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A Term Paper

Presented to the

English Language Department

Pangasinan State University

Urdaneta City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course





JUNE 2023


I, Dianne V. Lopez, would like to extent my sincere gratitude to the following people

who relentlessly supported me with immeasurable help o make this study possible and


First, I would like to thank our Almighty God for guiding me with wisdom from the very

beginning until the completion of this study. Thank you Lord for giving me strength and wide

perception to better understand my study and grant me a life to fulfill my journey.

To my parents, who helped me financially. You may not know what I’m doing in school

right now or any idea on what I’ve been through, however your financial support deserves my

appreciation. Thank you for supporting my needs, I appreciate the way you assisted me.

To our dearest instructor, Sir Emil Isaac R. Conde, thank you for the guidance and

constant response as well as for providing reliable information. Thank you for sharing your

knowledge as well as patience with us. You’re kindness and understanding is the real highlight

and motivation while doing this study. And for that, I’m truly grateful to you, Sir.

To JAROSHIEDARIEJO RAVOXYR and Mr. White, a college group of friends. Thank

you for the help and support. Y’all are the best thing happen to in my college journey.

To the most beautiful Queen, the artist of the decade, and the so-called music industry,

Taylor Swift. My queen, your music is my stressing therapy. You and your music are the

masterpiece that we, the swifties ever had. Thank you for existing.

To my beloved Ryan Kenneth, thank you for reminding me daily to do my school task.

You’ve been a big help to me. I appreciate how you help me relate to the music in the midst of

doing my analysis. I’m grateful to your stability, patience and ardent love. I love you bb <33

Once again, with a sincere heart, I appreciate you being here with me. Thank you.


This study used a descriptive qualitative approach as well as a content analysis design to

describe types of figurative language and its meaning in song lyrics. The data included 10

heartbreak songs from Taylor Swift's various albums. This study's goal was to identify the

figurative language and its meaning in heartbreak music. According to the research, Taylor

Swift's heartbreak songs employed eight different types of figurative language: metaphor, simile,

hyperbole, allusion, symbols, irony, and metonymy. There were a total of 31 data points (54.4%)

for metaphor, 2 (3.5%) for simile, 8 (14.0%) for personification, 8 (14.0%) with hyperbole, 2

(3.5%) for allusion, 1 (1.8%) for metonymy, 4 (7.0%) with symbols, and 1 (1.8%) for irony.

Metaphor was discovered to be the most prevalent form of figurative language in Taylor Swift's

heartbreak songs. For musicians like Taylor Swift, figures of speech are essential tools because

they let them express themselves artistically, evoke feelings, produce lyrics that stand out, and

create their own unique style. These pieces of equipment improve the creative value of their

music and add to its overall impact and appeal.



Title Page ----- i

Acknowledgment -----ii

Abstract ----- iii

List of Tables ----- iv



Rationale of the Study ----- 1

Theoretical Background ----- 3

Statement of the Problem ----- 7


Research Data / Respondents ----- 7

Research Instrument ----- 8

Research Procedures ----- 8

Gathering of Data ----- 8

Treatment of Data ----- 9






Summary of findings ----- 58

Conclusion ----- 59

Recommendation ----- 60


Appendices ----- 63



Rationale of the Study

“When words fail, music speaks”, from William Shakespeare. When people think of

music they, often imagine instrument just like guitars, pianos, drums, and etc and how they were

connected to each other to create a pleasing sound. Music became part of many people, from

growing up and growing old. People tend to listen music depends on what atmosphere they feel

in order to match a good genre of music. Some people listens to R&B for parties, some listens to

pop music for vibe, and some people were listens to podcast, k-pop music, electronic and metal.

While others love to listen heartbreak music to relate on what they have been through. The

American singer/ songwriter Taylor Swift is one of the most controversial artist who wrote a lot

of heartbreak music. She is known for writing songs to his ex and put it on her albums. She is the

so called "music industry" being on top artists of all time and being one of the best selling

musician in history. Taylor Swift explain that song writing about breakup songs is about her life

and how hard things she's been through. A fandom called "swifties" is her fan base relating

through her music after being in a toxic relationship .The researcher itself is part of the fandom

since 2014, the birth of 1989 album and later on become avid fan in 2017 after reputation album

being released. Taylor's music became therapeutic in a view of the fact that every lyrics is like a

reading page of diary where every song is notorious for haunting the main idea behind it. The

researcher aims to study about how Taylor Swift's music impact people using her heartbreak

songs with the use of figurative language. The goal of the study is to know the figurative

languages that are being used in 10 songs of Taylor Swift and how this figurative language

compares thing in order to give words more detail in every song. When every song had

differences the richness and diversity of music brings an artistic and cultural form of expression

and this reflected in to similarities and differences, which highlight the variety of perspectives

and approaches in Taylor Swift’s song. With that, the researcher aims to help the listener to

better understand what's the song are trying to describe. The researcher wants to know every

meaning of the song to better understand the message that Taylor Swift is trying to convey. This

is study wants to share the understanding of how these songs are existed and how it was created.

The researchers intend to study how these songs are very influential to the listeners especially to

those who came from heartbreaking relationship. It aims to find what are the figurative

languages can be appeared on Taylor Swift's heartbreak music. The songs are selected from the

idea of researcher by its classification on hand of being alone after break up which makes it

heartbreaking song. The category is base through unreciprocated love, being left behind,

unprepared, immature, apathetic, vulnerable, toxic relationship, and being cheated on. The list of

the songs will be analyzed using X.J Kennedy, Theory of Figurative Languages are:

1. Midnight rain

2. Right where you left me

3. My tears ricochet

4. Exile

5. Sad beautiful tragic 

6. Babe

7. Begin Again

8. The 1

9. Last kiss

10. Teardrops on my guitar

Theoretical Background

According to X. J. Kennedy (1979) Figurative Language is language that uses figurative

of speech. A figurative of speech is a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of

the world. Figure of speech may be said occur whenever speaker or writer, for the sake of

freshness or emphasis, departs from usual denotation of word. According to Kennedy Figurative

language is divided into different types, they are: Metaphor, Simile, Personification, Hyperbole,

Allusion, Metonymy, Irony and Symbol.

1. Metaphor

Kennedy (1979) Metaphor is a statement that one thing is something else, which in a literal

sense, it is not. It does not use connective words such as like or as. It means that metaphor only

makes sense when the similarities between the two things become apparent or someone

understands the connection. Metaphor is variety of analogy which compare two things directly,

but in short pattern. It means that between subject and object have same attributes, and writer

uses it to compares it to another. For example:

1) He has a heart of stone.

2) “Oh, my love is red, red rose

The meaning of heart of stone is the man cannot accept opinion from others because his heart is

hard like a stone. For the second example, this sentence compares a love with a rose that has a

red color, red means brave, so love is brave, brave to face obstacle and fight to get love.

2. Simile

Kennedy (1979;490) affirms that simile is comparison of two things, indicated by some

connective, usually like, as, than or verb such as resembles. Generally, Simile is defined as type

of figurative language that used to explain the resemblance of two objects (in shape, color,

characteristic etc). For example:

1) As easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

2) Her eyes are like a star, east star.

The first example is doing something that people think is hard but he makes it is very easy and

simple, for the second example, the word “eyes” and “east star”, expression can be called explicit

comparison because it express those words with the same purpose, the both of the example above

used the key word like and as to compare between two unlike things.

3. Personification

Kennedy (1979:495) defines that “personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an

animal, or an abstract term (truth, nature) is made human. Or in other words, when the

attributions of human feelings or characteristics are given to abstractions or to inanimate objects,

it can be called as a personification (Sylvan Barnet, 1963:335). Personification is used to help the

authors describe a conditioner something more vividly. Through personification, the reader can

more easily grasp what the authors want to tell due to the fact that personification expresses the

way human perspective works and can figure it out more clearly. One more thing, using

personification correctly can make all the written literary works, especially novel, more

interesting. The personification can show the readers how rich the meaning of a word actually

has more than the readers could have ever imagined.

4. Hyperbole (Overstatement)

Kennedy (1979:496) affirms hyperbole is emphasizing a point with statement containing

exaggeration. It can be ridiculous or funny. Hyperboles can be added to fiction to add color and

depth to a character. Hyperboles can be added to fiction to add color and depth to a character.

For example:

1) I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill.

2) He was so hungry; he ate that whole cornfield for lunch, stalks and all.

The meaning of the first sentence is he walks to school in the snow it make like walk so far like

15 miles away. The second statement describe that he ate so much because very hungry. The

statement above is expression of over-statement.

