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June 16, 2023

San Roque National High School

Division of Marikina

To Whom It May Concern,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to
provide my consent and express my support for my child, CHILD NAME, to
accompany their friend, Aries Andrie S. Barcebal, home from the SRNHS
Graduation Ball.

I am aware that Aries and CHILD NAME have planned to attend Grad Ball
together, and they have requested permission for CHILD NAME to return
home with Aries Barcebal following the event. After discussing this matter
with my child and getting to know their friend, I am confident in their
responsible behavior and trustworthiness.

I understand the importance of fostering strong friendships and providing

opportunities for social interaction and personal growth. Allowing my child
to travel home with their friend will not only enhance their bond but also
promote independence and responsibility.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I greatly appreciate your
understanding and support in granting permission for my child to
accompany their friend home. Please do not hesitate to contact me with
any further questions or concerns.

We are wishing you the best and look forward to a successful and safe


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