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“Effectiveness of Barangay Tanods on the Maintenance of Peace and order in

Barangay Baligatan, City of Ilagan.”

Chapter I



Peace surpasses all significant things in the society. It governs order,

welfare, sustainability, and progress. The absence of peace will lead to chaotic

society and conflict of humanity. In contrast, If peace is present, united mankind

will be established and united values will be evident and manifested all

throughout generations. The peace within ourselves is essential to create a

peaceful and stable order of society. The harmony that peace may bring is to

control the survival and development of mankind. Regardless of race, in every

nation and every human being, the interconnectedness of us all is peacefulness

where it unites us through the nature of respect and love.

In connection, the researchers choose peace and order it is because the

present of any illegal forms of activities inside and outside the community. Even

though we are in the midst of pandemic. Theft, robbery, murder, rape, and any

other kind crime is still rampant that is why the researcher conduct the study to

know how the barangay tanod maintain the peace and order within their

jurisdiction despite the present of activities that against the norms, ordinances

and laws.

Moreover, the community need the help of group of individual to create a

peaceful place to live. Create a harmonious relationship with the citizen towards

a great interaction and cooperation to combat crime and to come up with and
good solution that can solve the conflict in maintaining peace and order. In

connection, Memorandum Circular No. 2003-42, guidelines on professionalizing

the barangay tanod. The enactment of the local government code ushered a new

development paradigm the place local government at the center stage of national

development including the promotion of peace and order and local communities.

As enunciated in section 391 (16) of the local government code of 1991, the

barangay may provide for the organization of a community brigade, barangay

tanod or community service as maybe necessary to assist in the peace and order

efforts of the LGU. The Barangay brigades were organized to assist the

government in the maintenance of peace and order in the country, pursuant to

such duty, they conduct rondas or nighty patrols, necessarily exposing their lives

and limbs to danger in the hands of criminal elements and the wayward

members of the society. The Barangay Tanods stands at the forefront of keeping

the peace and order in every Barangay. They are composed of civilian volunteers

who protect the community from lawless forces, and who also demonstrate their

interest in crime prevention by serving criminals as deterrents, especially in areas

where police are scarce.

The total number of crimes recorded by the Philippine National Police (PNP)

Regional Command 2 in the second quarter of this year has decreased by 22.3

percent from 4,372 to 3,397 in the same period last year. 

Police Colonel Edward Guzman, deputy regional director for operations,

presented that Isabela province has the highest crime incidents with 1,462;

followed by Isabela with 1,173; Nueva Vizcaya with 493; Santiago City with 230;

Quirino with 35, while Batanes had 4 recorded cases. He also said that there were

186 index crimes, in which rape cases registered as the highest under crimes

against persons with 59, or 31.72 percent of the total, followed by murder with

33, or 17.74 percent, physical injury with 24, or 12.90 percent, and homicide with

nine, or 4.85 percent. On crimes against property, there were 32 cases of theft, or

17.20 percent of the total, and 17 robbery cases, or 9.14 percent. There were also

11 motorcycle and one vehicle carnapping cases recorded.  Guzman further said

that even the non-index crimes have also decreased by 31.67 percent, from

3,676 in the same period of last year, to 2,574. 

"However, special laws which include protocols on COVID-19 remain to

be the highest contributor in our incident reports, covering 97.14 percent. This

means that there are still many violators of the [health and safety] protocols set

by the government," Guzman said. He said that the decrease in the number of

criminal cases is attributed to the strengthened surveillance and monitoring of

police officers in the different municipalities, as well as the cooperation of the

locals and officials.

Peace and order are essential aspect of every human life (Kimanuka,

2018)1. It is natural state that every person seeks for peace and order. According

to the National Economic and Development Authority Socioeconomic Report

(2017)2, in building the foundations for sustainable development, a highly trusted

and resilient society, and a globally competitive information economy, stability,

security, and public order are the most essential elements. If truth be told, it is

essential for stakeholders to preserve the advantages of enforcing peace and

order policies at their sites in order to attract more companies to do business in

the local area for them to achieve the anticipated robust economic growth in the

future (Ocden, 2018)3. Indeed, the fact that a state of peace and order encourages

investment growth creates more opportunities for jobs and draws more visitors,

peace and order is an important ingredient in sustaining economic development,

social order, and political stability (PhDEssay.2016) 4. The Philippines has a

Kimanuka, Oscar (2018). Why peace and security are essential enablers of
development. Retrieved on March 29, 2020 from
National Economic and Development Authority (2017). Ensuring Security,
Public Order, and Safety. Retrieved on April 05, 2020 from:
Ocden (2018). Peace and order is the foundation of development. Retrieved on
April 05, 2020 from:
Free (2016). Peace and Order in the Development of the
Country. Retrieved on April 07, 2020 from:
moderately high rate of violent crime (Sylvester, 2020) 5 where the country's

beauty masks a darker side, and crime is a problem that persists, According to

the Philippines National Police (PNP) Directorate for Investigate and Detective

Management, theft physical assault, and robbery were among the most common

crimes reported to local authorities in 2019 while other common crimes included

were pickpocketing, confidence schemes, and credit card fraud.

