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Noreen Ivanna R.

HUMSS 12 – Balagtas

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st

Century Culture Performance Task
Social Map: Tracing My Networks
1. Fighting and misunderstanding is a common situation in our daily lives that often takes
place within our networks. Problems are inevitable. Some challenges may be small, some can
be also big. Whenever I encounter conflicts that are big, I would always analyze and think
outside the box on how to overcome that certain challenge. I would do my research regarding
different strategies within my environment—thinking carefully about how should I execute
my plan properly without creating mistakes are the ways I often do that requires me to use
strategic analysis within my networks. By doing that, it aids me to save time and resolve the
conflict with less stress. On the other hand, there are times that quick decisions regarding a
certain problem was made by me since I let my feelings take place without thinking what the
results could be. My instincts would always tell me to take action immediately. For instance,
problems like “Should I buy this product online?” “What color should I pick?” are the ones
solvable quickly using my feelings.

2. Minor issues are the root of the problems in our society—only if we care enough, problems
could be solved easily since there are plenty of ways to resolve it. Minor problems get major
when no attention was given to it to be fixed. A great example would be: A student is getting
bullied at school by his classmates but no one knew. He forced himself to have courage and
tell his teacher about the situation he is facing. The teacher then quickly made a decision to
punish the bullies because of the bad actions they do to their classmate. However, the teacher
could have done better instead of immediately punishing the bullies; the teacher could direct
it to the principal for a bigger punishment. Furthermore, the teacher could have analyzed the
situation well before giving out the consequences of the bullies. With that situation, the
teacher could be a representation of how strategic analysis and intuitive thinking applies to
societal issue which is bullying.

3. Societal issues such as poverty, drug abuse, and lack of access to education are the most
relevant in Philippines. Problems like that took years to rise and most probably, it would also
take years to decrease. Planning and analyzing the situations before taking action is the best
way to combat societal issues in my opinion. With that, you get more time to think how to
execute the plans you create carefully. On the other hand, with the use of intuitive thinking,
taking immediate action such as recognizing inequity for the marginalized to recover from
their current situation instead of putting it aside and focusing on other things. Both strategic
analysis and intuitive thinking could solve the societal issues in the community, but it would
depend on the approach that people would use.

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