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Skeletal muscle SLE-like syndrome Sodium channel blockers Spina bifida occulta, 501
ACh receptors in, 235 procainamide, 326 classes, mechanism, use and Spinal cord
atrophy and hypertrophy in, 460 Sliding hiatal hernia, 377 adverse effects, 326 anterior horn degeneration, 41
blood flow autoregulation to, Slime (S) layer (bacteria), 122 Class IA, 326 lesions and syndromes of, 546
300 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis Class IB, 326 lower extent of, 522
fiber types and metabolism, 460 avascular necrosis, 468 Sodium channels reflexes and nerve roots, 525
glycogen in, 84 osteonecrosis, 466 pacemaker action potential and, tracts and functions of, 524
ossification in, 477 Slow acetylators, 230 297 tracts in, 523
relaxants, 569 Slow-wave sleep, 508 Sodium-cyanide nitroprusside test Spinal cord lesions/syndromes
Skewed distributions, 264 SMAD4 (DPC4) gene (urinary), 83 causes of, 546
Skin product and associated condition, Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 in multiple sclerosis, 539
aging effects on, 225 220 inhibitors, 359 Spinal dysraphism types, 501
blood flow autoregulation to, 300 Small bowel obstruction, 393 Sodium oxybate (GHB) Spinal muscular atrophy, 546
carcinogens affecting, 221 Small cell carcinoma narcolepsy treatment, 587 presentation, 546
changes in pregnancy, 653 carcinogens for, 221 Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, 361 splicing of pre-mRNA in, 41
collagen in, 48 immunohistochemical stain, 223 Sodium-potassium pump, 47 Spinal nerves, 522
common disorders, 485 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic Sodium stibogluconate, 155, 196 Spinal reflexes/nerve roots
drug reactions, 249 syndrome, 480 Sodium thiosulfate, 691 clinical reflexes, 525
epithelial cell junctions, 482 location and characteristics, 705 Sofosbuvir, 200 Spinal tract anatomy/function
exocrine glands, 482 paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 Solifenacin, 240 ascending tracts, 524
extrahepatic manifestations of serum tumor marker, 222 Solitary nucleus of medulla, 299 Spinocerebellar degeneration
hepatitis, 172 Small interfering RNA (siRNA), 54 Somatic hypermutation, 99 abetalipoproteinemia, 92
hyperextensible, 49 Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, Somatic mosaicism, 55 Spinocerebellar tracts, 546
inflammatory diseases, 133 393 Sturge-Weber syndrome, 541 Spinothalamic tract
layers of, 481 Small intestine Somatic nerves in anterior spinal artery occlusion,
nodules in, 319 migrating motor complexes male sexual response, 647 546
normal microbiota, 133, 75 production, 378 Somatic symptom disorders Spinothalamic tracts, 523
pigmentation, 54 Small lymphocytic lymphoma/ and related disorders, 585 location and functions, 524
warfarin-induced necrosis, 433 chronic lymphocytic factitious and malingering Spirochetes
Skin anatomy leukemia, 437 comparisons, 585 clinical significance, 144
layers of, 481 Small molecule inhibitors Somatomedin C Spironolactone, 629, 678
Skin cancer naming conventions for, 254 effects of, 333 Spleen
albinism and, 484 Small nuclear RNA (snRNA), 40 Somatosensory cortex, 509 anatomy, 96
field cancerization, 221 Smallpox, 161 Somatostatin embryology, 367
Lynch syndrome and, 394 Small-vessel vasculitis, epidemiology/ function of, 332 in leukemias, 437
paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 presentation, 478 secretory cell locations, 379 platelet destruction in, 432
types and epidemiology, 493 SMN1 mutation, 546 source, action, and regulation of, platelet storage in, 413
Skin disorders/lesions Smoking 378 Splenectomy
blistering, 489, 490 abdominal aortic aneurysms and, Somatostatinoma secretions, 357 with autoimmune hemolytic
blue/gray deposits, 328 305 Sonic hedgehog (SHH) anemia, 429
café-au-lait spots, 55 aneurism risks, 532 basal plate development, 500 with hereditary spherocytosis, 428
erythema multiforme, 149 atherosclerosis and, 305 in embryogenesis, 632 Splenic artery, 368
Gottron papules, 224 Buerger disease and, 478 Sorbitol metabolism, 79 Splenic flexure, 370
hyperlipidemia signs, 305 bupropion for cessation, 596 Sotalol, 328 Splenomegaly
hyperpigmentation, 360 carcinogenicity, 221, 705 Southern blot, 51 hairy cell leukemia, 437
inflammatory bowel disease, 389 emphysema, 694 Southwestern blot, 51 hereditary spherocytosis, 428
Kaposi sarcoma, 162 esophageal cancer risk, 385 Space of Disse, 374 myelofibrosis, 437
kwashiorkor, 69 lung cancer, 705 Spaghetti and meatballs appearance, visceral leishmaniasis, 155
macroscopic terms, 483 renal cell carcinoma, 625 488 Splenorenal ligament, 368
miscellaneous, 491 stomach cancer and, 386 Spasticity Splice site mutation, 38
petechiae, 413 teratogenic effects of, 634 motor neuron lesions and, 545 Splicing errors
pigmentation disorders, 484 transitional cell carcinoma, 626 Zika virus, 168 Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 59
scaling, 488 Smooth/diffuse goiter, 346 Spastic paralysis Splicing of pre-mRNA, 40, 41
scaly, 64 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 45 tetanospasmin, 130 alternative splicing, 41
seborrheic keratoses, 224 Smooth muscle unvaccinated children, 183 Splinter hemorrhages, 318
target lesions, 490 adrenergic receptors in, 236 Spastic paresis, 545 Splitting, 573
T-cell lymphoma, 435 α1-blocker relaxation of, 236 Specialized transduction, 128 Splitting of S2 heart sound, 294
telangiectasia, 320, 481 glomus tumors, 486 Special senses Splitting (twinning), 637
ulcers, 155 tumor nomenclature, 216 aging changes, 225 Spondyloarthritis (seronegative), 475
vascular tumors, 486 Smooth muscle (vascular) ophthalmology, 551 Spongiosis, characteristics/examples,
vasculitides, 479 cell migration and proliferation, otology, 549 483
Skin infections, 487 305 Specificity (true-negative rate), 260 Spontaneous abortion
bacterial infections, 487 contraction and relaxation, 460 Specific learning disorder, 576 Listeria monocytogenes, 137
HSV1 and HSV2, 487 Smudge cells, 437 Speckled ANA, 476 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, 397
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 141 SNARE proteins Sperm Spontaneous pneumothorax, 702
viral, 487 in neurotransmission, 130 ejaculation pathway, 646 Spore (bacteria), 122
Skin lesions SNc (substantia nigra pars compacta), Spermatocele, 672 Spore-forming bacteria, 127
with carbon monoxide poisoning, 506 Spermatocytes, 648 Spores (bacteria), 127
691 SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine Spermatogenesis, 649 Sporicidal agents, 127
Skip lesions, 389 reuptake inhibitors ) cryptorchidism and, 671 Sporothrix schenckii
Skull thickening, 468 major depressive disorder, 580 Spermatogonia, 648 opportunistic infection, 151
Slapped cheek rash, 178 mechanism and clinical use, 595 Spermatozoa Sporotrichosis, 151
Sleep apnea, types of, 699 snRNP assembly, 546 immobile, 47 Spot desmosome, 482
Sleep deprivation spinal muscular atrophy, 41 Sphenopalatine artery, epistaxis and, Sprain (ankle), 458
leptin production with, 340 Snuffles, 145 692 Sprue
Sleep disturbance “Soap bubble” appearance/lesions Spherocytes, 421, 429 vitamin B12 deficiency, 67
benzodiazepines and, 590 Cryptococcus neoformans, 150 Spherocytosis “Spur cells”, 420
sleep stages and, 508 giant cell tumor, 470 extrinsic hemolytic anemia, 427 Squalene epoxidase, 196
sleep terror disorder, 587 Social anxiety disorder, 582 hereditary, 428 Squamous cell carcinoma, 493
Sleep physiology preferred medications for, 592 Spherule, 149 anus and cervix, 174
stages and EEG, 508 SSRIs for, 595 Sphincter of Oddi, 378 bladder, 157, 158, 626
Sleep spindles, 508 SOD1 mutations, 546 Sphingolipidoses, 86 carcinogens for, 221
Sleep terror disorder, 587 Sodium Sphingomyelin, 86 cervix, 664
Sleepwalking, 508 low vs high serum concentration Sphingomyelinase, 86 esophagus, 385
Sleepwalking, treatment, 508 effects, 611 Spigelian hernia, 376 head and neck, 692