5. Allusion

Allusion is figurative language that show indirectly forwards a person or even that people have

known together (Kennedy 1979) For example: Many victims caused Nazi was a military

organization that was leaded by Adolf Hitler, this organization was known as cruel organization,

it members might be killed all by the enemies and did not pay attention toward its enemies

women, children, old people, all were killed by them.

6. Metonymy

According to Kennedy (1978:57), metonymy is the use of something closely related for the thing

actually meant. It is figure of speech which the name of one object is replaced by another which

is closely associated with it. For example:

1) Somebody wants your love so open the door.

2) The pen is mightier than the sword.

The meaning of the first sentence is someone falling in love and asking girl for accepting his

love. The second example describe not only sword, weapon, knife that can hurt of someone else,

but pen can hurt other as sharp as sword. Both sentences are closely related to the thing actually


7. Symbols

According to Kennedy (2004:569) symbol is any object or action that represents something

beyond its literal self. An apple pie, for example, can represent an American Lifestyle. Natural

symbols like light and darkness, fire and water can stand for contradictory things. The meaning

of any symbol whether an object, an action, or a gesture, is controlled by its context.

8. Irony

The last contradictory figurative language is irony; Irony has a meaning that extends beyond its

use merely as a figure of speech. According to Diyyani (2004), irony almost arises from a

contrast or discrepancy between what happens and what has been expected to happen. For


1) You are so discipline because you come the meeting at 8.00 o’clock.

2) Your house is very beautiful because there are so many things on the floor.

The meaning of the first example is the employee come too late at the meeting. The meaning of

the second statement is the house is very dirty because there are many things in everywhere.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the figurative language use within 10 chosen songs. The research

will find out and examine carefully to obtain the information, classification, analysis, and

interpretation to answer the questions about the following:

1. What are the figures of speech used in Taylor Swift’s heartbreak

2. How do figures of speech contribute to the style of Taylor Swift’s music?


Research Data

The data of this research are collected songs of Taylor Swift heartbreak music release by year

2006-2022. The data source of this research is songs from Taylor Swift production and exists all

over the media. Songs are categorize through breakup songs, songs of getting cheated, songs of

one sided love, and songs about being left alone. From this category the researcher will analyze

each one of the songs and identify its different type of figurative language. 

Research Instrument

The researcher make use of noting down, keeping details, and drafting to find more effective and

efficient ways to gather information about the figurative language and how it applies to 10

heartbreak music of Taylor Swift. The researches utilize by collecting information and study


a. Library research -library source like books and other paper related with the research.

b. Browsing internet- the researcher also browse internet to get more information about the topic


Research Procedures

Gathering of Data. Data is focus of analyzing the song lyrics in 10 songs from Taylor Swift

heartbreak music. There are steps to analyze data in order to understand about the result of the


1. Listen to the songs of Taylor Swift entitle; Midnight rain, Right where you left

me, My tears ricochet, Exile, Sad beautiful tragic, Babe, Begin again, The 1,

Last kiss, and Teardrops on my guitar.

2. Read every word of the lyrics then identify the figurative language being use.

3. Identify how many types of figurative language are in one song.

4. Explain the idea of the song applying figurative language and:

5. Describe the interpretation of songs after applying figurative languages.

Treatment of Data. The researcher will meticulously examine and analyze the collected data to

determine whether the songs contain figurative languages and how they are used. This

comprehensive analysis will involve employing sophisticated text analysis techniques to identify

and underline instances of figurative language found throughout the song lyrics. In addition, the

researcher will label each figurative language that is discovered in order to precisely classify and

categorize its type. By analyzing and categorizing the songs' figurative language, the researcher

hopes to discover the songs' intricate meanings. Exploring the songs' nuanced imagery,

comparisons, embodiments, and other metaphorical language allows for this method. The

researcher uncovers the deeper emotions, narratives, and themes intended by the artists by

examining the figurative language in context. This cycle adds profundity and intricacy to the

translation, adding to a more prominent enthusiasm for the melodies' imaginative importance.



The studies cited in this chapter tackles the different concept, understanding, and ideas,

generalization and different development related to the study of song analysis of Taylor Swift

heartbreak music. Those that were included in this chapter helps familiarize information that are

relevant and similar to the present study.

Retnayanthi (2014) with the title of “The Analysis of Figurative Languages in Adele’s

Song Lyrics”, there are eight kinds of figurative languages found in four songs of Adele such as:

personification, metaphor, synecdoche, hyperbole, allusion, paradox, symbols and dead

metaphor. The use of the contextual meaning in this study also opens up all the meanings and the

purposes from four song lyrics by Adele. The words that firstly look complicated can be

elaborated in the contextual meaning so that they can be better understood. So, by using the

figurative languages and their contextual meaning, the writer wants to attract our attention and

slowly leads us to the theme.

Hermansyah (2006) An Analysis on the Messages of John Lennon’s Song Lyric

“Imagine”, the poem or song is one of literary works, where people usually try to analyze its

message, figurative language, etc. This study only focuses on analyzing general and detailed

meaning, and message of John Lennon's song lyric "Imagine", because the lyric has important

messages for people’s livelihood. The writer applies descriptive qualitative design to conduct a

procedure of solving problem by describing the current condition of research object based on the

facts existing. The writer also uses an objective approach in which he only focuses on the work.

Then he employs research objects, where the objects are the general and detailed meaning, and

the message of John Lennon’s song lyric “Imagine”. In this analysis, the writer finds out the

general and detailed meaning, and the message of John Lennon’s song lyric “Imagine”.

Lestari (2014) “The style of Mariah Carey in conveying her motivational messages

through her songs and the implication in increasing student’s motivation in English learning.” In

Mariah Carey motivational songs entitled “Bye-bye, Can’t Take That Away, Hero, Make It

Happen, There’s Got To Be A Way, Through The Rain, Triumphant, Twister, When You

Believe, 100%,” Mariah used her power and her creativity in exploiting her ideas, thoughts, her

feeling and her principles of life in her motivational songs’ lyrics through the selection of the

lexical elements, grammatical elements and also by exploiting the use of figurative languages. In

conveying her motivational message through her songs, the dominant Figurative Language in

Mariah Carey’s songs was symbol. It had 24 out of 106 or22.64% because she wanted to make

her message in her songs easy knowing of the listener by imagining the symbols. It can be

conclude if the teacher can use Mariah Carey’s motivational songs in studying English that

appropriate with the context of student’s motivation.

Barnett (2012) “Learning How to Listen': Analyzing Style and Meaning in the Music of

Abbey Lincoln, Nina Simone and Cassandra Wilson”, this examines the similarities of singing

styles and core narrative traits in the original songs of three African American women vocalist-

composers celebrated within the jazz idiom. Drawing on years of ethnographic research,

including over 150 hours of personal interviews with musicians, attendance of jazz concerts and

festivals both domestic and abroad, and a three-year listening journal (based on live

performances and recordings), an Africana cultural studies product informed by vibrant

multidisciplinary scholarship that bridges Jazz studies, Linguistics and African American history

and literary studies. The latter especially extends the project’s close relationship to twentieth-

century black literary traditions found in poetry, prose, and as witnessed here, also song lyrics. It

implies that black American women singer-songwriters and their musical sisters in the African

Diaspora share conceptual approaches to music-making processes in spite of geographic or

linguistic difference

Ibrahim (2019) The Analysis of Figurative Language in “Endless Love” Song Lyric. This

research aimed to find out the kinds and the meanings of figurative language in “Endless Love”

Song Lyric. The research used descriptive method. The data of this research were divided into

two categories; they were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were taken from the

song and the lyric of the song itself and the secondary data were obtained from articles and book.

The data were analyzed by using pure structuralism approach, focused on the kinds and the

meanings of the figurative language. The result of this research showed that there are seven kinds

of figurative language in the song lyric, respectively: Repetition 36%, Hyperbole 32%, Metaphor

12%, Pleonasm8%, Personification 4%, and Onomatopoeia 4%. The meanings used in the

figurative languages of the song lyric are connotative and denotative meaning.

