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Scene: Court room

Everyone, except Judge, enters the room silently

Moderator: (Moves in the Center and Front)A pleasant morning to each and everyone
especially to our dear instructor, Mr. Harvey T. Alejandro, to our guests for today we
welcome you to our Mock Court . Please sit back and enjoy our simulation of a Mock
Court Trial on a case of a shooting incident.

Our scenario, is a case of an alleged Crime of Passion, where the defendant, Mr.
Butac shot and killed his friend by shooting him in a fit of jealousy, on the fateful day
of April 29, 2023.

Judge enters room.

PROSECUTOR’s SECRETARY : For the trial, all rise. (Everybody stands up). RTC
Branch 19 is now in session, Honorable Judge, Julius Cabansag, please preside.

JUDGE: Be seated. (Everybody seats down). State the case.

PROSECUTION SECRETARY: We call on today’s case, Criminal Case No. 1122.

The People of the Philippines versus Butac.Murder.

JUDGE: Is the prosecution ready?

PROSECUTION: (Stands up) Yes, your Honor. (Sit)

JUDGE: Is the defense ready?

DEFENSE: (Stands up) Yes, your Honor. (Sit)

JUDGE: We will now hear the opening statement of the Prosecution.

________________________Opening Statements_____________________________

PROSECUTION: (Rises) Thank you, your Honor. On April 29, 2023, Accused, Karl
Bonhoffer Butac, unlawfully and cold-heartedly took away his friend Peter Santos life
by shooting him in front of their friend group in a fit of jealousy. We will prove that
he is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The reason we ask your Honor, the verdict of

JUDGE: Would the Defense give an opening statement?

DEFENSE: Your Honor, we would like to say in the case of People of the Philippines
vs Karl Bonhoffer Butac, he is being accused of being a cold-blooded killer by
shooting Peter Santos over jealousy, well in-fact he was not in the scene of the crime
when it occured, that is why we ask your Honor the verdict of not guilty.

JUDGE: For the Prosecution, you may now call on your first witness.
____________________WITNESS DIRECT EXAMINATION_________________
PROSECUTION: Your Honor, the prosecution would like to call Mr. Raymond
Calsada to the witness stand.

Witness 1 proceeds to the Witness Stand. Prosecutor’s Secretary approaches stand.

PROSECUTOR’S SECRETARY: Please raise your right hand. (Witness 1 raises

right hand.) Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth?

WITNESS 1: Yes, I do. (lowers right hand, sits down)

PROSECUTION: May I proceed your Honor?

JUDGE: Proceed.

Prosecutor approaches witness stand.

PROSECUTION: Mr. Witness, please introduce yourself.

WITNESS 1: I am,Raymond Calsda from Luna, Isabela.

PROSECUTION: On the night of April 27, 2023, at exactly 10:45 PM, where were

WITNESS 1: I was walking with my friends at Mabini St. District 1 we were planning
to go to a 7 Eleven store.

PROSECUTION: Can you identify the people you were with that night?

WITNESS: Yes, I was with Peter Santos, Brainard Congson and jerick Binabise.

PROSECUTION: On your way to a 7-Eleven store, what did you witness.

WITNESS: A guy wearing a hoodie approached, us while we turned the corner and he
approached Peter Santos, he shot him, in the stomach. He then ran away, then we
heard a motorcycle leave.

PROSECUTION: After the shooting, what did you do?

WITNESS 1: We called for a tricycle driver to take Peter to the hospital.

PROSECUTION: Can you Identify the man who shot your friend?

WITNESS 1: Him (Points at Accused) He shot Peter!

PROSECUTION: That’s all your Honor. Thank you.

JUDGE: Would the Defense like to Cross-Examine?

__________________WITNESS CROSS-EXAMINATION____________________

DEFENSE: Yes, your Honor.

JUDGE: You may proceed.

DEFENSE: Thank you your Honor, (Proceeds near witness stand). Mr. Calsada the
incident took place at approximately 10:45 PM right?

WITNESS 1: Yes ma’am.

DEFENSE: It was dark that time, were there any streetlights in the area?

WITNESS 1: Yes, but they were dim light.