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INDEX  821
hypercalcemia with, 223 Starling forces, 301 Streptococcus gallolyticus, 135 Subdural hematomas, 530
lungs, 705 Start and stop codons, 42 infective endocarditis, 318 Subendocardium, infarction, 206
of skin, 493 Starvation Streptococcus mutans, 175 Sublimation, 573
oral, 383 ketone bodies in, 88 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 134 Submucosa, 369
pectinate line and, 373 leptin production, 340 chloramphenicol, 189 Submucosal nerve plexus (Meissner),
penis, 671 phases of, 89 otitis media, 549 369
PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) STAT3 mutation, 114 types of pneumonia with, 703 Submucosal polyps, 394
functions, 336 Statins Streptococcus pyogenes, 134 Substance P, 534
vaginal, 664 acute coronary syndrome crysipelas, 487 Substance use
Squamous epithelium, 646 treatments, 315 signs and symptoms, 178 teratogenicity of, 634
vulvar pathology, 663 hepatitis with, 248 toxin production, 131 Substance use disorder, 587
Squamous metaplasia mechanism and adverse effects, 324 Streptolysin O, 131 Subthalamic nucleus, lesions, 526
Vitamin A, 64 myopathy with, 249 Streptomycin, 188 Subunit vaccines, 109
Squatting (auscultation of heart), Statistical distribution, 264 Stress cardiomyopathy, 315 Succimer
295, 302 Statistical hypothesis testing, 264 Stress incontinence, 620 heavy metal toxicity, 247
Squirt sign, 391 common tests, 266 Stress-related disorders, 583 lead poisoning, 425
SRY gene, 641 confidence interval, 266 Stretch receptors, 505 Succinate dehydrogenase, 65
ssDNA, 160 outcomes, 265 Striated muscle Succinylcholine, 568, 610
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake Statistical tests, common, 266 tumor nomenclature, 216 Succinyl-CoA
inhibitors) Statistical vs clinical significance, 265 Striatum, 512 gluconeogenesis, 76
anxiety disorders, 582 Status epilepticus, 533 dopamine second messenger TCA cycle, 74
atypical depression, 580 treatment, 563 functions, 237 Sucking reflex, 525
clinical use, 592 Steady state, 229 Stridor, inspiratory, 167 Sucralfate
in psychiatric conditions, 592 Steatorrhea “String of beads” appearance (renal mechanism and clinical use, 406
major depressive disorder, 580 abetalipoproteinemia, 92 artery), 304, 478 Sudden acute respiratory syndrome,
mechanism, use and adverse chronic pancreatitis, 404 Stroke, 441 164
effects, 595 malabsorption syndromes, 63 central poststroke pain, 531 Sudden cardiac death
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 582 malabsorption syndromes and, 388 eclampsia, 662 hereditary channelopathies, 312
panic disorder, 582 octreotide effect, 407 homocystinuria, 83 with myocarditis, 320
phobias, 582 with orlistat, 407 hypertension, 304 Sudden death
SIADH caused by, 248 Steatosis (hepatic), 398 ischemic, types of, 527 cardiac death, 315
SIADH with, 342 Steeple sign (x-ray), 167 lesion area and symptoms, 528 cocaine use, 591
ssRNA Stellate ganglion, 706 sickle cell anemia, 428 sleep apnea, 699
viral genomes, 160 Stem cells syphilis, 145 Sudeck point, 206
Stable angina, 308 defect in aplastic anemia, 427 thrombolytic drugs with, 442 Suicide
manifestations of, 308 paroxysmal nocturnal Strokes confidentiality issues and, 269
Stable (quiescent) cells, 44 hemoglobinuria, 428 hemorrhagic intraparenchymal, deaths from, 276
Stab wounds and winged scapula, 452 STEMI 532 physician-assisted, 272
Staghorn calculi, 619 manifestations of, 308 Stroke volume risk factors for death, 581
Stains, 123 Steppage gait, 457 equation for, 290 risk with panic disorders, 582
Standard deviation Sterile pyuria, 621 factors affecting, 289 Sulbactam, 186
dispersion/variability, 264 Sterilization/disinfection methods, Strongyloides spp, 155 Sulfa allergies
Standard error of the mean, 264 200 Strongyloides stercoralis acetazolamide, 251
Standing Valsalva, 295 Steroid diabetes, 350 disease, transmission and celecoxib, 251
Stanford type A aortic dissection, 307 Steroids treatment, 156 furosemide, 251
Stanford type B aortic dissection, 307 acute pancreatitis, 404 Structural quality measurement, 277 hemolytic anemia, 251
Stapedial artery, 285 berylliosis, 698 Struvite (magnesium ammonium probenecid, 251
Stapedius muscle, 640 multiple sclerosis treatment, 539 phosphate) stones, 125 Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 251
Stapes (ossicles), 549 synthesis of, 45 ST segment, 298 sulfasalazine, 251
Staphylococcal scalded skin Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 191 ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI) thiazides, 251
syndrome, 487 atypical variant of, 148 acute coronary syndrome Sulfadiazine, 191
Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome drug reaction and, 249, 490 treatments, 315 Toxoplasma gondii, 153
(TSS), 133 sulfa allergies and, 249, 251 diagnosis of, 310 Sulfa drugs, 249
Staphylococcus aureus, 133 with anticonvulsants, 561 ECG localization of, 310 adverse effects, 251
acute infective endocarditis, 318 Stimulant laxatives, 408 NSTEMI comparison, 310 drug reaction with eosinophilia and
brain abscess, 177 Stimulants, intoxication and Studying for USMLE Step 1 exam systemic symptoms, 249
bronchopneumonia, 703 withdrawal, 590 timeline for, 14–17 interstitial nephritis with, 250
bullous impetigo, 487 St. John’s wort Study materials, 18–19 megaloblastic, 249
food poisoning, 175 cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251 Study schedule, 14–18 sulfa allergies and, 251
hospital-associated infections, 182 Stomach Sturge-Weber syndrome Sulfamethoxazole (SMX), 191
in cystic fibrosis, 58 carcinogens affecting, 221 presentation, 541 Sulfapyridine, 407
inflammatory breast disease, 669 histology, 369 Stylohyoid ligament, 640 Sulfasalazine
lung abscesses, 704 secretin effect on, 379 Stylohyoid muscle, 640 mechanism, clinical use and
nasal colonization, 175 Strabismus, 555, 557 Styloid process, 640 adverse effects, 407
osteomyelitis, 177 Strategies Stylopharyngeus, 640 sulfa allergies and, 251
pigment production, 126 clinical vignette, 21 Subacute combined degeneration, Sulfatides, 138
postsurgical prophylaxis, 194 test-taking, 19–20 67, 546 Sulfisoxazole, 191
psoas abscess, 463 Stratified analysis, 263 Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis, Sulfonamides
skin infections, 487 “Strawberry cervix”, 179, 180 213, 345 Bordetella pertussis, 141
toxin production, 131 Trichomonas vaginalis, 155 Subacute infective endocarditis, 318 cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis
Staphylococcus epidermidis, 133 Strawberry (infantile) hemangioma, Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis with, 478
biofilm production, 126 486 (SSPE), 167 cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251
healthcare-associated infections, Strawberry tongue, 178 Subarachnoid hemorrhage glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
182 Kawasaki disease, 478 aneurysms, 532 deficiency, 77
normal skin microbiota, 175 scarlet fever, 134 cause and effects of, 530 hemolysis in G6PD deficiency, 249
osteomyelitis, 177 Streak gonads, 642 nimodipine for, 323 mechanism, use and adverse
vancomycin for, 187 Streptococcus spp Subarachnoid space, 507 effects, 191
Staphylococcus pyogenes septic arthritis, 474 Subclavian arteries, embryonic Nocardia treatment, 137
necrotizing fasciitis, 487 viridans group, 134 development, 285 photosensitivity with, 249
skin infections, 487 Streptococcus agalactiae (group B Subclavian steal syndrome, 307 pregnancy contraindication, 200
Staphylococcus saprophyticus, 134 strep), 135 Subcutaneous emphysema, 384, 693 trimethoprim, 191
acute cystitis, 621 β-hemolytic nature of, 135 Subcutaneous fat Sulfonylureas
kidney stones and, 619 hippurate test for, 135 erythema nodosum in, 491 disulfiram-like reaction with, 250
urinary tract infections, 179 Streptococcus aureus skin layers, 481 mechanism and adverse effects,
Starling curves, 290 septic arthritis, 474 Subcutis, 481 359

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Sulfur granules, 126 indirect, 241 T Tea-colored urine, 430