MChappymil (2026) “Anak by Freddie Aguilar: A Song Analysis.” Freddie Aguilar is a

Filipino folk musician who composes eloquent songs that could capture ones minds and hearts

because of its message. His song, “Anak” became popular for its enlightening meaning that

everyone could relate. The message of this song is nearly identical to The Parable of The

Prodigal Son. It’s about the everlasting love of parents to their children even in the moments

wherein they are being disobeyed or rebelled against. The lesson of the song is no matter how

much we push away our parents because of our obscure reasoning, we will always end up

running back to them. Our parents will always be our home; our only companion in this world

full of enemies. Hence, I do not believe in being independent because I know we will always be

somehow dependent to our parents. Also, because I believe that they are the backbone of every

decision and actions that we do.

Alejandro (2016) Pagtuki sa Binalaybay: A Stylistic Analysis of Sebuano Figurative

Language in Iligan National Writers Workshop’s Sebuano Poem. This study emboldens anyone

who would like to create similar research and contribute to the body of criticism of Sebuano

literature, particularly, of Sebuano poetry. To enhance and further develop this study, the

researcher recommends that a further exploration on the intersectionality of an expression

displaying two or more figurative language categories. The intersectionality of figurative

language categories may also be further explored as it will add to the literature of Sebuano

poetry’s figurative language; Also, a further exploration on the Emerging Sebuano Figurative

Language Categories through other Sebuano poetry materials or further Sebuano poems present

in the succeeding proceedings of the Iligan National Writers workshop. 

Lubis (2019) Stylistic Analysis on Daniel Sahuleka’s Song ‘Don’t Sleep Away’. The

song is composed carefully to bring up the main theme of the song that is the moment of

farewell. The songwriter expresses this moment through the careful lexis selection, which exert

the listeners get drown in the emotion of the song. His melancholy voice and music add

multitude effect which perfectly represents this discontented moment. He humbly confesses how

deep his love is; his anxiety when he knows that he has to face his days without his love; his

sorrow when he imagines in his future he will try again to remember this moment; his fear of

every passing minute which finally force them to say good bye. The songwriter combines his

highly musical quality with his poetic styles in reviving lyrics, creating harmonious blending in

his work of art. Stylistics analysis has proved it.


Rivera and Bernardo (2018) A lexico-semantic analysis of Philippine indie song lyrics

written in English. The present study examines the themes and the meanings of indie OPM music

through an in-depth analysis of the multi-word expressions and lexemes found in its lyrics. The

results of the study imply that indie OPM, while occasionally ambiguous, still remains easy to

understand for the most part because of the use of simple vocabulary as well as figures of speech

such as simile, metaphor, and anaphora in order to aid rather than hinder the understanding of the

lyrics. The study found that the predominant theme of the songs that comprised the corpus, while

still bearing a wide variety of topics, is, for the most part, about love. A considerable number of

the lexemes in the songs occasionally bear two or three possible meanings, which, when each

meaning is applied, opens alternate interpretations. When used in conjunction with other lexemes

with several possible meanings, these alternate interpretations have the potential to change the

assumed theme of the entire song. Idioms and figures of speech are used by the songwriters or

artists, which in some occasions lead to possible alternate meanings.

De Pedro (2023) A Socio-Cultural Analysis on the Select Songs of Aristotle "Gloc-9"

Pollisco. Aristotle Pollisco, Formalistic analysis focuses on the features of figurative languages

and the common distinguishing features of the selected songs. Discussions on societal issues are

within the breadth of mimesis. The data that are used for analysis are Aristotle "Gloc-9"

Pollisco's three songs: "Upuan", "Magda", and "Sirena" that can be found in any internet

sources. The affective commentaries and reviews in personal blogs from the people who gave

their own interpretation of the meaning of the lyrics of the songs are also used as a point of

comparative analysis since there are no formal literary critiques existing on the said songs. The

study found that the figurative languages used in the three songs are simile, metaphor, hyperbole,

metonymy, oxymoron, allusion, synecdoche, paradox and personification Moreover, the study

found that the social issues depicted in the songs of Gloc-9 are corruption and poverty in the

song "Upuan"; prostitution and poverty in the song "Magda"; and gender discrimination and

homosexuality in the song "Sirena".

The analysis of every song focuses in each study, which examines various aspects like

figurative language, meanings, themes, and societal implications. Each study looks at a specific

artist's work and their songs, looking at the literary and artistic elements in the lyrics. The studies

analyze the lyrics and extract insights using qualitative research methods like descriptive analysis

and stylistic analysis. And the song lyrics contain a wide range of figurative language, including

metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, and symbols, which have been the subject of

numerous studies. All of the studies aim to discover the themes and meanings conveyed by song

lyrics, providing interpretations and insights into the songs' deeper messages. Very song has its

own genre suc, Mariah Carey's motivational songs, John Lennon's iconic songs, Adele's pop

music, and Filipino folk music by Freddie Aguilar and Aristotle "Gloc-9" Pollisco are all the

subjects of each study. Although all studies examine song lyrics, their specific areas of analysis

vary. While others concentrate on the themes, meanings, stylistic elements, or societal issues

depicted in the lyrics, others place an emphasis on the investigation of figurative language. The

studies all have as their primary objective the analysis of song lyrics, namely looking at

figurative language, themes, and meanings. But they vary in the individual musicians, genres,

and analytical techniques used, demonstrating the range of viewpoints and approaches to the

study of music and its lyrical content. These similarities and differences highlight the variety of

perspectives and approaches utilized in the analysis of song lyrics and reflect the richness and

diversity of music as an artistic and cultural form of expression.



This chapter presents the Philippine setting in terms of using Figurative Languages in

analyzing the songs. In this paper, the researcher focused on song analysis of Taylor Swift's

heartbreak music applying figurative languages and how the local songs from Philippines can

also be indentify as emotionally relatable and what's the figurative language is being used.

The music of the Philippines is heavily influenced by different musical cultures. The country's

native music is particularly well-liked by masses. Filipino songwriters create music and songs

that elicit and express nationalistic feelings, which have allowed music to play a significant part

in reawakening Filipino patriotism. More people in the nation have been moved to make songs

and use them to denounce injustice, corruption, and poverty. The Filipino way of life now

includes music. This chapter explores how music has in the Philippines has been engraved to

Filipinos where figurative language can manipulate the listener to become emotional and

relatable. In 2012, Ace Rapper Gloc-9 composed the song Sirena. It was released as the lead

single from the rapper’s sixth album, MKNK: Mga Kwento Ng Makata. The song features

EbeDancel, the former vocalist of now defunct Filipino band Sugarfree. Sirena is a LGBT related

song; it’s about affirmation or stand and forgiving. Gloc -9’s Sirena is an artist’s attack top the

society’s perception of homosexuality. The story of Sirena is told from the perspective of a

homosexual character that refers to himself as a mermaid. The character's hard rock lifestyle and

daily struggles as a member of the third gender in society being described in the song. The song

narrate the identity dilemma he had as a youngster, as well as the emotional and physical abuse

he endured as a result of others making fun of his sexual orientation in his later years. .Gloc-9

shows empathy toward gay community and make song not to upset homosexual people. The

protagonist's difficult existence is vividly described in the song, from the gay inclinations he

displayed from different abuse. 


Sirena- signifies the third gender, gay

Bandera- signifies the strong virtue and character


"Mga labiko'y pulang pula sa bubblegum nasinapa" exaggerating how the character puts

lip shade through chewing gum.


""Dahil kung minsan mas malaki pa salalaki ang bakla" is a sarcasm which makes it

Irony by stating how a gay can be manly sometimes than a man.

This song may have offended some people, while it may have pleased others. However, one

thing is evident from this scenario: Sirena was reactive, the performer managed to touch the

hearts of the general public, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, and was

able to disrupt the passivity with which people respond to social issues such as gender inequality

and homosexual discrimination. This emphasize that gay people are like everyone else, they

merit to be treated the same regard like other individuals and they are similarly vital in our

society. On the other hand let’s not disregard the backfire of the melody particularly to the

devout community, the religious people who can't accept about how society is bow being open to

every gender that is growing. Gay people have the same heart that beats quick at the locate of a

cherished one. Homosexuality isn't a feared infectious disease. People need to understand that

gays are similar to the other sexual orientations; gay people have the basic right to life and joy.



The table below displays a study of the numerous figurative language devices utilized in

Taylor Swift's tearful songs. The table divides several figurative language forms into categories,

including metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, allusion, metonymy, symbols, and

irony. We learn about the prevalence and importance of these literary devices in Taylor Swift's

song lyrics from the frequency and percentage of each category that is also provided.

Table. 1 Types of Figurative Languages in Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift’s heartbreak music.