DEFENSE: So, if the lights were dim how can you say that Mr. Butac was the shooter
when you can’t even see the person properly?

PROSECUTION: Objection your Honor! Argumentative!

JUDGE: Objection overruled. Witness please answer.

WITNESS: I saw that he was wearing a hoodie like that of Mr. Butac and they were
just fighting over chat the day before.

DEFENSE: No further question your Honor.

JUDGE: Would the Prosecution like to Re-direct?

_________________________WITNESS RE-DIRECT________________________

PROSECUTION: Yes, your Honor. Mr. Calsada, you said that the killer was wearing
a hoodie like that of Mr. Butac, what kind of a hoodie jacket were your referring
about? Can you please describe?

WITNESS: It was a black hoodie jacket with a Red Jordan Logo in the center.

PROSECUTION: How can you say that it belonged to the Accused.

WITNESS: I remember him wearing it once. I complimented him about it.

PROSECUTION: Thank you, Mr. Calsada.

JUDGE: Will the Defense re-cross?

DEFENSE: No your Honor.

JUDGE: Alright, Mr. Witness you may go back to your seat.

____________________WITNESS 2 DIRECT EXAM________________________

JUDGE: Is there any more witness the Prosecution would like to call?

PROSECUTION: Yes, your Honor, we would like to call to the witness stand, Mr.

Jerick Binabise (Proceeds to the witness stand).

PROSECUTOR’S SECRETARY: Please raise your left hand. (Witness 2 raises their
left hand) Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth, so help me

WITNESS 2: Yes, I do.

PROSECUTION: Good morning Mr. Witness can you please identify your name for
the court.

WITNESS: I am Jerick S. Binabise, I live in Mabini, Distict 1, I am friends with Peter


PROSECUTION: Mr. Binabise where you with Peter Santos, on the night of April 29,

WITNESS 2: Yes, your Honor.

PROSECUTION: Where were you going?

DEFENSE: Objection your Honor! Repetitive.

JUDGE: Objection sustained. Prosecution, ask your question directly.

PROSECUTION: Yes, your Honor. Did you also see the defendant that day?

WITNESS 2: No your Honor, but I heard his voice.

PROSECUTION: How did you know it was his voice?

WITNESS 2: I have been friends with the defendant for years now. I am sure it was
his voice.

PROSECUTION: What did he say?

WITNESS 2: I don’t remember.

PROSECUTION: Alright, thank you Mr. Witness. That is all your Honor.

JUDGE: The defense may now Cross-Examine.

_________________________WITNESS CROSS EXAMINE_________________-
DEFENSE: (Approaches stand) Mr. Witness, you said you identified the defendant by
his voice?


DEFENSE: How can you say it was his voice, when you have just arrived from
overseas where you were at, for the last 7 years?

WITNESS: Yes, but I know it was him. He has a lisp.

DEFENSE: Did you really hear the perpetrator speak when there was a karaoke
session going on nearby?

WITNESS: I believe so. I am positive!

DEFENSE: No more questions your Honor.

____________________WITNESS RE-DIRECT EXAMINATION______________

JUDGE: Will the Prosecution re-direct?

PROSECUTION: No your Honor.

___________________WITNESS DIRECT EXAMINATION__________________

JUDGE: Alright, does the Prosecution have any more witness to call?

PROSECUTION: Yes, your Honor, may I call Mr. Brainard Congson to the witness

Witness proceeds to the stand.

PROSECUTOR’S SECRETARY: Please raise your right hand! (Witness raises right
hand). Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth, so help me God?

WITNESS 3: Yes, I do. (Sits down)

PROSECUTION: Please state your name for the court.

WITNESS: I am Brainard Congson from District , Cauayan, I am friends with Peter


PROSECUTION: You were also with the deceased Peter Santos, the night he was
fatally shot right?

WITNESS 3: Yes. We were going to eat at 7 eleven after drinking.

PROSECUTION: Was it Karl Bonhoffer Butac you saw that pointed the gun at your
DEFENSE: Objection your Honor. Leading!

JUDGE: Objection sustained. Prosecution please change your question.

PROSECUTION: Mr. Congson, can you point out who shot your friend?

WITNESS 3: Yes, it was him.