Correspondingly, carjacking, robberies, and violent assault also occurred

throughout the country (Overseas Security Advisory Council, 2020) 6. Crimes are

committed due to extreme hunger and for purely economic reasons such as lack

of education, unemployment, and population growth because of these reasons,

people are forcing to do crimes such as pickpocket and snatching (Internet

Pocket Library, 2020)7. Crimes are mostly committed in areas where the poor

live. Therefore, the barangay being the basic units of the local government plays

an important role in the development of the nation. That being said, the status of

Sylvester, Phyl (2020). Crime in the Philippines: How to travel safely. Retrieved
on September 02, 2020 from:
Overseas Security Advisory Council (2020). Philippines 2020 Crime and safety
Report. Retrieved on October 10, 2020 from:
Internet pocket Library (2020). Causes of crimes in the Philippines Retrieve on
October 10, 2020 from:
1.1. Age 1.3. Civil Status
peace and order in a barangay illuminate that of the country, and a peaceful
1.2. Genderis peaceful country
barangay 1.4. (PhDEssay,
Highest Educational
2016) Attainment

1.3. CivilThe objective of this

to assess the participation of the Assessed
of income Barangay extent

Tanod in the maintenance of peace and order in Barangay Baligatan. of

1.4. Highest 1.6. Number of Years as Barangay
can perform their duties and responsibilities and how they maintain of
Educational Tanod
and order or their respective barangay. Tanod in
1.7. Number of Relevant
maintenance of
Theoretical Framework
1.5. Other source of Trainings/Seminars
peace and order
income This study focused in the participation of the barangay tanod in
2. Assessing the extent of participation in Barangay
maintenance of peace and order in Barangay Baligatan. In Memorandum
1.6. Number of of the barangay tanods in the Baligatan.
Circular No. 2003-42, guidelines on professionalizing the barangay tanod. The
Years as Barangay maintenance of peace and order as
enactment of the local government code ushered a new development paradigm
Tanod assessed by themselves, and the
the place local government at the centre stage of national development including
community residents relative to the
1.7. Number of
the promotion of peace and order and local communities. As enunciated in
following dimensions:
section 391 (16) of the local government code of 1991, the barangay may provide
Trainings/Seminars 2.1. Conduct of patrolling and traffic
for the organization of a community brigade, barangay tanod or community

2. service
as maybeof 2.2.toCommunity
necessary assist in the Relation
peace and order efforts of the LGU.

participation of the
2.3. Maintenance of peace and order
1. Profile tanods in
of the 1. Assessing the profile of the Barangay
3. Correlating the difference between
the maintenance
Barangay of
Tanod- Tanod-respondents in terms of:
the assessment of the two groups of
peace and order asin
1.1. Age
respondents on the extent of
terms of:
1.2. Gender
assessed by the maintenance of peace and order

themselves, and the relative to the above dimensions.

4. Comparing relationship between the
Assessed extent
residents relative
profile variables of the barangay
of participation
to the following
tanod-respondents and their
of the Barangay
assessment on their extent of
Tanod in
2.1. Conduct of participation in the maintenance of
maintenance of
patrolling and peace and order.
peace and order
5. Assessing the dimension of the in Barangay

2.2. Community maintenance of peace and order is/are Baligatan.

Relation the barangay tanods least participated.

2.3. Maintenance of 6. Assessing the measurement can be

peace and order Process
proposed to address the dimension/s

Output that the barangay tanods least

Figure 1.Paradigm of the Study

The paradigm of the study is based on the Input-Process-Output model.

The input contains the profile of the respondents in terms of their age, gender,

civil status, highest education attainment, other source of income, number of

years as a Barangay Tanod and number of relevant trainings/seminars. The

extent of participation of the barangay tanods in the maintenance of peace and

order as assessed by themselves, and the community residents relative to the

following dimensions which include conduct of patrolling and traffic,

community relations and maintenance of peace and order.

Next, the process contains the assessment of the profile of the respondents in

terms of their age, gender, civil status, highest education attainment, other source

of income, number of years as a Barangay Tanod and number of relevant

trainings/seminars. The extent of participation of the barangay tanods in the

maintenance of peace and order as assessed by themselves, and the community

residents relative to the following dimensions which include conduct of

patrolling and traffic, community relations and maintenance of peace and order.