Sumatriptan, 564 micturition control, 236 Tabes dorsalis “Teardrop” RBCs, 420, 438
cluster headaches, 534 physiologic effects of, 242 spinal cord lesions with, 546 Teeth
Sunburn, 491 pupil size effects, 251 syphilis, 145, 180 congenital syphilis, 145
Sunburst pattern (x-ray), 471 Synaptophysin, 503 Tachyarrhythmia dentinogenesis imperfecta, 49
Superantigens, 131, 133 tumor identification, 223, 544 isoproterenol for evaluating, 241 discoloration, 189, 200, 249
Superficial burn, 492 Synaptophysin, tumor identification, thyroid storm, 346 osteogenesis imperfecta, 49
Superficial inguinal nodes, 644 223 Tachycardia Telangiectasias
Superficial partial-thickness burn, 492 Syncope β-blockers for supraventricular, 244 basal cell carcinomas, 493
Superficial peroneal nerve, 457 atrial tumors, 320 narrow complex, 311 hereditary hemorrhagic, 320
Superior gluteal nerve, 457 carotid massage, 299 phencyclidine, 591 Telencephalon, 500
Superior mesenteric artery during exercise, 315 phenoxybenzamine, 243 Tellurite agar, 124
embryology of, 364 types and causes, 318 stimulants and, 590 Telomerase, 36
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome with aortic stenosis, 296 thyroid hormones, 360 Telophase, 44
intestinal obstruction with, 370 with true ventricular aneurysm, wide complex, 312 Telotristat, 357
Superior oblique muscle, 557 314 Tachyphylactic drug interaction, 234 Temazepam, 563
Superior rectus muscle, 557 Syndrome of apparent Tacrolimus Temperature control
Superior vena cava (SVC) mineralocorticoid excess hyperglycemia, 248 mechanisms for, 300
embryologic derivation of, 286 renal disorder features, 611 immunosuppression, 118 Temperature sensation
Superior vena cava syndrome renal tubular defects, 606 Tadalafil, 245, 674 receptors, 505
cause, presentation and treatment, Syndrome of inappropriate Taenia solium Temporal lobe, 509
706 antidiuretic hormone disease, transmission and brain abscess, 177
lung cancer, 706 secretion treatment, 157 encephalitis, 116
Pancoast tumor, 706 aldosterone, 342 neurocysticercosis, 158 Temporomandibular disorders, 465
thymoma, 96 atrial natriuretic peptide, 342 praziquantel, 157 Tenapanor, 408
with lung cancer, 705 brain natriuretic peptide, 342 Takayasu arteritis, 478 Tendinopathy (rotator cuff), 451
Supination conivaptan, 360 Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, 315 Tendinous xanthomas, 92, 305
deficit in Erb palsy, 452 cyclophosphamide, 248 Tamoxifen Tendons, collagen in, 48
forearm, 450 diuretic use, 342 estrogen receptor modulator, 676 Tenecteplase (TNK-tPA), 442
Supine hypertension, 241 drugs causing, 248 hot flashes with, 248 Teniposide, 445
Supine hypotensive syndrome, 663 paraneoplastic syndrome, 224 mechanism, use and adverse “Tennis rackets” (Birbeck granules),
Supportive therapy, 592 renal disorders feature, 611 effects, 446 439
Suppression (defense mechanism), Syndrome of inappropriate Tamsulosin, 236, 243, 678 Tenofovir
573 antidiuretic hormone T- and B-cell activation, 101 Fanconi syndrome with, 250
Suprachiasmatic nucleus secretion (SIADH) Tanner stages (sexual development), HIV therapy, 199
circadian rhythm, 509 characteristics, findings, treatment 656 Tenosynovitis, 474
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and causes, 342 Tapeworms, 157 Tension headaches, 534
sleep physiology and, 508 Synthases, 71 Tardive dyskinesia Tension pneumothorax
Supracondylar fracture, 450 Synthetases, 71 drugs causing, 250 physical findings, 700
Supraoptic nucleus Syntrophoblast, 636 treatment, 566 presentation and treatment, 702
secretions of, 331, 509 Syphilis Target cells, 421, 428 Tensor fascia latae muscle, 455
Suprascapular nerve, 451 clinical significance, 145 “target sign” (imaging), 392 Tensor tympani muscle, 640
Supraspinatus muscle, 451, 452 Tarsal tunnel syndrome, 457 Tensor veli palatini muscle, 640
diagnosis, 146
Supraventricular tachycardia Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase Teratogenicity
features of tertiary, 180 ACE inhibitors, 630
adenosine for diagnosing, 328 fetal infection, 181 stain, 437
β-blocker use, 244 Taste angiotensin II receptor blockers,
heart disease with, 319 630
Suramin, 153, 196 painless chancre (primary), 180 cortical stroke, 528
Surface ectoderm derivatives, 633 cranial nerve lesions, 548 griseofulvin, 196, 200
symptoms with secondary, 180 in organogenesis, 634
Surface F protein, 166 TORCH infection, 181 cranial nerve nuclei, 517
Surfactant synthesis cranial nerves and, 521 leflunomide, 495
Syphilitic heart disease, 319 medications, 634
atelectasis with lack of, 701 Syringomyelia, 502 drugs affecting, 192, 196
in acute respiratory distress thalamic nuclei, 509 methimazole in pregnancy, 360
Systemic amyloidosis, 208 ribavirin, 200
syndrome, 699 Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, tongue development, 503
thyroid hormone effects, 335 TATA box, 39 Vitamin A, 64
474 with anticonvulsants, 561
Surgical neck of humerus, 458 Taxane naming convention, 252
Systemic lupus erythematosus Taxanes Teratoma
Surrogate decision-maker, 268, 269 antiphospholipid syndrome and,
Survival motor neuron protein, 546 mechanism, use and adverse hormone levels with, 673
476 effects, 445 immature, 666
Sustained angiogenesis, 217 autoantibody, 113
Suvorexant, 564 microtubule effects of, 46 testicular, 673
glomerulonephritis with, 617 Tay-Sachs disease, 86 Terazosin, 243, 674
Swallowing HLA subtypes, 98
motor innervation, 517, 521 Tazobactam, 186 Terbinafine, 196
mixed connective tissue disease, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with Terbutaline, 241
tongue movement in, 503, 521 476
Swan-Ganz catheter, 300 piperacillin, 141 Teres minor, 451
presentation and findings, 476 T-cell differentiation Teriparatide, 467, 496
Swan neck deformity, 472 Raynaud phenomenon, 480 differentiation, 106 Terminal complement deficiencies
Swarming, 179 Type III hypersensitivity, 111 (C5-C9), 105
Sweat glands T cells, 415
Systemic mycoses activation, 101 Termination (protein synthesis), 43
innervation of, 235 azoles, 196 Tertiary disease prevention, 255
Swiss cheese model, 277 anergy, 108
caseous necrosis, 205 cell surface proteins, 108 Tertiary hyperparathyroidism, 349
Sydenham chorea, 319 endemic location, pathologic Tertiary syphilis, 145
Sympathetic nervous system cytokines secreted by, 106
features, 149 cytotoxic, 100 thoracic aortic aneurysm with, 306
denervation of face, 557 treatment, 195 Tesamorelin
diabetes mellitus, 351
gastrointestinal innervation by, 371 Systemic primary carnitine differentiation of, 100 HIV-associated lipodystrophy, 332
male sexual response, 647 deficiency, 87 disorders of, 114, 115 Testes
receptor targets, 235 Systemic sclerosis, mixed connective exhaustion/dysfunction, 218 descent of, 644
venous return and, 291 tissue disease, 476 functions of, 99 immune privilege, 97
Sympatholytics Systemic vascular resistance glucocorticoid effects, 119 mumps virus, 167
pupil size effects of, 251 in shock, 317 hypersensitivity reactions, 111 progesterone production, 650
α2-agonists, 243 Systemic venous emboli, 303 infections in immunodeficiency, Testicular atrophy
α-blockers, 243 Systolic dysfunction 116 alcohol use disorder, 592
β-blockers, 244 cardiomyopathies, 315 in thymus, 96 muscular dystrophy, 59
Sympathomimetics hear failure with reduced ejection neoplasms of, 435 Testicular cancer, 673
actions and applications of, 241 fraction, 316 regulatory, 100 serum tumor marker, 222
direct, 241 Systolic ejection, 292 sirolimus effect, 118 Testicular germ cell tumors
effects on pupil size, 251 Systolic heart murmurs, 296 transplant rejections, 117 serum tumor marker, 222

