifampin Roseola premature beats, 313
Reynolds pentad, 403 antituberculous drugs, 193 rash, 178 Saponification, 205
Rhabdomyolysis cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251 Roseola infantum Sarcoidosis
daptomycin, 192 Hemophilus influenzae prophylaxis, HHV-6/HHV-7, 162 cardiomyopathy with, 315
potassium shifts and, 610 140 Rosuvastatin, 324 characteristics and associations,
refeeding syndrome and, 586 hepatitis with, 248 Rotator cuff muscles, 451 697
Rhabdomyomas, 216, 320 hepatotoxicity, 374 Rotavirus erythema nodosum, 491
Rhabdomyosarcomas interstitial nephritis with, 250 diarrhea with, 176 myocarditis with, 320
dactinomycin for, 444 prophylactic use, 194 medical importance, 165 Sarcoma, 216
variant, 664 tuberculoid leprosy, 139 Roth spots, 318 Sarcoma botryoides, 664
Rhabdoviruses Rifamycins Rotor syndrome, 400, 401 Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 459
structure and medical importance, antituberculous, 193 Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 45 Sarcoptes scabiei
164 RNA polymerase effects, 40 Rouleaux formation, 436 disease and treatment, 158
Rhagades, 145 Rifapentine, 193 Round ligament, 645 Sargramostim, 447
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, Rifaximin Round ligament of uterus Sargramostim (GM-CSF), 119
554 hepatic encephalopathy treatment, male/female homologs, 644 SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory
Rheumatic fever 398 Rovsing sign, 390 syndrome coronavirus 2),
cause, findings and treatment, 319 Rift Valley fever/Sandfly fever, 164 RSV F protein 170
myocarditis with, 320 Right anterior cardinal vein, 286 immunotherapy, 120 receptors, 163
Streptococcus pyogenes, 134 Right bundle branch, 298 Rubella virus, 166 presentation and transmission, 170
streptolysin O, 131 Right bundle branch block, 294 cardiac defect association, 304 remdesivir for, 198
type II hypersensitivity, 110 Right common cardinal vein, 286 medical importance, 164, 166 SARS (sudden acute respiratory
Rheumatoid arthritis Right coronary artery (RCA) rashes, 178 syndrome), 164
autoantibody, 113 occlusions of, 309 TORCH infection, 181 Satiety/hunger regulation, 509
azathioprine for, 444 Right heart failure, 316 unvaccinated children, 183 Saturday night palsy, 450
carpal tunnel syndrome and, 463 Right lower quadrant (RLQ) pain, Rubeola (measles) virus “Sausage fingers”, 475
celecoxib for, 495 391 medical importance, 167 Sausage link appearance
etanercept for, 497 Right-to-left shunts, 284, 302, 688 Rubor, 209 (funduscopy), 436
extraarticular manifestations, 472 Right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain, Ruffini corpuscles, 505 “Saw-tooth” crypt pattern, 394
HLA subtype, 98 403 “Rusty” sputum, 134 Saxagliptin, 359
immunosuppressants, 119 Right ventricle Ruxolitinib, 438, 447 Scabies, 196
infliximab/adalimumab for, 497 “atrializing” of, 302 Ryanodine receptor, 459 Scalded skin syndrome
leflunomide for, 495 Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) Staphylococcus aureus, 131
methotrexate for, 444 high altitude, 690 S characteristics, 487
osteoarthritis vs, 472 Riluzole, 546, 566 S-100 Scales (skin)
pathogenesis, findings and Ring-enhancing lesions (MRI) immunohistochemical stain, 223 characteristics/examples, 483
treatment, 472 Toxoplasma gondii, 153 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, 439 seborrheic dermatitis, 484
therapeutic antibodies for, 120 Ringworm tumor marker, 493 Scar formation, types, 214
Type III hypersensitivity, 111 griseofulvin, 196 Saber shins, 145, 181 Scarlet fever
Rheumatoid factor, 113 tinea corporis, 488 Sabin poliovirus vaccine, 164 rash with, 178