Types of Figurative Language Frequency Percentage

Metaphor 31 54.40%

Hyperbole 8 14.0%

Personification 8 14.0%

Symbols 4 7.0%

Allusion 2 3.5%

Simile 2 3.5%

Metonymy 1 1.8%

Irony 1 1.8%

Total 57 100%

The data in the table indicates that metaphors make up 54.40% of all instances of figurative

language, making them the most common form. Taylor Swift uses metaphors as an indirect

means of expressing her feelings and experiences in her heartbreak-themed music. She does this

by employing creative comparisons to generate strong feelings. The lowest to have frequency are

allusion and simile, which together account for only 3.5% of occurrences. Using the words "like"

or "as," similes make clear analogies, whereas allusions make subtle allusions to other pieces of

literature, art, or popular culture. These techniques give Taylor Swift's lyrics deeper significance

and more depth. Personification and hyperbole each account for 14.0% of the incidences, which

is significantly more than the average. Personification gives non-human objects human

characteristics, enabling Taylor Swift to evoke strong feelings and vivid imagery in her music.

Contrarily, hyperbole entails making exaggerated claims for emphasis or dramatic impact. The

frequency of metaphor, symbols, and irony is lower, ranging from 1.8% to 7.0%. Utilizing a

related term to symbolize a more comprehensive idea or concept is known as metaphor. Layers

of symbolism are added to Taylor Swift's heartache music by symbols, which have symbolic

meanings that go beyond their literal expression. Taylor Swift uses irony, a literary device in

which the intended meaning is distinct from the literal meaning, to communicate complex

emotions and social commentary in her songs.

In conclusion, this chart gives a general overview of the different figurative language

styles used in Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs. It demonstrates the frequent use of metaphors and

draws attention to the wide range of literary techniques employed to convey her feelings,

improve narrative, and enthrall readers. Here’s the interpretation of data:

1. Metaphor

Data 1: "Long handwritten note/ Deep in your pocket” (Beautiful Tragic, line 1&2)

In data 1, the author applied metaphor describes things more clearly by stating a long note that is

compared to something deep in the pocket, suggesting hidden or buried emotions and thoughts

when pocket is too small and shallow for its space.

Data 2: "And you've got your demons/ and darlin' they all look like me"

(Sad Beautiful Tragic, line 17&18)

From data 2, the person's personal issues or problems are metaphorically referred to as "demons"

in the song, implying that they are troubling and burdensome. The lyrics convey the intensity and

haunting presence of these issues in the person's life by comparing them to demons.

Data 3: "Distance, timing/ Breakdown, fighting/ Silence, the train runs off its tracks"

(Sad Beautiful Tragic, line 21, 22 &23)

Data 3 showed that there is an analogy of a train veering off the tracks suggests disarray and

disruption when a relationship breaks down.

Data 4: "Kiss me, try to fix it/ could you just try to listen?"

(Sad Beautiful Tragic, line 24&25)

Data 4 contained metaphor because the situation in this line is about a metaphorical attempt to

mend or heal a relationship is represented by kissing. The lyrics emphasize the speaker's desire

for emotional connection and comprehension by suggesting that a simple kiss can resolve the

issues. It implies that physical intimacy and affection can be used to bridge emotional divides

and foster open communication.

Data 5: "He was sunshine, I was midnight rain” (Midnight Rain, line 16)

Data 5 uses a metaphor to compare the two people's personalities or dispositions. It draws

attention to the stark differences between them by comparing one person to sunshine and the

other to midnight rain. Typically, sunshine is associated with positivity, warmth, and brightness,

whereas midnight rain is associated with darkness, sadness, or melancholy. The divergence in

their perspectives, temperaments, or emotional states is emphasized by this contrastive imagery.

And such opposite visual emphasizes the difference in their viewpoints and state of mind.

Data 6: "My boy was a montage/ a slow-motion, love potion” (Midnight Rain, line 12)

The data is comparing a person to a montage, highlighting their lively and enthralling nature.

Data 7: "I peered through a window/ a deep portal, time travel" (Midnight Rain, line 28)

Data 7 explains the analogy of a portal and time travel to describe the experience of peering into

the past or a different reality.

Data 8: "Just what we wanted, just what we wanted/ and he never thinks of me/ except

when I'm on TV" (Midnight Rain, line 51, 52 & 53)

Data 8 considered being in metaphor because the line explains a person's desire and contentment

being compared to obtaining what they want, and the fact that they are only thought of on

television suggests a superficial or distant relationship.

Data 9: "He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar” (Teardrops on my guitar, line 9)

The person is likened to the reason why the singer is sad and hurt emotionally. Data 9 is a

comparison that emphasizes the connection between the person's presence and the singer's

emotional turmoil and the significant impact they have had on their well-being. I

Data 10: ”He's the song in the car I keep singing” (Teardrops on my guitar, line 19)

The person is likened to a song that the singer sings all the time, which means that they are

always present in the singer's thoughts and feelings.

Data 11: "The kind of flawless I wish I could be” (Teardrops on my guitar, line 14)

The metaphor emphasizes the person's perceived perfection, contrasting the singer's own sense of

inadequacy or flaws with their idealized image. It highlights the singer's own insecurities or

feelings of inferiority in comparison while simultaneously conveying a sense of longing or

admiration for the individual.

Data 12: "He's the time taken up, but there's never enough”(Teardrops on my guitar, line 25)

Data 12 shows that the singer's time and attention are significantly taken up by the person in this

situation, who is symbolically compared to time. The metaphor draws attention to a sense of

imbalance or lack in the relationship by implying a need for more time spent with the subject. It

expresses a desire for closer proximity or connection while also recognizing the shortcomings or

inadequacies of the time spent together..

Data 13: "Balancin' on breaking branches" ( Exile, line 18)

Data 13 compares their connection to being on breaking branches, signifying instability and

probable collapse, to describe how precarious it is.

Data 14: "Those eyes add insult to injury" ( Exile, line 19)

This description of the person's eyes implies that the singer experiences anguish, sadness, or hurt

when looking into that person's eyes. The metaphor highlights how intensely the two people are

emotionally connected and suggests that the other person's sight or presence has a significant

impact on the singer's wellbeing. It highlights the extent of their emotional impact on the singer's

state of mind by conveying a sense of vulnerability and sensitivity to the person's actions or


Data 15: "Now I'm in exile, seein' you out" ( Exile, line 19)

The singer's emotional state is contrasted with exile, emphasizing a sense of seclusion and

separation from the subject.

Data 16: "I'm leavin' out the side door" ( Exile, line 27)

It is true that in this situation, using the side door to leave has symbolic importance. It suggests a

preference for a quiet and discrete departure by preferring to leave through the side door, perhaps

to get away from a challenging or uncomfortable circumstance.

Data 17: "You're not my homeland anymore/ So what am I defending now?" ( Exile, line 43)

The person is symbolically compared to a homeland in this comparison, signifying a sense of

security and belonging that has been lost. By comparing the subject to their homeland, it is

implied that they formerly gave the speaker a sense of security, comfort, and stability. The

comparison conjures up feelings of displacement or a wish for the departed individual to once

again occupy the role of emotional safety and belonging.

Data 18: "You're the wrecking ball" - This line metaphorically compares the person's actions

or behaviour to a destructive force, emphasizing the negative impact they have on the


Data 19: "I hit the ground running each night" (the 1, line 4)

Data 19, "hitting the ground running" is actually used metaphorically to describe the individual's

active and energetic lifestyle. Because they immediately begin their activities or tasks with a

great deal of energy and enthusiasm, it suggests that the individual is always engaged and busy,

particularly at night. The metaphor highlights their willingness to jump into a variety of

endeavours without hesitation, highlighting their proactive and dynamic approach to life.

Data 20: "You know the greatest films of all time were never made" (the 1, line 6)

A comparison is made between the potential of their relationship and great films that were never

made, "You know the greatest films of all time were never made." A missed opportunity and

unfulfilled potential are implied by this metaphor. It implies that their relationship had the

potential to be extraordinary, significant, or memorable by comparing it to films that were never

made. The metaphor emphasizes their relationship's untapped potential and unfulfilled promise,

as well as a sense of loss or regret.

Data 21: "And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow" (the 1, line 9)

Bleeding is metaphorically used to represent experiencing challenges or setbacks, which

contribute to personal growth and development.

Data 22: "Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool" (the 1, line 12)

Tossing pennies into the pool and the Roaring 20s represent a carefree and adventurous period in

their life.

