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Science pertains to knowledge.

Technology pertains to Actions.
Science aims to build increasingly broad and coherent explanations of natural phenomena and processes
through observation and experimentation. While technology uses the knowledge from science control
with its people to develop a product that is useful and helpful for us.
Now that we are facing a pandemic, wherein we are all at home because of lockdown, doing our tasks and
jobs virtually or online, we are able to do these because of science and technology.

Good day, everyone.

I am Vera of group 8, from OBTEC NL2.
Join us as we present Breakthroughs in Science and Technology

Science affects us all, every day of the year, from the moment we wake up, all day long, and through the
night. Indeed that science affects us in a lot of ways. The modern world would not be modern at all
without the understanding and technology enabled by science which I agree.
Moreover, the products of science and technology can be beneficial or harmful to us and other living
organisms as well as the environment.
The world has become to a standstill as a deadly virus forced half of the global population into lockdown
and dramatically changed the way people live-- perhaps, permanently. Looking back this year with
hundreds and thousands dead, millions of jobs lost, and changed in the teaching and learning process, the
impact of Covid-19 Pandemic will be felt for many years to come.
As we encountering a pandemic, science, and technology would be a big help to us to overcome this

One of the innovation today is the advances in antimicrobial innovation.

What do we mean by this?
According to the royal society, anti-microbial resistance continues to grow as a worldwide health
challenge. Pathogens are continually evolving to combat drugs given to treat potentially life-threatening
diseases, rendering treatments ineffective and threatening the many advances in fighting microbes over
recent decades.

As therapeutics in current use become less effective, new approaches are required. This event aims to
raise awareness and interest for new anti-microbial advances, the challenges faced in market delivery, and
their appropriate use in healthcare systems.

And according to the future science, as bacteria continue to develop resistance to our existing treatment
options, antibiotic innovation remains overlooked. If current trends continue, then we could face the stark
reality of a post antibiotic era, whereby routine bacterial infections could once again become deadly. In
light of a warning signaled by the WHO, a number of new initiatives have been established in the hope of
reinvigorating the antibiotic drug development pipeline. In this perspective, we aim to summarize some of
these initiatives and funding options, as well as providing an insight into the predicament that we face.
Using clinical trials data, company website information and the most recent press releases, a current
update of the antibiotic drug development pipeline is also included.
That is why this joint Royal Society and Academy of Medical Sciences symposium brought together
scientists, medical practitioners and funding bodies to raise awareness and interest for new anti-microbial

Continuing progress in the treatment of many infections is now threatened by the increasing numbers and
widening distribution of pathogens resistant to antimicrobial drugs
Antimicrobials are an extremely valuable resource across the spectrum of modern medicine. Their
development has been associated with dramatic reductions in communicable disease mortality and has
facilitated technological advances in cancer therapy, transplantation, and surgery.
These are works of science and technology that are useful and helpful to us.

Next is V-smart school. It is school app that allows students to download lessons, and its recorded video,
modules, and etc. This is very useful today because despite of the pandemic, students will be able to
access online resources, it improve student collaboration, increase student engagement, and prepare
student for a digital world.
Next is the zoom meeting, we can use this app in a lot of ways like meeting or webinar, schooling, on the
job, or work and the like.
Artificial intelligence or AI, demonstrated by machine, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by
animals including human.
Another promising new technology trend is IoT. Many “things” are now being built with WiFi
connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of
Things, or IoT. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances,
cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.
The next technology trend that follows the IoT is 5G. Where 3G and 4G technologies have enabled us to
browse the internet, use data driven services, increased bandwidths for streaming on Spotify or YouTube
and so much more, 5G services are expected to revolutionize our lives. By enabling services that rely on
advanced technologies like AR and VR, alongside cloud based gaming services like Google Stadia,
NVidia GeForce Now and much more. It is expected to be used in factories, HD cameras that help
improve safety and traffic management, smart grid control and smart retail too.
Cyber security might not seem like trending technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is
evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent
hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will
continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures. It’s also in part because new
technology is being adapted to enhance security. As long as we have hackers, cybersecurity will remain a
trending technology because it will constantly evolve to defend against those hackers.
These are only some breakthroughs of science and technology. We need also to consider its limitation and
these technologies need us to function. Indeed that science and technology play a vital role in society yet
we should be considerate and try to not destroy these innovative products.
Once again, I am Vera, stay safe and stay at home.

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