The Correlation of the difference between the assessment of the two groups of

respondents on the extent to which the barangay tanod participate in the

maintenance of peace and order related to the above. The comparison of the

relationship between the profile variables of the barangay tanod and respondents

and their assessment on the extent to which they participate in the maintenance

of peace and order. The assessment of the dimension of the maintenance of peace

and order do the barangay tanod least participate. The assessment of the
measurement to be proposed to enhance the participation of the barangay tanod

in maintaining peace and order.

Lastly, the Output box includes the assessed extent of participation of the

Barangay Tanod in maintenance of peace and order in Barangay Baligatan.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the participation of the barangay tanods in the

maintenance of peace and order in Barangay Baligatan.

Specifically, it will seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the barangay tanod-respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Civil Status

1.4. Highest Educational Attainment

1.5. Other source of income

1.6. Number of Years as Barangay Tanod

1.7. Number of Relevant Trainings/Seminars

2. What is the extent of participation of the barangay tanods in the

maintenance of peace and order as assessed by themselves, and the

community residents relative to the following dimensions:

2.1. Conduct of patrolling and traffic

2.2. Community Relations

2.3. Maintenance of peace and order

3. Is there a significant difference between the assessment of the two groups of

respondents on the extent of participation of the barangay tanods in the

maintenance of peace and order relative to the above dimensions?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile variables of the

barangay tanod-respondents and their assessment on their extent of

participation in the maintenance of peace and order?

5. What dimension/s of the maintenance of peace and order is/are the

barangay tanods least participate?

6. What measures can be proposed to address the dimension/s that the

barangay tanods least participates?


This study will be guided by the following hypotheses:

1. There is no significant difference between the assessment of the two groups

of respondents on the extent of participation of the barangay tanods in the

maintenance of peace and order relative to the above dimensions.

2. There is no significant relationship between the profile variables of the

barangay tanod-respondents and their assessment on their extent of

participation in the maintenance of peace and order.

3. There is no significant difference between the assessment of the two groups

of respondents on the extent of participation of the barangay tanods in the

maintenance of peace and order relative to the above dimensions.

4. There is no significant relationship between the profile variables of the

barangay tanod-respondents and their assessment on their extent of

participation in the maintenance of peace and order?

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed beneficial to the following:

Philippine National Police of City of Ilagan. The success of this study

will be beneficial to the members of PNP City of Ilagan for it will be their basis

for more vigilant and more alert service as they assist the Barangay Tanod in

maintaining peace and order in the communities

Local Government Unit (LGU). This will be beneficial to them for it will

serve as a baseline for the improvement of their service for the communities

and for creating resolution.

Barangay Official. This research will help them to understand more

about their importance in the community specially in the implementation of

peace and order.

Barangay Tanod. The result of this study will serve as eye opener for

them to improve their duties and responsibilities and how they create a good

relationship with the community.

Community Residents. The results of this study will awareness on how

the barangay Tanod participate in maintenance of peace and order in their


Researchers. The result of this study will serve as an avenue for them to

discover the importance to have knowledge about the performance of the

Barangay Tanod.

Future Researchers. The future researchers may utilize the data or result

of this study or future reference in conducting similar study.

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to determine the extent participation of Barangay Tanod in

maintenance of peace and order in Barangay Baligatan.8 Ilagan City is politically

subdivided into 91 barangays, the most barangays in the province. These

barangays are headed by elected officials: Barangay Captain, Barangay Council,

whose members are called Barangay Councilors. All are elected every three

years. Each barangay consist of 7 puroks and some have sitios.