Data 23: "You know the greatest loves of all time are over now" (the 1, line 24)

Data 23, suggests that their relationship has ended by comparing it to the greatest loves of all


Data 24: "I persist and resist the temptation to ask you" (the 1, line 35)

The ideas of perseverance and resistance are used metaphorically to represent the internal

conflict and constraint a person goes through when choosing not to ask a certain question. The

metaphor says that even though there is a great want or temptation to find out more, the person is

persistent and overcomes that desire. The metaphor underlines the power of their self-control

and the significance of the unasked inquiry by emphasizing the internal conflict and resolve

involved in withholding the question.

Data 25: "Digging up the grave another time" (the 1, line 43)

Data 25 signifies the reopening of old wounds or unsolved issues and refers to revisiting or

bringing up a former issue or topic that should be left buried.

Data 26: "Matches burn after the other" (Right where you left me, line 5)

Data 26 is about how the singer uses the metaphor in the phrase "Matches burn after the other"

implies that ties or relationships expire or fade away. The analogy of matches lighting one after

another suggests a sequential and fleeting character. Similar to relationships, connections can

start off strong and bloom briefly before fading away. The metaphor illustrates the point that,

similar to matches, relationships have a limited shelf life and can't maintain their early intensity

continuously. In the context of relationships, it suggests a sense of impermanence or transience,

highlighting their ephemeral nature and the certainty of their eventual demise.

Data 27: "Pages turn and stick to each other" (Right where you left me, line 6)

Data 27 is about a metaphor implies that events or memories are linked together and might stay

in one's mind.

Data 28: "Glass shattered on the white cloth" (Right where you left me, line 38)

Data 28 denotes the destruction or end of anything delicate or frail. Glass breaking conjures up

an impression of an abrupt and devastating impact that leads to fracture and disintegration. The

white fabric represents something pristine, spotless, or pure. When the glass breaks on the white

cloth, it symbolizes a major rupture or disruption in which something costly and delicate is

broken or destroyed, creating a noticeable and substantial after effect. In addition to stressing the

mental or bodily harm brought on by the fracture, the metaphor highlights how quick and

irreparable the incident was.

Data 29: "Your name, forever the name on my lips" (last kiss, line 18)

Data 29 is claiming that someone's name is "forever the name on my lips," the singer  is

implying that they constantly speak and think about that person's name. According to the

metaphor, the person's name has a lasting impact on the speaker's words and ideas, signifying

their lasting influence. It conveys a sense of continual recollection and affection, highlighting the

person's continued importance and presence in the speaker's life.:

Data 30: "And if I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too" (my tears ricochet, line 9)

Data 30, imply that if the singer is suffering or going through a terrible moment, the other person

will also feel the effects or aftermath. Being on fire is a metaphor for having a lot of mental

distress or conflict. It suggests that the speaker is experiencing agony, difficulty, or a crisis. The

phrase "you’ll be made of ashes too" implies that they will likewise experience the consequences

or be impacted by the circumstance. It suggests a sense of interconnectivity or shared destiny,

implying that both people's lives are interrelated and that one person's difficulties will

unavoidably affect the other.

Data 31: "I've been spending the last eight months, thinking all love ever does is break and

burn, and end." (begin again, line 17,18 and 19)

Data 31, where metaphor is used to highlight the speaker's prior negative experiences with love

by equating love to something terrible. "Love ever does is break and burn, and end," is a

metaphor for love as a power that brings about obliteration and end. The words "break," "burn,"

and "end" imply harm, suffering, and finality that are connected to love. It implies that the

speaker has had romantic relationships end in heartbreak and disappointment, making them sees

love as a bad and destructive energy.


Data 32: "Words, how little they mean" (Sad beautiful tragic, line 3)

By portraying language as being irrelevant in this situation, this point is made more clear. It

emphasizes the idea that emotions go beyond simple verbal representation by personifying words

and giving them a lack of importance.

Data 33: "There is no amount/ Of crying I can do for you" (Exile, line 28 & 29)

This line is where the singer's emotional expression is exaggerated, giving the impression that

sobbing won't make a difference.

Data 34: "And he's all that I need to fall into" (teardrops on my guitar, line 26)

Data 44, exaggerates the significance and impact of the individual, suggesting that they have a

strong influence over the singer's feelings.

Data 35: "What a shame, didn't want to be the one that got away" (babe, line 3&4)

From data 35, the line employs exaggeration to emphasize a disappointment or regret feeling.

The line exaggerates the gravity of the occurrence by calling it a "shame" and stressing that no

one wants to be "the one who got away." The emotional effect is amplified and it is implied that

the situation is particularly unpleasant or undesirable when using hyperbole.

Data 36: "But we were making it count" (the 1, line 23)

Data 36 demonstrates the significance and value of their relationship, implying that they were

maximizing their time together.

Data 37: "I swear you could hear a hairpin drop" (right where you left me ,line 13)

In data 37, used hyperbole to emphasize how quiet and motionless the environment was. The

speaker emphasizes the extreme stillness and lack of any disruption by implying that even the

tiniest sound of a hairpin dropping would be audible. It provides the notion that everything is so

quiet and concentrated that even the smallest noise would be audible, emphasizing the

importance or gravity of the situation.

Data 38: "And you can aim for my heart, go for blood/But you would still miss me in your

bones" (my tears ricochet, line 26 & 27)

Data 38 is a hyperbole that implies that the other person will continue to have an impact and

presence despite their best efforts to harm the speaker. The line was about wanting to hurt

someone but it pains you even more.

Data 39: "All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss" (last kiss, line 14)

In data 39, the line exaggerates the capacity to fulfil the expectations or aspirations of the person

they are addressing by saying that they don't know how to be something missed by the other

person. The singer’s emotions of inadequacy and the size of the perceived distance between

themselves and the other person are highlighted by this hyperbolic language, which also

heightens the emotional impact of the statement.

3. Personification

Data 40: "Time/ Is taking its sweet time erasing you" (Beautiful tragic, line 16)

Data 40, used to ascribe human characteristics to time. The power to intentionally "erase" or

delete someone is granted to time. This personification of time implies that time is actively and

purposefully involved in the process of forgetting or moving on from someone. The expression

"taking its sweet time" accentuates the personification even further by emphasizing that time

moves slowly and deliberately.

Data 41: "And the life I gave away" (midnight rain, line 39)

In this line, personification enters because it explains that this presents the life as something that

can be donated while giving it human traits.

Data 42: "Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky”

(Teardrops on my guitar, line 16)

The eyes of the person are personified as having the ability to convey luck or good fortune to

someone else. It means that the person's glance or physical presence bestows luck to those

around them. This personification emphasizes the speaker's or others' perception of the person's

eyes as having power and influence by giving them depth and emotional significance.

Data 43: "You never gave a warning sign" (Exile, line 33)

Data 43 is about a human traits on the person's acts or inaction, meaning that they didn't show

any sign of the upcoming changes.

Data 44: “Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it":

(right where you left me, line 27)

The line explains girl's disconnection from the experiences and realities of others is highlighted

by the personification, which amplifies the theme of isolation or detachment. It shows time as a

witness to other people's lives and emphasizes the girl's ignorance or refusal to acknowledge

time's passing and move on.

Data 45: "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe" (last kiss, line 36)

Data 45, a personification where forgetting is more than just a passive act but rather something

that can be felt or experienced, much like sensing another person's breath. The line emphasizes

the emotional effect of this loss by describing what it feels like to be forgotten by someone with

whom they had shared a close relationship. The personification highlights the agony and desire

connected with fading memories and the sensation of being forgotten by a significant someone,

giving the emotions described in the song more depth and intensity.

Data 46: "But what a ghostly scene" (my teas ricochet, line 16)

The line left with lasting impressions to the personification, which adds a vivid and evocative

element to the description. It depicts a scene that is not only visually arresting but also

emotionally charged, possibly evoking feelings of loss, emptiness, or a sense of being cut off

from reality.

Data 47: "Turn the lock and put my headphones on, he always said he didn't get this song,

but I do, I do." (begin again, line 4,5 &6)

Data 47, where the speaker personifies the song as something that they can comprehend and

enjoy, highlighting their relationship to the music.

4. Symbols

Data 48: "My town was a wasteland/ Full of cages, full of fences/ Pageant queens and

big pretenders” (midnight rain, line 9 & 10)

Data 48, describes the town as a dreary place with oppressive structures and uncaring residents

using striking pictures. The line gives an imaginative image where structures is symbol of being

oppressive place. A symbol where a town is dangerous and waste.

Data 49: "July ninth" (Last kiss, line 9)

In data 49, July ninth may be significant to the individual and represent a particular time or event

in the relationship.

