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Wand of Arcane Fortune

Wonderous item, very rare

The Wand of Arcane Fortune is a finely crafted wand, with
20 different arcane sigils etched along its length. When a
user speaks the command word as an action, hocus pocus,
the user rolls a d20 and casts the spell associated with the
number rolled. The table below shows the spell associated
with each number:

D20 Spell
1 Cone of Cold (5th level)
2 Chain Lightning (6th level)
3 Delayed Blast Fireball (7th level)
4 Disintegrate (6th level)
5 Finger of Death (7th level)
6 Prismatic Spray (7th level)
7 Sunburst (8th level)
8 Wall of Force (5th level)
9 Wall of Ice (6th level)
10 Wall of Stone (5th level)
11 Wall of Thorns (6th level)
12 Hold Monster (5th level)
13 Summon draconic spirit (5th level)
14 Control Winds (5th level)
15 Dominate Person (5th level)
16 Mass Suggestion (6th level)
17 Otto's Irresistible Dance (6th level)
18 Gravity Fissure (6th level)
19 Wall of Ice (5th level)
20 Antimagic Field (8th level)

Once a spell is cast, the wand regains its 3 charges at

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