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FAMILY AND FRIENDS 4 (special edition)

Unit number: Unit 10 Level: Elementary Lesson Length: 60 minutes
Topic: In the park Grade: 4
Age: 8 years old
Number of students: about 10
Type of lesson: Speaking Teaching Date: 3/12/2021 Teacher: Tran Thi Thu Hien

Main aim (s): By the end of the lesson, students will have learned some vocabularies; understood and used
must/mustn’t for obligation and rules.
Subsidiary aim(s): For students to talk about what they must and mustn’t do when they are in the park
Personal aim(s): Motivate students by designing an attractive PowerPoint
Materials (including sources): Student book Family and friends 4(special edition), pictures, PowerPoint,
Assumptions: Ss have learned some words describing places (lake, mountain, ocean, waterfall, high, deep,
wide) and comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives.
Stage/Time Stage aim Procedure Note
Teacher’s & Learners’ activities
Warm up Review the - T introduces a game named “The puzzle game” and how to play the
(6 minutes) vocab, game.
comparative - Ss choose a puzzle piece (from 1 to 6) to see the sentence.
adjectives, - Then Ss fill in the blank.
superlative - If the answer is correct, Ss will get one bonus and the puzzle piece
adjectives disappears.
and - After Ss complete 6 sentences, a picture of a park will appear.
introduce -T leads into the topic.
the topic Answer key for “The puzzle game”:
1. The U.S.A is bigger (big) than Vietnam.
2. Mount Everest is the highest (high) mountain in the world.
3. Cars are faster (fast) than bikes.
4. Grapes are smaller (small) than apples.
5. Lake Baikal is the deepest (deep) lake in the world.
6. Mice are slower (slow) than cheetahs.
Pre-speaking To prepare * Teach new words 15’
(25 learners for - T introduce Ss some new words.
minutes) speaking - T help Ss to practice saying words several times and how to
(language activities pronounce all new words.
focus) (vocab)
1. Grass
- T shows a picture of cows and asks Ss “What animal are they?’
=>They are cows.
- Then T asks “What do cows eat?” => Cows eat grass.
Check understanding: T shows 3 pictures of crocodile, horse, tiger. T
asks “ Which animal eat grass?”

2. Flowers
- T show 3 pictures (roses, lotuses, tulips).
- T ask “What are they?” (Ss can answer in Vietnamese if they don’t
know English name of flowers) => They are roses/lotuses/tulips. >
They are flowers.
Check understanding: Are flowers beautiful? Are flowers colorful?

3. Fountain
- T says the word “fountain” clearly and show it on slide.
- T asks Ss to repeat in chorus.
- T shows a picture and says “It is a fountain”, “What can you see in
a fountain?” (T points at the picture). => water
- T asks Ss to translate the word.
Check understanding: Where can you see a fountain? => In the
park/In the garden

4. Litter
- T shows a picture on slide and asks Ss “What can you see in the
picture?” => Ss may answer “Rác” => We call them litter in English.
Check understanding: Should you put your litter on your bed? Should
you put your litter on your school bag?

5. Garbage can
- After asking check understanding questions of the word “litter”, T
asks “So, where should we put our litter?” => We should put our
litter in the garbage can.
- T shows a picture of “garbage can” on slide and says “It’s a
garbage can”.
- T asks Ss to repeat the word one by one.
- T shows the phrase “put litter in the garbage can” and asks Ss to
repeat it.
Check understanding: Where can you see a garbage can? => In the
park/ In the classroom

6. Path
- T says the word “path” clearly and show it on slide.
- T asks Ss to repeat in chorus.
- T shows a picture and says “It is a path”
- T asks Ss to translate the word.
Check understanding: Where can you see a fountain? => In the
park/In the garden

Game: Word Quiz

- T says some definitions for Ss to call out the correct word (today’s
new words)
- T can organize like a Quiz Show for Ss to play (in individually)
(T can use body language to demonstrate if the definitions are difficult
for Ss)

a short, green plant that are eaten by cows, horses, sheep - grass
a large container used for putting rubbish in, usually kept outside the
house - Garbage can
the coloured part of a plant and has a pleasant smell - Flowers
small pieces of rubbish such as paper, cans and bottles, that people
have left lying in a public place - Litter
a structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pump, used to
decorate parks and gardens - Fountain
a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking
- path
To prepare * Teach grammar (Inductive Approach) 10’ Pictures
learners for - T asks Ss to look at the pictures on slide. on page
speaking - T asks “Who are in the picture? Where are the children?” 74/
activities Step 1: T plays the video, Ss watch. Student
(Grammar) Step 2: T asks Ss to give all the sentences in the video that contain book
“must” and “mustn’t”. T shows on the slide and read out the sentences
at the time.
Step 3: T helps Ss to analyze the sentences.
Ex: You must walk on the path.
| | |
S + must + V_inf

She must put litter in the garbage can.

| | |
S + must + V_inf

Step 4: Stating rule: Expressing obligation and rules

A. “must” is a modal verb to express obligation.
Ex: You must play in the playground.
B. “mustn’t = must not” is a modal verb to express rules.
Ex: You mustn’t walk on the grass.
C. The sentence is: Subject + modal verb (must/mustn’t) + V_inf + O
Step 5: Practice: Exercise 4/page 75/Student book
While- For Ss to Look and say Page 76/
speaking practice - T gives precise and clear instructions. Student
(10 speaking - T models and Ss say it. book
minutes) Answer key:
(controlled 1.You must put litter in the garbage can. It’s picture 1!
practice) 2.You mustn’t ride your bike. It’s picture 2!
3.You mustn’t walk on the grass. It’s picture 3!
4.You must wash your hands. It’s picture 4!
5.You mustn’t take photos. It’s picture 5!
6.You mustn’t eat here. It’s picture 6!
7.You mustn’t walk your dog. It’s picture 7!
8.You must be quiet. It’s picture 8!
Post- For Ss to Work in pairs. Imagine your friends go to the park for the first time.
Speaking practice Tell them what they must do and mustn’t do when they are in the
(12 speaking park. You can start with:
minutes) When you are in the park, you must/mustn’t...
Role play
(free - Ss report back.
speaking - T records mistakes, gives feedback and sums up focused points.
Wrap up Summarize/ Path, grass, flowers, litter, garbage can, fountain
(7 minutes) Review and - T reviews all vocabularies.
homework - T show all new words on slide, Ss copy into their notebook.
- T asks Ss to leave space to copy more at home (10 times/word)

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