Data 50: “We gather stones, never knowing what they'll mean" (my tears ricochet, line 13)

The stones stand for deeds or words that may have important or unexpected repercussions. Some

of them may lead to good memories while some leads them to bring up the painful past.

Data 51: "On a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again." (begin again, line 20&21)

Data 51, it is where there’s a specific place where this “cafe” holds a memory. The reference to a

particular day and place represents a new beginning and the start of a new chapter in the

speaker's love life. The fact that the speaker specifies Wednesday and the venue is a cafe

suggests that this particular moment has special meaning for her. The narrative gains a sense of

specificity and detail because to the choice of a particular day and location. It can allude to a

noteworthy occurrence or meeting that happened on that specific Wednesday in the cafe.

"Watched it begin again" implies that the speaker is watching something develop or begin from

scratch. This could be a reference to different parts of their lives, such a new relationship,

revitalized inspiration or hope, reconciliation, or a general fresh start.

5. Allusion

Data 52: "Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?"

(right where you left me, line 30)

This allusion emphasizes the subject of being unable to move on by referring to the idea of being

emotionally frozen or stuck in the past. Here, there this girl who can’t move on referring to the

“who got frozen”.

Data 53: "And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves" (my tears ricochet, line 31)

Data 53, incorporates a reference to a battleship sinking, which represents the relationship's

eventual demise or loss. The lyrics evokes a potent and evocative symbol of destruction and loss

by using the picture of battleships sunk. The implication implies that there are insurmountable

obstacles or disputes in the relationship that would finally result in its dissolution. It emphasizes

the size of the emotional effect and the irreversibility of the situation by conveying a sense of

inevitability and hinting at the imminent end.

6. Simile

Data 54: "Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me" (exile, line 16)

Data 54, compares the act of getting one's knuckles bloody to the person's readiness to battle and

defend the singer thinking she’ll be save by her ex-lovers.

Data 55: "You throw your head back laughing, like a little kid." (begin again, line 13)

Data 55, emphasizes the person's sincere and carefree nature by comparing their laughter to the

joyful laughter of a child.

7. Metonymy- is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted with another

word or phrase that is closely associated with it.

Data 56: "If our love died young, I can't bear witness" (right where you left me, line 50)

In data 56, "our love died young" is a term used metaphorically to describe the conclusion or

breakdown of a love relationship. The phrase "died young" is employed as a metonymy to

represent the untimely or early end of their love, highlighting the idea that the relationship ended

before it had a chance to develop naturally. In this case, "died young" is substituted for the

concept of the relationship coming to an end prematurely.

8. Irony

Data 57 "Your secret has its consequence and that's on you, babe" (babe, line 18)

In data 57, the line employs irony by suggesting that the person's secret actions have led to

negative consequences for themselves, shifting the blame back to them. It’s implying how karma

comes around. The line implies that the person's activities have had unfavourable results or

ramifications because their secret has disclosed them.

Relation with Existing Studies

Alejandro (2016) conducted this research to examine Sebuano poetry's use of figurative

language. Despite its focus on a different language and context, it shares your interest in

figurative language and your analysis of Taylor Swift's songs about heartbreak. The stylistic

analysis of a song by Lubis (2019) places an emphasis on the emotional expression of the lyrics

and their careful selection. Even though it looks at a different song, it has a lot in common with

your analysis of Taylor Swift's songs about heartbreak because it looks at how lyrics affect how

people feel. The study by Rivera and Bernardo (2018) looks at the themes, meanings, and figures

of speech in indie OPM lyrics. Even though their subject matter is different, both studies focus

on figurative language and themes like love, which are related to your analysis of Taylor Swift's

songs about heartbreak. De Pedro (2023): This socio-cultural analysis looks at Gloc-9's songs

and uses figurative language to talk about problems in society. The study's focus on figurative

language and social issues relates to your analysis of Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs, which also

touch on emotional and societal issues, despite the fact that the artist and themes are different.

Similar to Taylor Swift's songs about heartbreak, Gloc-9's songs address social issues like

poverty and corruption. The significance of figurative language, such as simile, metaphor,

hyperbole, and personification, in the effective transmission of socially relevant messages is the

subject of both analyses.

In the given review related studies excerpts look at a variety of topics related to figurative

language, emotions, and social issues in a variety of contexts. Despite the fact that the provided,

RRL excerpts have nothing in common with Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs, their analysis of

figurative language, emotions, and social issues in song lyrics are common themes.

Further Discussion

When words and phrases have secondary meanings to their literal interpretation,

figurative language is applied. According to the study's findings, the Kennedy Figurative

language applied in Taylors Swift’s heartbreak music. This contains eight different types of

figurative language, such as metaphor (31) simile (2 data), personification (8 data), hyperbole (8

data), allusion (2 data), metonymy (1 data), symbols (4 data), and irony (1 data). Metaphor is

used to describe two different things by using is or something similar to is, such as "Long

handwritten note/ Deep in your pocket" the author applied metaphor describes things more

clearly by stating a long note that is compared to something deep in the pocket, suggesting

hidden or buried emotions and thoughts when pocket is too small and shallow for its space.

Simile is used to compare something to another thing by using as or like such as : "Like you'd get

your knuckles bloody for me" this compares the act of getting one's knuckles bloody to the

person's readiness to battle and defend the singer thinking she’ll be save by her ex-lovers. It is

indicated when the author uses figurative language with obvious words and uses similes that

have an explicit meaning. Personification is used to describe an inanimate object as if alive such

as "Time/ Is taking its sweet time erasing you used to ascribe human characteristics to time. The

power to intentionally "erase" or delete someone is granted to time. This personification of time

implies that time is actively and purposefully involved in the process of forgetting or moving on

from someone. Personification is a type of figurative language style that depicts inanimate

objects as if they have human characteristics. In personification, it indicated that a thing or an

object can do the human usually. Hyperbole occurs when an author uses words that are

exaggerated in comparison to reality such as Words, how little they mean. By portraying

language as being irrelevant in this situation, this point is made clearer. It emphasizes the idea

that emotions go beyond simple verbal representation by personifying words and giving them a

lack of importance. Allusion is figurative language that show indirectly forwards a person or

even that people have known together (Kennedy 1979) such as "Did you ever hear about the girl

who got frozen?". This allusion emphasizes the subject of being unable to move on by referring

to the idea of being emotionally frozen or stuck in the past. Metonymy is when the author uses

the words or name of something that can be related to another thing, such as "If our love died

young, I can't bear witness" is a term used metaphorically to describe the conclusion or

breakdown of a love relationship. The phrase "died young" is employed as a metonymy to

represent the untimely or early end of their love, highlighting the idea that the relationship ended

before it had a chance to develop naturally. In this case, "died young" is substituted for the

concept of the relationship coming to an end prematurely. Symbols, according to Kennedy

(2004:569) symbol is any object or action that represents something beyond its literal self such

as, "My town was a wasteland/ Full of cages, full of fences/ Pageant queens and big pretenders"

describes the town as a dreary place with oppressive structures and uncaring residents using

striking pictures. The line gives an imaginative image where structures are symbol of being

oppressive place, the meaning of any symbol whether an object, an action, or a gesture, is

controlled by its context. Irony is when the author makes a statement that is opposite from its

true meaning, such as “Your secret has its consequence and that's on you, babe", the line employs

irony by suggesting that the person's secret actions have led to negative consequences for

themselves, shifting the blame back to them. It’s implying how karma comes around. Generally,

irony refers to something by trying to reverse the context of what happened, this figure of speech

can also be said to conceal or hide its true meaning. The sense of irony seems to be opposite to

what is being said; it is nuanced, but it may also try to give an unsubtle declaration of sense.

Overall, these findings showed that all types of figurative language adopted from X. J.