Rh hemolytic disease of newborn, 411 Risedronate, 495 Sabouraud agar, 124 Streptococcus pyogenes, 134
Rhinitis Risk quantification terminology, 258 Saccular aneurysms, 532 S cells, 378
phenylephrine for, 241 Risperidone, 593 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 49 Schaumann bodies, 697
Rhinitis medicamentosa, 707 hyperprolactinemia, 248 renal cyst disorders and, 624 Schiller-Duval bodies, 667
Rhinocerebral abscess, 150 Ristocetin, 417 Sacrococcygeal teratomas, 672 Schilling test, 426
Rhinophyma, 485 Risus sardonicus, 130 Sacubitril, 315 Schistocytes
Rhinosinusitis, 692 Ritonavir, 199 mechanism, use and adverse disseminated intravascular
Rhinovirus cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251 effects, 324 coagulation, 433
characteristics, 165 Rituximab, 429, 446 Saddle embolus, 693 HELLP syndrome, 662
picornavirus, 164 Rivaroxaban, 441 Saddle nose in intravascular hemolysis, 427
receptors, 163 Rivastigmine, 239, 566 syphilis, 181 Shiga toxin, 143
RNA translation in, 165 River blindness, 156 S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), 73 Schistocytes (“helmet” cells), 420,
Rhizopus spp RNA Safety culture, 277 429
opportunistic infections, 150 capping, 40 Sail-shaped thymus, 96 Schistosoma spp
Ribavirin, 200 interference, 54 Salicylates disease, transmission and
contraindicated in pregnancy, 200 RNA polymerase inhibition toxicity treatment, 247 treatment, 157
purine synthesis, 34 Amanita phalloides, 40 Salivary glands Schistosoma haematobium
Riboflavin, 65 RNA polymerases, 40 adrenergic receptors in, 236 bladder cancer, 222
Ribose, 77 types and functions of, 39 Salivary gland tumors, 383 disease association, 158
Ribosomes RNA processing (eukaryotes), 40 Salmeterol, 241, 708 squamous cell carcinoma of
protein synthesis, 43 RNA viruses Salmonella spp bladder, 624
Rice-water diarrhea genome, 160 comparison with Shigella, 142 Schistosoma japonicum
organisms causing, 176 SARS-CoV-2, 170 Shigella spp vs, 142 portal hypertension, 158
Vibrio cholerae, 144 structure and medical importance, animal transmission, 147 Schistosoma mansoni
Richter transformation, 437 164 bloody diarrhea, 176 portal hypertension, 158
Rickets Robertsonian translocation, 62 food poisoning, 175 Schistosomiasis
hypophosphatemic, 611 Rocker-bottom feet, 61 osteomyelitis, 177 portal hypertension with, 396
metaphyseal cupping/fraying, 468 “Rocket tails”, 137 penicillins for, 185 pulmonary arterial hypertension,
vitamin D and, 68 Rocky Mountain spotted fever reactive arthritis, 475 700
Rickettsia spp animal transmission, 147 TMP-SMX, 191 Schizoid personality disorder, 584
stains for, 123 chloramphenicol, 189 virulence factors, 142 Schizophrenia
tetracyclines, 189 vector-borne illness, 148 Salmonella typhi (ty-Vi) diagnostic criteria and treatment,
Rickettsia prowazekii Rocuronium, 568 Shigella comparison, 142 579
transmission of, 147, 148, 158 Roflumilast, 245, 708 Salpingitis, 182 hallucinations with, 578

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INDEX  819
neurotransmitter changes with, 506 febrile, 532 Serratia marcescens Shigella boydii, 143
preferred medications for, 592, 593 neurologic drug reactions, 250 in immunodeficiency, 126 Shigella dysenteriae, 142
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders, Selection bias, 262 treatment of, 186 Shigella flexneri, 142
579 Selective dorsal rhizotomy, 547 urinary tract infections, 179 Shigella sonnei, 142, 143
Schizotypal personality disorder, 579, Selective estrogen receptor Sertoli cells Shine-Dalgarno sequence, 43
584 modulators, 446, 676 secretions of, 641, 648 Shingles (zoster), 162, 483