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INDEX  823
Testicular lymphoma, 673 Thionamides Thyroid cancer Tocolysis, 241
Testicular torsion, 671 mechanism, clinical use and diagnosis and treatment, 347 Tocolytics, 677
Testicular tumors adverse effects, 360 metastasis, 219 Tocopherol, 68
gynecomastia, 669 Thiopurines undifferentiated/anaplastic Tocotrienol, 68
non-germ cell tumors, 673 mechanism, use and adverse carcinoma, 347 Toddler development, 574
types and characteristics, 672 effects, 444 thyroid carcinoma Togaviruses
Testing agencies, 22 Thioridazine, 593 oncogene, 220 structure and medical importance,
Testis-determining factor, 641 Third-degree (complete) AV block, Thyroid development, 330 164
Testosterone, 655 313 Thyroid disease Tolbutamide, 359
in bilateral cryptorchidism, 671 Thirst center hypothyroidism vs hyperthyroidism, Tolcapone, 565
inhibition of synthesis, 196 primary polydipsia and, 342 344 Toll-like receptors, 97, 210
Leydig cell secretion, 648 Thoracic aortic aneurysm, 306 Thyroidectomy, 347 Tolterodine, 240
mechanism, use and adverse Thoracic outlet syndrome, 452, 705 Thyroid follicular cells, 330 Tolvaptan
effects, 678 Threadworms, 156 Thyroid gland dysgenesis, 345 SIADH treatment, 342
Sertoli cells, 648 Threonine, 79 Thyroid hormone Tongue
source and function, 655 Threonine kinase, 220 acetylation by receptors, 32 development and innervation of,
Testosterone-secreting tumors, 658 Thrombin, 442 Thyroid hormones 503
Test-taking strategy, 19–20 Thromboangiitis obliterans, 478 in toxic multinodular goiter, 346 ectopic thyroid tissue in, 330
Tetanospasmin effects, 130 Thrombocytes disorders, 432 source, function, and regulation, glossoptosis, 640
Tetanus (lockjaw), 183 Thrombocytes (platelets), 413 335 movement in swallowing, 521
Tetany Thrombocytopenia synergism with GH, 335 pharyngeal arch derivation, 640
electrolyte disturbances, 611 Class IA antiarrhythmics, 326 Thyroidization of kidney, 621 Tongue ulcers, 149
hypocalcemia, 611 drugs causing, 249 Thyroid peroxidase Tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure, 533
hypoparathyroidism, 348 ganciclovir, 198 functions of, 335 Tonic seizures, 533
Tetrabenazine, 252, 576 linezolid, 190 Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Tonsils
Tetracaine, 567 recombinant cytokines, 119 secretion of, 331 immune system organ, 94
Tetracyclines Shiga toxin, 143 Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin pharyngeal pouch derivation, 639
Fanconi syndrome with expired, 250 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 115 (TSI) Tooth abnormalities
idiopathic intracranial hypertension with sulfa allergies, 251 in Graves disease, 335 opalescent teeth, 49
with, 250 Thrombogenesis, 417 Thyroid storm, causes and findings, Tophus formation, 473
mechanism and clinical use, 189 Thrombolytic drugs, 253, 419 346 Topiramate
photosensitivity with, 249 Thrombolytics Thyrotoxic myopathy, 344 mechanism and adverse effects,
pregnancy contraindication, 200 mechanism, use and adverse Thyrotoxicosis 561
protein synthesis inhibitors, 188 effects, 442 β-adrenergic effects, 335 migraine headaches, 534
pseudotumor cerebri and, 538 Thrombophilias, hereditary, 433 cardiomyopathy with, 315 visual disturbance with, 250
teeth discoloration with, 249 Thrombopoietin, clinical use, 119 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone Topoisomerase inhibitors
teratogenicity of, 188, 634 Thrombosis (TRH) mechanism, use and adverse
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) agents causing, 249 function, 332 effects, 445
deficiency, 82 celecoxib, 495 Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), naming conventions for, 252
Tetrahydrofolates, 73 contraceptive and hormone 335 Topotecan, 445
Tetrahydrofolic acid (THF), 66 replacement, 249 Thyroxine (T4), 335, 343 Torsades de pointes
Tetralogy of Fallot, 285, 302 homocystinuria, 83 TIBC (total iron-binding capacity) causal agents for, 247
Tetrodotoxin, 246 Thrombotic microangiopathies, 432, lab values in anemia, 423 description and treatment, 312
Tezacaftor 662 microcytic anemia, 424 electrolyte disturbances, 611
in cystic fibrosis, 58 Thrombotic stroke, 527 Tibial nerve, 456, 457 magnesium for, 328
TGF-β Thrombotic thrombocytopenic Ticagrelor, 442 with antiarrhythmics, 326, 328
in acute inflammation, 210 purpura, 432 Tidal volume (TV), 684 Torsemide, 628
in wound healing, 212 Thromboxane A2 (TXA), 417 Tigecycline Torus (buckle) fracture, 467
scar formation, 214 Thrush, 115 mechanism, use and adverse Total lung capacity, 684
Th1 cells, cytokine secretion, 106 Candida albicans, 150 effects, 189 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 403
Th2 cells, cytokine secretion, 106 hairy leukoplakia vs, 487 Tight junctions, 482, 507 Total peripheral resistance, 291
Thalamus nystatin, 195 Timolol, 244, 327, 570 Touch
functions and nuclei of, 509 “Thumbprint” sign (imaging) colonic Tinea, 488 deep static, 505
limbic system and, 510 ischemia, 393 Tinea capitis, 488 fine/light, 505
neuropathic pain, 531 “Thumb sign” (x-ray), 140 Tinea corporis, 488 Tourette syndrome, 576
Thalassemia “Thunderclap headache”, 532 Tinea cruris, 488 preferred medications for, 592
iron poisoning with, 431 Thymic aplasia, 114 Tinea pedis, 488 sympatholytics for, 243
target cells with, 421 Thymic hyperplasia, 480 Tinea unguium, 488 Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN),
types and clinical outcomes, 424 Thymic shadow Tinea versicolor, 488 490
Thalidomide teratogenicity, 634 in severe combined Tinel sign, 463 Toxicity
Thayer-Martin agar, 124 immunodeficiency, 115 Tinidazole, 152 causes and treatments, 247
Theca interna cells, 648 in thymic aplasia, 114 Tinnitus immunosuppressants, 117
Theca lutein cysts, 661, 665 Thymidine kinase, 198 quinidine and, 326 of aspirin, 495
Thecoma, 667 Thymidylate synthase (dTMP) with aspirin, 495 seafood toxins, 246
Thelarche, 656 inhibition of, 34 Tiotropium, 708 Toxic megacolon
Thenar muscles, 450, 463 Thymine Tirofiban, 417, 442 Clostridioides difficile, 136
Theophylline, 245, 708 in nucleotides, 33 Tissue factor activation, 131 inflammatory bowel disease, 389
Therapeutic antibodies, 120 production of, 33 Tissue invasion (cancer), 217 Toxic multinodular goiter
Therapeutic index, 233 Thymoma, 96 Tissue mediators causes and findings, 346
Therapeutic privilege, 268 myasthenia gravis and, 224, 480 in wound healing, 212 Toxic shock–like syndrome, 131, 134
Therapeutic window paraneoplastic syndromes, 224 Tissue-restricted self-antigens, 100 Toxic shock syndrome
lithium, 589 Thymus Tizanidine, 569 staphylococcal, 133
safety and, 233 benign neoplasm, 96 TNM staging system, 216 toxin, 131
Theta waves (EEG), 508 derivation of, 639 Tobacco smoke, carcinogenicity of, Toxins
Thiamine, 64, 74, 82 Immune system organs, 96 221 exotoxins, 128
Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), T cell differentiation, 100 tobacco smoking lysogenic phage encoding, 128
64, 73 T cell origination in, 415 pulmonary fibrosis association, 696 myocarditis with, 320
Thiazide diuretics Thymus-dependent antigens, 103 Tobacco smoking seafood (ingested), 246
heart failure, 316 Thymus-independent antigens, atypical antidepressants for Toxocara spp
hypertension treatment, 321 103 cessation, 596 infection type and routes, 155
hyperuricemia with, 249 Thyroglossal duct, 330 effects of maternal smoking, 366 Toxocara canis
mechanism, use and adverse cyst, 330 esophageal cancer and, 385 disease, transmission and
effects, 629 Thyroid hypertension risk with, 304 treatment, 156
Thiazides carcinogens affecting, 221 mesothelioma, 697 Toxoids, 108, 109
sulfa allergies and, 251 Thyroid adenoma, 346 Tobramycin, 188 as vaccines, 129