Kennedy (1979) Figurative Language. It is assumed that Taylor Swift used various figurative

languages in writing her songs in her music. It portrayed that using figurative language makes a

song more aesthetic, artistic, and meaningful. Taylor Swift’s music influence listeners just by

putting figurative languages in her songs. Figures of speech give a singer a lot of creative ways

to say what they want to say. Just like Taylor Swift, most of the singers also have the opportunity

to explore novel and imaginative means of conveying ideas, experiences, and emotions through

the use of metaphors, similes, personification, and other figures of speech. This enables them to

transcend literal expressions and inject originality and depth into their lyrics. It is also to help

listeners and fans enrich their vocabulary, learn about figurative language more deeply,

understand it, and interpret the meaning based on the context of the figurative language found in

the song lyrics. A figurative language makes lyrics powerful, like metaphors and similes, to

create vivid imagery. Taylor Swift can use descriptive language that evokes the senses to help

listeners visualize and become absorbed in the song's narrative. The ability to create mental

images enhances the music's storytelling aspect and increases audience engagement. Therefore, it

is significant for the students to study figurative language and elaborate on its meaning through

song lyrics. Figures of speech are important tools for singers just like Taylor Swift in music

because it allows them to express themselves creatively, elicit emotions, write lyrics that stick

out, and develop their own distinctive style. These instruments contribute to the overall impact

and appeal of their music and enhance the artistic quality of their music

Chapter V

This chapter summarizes the results and serves as a vital component of this research

study, consolidating the analysis and findings into a cohesive narrative. It acts as a foundation for

drawing conclusions, making recommendations, and discussing the broader implications of the

research topic.


The analysis of Taylor Swift's heartbreak music lyrics reveals that metaphors are the most

frequently used figurative language in Taylor Swift's heartbreak music, accounting for 54.40% of

the identified instances. Examples include comparing a long note to something deep in a pocket,

personal issues to demons, a relationship breakdown to a train veering off tracks, and a person's

disposition to sunshine or midnight rain. Taylor Swift's use of metaphors in her sorrow songs

illustrates how expertly she uses them to elicit strong emotions and vivid mental pictures.. Swift

successfully engages her audience using metaphorical language, which makes her songs

approachable and emotionally impactful. Her song, which is about heartbreak, has remained

popular and had an influence because of her skillful use of metaphors. On the other hand, simile

appear less frequently, representing 3.5% of the instances. One example compares someone's

readiness to defend the singer to getting knuckles bloody, while compares laughter to that of a

little kid. Personification is used in 14.0% of the instances. It involves attributing human

characteristics to non-human entities, such as time actively erasing someone or life being given

away. And there’s14.0% in hyperbole, which emphasizes exaggeration for effect. Examples

include broken glass on a white piece of fabric, matches lighting one after another, and the

greatest loves of all time ending. In allusion there’s 3.5%  that refers to another literary or artistic

work. It alludes to the Roaring Twenties and the best movies of all time in this instance. And

1.8% of the cases contain metonymy, which is a figure of speech in which one phrase is used to

refer to another. Symbols make up 7.0%  and  used to depict things or ideas that have deeper

significance. A wrecker ball represents destructive conduct, and teardrops on a guitar signify

sadness. About 1.8% of irony, this utilized to highlight a discrepancy between expectations and

reality. The research only identifies one instance of irony.


After doing an analysis the study has come to the following inferences resulting from Taylor

Swift's heartbreak music. Among 10 heartbreak songs, Taylor Swift's most commonly use

metaphors, which account for 54.40% of the occurrences found. She expertly uses metaphors in

her songs to evoke strong feelings and vivid mental images. Taylor Swift's somber songs are

relatable and have a strong emotional impact on her listeners because of the metaphors she uses.

Similes are less common in her music—they only appear in 3.5% of the instances—but they

nevertheless add to the overall usage of figurative language. In 14.0% in personification and

utilized to give human traits to non-human things and deepen the lyrics. While 14.0% of the

cases use hyperbole, which entails exaggerating for emphasis. It intensifies the emotional

portrayal. In allusion, there’s 3.5% which link Swift's songs to broader cultural references by

referencing another literary or artistic work. The lyrics use metonymy with 1.8%, a figure of

speech in which one phrase is used to allude to another. And another 9. 7.0% in symbols are used

to depict things or concepts having deeper meaning, which strengthens the songs' overall

thematic components. While only one occurrence of irony was found in the examined heartbreak

song lyrics, indicating how rarely it is employed.

Overall, Taylor Swift's wide use of metaphors and other figurative language devices is

responsible for her music's enduring appeal and powerful emotional resonance. Her songs appeal

with a broad audience because to these strategies, which enable her to establish a meaningful and

relevant connection with her listeners.


Every song needs to be balance while using figurative language with clarity. The eight figures of

speech discussed in the analysis (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, allusion,

metonymy, symbolism, and irony) are commonly used and well-known literary devices.

However, there are numerous other figures of speech available, such as onomatopoeia,

oxymoron, paradox, euphemism, synecdoche, and more. The study shows that a figurative

language adds depth and emotion to lyrics, it's important to strike a balance between poetic

expression and clarity of meaning. But then we need expand and explore different figures of

speech beyond the eight mentioned in the analysis. By incorporating a wider range of figures of

speech, Taylor Swift can further enrich her lyrics, create unique and memorable expressions, and

connect with her audience on deeper levels. Expanding her repertoire of figurative language can

bring freshness and innovation to her songwriting, allowing her to explore different dimensions

of emotion, storytelling, and artistic expression.



The table below displays a study of the numerous figurative language devices utilized in

Taylor Swift's tearful songs. The table divides several figurative language forms into categories,

including metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, allusion, metonymy, symbols, and

irony. We learn about the prevalence and importance of these literary devices in Taylor Swift's

song lyrics from the frequency and percentage of each category that is also provided.

Table. 1 Types of Figurative Languages in Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift’s heartbreak music.

Types of Figurative Language Frequency Percentage

Metaphor 31 54.40%

Hyperbole 8 14.0%

Personification 8 14.0%

Symbols 4 7.0%

Allusion 2 3.5%

Simile 2 3.5%

Metonymy 1 1.8%

Irony 1 1.8%

Total 57 100%

The data in the table indicates that metaphors make up 54.40% of all instances of figurative

language, making them the most common form. Taylor Swift uses metaphors as an indirect

means of expressing her feelings and experiences in her heartbreak-themed music. She does this

by employing creative comparisons to generate strong feelings. The lowest to have frequency are

allusion and simile, which together account for only 3.5% of occurrences. Using the words "like"

or "as," similes make clear analogies, whereas allusions make subtle allusions to other pieces of

literature, art, or popular culture. These techniques give Taylor Swift's lyrics deeper significance

and more depth. Personification and hyperbole each account for 14.0% of the incidences, which

is significantly more than the average. Personification gives non-human objects human

characteristics, enabling Taylor Swift to evoke strong feelings and vivid imagery in her music.

Contrarily, hyperbole entails making exaggerated claims for emphasis or dramatic impact. The

frequency of metaphor, symbols, and irony is lower, ranging from 1.8% to 7.0%. Utilizing a

related term to symbolize a more comprehensive idea or concept is known as metaphor. Layers

of symbolism are added to Taylor Swift's heartache music by symbols, which have symbolic

meanings that go beyond their literal expression. Taylor Swift uses irony, a literary device in

which the intended meaning is distinct from the literal meaning, to communicate complex

emotions and social commentary in her songs.

In conclusion, this chart gives a general overview of the different figurative language

styles used in Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs. It demonstrates the frequent use of metaphors and

draws attention to the wide range of literary techniques employed to convey her feelings,

improve narrative, and enthrall readers. Here’s the interpretation of data:

1. Metaphor

Data 1: "Long handwritten note/ Deep in your pocket” (Beautiful Tragic, line 1&2)

In data 1, the author applied metaphor describes things more clearly by stating a long note that is

compared to something deep in the pocket, suggesting hidden or buried emotions and thoughts

when pocket is too small and shallow for its space.

Data 2: "And you've got your demons/ and darlin' they all look like me"

(Sad Beautiful Tragic, line 17&18)

From data 2, the person's personal issues or problems are metaphorically referred to as "demons"

in the song, implying that they are troubling and burdensome. The lyrics convey the intensity and

haunting presence of these issues in the person's life by comparing them to demons.

Data 3: "Distance, timing/ Breakdown, fighting/ Silence, the train runs off its tracks"

(Sad Beautiful Tragic, line 21, 22 &23)

Data 3 showed that there is an analogy of a train veering off the tracks suggests disarray and

disruption when a relationship breaks down.

Data 4: "Kiss me, try to fix it/ could you just try to listen?"

(Sad Beautiful Tragic, line 24&25)

Data 4 contained metaphor because the situation in this line is about a metaphorical attempt to

mend or heal a relationship is represented by kissing. The lyrics emphasize the speaker's desire

for emotional connection and comprehension by suggesting that a simple kiss can resolve the

issues. It implies that physical intimacy and affection can be used to bridge emotional divides

and foster open communication.