Currently, there are 12 barangays in the city that are considered urban

(highlighted in bold). Barangays are grouped into 4 clusters, namely Centro

Poblacion Cluster, Northeastern Cluster, San Antonio Cluster, and Western


Aggasian, Alibagu, Alinguigan 1st ,Alinguigan 2nd, Alinguigan

3rd ,Arusip ,Baculod (Poblacion) ,Bagong Silang ,Bagumbayan (Poblacion),

Baligatan ,Ballacong ,Bangag, Batong-Labang ,Bigao ,Cabannungan 1 st,

Cabannungan 2nd ,Cabesera 2 (Dappat) ,Cabesera 3 (San Fernando) ,Cabesera 4

(San Manuel), Cabesera 5 (Baribad), Cabesera 6 and 24 (Villa Marcos) ,Cabesera 7

(Nangalisan), Cabesera 9 and 11 (Capogotan), Cabesera 10 (Lapigui) ,Cabesera 14

and 16 (Casilagan), Cabesera 17 and 21 (San Rafael), Cabesera 19 (Villa

Suerte) ,Cabesera 22 (Sablang), Cabesera 23 (San Francisco) ,Cabesera 25 (Santa

Lucia), Cabesera 27 (Abuan) ,Cadu, Calamagui 1st ,Calamagui

2nd ,Camunatan ,Capellan ,Capo, Carikkikan Norte ,Carikkikan Sur ,Centro -

San Antonio ,Centro Poblacion ,Fugu, Fuyo ,Gayong-Gayong Norte ,Gayong-

Gayong Sur ,Guinatan ,Imelda Bliss Village ,Lullutan ,Malalam, Malasin

(Angeles), Manaring, Mangcuram ,Marana I ,Marana II, Marana III ,Minabang,

Morado, Naguilian Norte, Naguilian Sur ,Namnama, Nanaguan, Osmeña

(Sinippil), Paliueg ,Pasa, Pilar ,Quimalabasa, Rang-ayan (Bintacan), Rugao,

Salindingan ,San Andres (Angarilla), San Felipe, San Ignacio (Canapi), San

Isidro, San Juan ,San Lorenzo, San Pablo, San Rodrigo, San Vicente (Poblacion),

Santa Barbara (Poblacion) ,Santa Catalina ,Santa Isabel Norte, Santa Isabel Sur,

Santa Maria (Cabeseria 8), Santa Victoria ,Santo Tomas ,Siffu, Sindon Bayabo,

Sindon Maride, Sipay, Tangcul, Villa Imelda (Maplas).

As of June 30, 2021, the following barangays are considered urban:

Alibagu, Bagumbayan, Baligatan, Calamagui 1st, Calamagui 2nd, Guinatan,

Imelda Bliss Village, Marana I, Osmeña, San Vicente and Santa Barbara. By

definition, Santa Isabel Sur is also considered urban barangay due to having

more than five thousand population

The researchers will get all the barangay tanod and their chief tanod as a

primary respondents and the community residents from different sectors which

include youths, senior citizen, professional, farmers and entrepreneurs. The

researchers will provided a questionnaire that can answer the following

dimension which include the conduct of patrolling and traffic, community

relations and maintenance of peace and order. During the survey answered by

the respondents for them to come up with the data needed in the study.

Definition of Terms

The content of the study, the researchers provided the following terms which

were operationally defined:

Community relation. Is a mutually beneficial relationships with the


Extent of participation. The range over which one takes part.

Maintenance of Peace and Order. This refers to keeping safety and security

among members of the community.

Memorandum Circular. This serve as a legal basis on the study.

Patrol. Is one way to monitor the security of the residents.

Traffic. Refers to the movement of person, vehicles, goods from one place to

another. It may consist pedestrians ridden or herded animals.



This chapter presents the literatures and studies which the researchers find

relevant to the present study.

Related Literature


Ishmael Mugari, Nomore Thabana (2018)9. Despite the advent of modern

crime control methods, chiefly brought about by technological advancement, foot

patrol has remained as one of the crucial crime prevention methods in both the

developed and developing world. Foot patrols were widely viewed to be

effective in reducing specific crimes/problems such as assault, loitering, touts,

plain robbery and pick pocketing. It was also felt that reduction in specific crimes

within the central business district also lowers the aggregate crime levels for the

whole city. Reduction in fear of crime and provision of a reassuring presence

were also considered to be the major benefits of foot patrols by community


Bicycle patrol is associated with more contacts with the public and higher

rates of proactive policing when compared to motor vehicle patrol and bicycle

officers are more likely to rate higher on several measures of crime control.

Officers with a COP mandate engage with the public for a wider variety of

reasons compared to those with a reactive mandate, and are more likely to rate

higher on perceptions of performing job duties in a procedurally just manner.

(Victoria A Sytsma, Eric L Piza, 2018)10

Mugari, Ishmael (2018). Foot patrols and crime prevention in Harare Central
Business District: police officers’ perspectives Crime Prevention and
Community Safety, 20(2),113-124.
Sytsma, V. A. & Piza, E. L.(2018). The influence of job assignment on
community engagement: bicycle patrol and community- oriented policing.
According to Jerry H Ratcliffe, Evan T Sorg Springer,(2017) 11 Generations of

police officers have performed foot patrols. In previous lives, both of your

current authors walked beats across the pond from one another. From the

American colonists who patrolled in the night watch to the millennials walking

beats today, foot patrolling has remained a cornerstone of policing. Despite the

enduring nature of its practice, the rationale underlying police foot patrols, and

indeed the mission of foot patrol officers, has not been static. More recently in

Philadelphia, police administrators have rediscovered Peel’s original mission,

but with greater geographic focus fueled by digital technology and grounded in

academic research and theorizing that has emerged since the formation of Peel’s

Metropolitan Police. Partly as a result of the work in Philadelphia (described in

greater detail in the next chapter), departments around the world have begun to

reimagine how police foot patrols might fit into their organizational strategies

and support their organizational mission.