PROSECUTION: Mr. Karl Butac?

WITNESS: Yes, I saw his face.

PROSECUTION: How can you say it was his face?

WITNESS 3: I saw his eyes and parts of his mouth. I was behind Peter Santos.

PROSECUTION: Thank you Mr. Congson. No further questions your Honor.

____________________WITNESS CROSS-EXAMINATION__________________
JUDGE: Would the Defense like to Cross-Examine?

DEFENSE: No your Honor.

______________________WITNESS DIRECT EXAMINATION_______________

JUDGE: Are there any more witnesses the Prosecution would like to call?

PROSECUTION: Yes, we have your Honor! We like to call Police Master Sergeant
John Lloyd Alarcio to be the witness on the stand.

Witness Investigator approaches stand.

PROSECUTOR’S SECRETARY: Please raise your right hand. (Raises right hand)
Do you swear to state the truth and nothing but the whole truth?


JUDGE: Defense do you stipulate

DEFENSE: No, your Honor.

PROSECUTION: Mr. Witness, please state your name, address, status, and other pers
onal circumstances.

WITNESS INVESTIGATOR: I am PMSgt John Lloyd Alarcio, residing at Roxas,


PROSECUTION: What is your current assignment?

WITNESS INVESTIGATOR: I am assigned as an investigator at the homicide sectio

n of Cauayan City Police Station.
PROSECUTION: How long, you have been assigned to the homicide section?


PROSECUTION: What is your educational attainment and training, if you have any,
with respect to homicide cases?

WITNESS INVESTIGATOR: I am a Registered Criminologist. I have attended semin

ars relative to a homicide investigations. I have also received special training in crimi
nal investigation and detection courses at Philippine Public Safety College, Cauayan

PROSECUTION: In connection with the investigation of homicide cases, how many f

irearms involved in a homicide case, you have already recovered in you years of

WITNESS INVESTIGATOR: More than 150 sir.

PROSECUTION: What evidences you have recovered, in- connection with this partic
ular homicide case?

W.I : I have recovered a .45 Caliber in a nearby bush and one fired shell at the crime

PROSECUTION: Showing to you this .45 Caliber, what is the relation of this evidenc
e to the present homicide case? Please examine.

W. I : This is the firearm, I found at the scene of the crime.

PROSECUTION : How are you sure that it is the same revolver you have found at the
crime scene?

W. I: Because I recognized the marks that I put on the firearm after I found it, there is
my secret marking engraved in the gun.

PROSECUTION: May I request your honor that the evidence identified by the witnes
s, be mark as exhibit "A".

JUDGE: Give order to the court interpreter. Please mark it.

PROSECUTION :After you have recovered these evidences, what was your next mov

W.I: I made notes regarding the make and type of the firearm, and its location and co
ndition, in my small notebook that I always carried for that purpose.

PROSECUTION: When did you find this firearm?

W.I. I found it on April 29, 2023. the date of the shooting incident.
PROSECUTION: At what time?

W.I: At around 11:34 in the evening.

PROSECUTION: Where did you find it?

W.I: At a bush on the corner of Mabini Street, Cauayan City.

PROSECUTION: Where was the body of the deceased, when you found the revolver?

W.I: It was already sent to the hospital.

PROSECUTION: What is the model, type and serial number of the 45 Caliber that yo
u recover?

W.I: It was a caliber 45 Armscore with a serial number of 1221212

PROSECUTION: Aside from the firearm you recovered, what else, you recovered fro
m the crime scene?

W.I: I recovered also one shell.

PROSECUTION: When did you find these shell?

W.I: On April 30, 2023, also the date of the shooting.

PROSECUTION: At what time?

W.I:. At around 12:07 in the morning shortly after finding the revolver.

PROSECUTION: Where did you find it?

W.I: At the crime scene as well.

PROSECUTION: After you recovered the shell casing, what did you do next?

W.I: I marked it with my initial at the bore of the fired shell, at the time I found it. I pl
ace it inside the envelope and jotted down on the envelope my name, the date, and the
place where I found the shell.

PROSECUTION: Is this the shell casing you recovered from the crime scene? Please

W.I: Yes, this is the shell I recovered from the crime scene.