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Toxoplasma spp Travelers’ diarrhea, 143, 176 Trimming (protein synthesis), 43 Tumor identification
brain abscess, 177 Trazodone Trinucleotide repeat expansion chromogranin, 223
Toxoplasma gondii mechanism, use and toxicity, 596 diseases, 60 immunohistochemical stains, 223
CNS infections, 153 Treacher Collins syndrome, 640 anticipation in, 54 Psammoma bodies, 213
in HIV positive adults, 174 “Tree bark” appearance, 319 “Triple bubble” (X-ray), 366 S-100, 493
TORCH infection, 181 Trematode infections Triptans serum markers, 222
Toxoplasmosis disease, transmission and angina triggers, 308 TRAP (tartrate-resistant acid
prophylaxis, 194 treatment, 157 for migraine headaches, 534 phosphatase), 223
pyrimethamine, 196 Tremor mechanism, use and adverse vimentin, 223
TP53 gene immunosuppressants, 118 effects, 564 Tumorigenesis
gene product and condition, 220 intention, 526, 535 Triquetrum, 453 Bcl-2 protein, 204
mutations, 150 resting, 526 Trismus (lockjaw), 130 Tumor (inflammation), 209
tPA, stroke treatment, 527 types of, 535 Trisomies (autosomal) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), 209, 213
Tracheal deviation, 700 Trench fever, 158 hCG levels, 654 leukocyte extravasation, 211
Tracheoesophageal anomalies, 366 Treponema spp horseshoe kidney with, 599 Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), 366 dark-field microscopy, 144 myotonic dystrophy, 59 inhibitors
Traction bronchiectasis, 696 Gram stain for, 123 ventral wall defect association, 365 mechanism, use and adverse
Tramadol, 569 Treponema pallidum Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), 61, effects, 497
seizures with, 250 sexual transmission, 180 654 Tumor necrosis factor-α
“Tram-track” appearance, 617 syphilis, 145 omphalocele association with, 365 effects of, 106
Transcription factor, 220 Triamterene, 629 Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), immunotherapy target, 120
Transcription factor motif, 69 Triazolam, 563 61, 654 Tumor nomenclature, benign vs
Transduction (bacterial genetics), 128 Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), 75 omphalocele association with, 365 malignant, 216
Transference, 572 ethanol metabolism, 70 Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), 61 Tumors, grade vs stage, 216
Transferrin hyperammonemia, 76 tRNA Tumor suppressor genes
acute phase reactants, 209 metabolic site, 72 structure and charging, 42 gene product and associated
free radical injury, 206 products and cofactors, 75 Trochlear nerve (CN IV) condition, 220
indirect measure of, 423 pyruvate metabolism, 75 damage to, 558 mutations, 44
iron study interpretation, 423 rate-determining enzyme for, 71 function ans types, 521 Tumor suppressors
lab values in anemia, 423 Triceps reflex, 525 ocular motility, 557 cell cycle regulation, 44
Transformation (bacterial genetics), Triceps surae, 457 palsy, 560 Tumor suppressors in cell cycle, 44
128 Trichinella spiralis Tropheryma whipplei Tunica albuginea, 671
Transformation zone (cervix) transmission/treatment, 156 GI disease with, 388 Tunica vaginalis, 644
dysplasia, 664 Trichinosis, 156 stain for, 123 Turcot syndrome, 394
histology of, 646 Trichomonas spp Trophozoite ring, 154 Turner syndrome
Transfusion-related acute lung injury, metronidazole, 192 Tropical sprue, 388 aneuploidy, 54
112 vaginitis, 179 Tropicamide, 240 cardiac defect association, 304
Transgender, 586 Trichomonas vaginalis effects on pupil size, 251 characteristics of, 657
Transient ischemic attack, 527 sexually transmitted infection, 155, Troponins coarctation of aorta and, 304
Transitional cell carcinomas, 221, 626 180 diagnosis of MI, 310 females with, 59
carcinogens for, 221 signs/symptoms, 179 levels with angina and MI, 308 T wave (ECG), 298
Transition mutation, 38 Trichomoniasis, 180 muscle contraction, 459 21-hydroxylase, 339
Transjugular intrahepatic Trichophyton, 488 Trousseau sign, 348, 611 22q11 deletion syndromes, 114
portosystemic shunt (TIPS), Trichotillomania, 582 Trousseau syndrome, 224 cardiac defect association with, 304
372 Trichuris trichiura pancreatic cancer, 405 Twin concordance study, 256
Transketolase transmission and treatment, 156 True” diverticulum, 390 Twinning
vitamin B1 and, 64 Tricuspid atresia, 285, 302 True ventricular aneurysm, 314 timeline and types, 637
Translocations Tricuspid regurgitation, 292 Truncal ataxia Twin-twin transfusion syndrome, 637
Burkitt lymphoma, 435 heart murmur with, 296 with medulloblastoma, 544 2-naphthylamine, 221
Down syndrome, 61 Tricyclic antidepressants Truncus arteriosus, 286 Type 1 vs type 2 diabetes mellitus, 351
fluorescence in situ hybridization, antimuscarinic reactions to, 250 Trypanosoma brucei, 196 Type I collagen, 48
53 in multiple sclerosis treatment, 539 CNS infections, 153 Type I error (α) (statistical testing),
follicular lymphoma, 435 mechanism, use and adverse Trypanosoma cruzi 265
in protein synthesis, 43 effects, 595 nifurtimox for, 196 Type I hypersensitivity reaction
Mantle cell lymphoma, 435 naming convention for, 252 visceral infections, 155 antibody-mediated, 110
Robertsonian, 61 overdose and treatment, 589 Trypanosomes Type I skeletal muscle fibers, 460
Transpeptidase inhibitor naming pupil size with, 251 stains for, 123 Type II collagen, 48
conventions, 252 torsades de pointes, 247 Trypomastigote, 153 Type II error (β) (statistical testing),
Transpeptidases, 122 toxicity treatment, 247 Trypsin, 380 265
Transplants Trientine Trypsinogen Type II hypersensitivity reaction
immunosuppressants, 118 Wilson disease, 402 secretion of, 380 antibody-mediated, 110
rejection pathogenesis and features, Trifluoperazine, 593 Tryptase, 414 organ transplants, 117
117 Trigeminal nerve (CN V), 521 Tryptophan, 79 pemphigus vulgaris/bullous
Transposition of great arteries, 285 lesion of, 548 genetic coding for, 35 pemphigoid, 489
maternal diabetes and, 304 neuralgia, 534 TSC1/TSC2 genes rheumatic fever, 319
Transposon (bacteria), 129 pharyngeal arch derivation, 640 product and associated condition, Type III collagen, 48
Transtheoretical model of change, varicella-zoster virus, 162 220 Type III hypersensitivity reaction, 110
588 Triglycerides TSST-1, 133 fibrinoid necrosis, 205
Transthyretin, 209 acute pancreatitis, 404 t-test, 266 immune complex, 111
Transthyretin amyloidosis, 208 familial dyslipidemias, 92 T-tubule membrane, 459 infection-associated
Transversalis fascia, 377 pancreatitis, 92 Tuberculoid leprosy, 139 glomerulonephritis, 616
Transversion mutation, 38 transport and metabolism, 91 Tuberculosis, 138 SLE, 476
Transversus abdominis, 456 Von Gierke disease, 85 erythema nodosum, 491 Type IV hypersensitivity reaction
Tranylcypromine, 595 Trihexyphenidyl, 240, 565 psoas abscess with, 463 cell-mediated, 111
Trapezium bone, 453 Triiodothyronine (T3), 335 Tuberin protein, 220 contact dermatitis, 485
Trapezoid bone, 453 Trimethoprim Tuberoeruptive xanthomas, 92 graft-versus-host disease, 117
TRAP (tartrate-resistant acid effects in bacteria, 34 Tuberoinfundibular pathway, 510 Typhoid fever, 142
phosphatase) mechanism, use and adverse Tuberous sclerosis, 541 Typhus, 147, 148
tumor identification, 223 effects, 191 Tuberous sclerosis (TSC1 and TSC2) Tyrosinase, 484
Trastuzumab, 247, 446 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole chromosomal abnormality, 62 Tyrosine catabolism/catecholamine
Trauma and stress-related disorders, (TMP-SMX), 191 Tubo-ovarian abscess synthesis, 81
583 for Pneumocystis jirovecii, 151 pelvic inflammatory disease, 182 Tyrosine in phenylketonuria, 82
Trauma-informed care, 271 prophylactic use, 194 Tubulointerstitial inflammation Tyrosine kinase
Traumatic aortic rupture, 307 Trimethoprim (TMP) WBC casts in, 614 BTK gene and, 114
Traumatic pneumothorax, 702 purine and pyrimidine synthesis, 34 Tularemia, 147 cell cycle regulation, 44