Schüffner stippling, 154 Selective IgA deficiency, 114 sexual differentiation, 642 Shock
Schwann cells Selective mutism, 576 tumors of, 673 cardiogenic, 290, 309, 314, 321
functions of, 504 Selective α1 blockers, 243 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, 667 Ebola, 169
in demyelinating disorders, 540 Selective α2 blockers, 243 Sertraline, 595 endotoxins, 129
Schwannomas, 541 Selegiline, 565, 595 Serum amyloid A hypovolemic, 299
characteristics and histology, 542 Selenium sulfide, 488 acute phase reactants, 209 norepinephrine for, 241
Sciatic nerve, 456 Self-mutilation Serum iron superantigens causing, 131
SCID (severe combined fragile X syndrome, 60 iron study interpretation, 423 types, causes, signs, and treatment,
immunodeficiency) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 35 Serum markers (liver pathology), 397 317
causes of, 35 Self-reacting lymphocytes, 204 Serum osmolality Short acting insulin, 358
lymphopenia with, 429 Semaglutide, 359 primary polydipsia and diabetes Short bowel syndrome, 381
Sclerae Semimembranosus, 455 insipidus, 342 Shoulder drop, 463
alkaptonuria, 82 Seminal vesicles, 641 regulation of, 333 Shoulder dystocia, 654
osteogenesis imperfecta, 48, 49 Seminiferous tubules, cells and Serum tumor markers Sialadenitis, 383
Sclerodactyly, 481 functions, 648 α-fetoprotein (AFP), 222, 667 Sialolithiasis, 383
Scleroderma Seminoma (PLAP), 222, 673 dysgerminoma, 222, 667 Sialyl Lewisx, 211
esophageal involvement, 384 Semitendinosus, 455 pancreatic adenocarcinomas, 222, Sickle cell anemia, 671
types of, 481 Senna, 408 405 causes and findings, 428
Scleroderma (diffuse) Sensitivity (true-positive rate), 260 placental alkaline phosphatase, osteonecrosis and, 468
autoantibody, 113 Sensorineural hearing loss, 312, 550 222, 673 Sickle cell disease
Sclerosing adenosis, 669 Sensory cortex, 528 prostatic acid phosphatase, 222, chromosomal abnormality, 62
Sclerosing cholangitis, 400 topographic representation, 514 674 hydroxyurea use with, 444
ulcerative colitis association, 389 Sensory innervation use and associations of, 222 iron poisoning with, 431
Scoliosis derivation of, 640 yolk sac tumor, 222, 667 Sickle cells, 421
restrictive lung disease with, 696 tongue, 503 17α-hydroxylase, 339 Sick sinus syndrome, 312
Scombroid poisoning, 246 Sensory loss 17-hydroxyprogesterone, 339 Sideroblastic anemia
Scopolamine, 240 conversion disorder and, 585 Severe combined immunodeficiency causes and lab findings, 425
effects on pupil size, 251 stroke effects, 528 (SCID), 115 RBC inclusions in, 422
Scoring of USMLE Step 1 exam, 7, Sensory modalities/pathways Sevoflurane, 567 vitamin B6 deficiency, 65
9–10 thalamus in, 509 Sex chromosome disorders Sigmoid colon, 390
Scorpion sting, 404 Sensory receptors karyotyping for, 53 Sigmoid volvulus, 392
Scotoma, 559 fiber type, location and modality, types of, 657 Signaling pathways
Scrotal lesions 505 Sex cord stromal tumors, 666 for endocrine hormones, 341
benign, 672 Separation anxiety disorder, 576 ovarian, 667 steroid hormones, 341
scrotal enlargement, 671 Sepsis Sex hormone–binding globulin Signal recognition particle (SRP), 45
varicocele, 671 ARDS, 699 (SHBG) Signet ring cells, 386
Scrotum immunodeficient patients, 116 steroid hormone signaling Sign of Leser-Trélat, 224
lymphatic drainage, 644 lymphopenia with, 429 pathways, 341 Sildenafil, 245, 671
Scurvy, 48 neutropenia with, 429 Sex steroid replacement, 343 Silencer (gene expression), 39
vitamin C deficiency, 67 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 Sexual abuse (child), 575 Silent mutation, 38
Seafood toxins (ingested), 246 Streptococcus agalactiae, 135 Sexual development/disorders Silica