PROSECUTION: May I request your honor that this shell, be mark as exhibit "B"

JUDGE: Give order to the court interpreter, mark it as well.

PROSECUTION: What did you do with the shell, after you found it and marked at the
crime scene?

W.I: I took and carried it, along with the revolver and the other evidence I found at th
e crime scene, and brought it to the homicide section.

PROSECUTION: What did you do with these evidences when you returned to the ho
micide section?

W.I: I prepare a request letter addressed to the Regional Chief of Crime Laboratory, f
or the purpose of determining whether the fired shell that I found at the crime scene
was fired from the caliber 45 that I also found at the crime scene

PROSECUTION: When was these items submitted to the crime laboratory?

W.I: At about 0117H or 1:117 o’clock in the morning of April 30, 2023.

PROSECUTION: Whose custody these items remain, before you delivered to the cri
me laboratory?

W.I : They remained in my custody until I delivered them to the crime laboratory.

PROSECUTION: Who received these items that you turned over?

W.I: It was received by the duty personnel P/CPL John Voltaire Dalog.

PROSECUTION: After you have turn over the evidences and was received, what did
P/CPL John Voltaire Dalo do?

W.I He checked the pieces of evidence, then he gives me a receipt. The receipt is the f
ile copy itself stamped and filled up with the time and date received and the name of P
CPL John Voltaire Dalog and then it was signed by him.

PROSECUTION: Showing to you this receipt, is this the receipt you are referring to?
Please examine.

W.I: Yes sir, that is the receipt I received.

PROSECUTION: There is a signature on the receipt, whose signature is this? Please e


W.I: That is the signature of PCPL John Voltaire Dalog.

PROSECUTION: When did he affix his signature to this receipt?

W.I: On April 30, 2023, when he received the items.

PROSECUTION: May I request your honor that the receipt itself, as well as the signat
ure appearing in the receipt, be mark as exhibit "D" and "E" respectively.
JUDGE:. Mark it accordingly.

PROSECUTION: That's all for the witness your honor.

_______________________WITNESS CROSS-EXAMINE___________________
JUDGE: Does the witness would like to cross-examine?

DEFENSE: Yes, I have a few questions your honor.

JUDGE: You may proceed.

DEFENSE: Thank you your honor, P/MSGT Alarcio, how come, that you know that t
here was a shooting incident on April, 29,2023?

W.I: The friends of the victim called for assistance after they sent the victim to the

DEFENSE: When was that, Mr. Witness?

W.I : At 10:50 PM of April 29, 2023.

DEFENSE: Who is your companion when you responded to the crime scene?

W.I The driver of the Patrol car as well as one personnel from the homicide section.

DEFENSE: In your testimony Mr. Alarcio, you said that you are the one who mark th
e Caliber 45 and shell, do you mean to say that they did not assist you in collecting th
e physical evidence?

W.I: They assist me in locating the physical evidence, but I was the one who mark it b
ecause I will be the one to testify in court.

DEFENSE: In the crime scene Mr. Alarcio, were you able to pick up the suspect?

W.I: No, Sir.

DEFENSE: Would you entertain an idea Mr.Alarcio that the gun recovered in the cri
me scene, is not the gun use in the commission of crimes?

W.I: I have no authority to answer that, sir, that is not part of my job, it is the job of fo
rensic firearms examiner to determine whether the gun recovered, is the gun used in t
he crime, sir.

DEFENSE: Did you take a photograph of the evidence you recovered, Mr. witness?

W.I : No, because the SOCO Team arrived at the crime scene, and since they have co
mplete equipment, they are the ones who facilitated the photographing.

DEFENSE: Why did you mark the physical evidence, even though the SOCO Team a
re present?
W.I: Because we arrived ahead before the SOCO Team arrived, so I take charge of ev
erything before they arrived.

DEFENSE: Why, the SOCO knew about the shooting incident?

W.I: Because, I advised one of my companions to call the crime laboratory for the ass
istance of SOCO, since they are well-trained, regarding the preservation of evidence.

DEFENSE COUNSEL:No more question you honor

JUDGE: Okay, any re-direct examination from the prosecution?

PROSECUTION: No re-direct examination you honor.

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