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INDEX  825
endocrine hormone signaling lesion signs, 545 Uroporphyrin, 430 diaphragm innervation, 683
pathways, 341 pathways of, 524 Urosepsis, 621 gastrointestinal innervation by, 371
in cell growth, 212 Urachal cysts, 638 Urothelial carcinoma (bladder), 626 lesions of, 548
inhibitor naming convention, 254 Urachus, 287, 638 Urticaria, 483 pharyngeal arch derivation, 640
in multiple endocrine neoplasias, Uracil mast cell degranulation, 485 Valacyclovir, 198
356 in nucleotides, 33 scombroid poisoning, 246 mechanism and use, 198
in oncogene function, 220 methylation of, 33 sulfa drug allergies, 251 Valganciclovir, 198
insulin receptor binding, 358 Urea breath test USMLE Step 1 exam Valgus stress test, 455
Tyrosine kinase activity Helicobacter pylori diagnosis, 144 check-in process, 8 Validity (accuracy), 261, 266
insulin receptor binding effects, 338 Urea cycle clinical vignette strategies, 21 Valine
Tzanck test, 163 amino acids in, 80 content areas covered in, 2 classification of, 79
metabolic site for, 72 leaving exam early, 8 maple syrup urine disease, 79
U ornithine transcarbamylase overview of, 2 Valproate
UBE3A (Chromosome 15), 56 deficiency, 80 passing rates for, 8 cytochrome P-450 interaction, 251
Ubiquitination, 43 ornithine transcarbamylase practice exams for, 9, 19–20 for bipolar disorder, 580
Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway deficiency and, 81 registering for, 5–6 hepatic necrosis, 248
in atrophy, 202 rate-determining enzyme, 71 rescheduling, 6 mechanism and adverse effects, 561
Ubiquitin-proteasome system, 46 Ureaplasma spp score notifications for, 7 migraine headaches, 534
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, 401 Gram stain for, 123 scoring of, 9–10 pancreatitis with, 248
Ulcerative colitis Urease-positive organisms, 125 testing agencies, 22 Valsalva maneuver, 671
autoantibody, 113 Uremia, 623 testing locations, 7 Valsartan, 630
manifestations of, 389 Uremic platelet dysfunction, 432 test-taking strategies, 19–20 Valvular disease
spondyloarthritis association, 475 Ureteric bud, 598 time budgeting during, 7–8 pressure-volume loops with, 293
sulfasalazine for, 407 Ureteropelvic junction types of questions on, 8 types of anomalies, 285
Ulcers (gastrointestinal) development of, 599 Ustekinumab Vancomycin
bismuth/sucralfate for, 406 embryology, 598 target and clinical use, 120 cardiovascular drug reactions, 247
complications, 387 Ureters Uterine conditions, 668 drug reaction with eosinophilia and
Curling, 386 course of, 601 neoplastic, 668 systemic symptoms, 249
Cushing, 386 damage in gynecologic procedures, non-neoplastic, 668 mast cell degranulation, 414
extent of, 369 601 Uterine cycle, 652 mechanism and clinical use, 187
flask-shaped, 152 Urethra Uterine (Müllerian duct) anomalies, nephrotoxicity/ototoxicity, 250
obstruction of GI tract, 387 BPH, 674 642 prophylactic use, 194
palatal/tongue, 149 genitourinary trauma, 647 Uterine procidentia, 645 thrombocytopenia with, 249
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 357 Urethritis Uterine rupture, 660 Vancomycin infusion reaction, 247
Ulcers (skin) chlamydia, 180 Uterosacral ligament, 645 Vanishing bile duct syndrome, 117
Raynaud syndrome, 480 Chlamydia trachomatis, 146 Uterus Vardenafil, 245
squamous cell carcinoma, 493 reactive arthritis, 475 anomalies of, 642 Varenicline
Ulipristal, 677 Urge incontinence collagen in, 48 use and toxicity, 596
Ulnar claw, 450, 454 drug therapy for, 240 epithelial histology, 646 Variable expressivity, 54
Ulnar finger deviation, 472 treatment, 236 zygote implantation, 653 Variance, 264
Ulnar nerve, injury and presentation, Urgency incontinence, 620 Uterus didelphys, 642 Varicella zoster virus
450, 454, 463 Uric acid Uveitis HHV-3 transmission and clinical
Umbilical cord kidney stones, 619 glaucoma, 553 significance, 162
blood flow in, 638 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 35 inflammatory bowel disease, 389 immunodeficient patients, 116
late separation of, 115 Von Gierke disease, 85 in sarcoidosis, 697 rash and clinical presentation, 178
postnatal derivative of arteries, 287 Urinary incontinence seronegative spondyloarthritis, 475 skin infections, 487
umbilical vein postnatal derivative, drug therapy for, 240 types of, 555 vesicles with, 483
287 enuresis, 587 U wave in ECG, 298 Varices
Umbilical hernia, congenital, 365 ephedrine for, 241 acute GI bleeding with, 387
Umbilicus mechanism, associations and V anorectal, 372
portosystemic anastomosis, 372 treatment, 620 Vmax, 228 β-blocker use for bleeding, 244
UMP synthase, 426 Urinary retention, 236 V1-receptors, 333, 341 esophageal, 372
Unambiguous genetic code, 35 atropine, 240 V2-receptors, 333, 341, 360 gastrointestinal system, 372
Unbalanced translocations, 62 bethanechol for, 236 Vaccination/vaccines, 109 Varicocele, 671
Uncinate process, 367 delirium, 577 B-cell disorders, 114 Varus stress test, 455
Unconjugated (indirect) neostigmine for, 239 Bordetella pertussis, 141 Vasa previa, 659
hyperbilirubinemia, 400 treatment, 236 Ebola contacts, 169 Vasa vasorum (syphilis), 145
Undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas, Urinary tract infections Haemophilus influenzae, 140 Vascular dementia, 537
347 antimicrobial prophylaxis, 194 influenza, 166 Vascular tumors of skin, 486
Undulant fever, 141, 147 BPH, 673 meningococci, 140 Vasculitides
“Unhappy triad” (knee injuries), 464 catheterization, 182 mumps virus, 167 epidemiology and presentation, 478
Unilateral periorbital swelling, 155 enterovesical fistulae, 389 pneumonococcal, 134 extrahepatic manifestations of
Unilateral renal agenesis, 599 nosocomial, 143 PPSV23, 103 hepatitis, 172
Uniparental disomy, 55 organisms causing, 179 rabies virus, 169 focal necrotizing, 479
Universal electron acceptors, 73 Urinary tract obstruction refusal of, 273 granulomatous inflammation, 213
Universal genetic code, 35 hydronephrosis, 620 rotavirus, 165 immunoglobulin A, 479
Unnecessary procedure requests, 272 pyelonephritis, 621 Salmonella typhi (ty-V1), 142 intraparenchymal hemorrhage, 530
Unstable angina Urine SARS-CoV-2, 170 large-vessel, 478
ECG with, 308 dark, 105 toxoids as, 129, 137 medium-vessel, 478
manifestations of, 308 diuretic effects on, 629 types and examples, 109 risk with hepatitis B and C, 172
treatments, 315 drug elimination in, 231 yellow fever, 168 small-vessel, 478
Unvaccinated children electrolyte changes with diuretics, Vagal nuclei, 517 Vasculopathy, noninflammatory, 481
H influenzae meningitis in, 177 629 Vagina Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
organisms affecting, 183 maple syrup/burnt sugar odor, 82 anaerobic bacteria overgrowth, 147 (VIP)
Upper extremities pregnancy test, 654 drainage of, 644 source and action of, 378
nerve injury and presentation, red/orange crystals in, 35 epithelial histology, 646 Vasodilators
450–498 tea-colored, 430 Vaginal bleeding, postcoital, 664 aortic dissection, 307
neurovascular pairing in, 458 turns black on air exposure, 82 Vaginal candidiasis treatment, 195 coronary steal syndrome, 308
syringomyelia effects on, 502 type and significance of casts in, 614 Vaginal infections (common), 179 nitrates as, 323
Upper motor neuron Urine protein electrophoresis Vaginal tumors, 664 Vasogenic edema (cerebral), 527
Babinski sign in adults, 525 in plasma cell dyscrasias, 436 Vaginitis, 155, 179, 180 Vasopressin
effects of injury, 545 Urobilinogen Vagus nerve (CN X), 521 in septic shock, 333
facial nerve lesion, 548 extravascular hemolysis, 427 baroreceptors/chemoreceptors in SIADH, 342
facial paralysis, 528 intravascular hemolysis, 428 and, 299 second messenger functions, 237
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 546 Urogenital sinus, 641 cardiac glycoside effects, 326 secretion of, 331