Seal-like barking cough, 167 Septate uterus, 642 diagnosis by physical carcinogenicity, 221
Seasonal affective disorder, 580 Septic arthritis characteristics, 658 inflammation stimulus, 212
Seborrheic dermatitis, 484 causes and treatment, 474 diagnosis by sex hormones, 658 Silicosis, 698
Seborrheic keratosis, 485 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 140 46,XX DSD, 657 Silver stain, 123
Sebum, 485 Septicemia 46,XY DSD, 657 Simple pneumothorax physical
Secondary amyloidosis, 208 Listeria monocytogenes, 137 other disorders of, 657 findings, 700
Secondary and tertiary adrenal Septic shock ovotesticular DSD, 657 Simple vs complex renal cysts, 624
insufficiency, 353 diffuse cortical necrosis (renal), 623 Tanner stages of, 656 Simvastatin, 324
Secondary biliary cholangitis, 402 norepinephrine for, 241 Sexual differentiation, 642 Single nucleotide (point) mutation,
Secondary disease prevention, 255 Septum primum, 284 Sexual dysfunction, 586 38
Secondary glomerular disease, 614 Septum secundum, 284 Sexually transmitted infections Single nucleotide polymorphisms
Secondary hyperaldosteronism, 354 Sequence (morphogenesis), 635 clinical feature and pathogens, (SNPs), 52
Secondary hyperparathyroidism Serine, 220 180 Single nucleotide substitutions, 38
lab values in, 469 SERMs molluscum contagiosum, 487 Single-stranded binding proteins, 36
lab values with, 348 thrombotic complications with, parental consent with, 268 Single umbilical artery, 638
presentation and findings, 349 249 Trichomonas vaginalis, 155 Sinusitis
Secondary lactase deficiency, 79 Serologic markers Sézary syndrome, 435 brain abscesses, 177
Secondary spontaneous hepatitis, 172 SGLT-2 inhibitor granulomatosis with polyangiitis,
pneumothorax, 702 Seronegative spondyloarthritis, 475 naming conventions for, 253 479
Secondary syphilis, 145 Serosa (digestive tract), 369 Shawl and face rash, 477 Kartagener syndrome, 47
Second-degree AV block, 313 Serotonergic agonists Sheehan syndrome, 343 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 134
2nd generation sulfonylureas, 359 enteric nerve stimulation, 408 Shiga toxin, 128, 142 Sinus venarum, 286
Second messengers Serotonin hemolytic-uremic syndrome, 143 Sinus venosus, horns of, 286
G-protein linked, 237 synthesis and change with diseases, mechanism, 130 Sirolimus (Rapamycin)
Second-wind phenomenon, 85 506 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia immunosuppression, 118
Secretin vomiting center input, 507 coli (STEC) infection, 432 Sister Mary Joseph nodules, 386
secretory cell location, 379 Serotonin syndrome Shigella Sitagliptin, 359
somatostatinomas and, 357 cause, manifestation and treatment, comparison with Salmonella, 142 Situational syncope, 318
source, action and regulation, 378 589 Shigella spp 6-mercaptopurine
Secretory (exported) protein synthesis, dextromethorphan, 706 bloody diarrhea, 176 for ulcerative colitis, 389
45 MDMA, 591 comparison with Salmonella spp, mechanism, use and adverse
Secukinumab oxazolidinones, 190 142 effects, 444
target and clinical use, 120 Serous carcinoma, 666 penicillinase-sensitive penicillins purine synthesis, 34
Seizures Serous cystadenoma, 666 for, 185 Sjögren syndrome
anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, Serpentine cord, 138 reactive arthritis, 475 autoantibody, 113
224 Serrated polyps, 394 TMP-SMX, 191 characteristics, complications, and
benzodiazepine withdrawal, 563 Serratia spp toxin, 130 labs, 474
characteristics and forms of, 533 immunodeficient patients, 116 vs Salmonella spp, 142 pilocarpine for, 239

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