In addition, before moving to the contemporary use of foot patrols in

Philadelphia in the chapters that follow, this chapter tells the historical story of

foot patrol, how its use has waxed and waned through the generations, and how

various events in the history of law enforcement have shaped its practice. We
Ratchliffe, J. H. & Sorg Springer E. T (2017). Foot patrol: rethinking the
cornerstone of policing
NAyvTwFzj3YEwlftt8v0 - d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DEEsjIGVQG6AJ
begin by briefly walking readers through the evolution of various systems of law

enforcement that preceded the development of government police agencies as

we know them today. These archetype methods of policing relied heavily on foot

patrols and provided important first steps toward establishing public police


Community Relation

According to Redoble, Ramos, Vidal and Valdes (2018), it was observed that

many violations are committed due to lack of awareness on the legislation. This

truly shows the importance of disseminating new ordinances. The citizens

claimed that peace and order information dissemination is implemented only to

a moderate extent. Indeed, municipal councils are enacting various ordinances.

As chief executive, the chief of the barangay enforcers is the one who enforce all

laws and ordinances that exist within the barangay and are meant to preserve

public order. However, in practice, there are questions as to their

implementation, proper dissemination, and interest of the local leaders.

Additionally, the barangay residents also reported that the presence of

street lights to avoid crime during night time as peace and order program of

their area is only implemented to a moderate extent. As everyone knows,

lighting, street lighting, in particular, is one basic necessity for a peaceful, crime-

free environment. This is because a well-lit plays discourages the commission of

a crime (Manila Standard,2018).

In the same way, the residence also added that having provided a

handheld radio to all barangay officials is only implemented to a moderate

extent. According to one of the barangay captains, one of their strategic approach

in maintaining peace and order is by proving handheld radios to all barangay

officials, Barangay Police Action Team (BPAT) as well as barangay workers to

ensure a steady flow of communication for reporting and quick response. The

presence of this gadget will surely help the enforcers to immediately report to

the concern agency any observations and untoward incidents.

Lastly, the barangay residents declared that the presence of an existing

community disturbance plan as a peace and order program is implemented only

to a moderate extent. Not realizing the fact that another factor which proves

useful in the successful prosecution of the various programs of the Government,

is the involvement of the citizen through the “barangay”, or community in the

campaign against lawlessness, criminality, and other forms of civil disturbances

(Fifth United Congress,1975).

Likewise, the barangay should have a working and quality administrative

structure, and frameworks for implementation (Redoble, Ramos, Vidal, and

Valdes,2018), and conduct of planning for the development of their programs

(Mina,2019). The residents also added that the continuation of the rationalize

development of “Pulis sa Baranagay” to strengthen and compliment the security

measures being implemented by the barangays and the mobilization of barangay

enforcers per barangay to augment PNP personnel “Pulis sa Barangay” for the
conduct of Oplan Sita to prevent motorcycle-riding criminals in executing their

plans or both implemented to a moderate extent. The “Pulis sa Barangay”

program was implemented in 2011 as embodied in “BAYANIHAN” or the

barangay peace keeping operations (BPO) which mandates the organization of

Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) As force multipliers and this

program is under the direct supervision of the Philippine National Police (PNP)

in close coordination with barangay officials (Palo,2019).

Maintenance of Peace and Order

In the book of Oliver P. Richmond (2020) Peace can be seen in more critical

terms as both a process and a goal, but following multiple paths simultaneously,

always unfinished and unlikely to converge on a single outcome. Hybrid forms

and processes fit best with the indicators develop by critical discussion by peace.

This opens up a particular focus on the processes by which is as a self-conscious

and reflexive goal may be achieve. If peace taken as strategic goal, it would tend

towards a focus of mutual preservation and never move beyond preliminary

stages relating to security, but there a further, more inspiring, possibilities.

This book examines the implication of the multiple understandings of this

underdeveloped, but heavily contested concept from within the different

accounts of IR theory. IR theory is deployed in this study through fairly crude

representations using rubber unashamedly the orthodox approach of separating

IR theory into ‘great debates,’ and into separates theories of realism, idealism,
pluralism, liberalism, Marxism, critical theory, constructivism, and post-

structuralist approaches, as well as various connected or sub-discipline, such as

IPE, anthropology, sociology, or peace and conflict studies. It is clear that there is

much is problematic with this Eurocentric approach, but it provides a

mechanism through which to view the implication for a concept of peace, and

the theorization, ontology, epistemology, and methodology, suggested by each.

This connection between theories, the way of being, the knowledge system, and

research methodologies they suggest allows for the possibility of evaluating each

theory in terms of the notions of peace the imply.

This is certainly not to dismiss the importance of mainstream IR, but to

caution against its representation as a ‘complete’ discipline, which it clearly is

not. Indeed, there is a serious question as to whether aspects of orthodox

approaches (by which I mean positivist debates from realism, liberalism, and

Marxism) to IR are anti-peace, sometimes purposively, and sometime carelessly.