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Vasopressors, 291 Very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) receptors for, 163 in small intestinal bacterial
Vasospastic angina, 308 β-oxidation, 46 stain for identification, 123 overgrowth, 393
Vasovagal syncope, 318 Vesicles structure of, 159 malabsorption, 406
V(D)J recombination, 97 characteristics/examples, 483 Visceral leishmaniasis, 155 methylmalonic acidemia, 83
VDJ recombination defect, 115 dermatitis herpetiformis, 490 Viscosity (blood), 291 solubility, 63
VDRL test herpes simplex virus-2, 181 Vision subacute combined degeneration
false positive results, 146 varicella zoster virus, 162, 487 thalamic relay for, 509 and, 546
syphilis, 145 Vesicourachal diverticulum, 638 Vision disturbances Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 67
Vector-borne illnesses, 148 Vesicoureteral reflux, 599, 620 Alport syndrome, 617 functions, deficiency and excess, 67
Vecuronium, 568 Vesicular monoamine transporter cytomegalovirus, 162 in wound healing, 212
Vedolizumab (VMAT), 566 drug-related, 250 methemoglobin treatment, 247, 690
target and clinical use, 120 Vesicular tinea pedis, 488 glaucoma, 553 solubility, 63
Vegetations, 318 Vesicular trafficking proteins, 45 idiopathic intracranial hypertension Vitamin D (calciferol)
Vegetative state, 531 Vestibular schwannomas, 541 and, 538 functions, regulation, and
VEGF, 212 Vestibulocochlear (CNVIII) pituitary apoplexy, 343 deficiency/excess, 68
Velocardiofacial syndrome, 114 function and type, 521 Takayasu arteritis, 478 hyperparathyroidism, 469
Velpatasvir, 200 VHL gene Toxocara canis, 156 hypocalcemia with, 348
Vemurafenib, 447 deletion of, 541 Visual cortex, 509, 557 osteomalacia/rickets, 468
Venlafaxine, 582, 592, 595 product and associated condition, Visual field defects osteoporosis and, 467
Venous return, 291 220 craniopharyngiomas, 544 production and functions, 609
Venous sinus thrombosis (dural), 515 Vibration sense drug-related, 250 Vitamin deficiencies
Venous ulcer (lower extremity), 490 high-frequency, 505 idiopathic intracranial chronic pancreatitis and, 404
Ventilation, 685 low-frequency, 505 hypertension, 538 with malabsorption syndromes, 388
high altitude, 690 thalamic relay of, 509 saccular aneurysms and, 528 Vitamin E
Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) ratio Vibrio cholerae types of, 559 abetalipoproteinemia treatment, 92
exercise response, 690 clinical significance, 144 with stroke, 528 acanthocytes with, 420
mismatch, 687 exotoxin production, 130 Visual hallucinations, 536 deficiency in abetalipoproteinemia,
Ventilator-assisted life support, 269 toxin in, 130 Vital capacity, 684 92
Ventral (abdominal) wall defects, 365 watery diarrhea, 176 Vitamin and mineral absorption, 381 functions, deficiency, and excess,
Ventral anterior nucleus (thalamus), Vibrio parahaemolyticus, 175 Vitamin A (retinol) 68
509 Vibrio vulnificus, 144, 175 function, deficiency and excess, 64 solubility of, 63
Ventral lateral nucleus (thalamus), Vilazodone, 596 idiopathic intracranial Vitamin K
509 Vimentin hypertension, 538 coagulation disorder, 431
Ventral optic radiation (Meyer loop), cytoskeletal element, 46 idiopathic intracranial hypertension deficiency and coagulation, 419
559 tumor identification, 223 with, 250 function and deficiency, 69
Ventral pancreatic bud, 367 Vinca alkaloids measles morbidity and mortality, vitamin E interaction, 68
Ventral posterolateral nucleus mechanism, use and adverse 167 warfarin toxicity treatment, 247
(thalamus), 509 effects, 445 storage of, 374 Vitamin K–dependent coagulation,
Ventral posteromedial nucleus microtubule effects of, 46 Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 419
(thalamus), 509 Vincristine, 445 alcohol use disorder, 592 Vitamins
Ventral tegmentum, 506 peripheral neuropathy with, 250 functions and disorders, 64 dietary supplementation, 63
Ventricles (heart) toxicities of, 445 solubility, 63 fat soluble, 63
blood supply to, 288 Vinyl chloride carcinogenicity, 221, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 592 water soluble, 63
embryologic development, 285 486 Vitelline duct, 638
Ventricular action potential, 297 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Violaceous facial erythema, 477 Vitelline duct cyst, 638
Ventricular aneurysm, true, 309 treatment, 592 Vitiligo, 484
Violaceous lesions, 318 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Ventricular fibrillation, 312 “Violin string” adhesions, 182 Vitreous body
Ventricular filling function and deficiency, 65 collagen in, 48
VIPomas pyruvate dehydrogenase complex,
early diastole, 292 MEN1 syndrome, 356 VKORC1 gene, 441
ECG and, 298 octreotide for, 407 74 VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein),
Ventricular free wall rupture, 314 regulatory substances, 378 solubility, 63 92
Ventricular myocytes, 299 Viral DNA polymerase inhibitor Vitamin B3 (niacin) VMAT inhibitor naming conventions,
Ventricular noncompliance, 292 naming conventions, 252 function, deficiency and excess, 65 252
Ventricular pseudoaneurysm, 314 Viral infections pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, Volume contraction
Ventricular septal defect acute pericarditis, 319 74 from diuretics, 629
congenital, 303 anemias with, 427 solubility, 63 Volume of distribution (Vd), 229
cri-du-chat syndrome, 62 constrictive peridarditis with, 319 Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) Volumetric flow rate, 291
Down syndrome, 304 enteritis, 388 function and deficiency, 65 Voluntary movement
heart murmurs with, 296 mixed cryoglobulinemia with, 479 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex basal ganglia and, 512
morphogenesis, 285 of skin, 487 and, 75 spinal tracts for, 524
Ventricular system (CNS), 516 procalcitonin with, 209 solubility, 63 Volvulus, 392
Ventricular tachycardia Reye syndrome association, 397 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 65 Meckel diverticulum, 391
description and treatment, 312 Viral structures deficiency with isoniazid, 193 Onchocerca, 155
Ventriculomegaly (brain), 538 envelopes, 160 for sideroblastic anemia, 425 Vomiting
Ventromedial nucleus genetics, 159 functions and deficiency, 65 annular pancreas, 367
(hypothalamus), 509 genomes, 160 in homocystinuria treatment, 83 area postrema and, 507
leptin effects on, 340 Virchow node, 386 solubility, 63 biliary colic, 403
Verapamil Virchow triad, 692 Vitamin B7 (biotin), 66 bilious, 366, 391
antianginal therapy, 324 Viridans group streptococci, 126, activated carriers, 73 chemotherapy-induced, 507
antiarrhythmic effects of, 328 134, 175 function and deficiency, 66 Histoplasma capsulatum, 174
cardiomyopathy, 315 subacute infective endocarditis, pyruvate metabolism, 66 in stroke, 528
headache therapy, 534 318 solubility, 63 maple syrup urine disease, 82
mechanism, use and adverse Virilization, 339 Vitamin B9 (folate) MI and, 309
effects, 323 Virology absorption of, 381 nonbilious projectile, 366
Verrucae, 485 viral structure features, 159 depletion with anticonvulsants, 561 posttussive, 130, 141, 183
Verrucous lesions, 149 Virulence factors function and deficiency, 66 toxic shock syndrome, 133
Vertebral compression fractures, 467 bacterial, 127 in homocystinuria treatment, 83 trichinosis, 156
Vertebral landmarks Bordetella pertussis, 141 solubility, 63 vitamin C toxicity, 67
for gastrointestinal innervation, 371 Staphylococcus aureus, 133 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 66, 67 Vomiting center, 507
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency Viruses absorption of, 381 receptors input for, 507
subclavian steal syndrome, 307 causing meningitis, 177 causes and effects of deficiency, Von Gierke disease, 85
Vertical gaze palsy, 544 diarrhea, 176 426 Von Hippel-Lindau disease
Vertigo genetic/antigenic shift/drift, 166 deficiency, 157, 158 chromosome association, 62
peripheral vs central, 550 in immunodeficiency, 116 function and deficiency, 67 genetics and presentation, 541
subclavian steal syndrome, 307 myocarditis, 320 homocystinuria treatment, 83 tumor suppressor genes, 220

