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同敬福利协会庆祝成立二十二周年暨同敬怀仁院庆祝成立二十三周年双庆大典联欢晚宴节目表 (草稿)

时间 晚宴流程
6.30 pm 同敬福利协会理事莅临
同敬福利协会理事迎接贵宾蔡瑞隆高级政务次长及嘉宾莅临, 参观怀仁院主要设施,访问住户。蔡瑞隆高级政务次长于 7 点 40 分离
7.00 pm

7.40 pm 全体理事列队准备迎接部长莅临
8.00 pm 迎接晚宴主宾傅海燕部长的莅临, 签名
8.05 pm 晚宴开始
8.05 pm 华乐乐曲, 笛子吹打乐
8.10 pm ASD 代表 Daniel Tok 将介绍 ASD 伙伴现场制作乐高积木的演示(过程可以在 ASD Facebook 页面上实时查看)
8.25 pm 同敬学童托管中心-歌曲:孩子的天空
8.30 pm 同敬怀仁院 -歌曲:TOGETHER
8.35 pm 同敬福利协会会长张伟伟先生致欢迎词
8.40 pm 主宾傅海燕部长致词
8.50 pm 主宾颁发同敬福利协会员工长期服务奖
9.00 pm 颁发同敬福利协义工服务奖
9.05 pm 视频呈现 ASD ‘解谜小队’合作完成拼图挑战的过程
9.10 pm ASD 代表 Jannie Han 向傅海燕部长敬献纪念品
9.12 pm ASD 代表 Syamil 向顾问林丽珠大律师敬献纪念品
9.15 pm 全体理事上台敬酒及拍照
9.30 pm 同敬福利协会秘书长苏劲全先生致谢词
9.40 pm 余娱儒乐社呈献:潮剧选段(千里送京娘)
9.45 pm 同敬乐龄活动中心(亨德申-杜生)--唱歌&运动舞
9.50 pm 同敬活跃乐龄活动中心(女皇镇)-歌曲和舞蹈
9.55 pm 歌曲 :同敬怀仁院住户呈献
10.00pm 全体理事大合唱:宋大峰祖师颂
Thong Kheng Welfare Services Society (TKWSS)
22nd Anniversary &
Blue Cross Thong Kheng Home 23rd Anniversary Double Celebrations Programme Schedule (DRAFT)
Time Item
6.30 pm Arrival of Members of TKWSS Management Committee
Arrival of Mr Eric Chua Swee Leong Senior Parliamentary Secretary Ministry of Social and Family Development, The
7.00 pm Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth MP for Queenstown (Tanjong Pagar GRC), visit facilities and residents of
BCTKH, leave at 7:40pm
7.40 pm Members of TKWSS Management Committee, Line up to welcome the minister
8.00 pm Arrival of Guest-of-Honour, Minister Grace Fu
8.05 pm Dinner Commences
8.05 pm Chinese music, flute and percussion
ASD Client (Daniel Tok - MC) will introduce the live demonstration of Lego Making in Action by our ASD client (process
8.10 pm
can be view live on ASD Facebook Page)
8.15 pm Thong Kheng Student Care Centre- Children's Sky
Blue Cross Thong Kheng Home- Singing “TOGETHER” composed by Julie Ong (to be sung in English, mandarin and
8.30 pm
8.35 pm Welcome Speech by Mr Teo Wee Wee BBM, President of TKWSS Management Committee
8.40 pm Speech by Guest-of-Honour (GOH), Minister Grace Fu
8.50 pm Presentation of TKWSS Certificate of Appointment and Long Service Awards by GOH
9.00 pm Presentation of TKWSS Certificate of Volunteers Service Awards
9.05 pm The wonder of teamwork and collaboration by ASD puzzle solver squad
9.10 pm ASD Client (Jannie Han) presents Framed Puzzle to the GOH
9.12 pm ASD Client (Syamil) presents Lego Set to TKWSS Legal Advisor Lim Lay Choo
9.15 pm Committee Members Toast to all Guests on Stage, Follow by Photo-Taking Session
9.30 pm Thank You Speech by Mr Soh Cheng Chuan, Secretary of TKWSS
9.40 pm Teochew Opera by Er Woo Amateur Musical & Dramatic Association
9.45 pm Thong Kheng Seniors Activity Centre(Henderson-Dawson)- Singing & Exercise Dance
9.50 pm Thong Kheng Seniors Activity Centre(Queenstown)- Group Sing and Dance
9.55pm Song Performance: Presented jointly with residents of BCTKH
10.00pm TKWSS Board Committee Members- A Song for Our Master Song Dafeng

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