War, competitions, trade, class, Euro-centricism, patriarchy, individualism,

extraction, and imperialism are their main engines. The three main orthodox

theories are often to offer determinist grand narratives: realism offer an elite and

negative inter-state peace based on inherency; liberalism offer a one-size-fits-all

progressive framework of mainly elite state and international governance with

little recognition of difference; and Marxism offers grass-roots emancipation

from determinist structure of the international political economy via violent state
and global revolution. Yet, as this study shows, in the context of peace, other

possible emerge.

This study is informed by an attempt to establish a broader, interdisciplinary

reading of peace and to embed this within IR. It is worth noting that peace has

preoccupied a broad range of thinkers, activist, politicians, and other figures, in

various ways often to do with an interest in, or critique of violence, influence,

power, and politics. These include to name but of few, Thucydides, Hobbes,

Machiavelli, Kant, Locke, Paine, Jefferson, John Stuart Mill, Gandhi, Freud,

Einstein, Lorenz, Mead, Arendt, Martin Luther King, Thoreau, Foucault,

Galtung, Boulding, Freire, Tolstoy, Camus and more. Many other public figures,

religious figures, cultural figures, politicians and officials, as well as many

obscured from Western post-Enlightenment though by their linguistic or cultural

difference, and also turn their hands to describing peace. 11 Yet, there remains a

surprising lack of an explicit debate on peace in IR theory.

This study does not claim to cover or explain IR theory comprehensively – it is

already perhaps overambitious- or to move beyond its Western corpus (as it

should but it endeavors to be particularly sensitive to claims of IR theory about

the pros and cons of even having a debate about peace. It is inevitable in a study

such as this that much emphasis is on ‘great text’ and key concept and theoretical

categories (though this is a syndrome that the author would prefer to refute).

Later chapter do try to avoid this, with the context of establishing critical ground

to make this move. What is important here is the attempt not to reject IR as a
discipline, as some critical thinker do in the extremes of their frustration with its

limitations, but to redevelop it to reflect the everyday world, its problems, and

opportunities for a wider peace in everyday life. This endeavor is a crucial part

of the attempt to escape maintenance IR’s rigid and narrow, post-Enlightenment

representation of specific reductionist discourses as reality, rather than exploring

contextual and contingent interpretations. Theory indicates the possibility for

human action and ethical and practical potential, 12 meaning that the study of

peace must be a vital component of engagement with any theory. The focus on

peace and its different conceptualizations proposed in this study allows from the

discipline to redevelop a claim to legitimacy which had long since been lost by its

orthodoxy’s often slavish assumption about power, war, strategy, and conflict,

and their origins. It seeks to go beyond the objectivist and linear display of

knowledge about who and what is important in IR (international elites, states,

policymakers, and officials (normally male), the rich, the west) and reintroduce

the discourses of peace and its methods, as a central research area, specifically in

terms of understanding the everyday individual, social, and even international

responsibilities the orthodox IR has generally abrogated. 13 In particular, peace in

everyday terms requires an understanding of the hidden and long-term

workings power in political, economic, and social terms. This requires engaging

with the consequences of imperialism and colonialism, capitalism and extraction,

patriarchy, state formation and state power, and class.

According to Aydinan, J.J.B., & Ayeo-eo, S.P(2020) 12 it is a long line that it is

important to craft a peacekeeping concept appropriate to the particular situation

of peace and order in the barangay. Realizing the significance of barangay peace

and order programs, it has shown that majority of the barangay peace and order

programs are implemented only to a moderate extent based on the experience of

the citizens. Thus, it is recommended that the barangay officials together with all

the concerned personnel including the chief of the barangay enforcers, the

barangay forces, and barangay workers shall work altogether to strengthen the

peace and order programs in the barangay. This shall be done with careful

planning and well-defined strategies within the smallest political unit in the

Philippines, the barangay level.

Related Studies

In the study of Pascua, et al (2020)13, “The Extent of Participation of the

Barangay Police in Crime Prevention in City of Ilagan, Isabela”. The researchers

only considered selected barangays in the City of Ilagan due to strain in

transportation and terrain factor. The researchers considered ten barangays with

the cooperation of 70 barangay police which were taken in a total enumeration

and 250 residents from the youth, senior citizen, professional, business and

Aydinan, J.J.B. & Ayeo-eo, S.P(2020). Implementation of Barangay Peace and
Order Programs: A Situational Analysis
Pascua, et al (2020), “The extent of participation of the barangay police in
crime prevention in Tuao, Cagayan”
farmer groups with a general total of 320 respondents. The descriptive-

correlational research design was used to assess the variables needed in the

conduct of the study. This method involved the collection of data in order to

achieve the objective regarding the extent of participation of barangay police in

terms of crime prevention. Moreover, descriptive-qualitative was utilized to

determine the most participated and the least participated by the respondents.