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INDEX  827
Von Willebrand disease, 417, 433 pancreatic cancer, 404 phases and effector cells in, 212 X-ray/imaging findings
Voriconazole, 150, 196 polyarteritis nodosa, 478 platelet-derived growth factor, 212 bamboo spine, 475
Vortioxetine polymyalgia rheumatica, 174, 477 zinc deficiency effects, 69 Bird’s beak sign, 383
mechanism, use and toxicity, 596 renal cell carcinoma, 625 Woven bone, 461, 468 bone-in-bone, 468
Vulnerable child syndrome, 575 sleep apnea treatment, 699 Wright effect (genetics), 55 Codman triangle, 471
Vulva Weil disease, 145 Wright-Giemsa stain, 413 Coffee bean sign, 392
epithelial histology, 646 Wernicke encephalopathy, 64, 592 Wright stain Coin lesion, 705
lymphatic drainage of, 644 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome spirochetes, 144 pencil-in-cup, 475
Vulvar pathology alcohol use disorder, 592 Wrist drop Steeple sign (x-ray), 167
neoplastic, 663 brain lesions with, 526 lead poisoning, 425 String sign, 389
non-neoplastic, 663 Vitamin B1 (thiamine), 64 with eosinophilic granulomatosis, Sunburst pattern, 471
Vulvovaginitis Wernicke (receptive) aphasia, 528, 479 X-rays (teratogenicity), 634
Candida spp, 179 531 with nerve injury, 450
opportunistic infection, 150 Western blot, 51, 52 Wrist region Y
Western equine encephalitis bones and fractures, 453 Yellow fever
W medical importance, 164 injuries to, 463 liver effects of, 374
Waardenburg syndrome, 484 West Nile virus, 164 Written advance directives, 268
WAGR complex/syndrome, 626 Wet beriberi, 64, 315 Yellow fever virus, 164
WT1 gene medical importance, 168
“Waiter’s tip”, 452 Wheals, 485 product and associated condition,
Waiver (of informed consent), 268 Whipple disease, 357 Yellow-tinged vision, 250
220 Yersinia spp
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia malabsorption with, 388 WT1/WT2 mutations, 626
clinical features, 436 Whipworm, 156 reactive arthritis, 475
Wuchereria bancrofti Yersinia enterocolitica, 142, 176
“walking pneumonia”, 148 Whispered pectoriloquy, 700 disease, transmission and
Wallenberg syndrome, 529 White blood cells (WBCs), Yersinia pestis
treatment, 156 animal transmission, 147
Wallerian degeneration, 506 leukemias, 437
Warburg effect, 217 White matter X Yolk sac tumor, 667
Warfarin demyelinating disorders, 540 hormone levels with, 673
Xanthelasma, 305
adverse effects of, 440 multiple sclerosis, 539 ovarian, 666
griseofulvin and, 196 White matter of brain in nucleotides, 33 testicular, 673
heparin comparison, 441 in adrenoleukodystrophy, 46 Xanthine oxidase inhibitors, 473
mechanism, use and adverse Whooping cough Z
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis,
effects, 441 Bordetella pertussis, 141 621 Zafirlukast, 708
PT measurement, 431 pertussis toxin, 130 Xanthomas, 305 Zaleplon, 564
reversal of, 442 Wickham striae, 491 familial dyslipidemias, 92 Zanamivir, mechanism and use, 197
teratogenicity of, 634 Wide complex tachycardias, 312 palmar, 92 Zellweger syndrome, 46
toxicity treatment, 247, 419 Wide splitting, 294 Zenker diverticulum, 391
Warm autoimmune hemolytic Williams syndrome, 63, 304 tuberoeruptive, 92
Xeroderma pigmentosum, 37 Zero-order elimination, 230
anemia, 429 Wilms tumor Zidovudine, 199
Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells, 167 chromosomal abnormality, 62 Xerophthalmia, 64
Xerosis cutis, 64 Ziehl-Neelsen stain, 123
Water aerosols, 182 neuroblastomas vs, 354 Zika virus, 164, 168
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, tumor suppressor genes, 220 Xerostomia, 239, 243, 474
X-inactivation (lyonization) medical importance, 168
140, 353 Wilson disease, 402 Zileuton, 708
Watershed areas/regions chromosome association, 62 Barr body formation, 59
X-linked (Bruton) Zinc
anterior spinal artery, 546 copper metabolism, 49, 402 function and deficiency effects, 69
blood supply to, 206 free radical injury, 206 agammaglobulinemia, 114
X-linked dominant inheritance, 57 in wound healing, 212
cerebral arteries, 514 Winged scapula, injury and deficits, Wilson disease treatment, 402
ischemic stroke, 527 452 X-linked recessive disease
adenosine deaminase deficiency, Zinc fingers, 69
Water soluble vitamins, 63 Winters formula, 612
Waxy casts in urine, 614 “Wire looping” of capillaries, 617 35 Ziprasidone, 593
WBC casts in urine, 621 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 59, 115 adrenoleukodystrophy, 46 Zirconium cyclosilicate, 361
Weakness Wnt-7 gene, 632 agammaglobulinemia, 114 Zoledronate, 495
motor neuron signs, 545 Wobble G6PD deficiency, 428 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
“Wear and tear” pigment, 225 in genetic coding, 35 hyper-IgM syndrome, 115 duodenal ulcer, 387
Weibel-Palade bodies, 211 Wolff-Chaikoff effect, 335, 345, 346 listing of, 59 effects and diagnosis, 357
Weight gain Wolffian (mesonephric) duct, 641 Menkes disease, 49 gastrin in, 378
danazol, 678 Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome, 311 ornithine transcarbamylase MEN1 syndrome, 356
with mirtazapine, 596 Woolsorter’s disease, 135 deficiency, 81 proton pump inhibitors for, 406
Weight loss “Word salad”, 578 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 115 Zolpidem, 564
chronic mesenteric ischemia, 393 Work of breathing, 684 X-linked recessive disorder Zona fasciculata, 340
diabetes mellitus, 350 “Worst headache of my life”, 532 of β-oxidation, 46 Zoonosis, 147
glucagonoma, 357 Wound healing glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Zoonotic diseases, 147
Histoplasma capsulatum, 174 keratinocytes, 212 deficiency, 77 Zymogens, 380
orlistat for, 407 mediators and roles in, 212 X-linked recessive inheritance, 57

FAS1_2023_21_Index_775-827.indd 827 11/18/22 5:23 PM

About the Editors

Tao Le, MD, MHS Vikas Bhushan, MD

Tao developed a passion for medical education as a medical Vikas is a writer, editor, entrepreneur, and retired
student. He has edited more than 15 titles in the First Aid teleradiologist. In 1990 he conceived and authored the
series. In addition, he is Founder and Chief Education original First Aid for the USMLE Step 1. His entrepreneurial
Officer of USMLE-Rx for exam preparation and ScholarRx for endeavors included a student-focused medical publisher
sustainable, global medical education. As a medical student, (S2S), an e-learning company (, and an ER
he was editor-in-chief of the University of California, San teleradiology practice (24/7 Radiology). Trained on the Left
Francisco (UCSF) Synapse, a university newspaper with a weekly circulation Coast, Vikas completed a bachelor’s degree at the University of California
of 9000. Tao earned his medical degree from UCSF in 1996 and completed Berkeley; an MD with thesis at UCSF; and a diagnostic radiology residency
his residency training in internal medicine at Yale University and fellowship at UCLA. His eclectic interests include cryptoeconomics, information
training at Johns Hopkins University. Tao subsequently went on to cofound design, and avoiding a day job. Always finding the long shortcut, Vikas is an
Medsn, a medical education technology venture, and served as its chief adventurer, knowledge seeker, and occasional innovator. He and his spouse,
medical officer. He is currently chief of adult allergy and immunology at the Jinky, are avid kiteboarders and worldschoolers, striving to raise their three
University of Louisville. children as global citizens.

Connie Qiu, MD, PhD Anup Chalise, MBBS, MS, MRCSEd

Connie is a dermatology resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Anup recently finished a home country general surgery
She earned her MD/PhD from Temple University School of residency from Kathmandu University, Nepal. He is also
Medicine and completed her intern year at Memorial Sloan currently working on projects with ScholarRx including Flash
Kettering Cancer Center. She is interested in an academic Facts, Rx Bricks, and Step 1 Qmax. In his free time, he likes to
career focused on research and medical education. Outside travel for photography. He plans to pursue further surgical
of medicine, Connie enjoys being outdoors (with SPF 30+), training to prepare him to become a transplant surgeon in
book/wine club, NYT crossword puzzles, and sharing pizza with her dog. the foreseeable future.

Panagiotis Kaparaliotis, MD Caroline Coleman, MD

Panagiotis is a physician in Greece. He earned his medical Caroline is a second-year internal medicine resident at
degree from the University of Athens Medical School with Emory University School of Medicine. She earned her
summa cum laude honors and served as the valedictorian undergraduate degree in economics at the University
of his graduating class. Panagiotis developed a strong of Georgia before earning her medical degree at Emory.
interest in medical education early in medical school and She is interested in a career in pulmonary and critical
is currently collaborating with UNIPERFECT ( care medicine as well as medical education. Outside of
to guide Greek medical students to USMLE success. In the future, he plans medicine, Caroline enjoys the outdoors, traveling, and spending time with
on pursuing further training and academic opportunities in the United her partner, Hayley.
States. Outside of medicine, Panagiotis loves experimenting in the kitchen,
playing basketball, running long distances, and, owing to being an islander,
exploring the sea. Kimberly Kallianos, MD
Originally from Atlanta, Kimberly graduated from the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006 and
from Harvard Medical School in 2011. She completed her
radiology residency and fellowship at UCSF and is currently
an Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology at UCSF in the
cardiac and pulmonary imaging section.

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