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Week 11 ( March 28 - 31, 2023 )

Week 11 monday, day after comprehensive examination. I went to the office early because it's monday
and lot of client will transact at the office. Arrived at the office and greet the guards and the employees.
After that, I start encoding summary list of loans that will be sent to the 2FSFO to be signed by the
Commanding Officer of finance for billing and collection from pay and allowances of a military personnel
from the list. When the summary list is finished I will give it to maam Len for her signature before
sending it to the Finance office. Before the transaction begin we will help maam Shiela one of the two
cashiers in the office to count the funds for the day and we'll wait the system to be updated so that the
transaction will start. Clients that has a loan transaction will be given number for loans and computation
so when the transaction begin they'll wait for their number to reflect from the TV screen. Some clients
are asking for computation and they had no number so we will assist them to get a number from our
guard and wait for their turn. If the client is a senior, they are prioritize and get a special number. Clients
have different transaction at the office. Some are transacting for loans and withdrawals while some are
applying for PAFCPIC IDs or membership. If maam Alona is out with maam Nessie and a client is asking if
his/her ID is availble we will entertain it and look at the system if it's already sent at the office. If the ID is
already finished and it's in the office we will release it to the client and asked for signature in the logbook
for ID Releasing same with releasing of newly created passbooks. When maam Nessie is finished
validating and putting cash to all the passbook and it is the time we'll announced it. Asking the client for
their IDs to verify if it's them. On the afternoon after the transactions, all the employees will make a
summary of their reports of the transaction we'll assist them with the summary of withdrawal
transactions checking if there are missing withdrawal slips and also for deposit slips.

Week 12 ( April 3 - 5, 2023 )

April 3 Monday, Lots of client came at the office because it's the start of the Holy Week break of military
personnels and our clients are military personnels. They transact at the office specially withdrawals
maybe they'll use it as fare to go home to their families. Some are begging to the cashier if they can go
first because they will travel to manila or to a distant place. Only few loan transaction is served the
whole day. The next day is still the same, I went to the office early before 8 am and start encoding the
summary list for the loan requirements that has been processed yesterday to be sent to Finance Office
Finance Office to be signed by the Commanding Officer of finance for billing and collection for pay and
allowances of military personnel from the list. After that, we waited for the transaction to start so that
we can perform our next task which is releasing of withdrawals, cheques, passbooks, Pafcpic IDs, and
giveaways to the members of the office. We announced one by one all the passbook that has been
processed and ready to be release. Those passbooks whose owner is not yet in the office is kept and wait
for them to return on the office. Other members leave their passbook for withdrawal or update and they
just come back in the afternoon because they have something important to go to or still have work in the
office so sometimes, they get it late or on another day. Wednesday April 5 the Provincial Office released
a memorandum pertaining to all offices that the office hour is half day. I leave the office at 1pm.

Week 13 ( April 11 - 14, 2023 )

As expected, lots of clients come at the office because holy week break is over.

Went to the office early and wait for the transaction to begin. While waiting,clients approached me to
ask questions so I entertain and answer them if I know how to answer their question and if not then I
will assist them to the specific Teller. The xerox machine is available now in the office so that if the clients
need to photocopy their IDs there's no need for them to go outside the office. I'm glad that I have a
knowledge on how to operate a xerox/photocopy machine that I learned during my PRACTICUM 1 on the
first semester and it's a great help for me. Just like what I/we always do it is the same the whole week.

Week 14 ( April 17 - 20, 2023 )

Week 14th of my Intership at PAFCPIC Sattelite Office. During this week, only a few clients are transacting
at the office the whole week and it's a new experienced because since I started my OJT on January
onwards every monday of the week there's a lot of clients are lined up infront of the office to transact. I
started what I usually do in the office, encode the loan requirements, photocopy the IDs of clients who
applies for a loan and asked for their signatories for verification. Also entertaining clients querries like
where they can transact for loan,withdraw and update of passbooks, computation, apply for
membership etc.

Week 15 ( April 24 - 28, 2023 )

During the week I went to the early in order to finish gathering client data before our manager arrived
because there wouldn't be any additional computers available if the boss were present, as well as to
lighten my workload. It continues to be the same as what I've been doing since the past week. I must
photocopy the clients' identification documents, other paperwork with their signatures, and other
customer enquiries when filing/sorting paperwork and withdrawal slips in order to verify their
legitimacy. On Monday to Wednesday, there are a lot of clients visiting the office, which implies there are
a lot of chores or projects to finish. The next day only few client went in the office to transact so I have a
lot of time doing paper works, arranging the file that came from the finance office to be scanned on the
computer and ma’am Len will send it to the main office thru the platform that the office is using. After
scanning all the loan forms, I will now arrange it alphabetically and by dates and ma’am Len will gave
other task so that paperwork will not pile up. I entertain queries of a member if we know what he/she’s
asking if not we will ask the employee for assistance. Every afternoon after the closing of the office
transaction, I will asked ma’am Nessie about the deposit slips to be photocopied and arranged it and give
it back to her. Also, I will help checking the withdrawal slips if it is complete or all the names are on the
list and we’ll sort it and put a fastener and then put it on top of the manager’s table for signing.

Week 16 ( May 2 - 5, 2023 )

Arrive at the office early to encode and prepare the summary list of loan requirements last friday. After
encoding I print it then gave it to maam Len to be signed. Maam Len asked for help on arranging the loan
forms to be sent to JAGO for notary. I arrange the loan forms by date and alphabetically after that all the
loan forms that has been given back to the office from JAGO, we'll scan all of it one by one to be sent to
the Loans Department at the main office. During the first 2 days of the week we had a hard time because
we cannot answer the questions of clients regarding with their passbooks, if their account is already fix
and many more and Maam/Ate Alona is not present in the office because she has a business to attend
to. On the remaining days of the week the work load is lighten.

Week 17 ( May 8 - 12, 2023 )

May 8 Monday, went to the office early because it is expected that lots of clients will came at the office.
1st day of distribution of patronage refund for those clients that has a loan on year 2022. Lots of clients
and this means lot of workload for me. I stayed at maam Nessie's corner therefore I will write the names
of clients that has a patronage refund because they'll be given tickets for raffle on December 2023.

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