The researcher used the following statistical instrument: frequency count and

percentage to assess the profile of the respondents, weighted mean was used to

assessed the extent of participation of the barangay police in crime prevention in

Barangay Baligatan., Pearson-r was used to test the difference and T-test was also

used to assessed the two-groups of respondents. Based on their study, it can be

said that the barangay police are indeed doing their job well, most especially in

maintaining and sustaining peace and order in their respective barangays. It is

assured that crimes are prevented, since they make sure that they participate to

their duties and attend to their responsibilities as officers. Thus, Barangay

Baligatan that assures a safe place to live in for its people in the community.

In the study of Cruz (2020)14 entitled “Performance of Barangay Police

Security Officer (BPSO) or Tanod in Maintaining Peace and Order” conducted in

selected barangays of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, which was anchored on the

Mary Chris Austria-Cruz. Performance of Barangay Police Security Officer
(BPSO) OR Tanod in Maintaining Peace and Order”(2020) Nueva ecija
University Of Science and Technology, Philippines.
duties and responsibilities that are provided under the Memorandum Circular

2003-42 with the subject “Guidelines on Professionalizing the Barangay Tanod.

The descriptive method of research was used in the conduct of this study, and

the used of questionnaire checklist. The study aimed to assess the performance of

duties and responsibilities of barangay security police officers. Barangay officials,

barangay police or tanod and other constituents participated in the study. Data

collected by means of respondents’ demographic profile, performance question

assessed by their duties and responsibilities. Employing a descriptive-correlated

design, significant difference was being explored. Interviews with experienced

law enforcers like police personnel and people with reputation were conducted

to support and validate findings. Recommendations on enhancing training

programs for them to efficiently discharge their duties and responsibilities and

amendments to honorarium were proposed to compensate the risk and sacrifices

of barangay tanods in their service. This study was anchored on the duties and

responsibilities that are provided under the Memorandum Circular 2003-42 with

the subject “Guidelines on Professionalizing the Barangay Tanod”.

Additionally, in the study of Sumad-on (2020)15 in the ‘’Effectiveness of

Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention in Central Region of Angadanan, Isabela’’.

Sumad-on (2020). Effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention in
Central Region of Angadanan, Isabela
LNggrkHc3vcQy_7EOc0r0Mol8RParPl2qtxJkIQAIs d=gs_qabs&u=%23p
The research was carried out within Angadanan, Isabela’s central area, namely

Barangay Centro I, II AND III. It is bounded by Cauayan City on the north,

Benito Soliven and San Guillermo on the east, Echague on the south and Alicia

on the west. Crime prevention process emanates from the local form of the

government to ensure the safety of all its constituents whom the barangay tanod

has the biggest role within the barangay. The study made a Qualitative-

descriptive research and purposive sampling technique with the used of

questionnaire as a tool in gathering the data from 34 Barangay Tanods and 30

Barangay Officials within the Central Region of Angadanan, Isabela. The

researcher used the following statistical instruments: simple frequency,

percentage, weighted mean, chi-square, and t-test. Results of the study showed

that the barangay tanod are moderately effective in preventing crime because of

improper routine of duties and functions like conduct patrol or ronda, conduct

surveillance to surreptitious person, and detection of hazard in different

establishments and to include lack of sufficient orientation. majority of the

respondent belong to age range 36 -40 years old, male, married, vocational

graduates and have 10-12 years of experience as Barangay Tanod. It also reveals

that the Barangay Tanods encountered serious problems in crime prevention in

the following aspects: lack of vehicle when conducting patrol, insufficient

training like self-defense techniques, and insufficient equipment like baton,

handcuff and other equipment for crime prevention.

In the study of Dican, et al (2018), “Police visibility: its influence to the

maintenance of peace and order in Baggao, Cagayan.” secure adequate and

reliable data. The researcher used the descriptive method of investigation to

secure adequate and reliable data. The primary respondents of the study are the

Police Officers, while the secondary respondents are the Barangay officials, and

sample residents of 5 barangays in Baggao, Cagayan who are selected for the

year 2017-2018. Police officers and barangay officials are selected using total

enumeration, while the residents are selected using sample techniques.

Researchers utilized the used of questionnaires in the form of checklist type to

gather data of this study. The data was treated with the use of simple frequency

count percentage and weighted mean. Furthermore, Pearson-r and annova were

used to determine the difference among the assessment of the three groups of

respondents. Based on their study, problems encountered in the maintenance of

peace and order are lack of cooperation between the community, government,

state administration and the police. Proactive problem-solving and prevention.

Involvement in the campaign against crime and violence. Complete elimination

of the problem. Reduction in the number caused by the problem. Reduction of

the gravity, that is, the harmfulness of the consequences of the incidents caused

by the problem. Creating methods for better incident management.

In the study of Guadamor et al (2017)16 on CRIME MAPPING IN THE

PROVINCE OF CAGAYAN, it was stated that ever since maps have been

available that depict the geographic features of communities, such as streets and

city boundaries, police departments have used such maps to determine patrol

areas and emergency routes as well as to assist patrol officers in finding specific

addresses. Police departments have also mapped crime, a process that, until

recently, involved the manual placement of pins on hand-drawn wall maps. The

emergence of computerized crime mapping as a tool for conducting crime

analysis begins with an introduction to key terms and then describes basic

concepts before presenting a history of crime mapping and information on the

field’s current status and career paths. This research aimed to determine the

different crimes committed in Cagayan province from 2014 to 2015. From the

findings of the study, the researchers came up with the conclusion that the

volume of index and non-index crimes is greater in congested areas and thickly

populated municipality thereby recommend that police visibility is should be in

place to prevent the would-be criminals to commit crimes.


Guadamor et al (2017). Crime Mapping in the Province of Cagayan
dQLAhRh601mxexmaUjbVuIaIY - d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DxsYeBNPobnwJ
The different studies being cited regarding crime prevention and

maintenance of peace and order through the participation of barangay

police/tanod have similarities and dissimilarities to the content of the present


In the study of Pascua et al (2020) entitled “The Extent of Participation of

Barangay Police in Crime Prevention in Tuao, Cagayan” conducted in selected

barangays of Tuao, Cagayan. His study and the present study differ in terms of

the scope and delimitation, respondents, locale of the study, framework used,

dimensions, and sampling, but in terms of the statistical tool, both studies used a

three-point Likert scale. The present study has also patterned the content of the

data gathering tool from the tool used by Pascua.



This chapter consists of the methods and procedures on how the study will

conduct. This includes the Research Design, Respondents of the Study, Data

Gathering Tools, Data Gathering Procedures, and the Statistical Tools which

were utilized in this study.

Research Design

Descriptive-correlational research design will be used to assess the variables

needed in the conduct of the study.

Descriptive can be used to compare different variables while correlational

can be used to determine prevalence and relationships among variables.

This method involved the collection of data in order to achieve the

objective regarding the participation of barangay tanod in maintenance of peace

and order.

Respondents of the Study

The primary respondents of the study depends on the IRA (Internal

Revenue Allotment) of the barangay, fifteen residents in each of the twelve

selected barangays, composed of youths, senior citizen, professional, farmers and

entrepreneurs. The sampling to be used in selecting barangay tanods will be total

enumeration technique while, simple random sampling was utilized in the

selection of the community residents. The table shows the distribution of


Table 1

Respondents of the Study

Respondents Sample

Barangay Tanod

Community Residents


Data Gathering Tool

The researchers will utilize a questionnaire which will be patterned from

the study of Pascua entitled “The Extent of Participation of Barangay Police in

Crime Prevention in Tuao, Cagayan Calendar Year (2020)”. The said

questionnaire is composed of two parts:

Part 1 of the questionnaire focused on the assessment of the profile of the

Barangay Tanod respondents which includes Age, Gender, Civil Status, Highest

Educational Attainment, Other Source of Income, Number of Years as Barangay

Tanod and Number of Relevant Trainings/Seminars

On the other hand, Part 2 will focused on assessing the Participation of the

Barangay Tanod in maintenance of peace and order in Barangay Baligatan that

answer the following dimensions which include conduct of patrolling and traffic,

community relations and maintenance of peace and order using the four-point

Liker scale with the description “Always/Well participated”, “Sometimes

Participated” “Participated “ and “Never/Not Participated”.

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission to conduct the study, the researchers will write a letter that

address to the Municipal Mayor through barangay captains and it is noted by the

adviser and concurred by the Dean of School of Criminology.

Upon approval, the researchers will personally administer the

questionnaires to the respondents. A briefing to the respondent will also conduct

for them to be inform of the confidentiality of their identities and their decisions

whether or not they answer the questionnaires on their own understanding. The

respondents were given a time to answer the given questionnaires to avoid

pressure. After the assessment, the results are objectively tally, compute and

analyze using the statistical tool appropriate to the study.

Statistical Tools

The following statistical tools will be used for the analyzation of the data that

will be gathered:

The researchers will use the Frequency and percentage counts to analyze

the profile variables of the barangay tanod-respondents.

Weighted mean will also be utilized to analyze the extent of participation

of the barangay tanods in the maintenance of peace and order. It will be

furthered analyzed using the 4-point likert scale below:

Numerical value Range Descriptive Scale

4 3.25-4 Well-Participated
3 2.5-3.24 Participated

2 1.75-2.49 Sometimes Participated

1 1.00-1.74 Not Participated

Moreover, t-test will be used to analyze the significant difference between

the assessments of the two groups of respondents on the extent of participation

of the barangay tanods in maintenance of peace and order.

Furthermore, to test the significant relationship between the profile variables

of the barangay tanod-respondents and their assessment on their extent of

participation in the maintenance of peace and order, Pearson-r will be utilized.




Thesis Proposal

Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Criminology

Saint Ferdinand College

City of Ilagan, Isabela




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