Data 5: "He was sunshine, I was midnight rain” (Midnight Rain, line 16)

Data 5 uses a metaphor to compare the two people's personalities or dispositions. It draws

attention to the stark differences between them by comparing one person to sunshine and the

other to midnight rain. Typically, sunshine is associated with positivity, warmth, and brightness,

whereas midnight rain is associated with darkness, sadness, or melancholy. The divergence in

their perspectives, temperaments, or emotional states is emphasized by this contrastive imagery.

And such opposite visual emphasizes the difference in their viewpoints and state of mind.

Data 6: "My boy was a montage/ a slow-motion, love potion” (Midnight Rain, line 12)

The data is comparing a person to a montage, highlighting their lively and enthralling nature.

Data 7: "I peered through a window/ a deep portal, time travel" (Midnight Rain, line 28)

Data 7 explains the analogy of a portal and time travel to describe the experience of peering into

the past or a different reality.

Data 8: "Just what we wanted, just what we wanted/ and he never thinks of me/ except

when I'm on TV" (Midnight Rain, line 51, 52 & 53)

Data 8 considered being in metaphor because the line explains a person's desire and contentment

being compared to obtaining what they want, and the fact that they are only thought of on

television suggests a superficial or distant relationship.

Data 9: "He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar” (Teardrops on my guitar, line 9)

The person is likened to the reason why the singer is sad and hurt emotionally. Data 9 is a

comparison that emphasizes the connection between the person's presence and the singer's

emotional turmoil and the significant impact they have had on their well-being. I

Data 10: ”He's the song in the car I keep singing” (Teardrops on my guitar, line 19)

The person is likened to a song that the singer sings all the time, which means that they are

always present in the singer's thoughts and feelings.

Data 11: "The kind of flawless I wish I could be” (Teardrops on my guitar, line 14)

The metaphor emphasizes the person's perceived perfection, contrasting the singer's own sense of

inadequacy or flaws with their idealized image. It highlights the singer's own insecurities or

feelings of inferiority in comparison while simultaneously conveying a sense of longing or

admiration for the individual.

Data 12: "He's the time taken up, but there's never enough”(Teardrops on my guitar, line 25)

Data 12 shows that the singer's time and attention are significantly taken up by the person in this

situation, who is symbolically compared to time. The metaphor draws attention to a sense of

imbalance or lack in the relationship by implying a need for more time spent with the subject. It

expresses a desire for closer proximity or connection while also recognizing the shortcomings or

inadequacies of the time spent together..

Data 13: "Balancin' on breaking branches" ( Exile, line 18)

Data 13 compares their connection to being on breaking branches, signifying instability and

probable collapse, to describe how precarious it is.

Data 14: "Those eyes add insult to injury" ( Exile, line 19)

This description of the person's eyes implies that the singer experiences anguish, sadness, or hurt

when looking into that person's eyes. The metaphor highlights how intensely the two people are

emotionally connected and suggests that the other person's sight or presence has a significant

impact on the singer's wellbeing. It highlights the extent of their emotional impact on the singer's

state of mind by conveying a sense of vulnerability and sensitivity to the person's actions or


Data 15: "Now I'm in exile, seein' you out" ( Exile, line 19)

The singer's emotional state is contrasted with exile, emphasizing a sense of seclusion and

separation from the subject.

Data 16: "I'm leavin' out the side door" ( Exile, line 27)

It is true that in this situation, using the side door to leave has symbolic importance. It suggests a

preference for a quiet and discrete departure by preferring to leave through the side door, perhaps

to get away from a challenging or uncomfortable circumstance. The emblem highlights the

wearer's desire for solitude or to lessen the impact of their departure, highlighting a reluctance to

engage in a direct argument or draw unwarranted attention.

Data 17: "You're not my homeland anymore/ So what am I defending now?" ( Exile, line 43)

The person is symbolically compared to a homeland in this comparison, signifying a sense of

security and belonging that has been lost. By comparing the subject to their homeland, it is

implied that they formerly gave the speaker a sense of security, comfort, and stability. The

comparison conjures up feelings of displacement or a wish for the departed individual to once

again occupy the role of emotional safety and belonging.

Data 18: "You're the wrecking ball" - This line metaphorically compares the person's actions

or behaviour to a destructive force, emphasizing the negative impact they have on the


Data 19: "I hit the ground running each night" (the 1, line 4)

Data 19, "hitting the ground running" is actually used metaphorically to describe the individual's

active and energetic lifestyle. Because they immediately begin their activities or tasks with a

great deal of energy and enthusiasm, it suggests that the individual is always engaged and busy,

particularly at night. The metaphor highlights their willingness to jump into a variety of

endeavours without hesitation, highlighting their proactive and dynamic approach to life.

Data 20: "You know the greatest films of all time were never made" (the 1, line 6)

A comparison is made between the potential of their relationship and great films that were never

made, "You know the greatest films of all time were never made." A missed opportunity and

unfulfilled potential are implied by this metaphor. It implies that their relationship had the

potential to be extraordinary, significant, or memorable by comparing it to films that were never

made. The metaphor emphasizes their relationship's untapped potential and unfulfilled promise,

as well as a sense of loss or regret.

Data 21: "And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow" (the 1, line 9)

Bleeding is metaphorically used to represent experiencing challenges or setbacks, which

contribute to personal growth and development.

Data 22: "Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool" (the 1, line 12)

Tossing pennies into the pool and the Roaring 20s represent a carefree and adventurous period in

their life.

Data 23: "You know the greatest loves of all time are over now" (the 1, line 24)

Data 23, suggests that their relationship has ended by comparing it to the greatest loves of all


Data 24: "I persist and resist the temptation to ask you" (the 1, line 35)

The ideas of perseverance and resistance are used metaphorically to represent the internal

conflict and constraint a person goes through when choosing not to ask a certain question. The

metaphor says that even though there is a great want or temptation to find out more, the person is

persistent and overcomes that desire. The metaphor underlines the power of their self-control

and the significance of the unasked inquiry by emphasizing the internal conflict and resolve

involved in withholding the question.

Data 25: "Digging up the grave another time" (the 1, line 43)

Data 25 signifies the reopening of old wounds or unsolved issues and refers to revisiting or

bringing up a former issue or topic that should be left buried.

Data 26: "Matches burn after the other" (Right where you left me, line 5)

Data 26 is about how the singer uses the metaphor in the phrase "Matches burn after the other"

implies that ties or relationships expire or fade away. The analogy of matches lighting one after

another suggests a sequential and fleeting character. Similar to relationships, connections can

start off strong and bloom briefly before fading away. The metaphor illustrates the point that,

similar to matches, relationships have a limited shelf life and can't maintain their early intensity

continuously. In the context of relationships, it suggests a sense of impermanence or transience,

highlighting their ephemeral nature and the certainty of their eventual demise.

Data 27: "Pages turn and stick to each other" (Right where you left me, line 6)

Data 27 is about a metaphor implies that events or memories are linked together and might stay

in one's mind.

Data 28: "Glass shattered on the white cloth" (Right where you left me, line 38)

Data 28 denotes the destruction or end of anything delicate or frail. Glass breaking conjures up

an impression of an abrupt and devastating impact that leads to fracture and disintegration. The

white fabric represents something pristine, spotless, or pure. When the glass breaks on the white

cloth, it symbolizes a major rupture or disruption in which something costly and delicate is

broken or destroyed, creating a noticeable and substantial after effect. In addition to stressing the

mental or bodily harm brought on by the fracture, the metaphor highlights how quick and

irreparable the incident was.

Data 29: "Your name, forever the name on my lips" (last kiss, line 18)

Data 29 is claiming that someone's name is "forever the name on my lips," the singer  is

implying that they constantly speak and think about that person's name. According to the

metaphor, the person's name has a lasting impact on the speaker's words and ideas, signifying

their lasting influence. It conveys a sense of continual recollection and affection, highlighting the

person's continued importance and presence in the speaker's life.:

Data 30: "And if I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too" (my tears ricochet, line 9)

Data 30, imply that if the singer is suffering or going through a terrible moment, the other person

will also feel the effects or aftermath. Being on fire is a metaphor for having a lot of mental

distress or conflict. It suggests that the speaker is experiencing agony, difficulty, or a crisis. The

phrase "you’ll be made of ashes too" implies that they will likewise experience the consequences

or be impacted by the circumstance. It suggests a sense of interconnectivity or shared destiny,

implying that both people's lives are interrelated and that one person's difficulties will

unavoidably affect the other.

Data 31: "I've been spending the last eight months, thinking all love ever does is break and

burn, and end." (begin again, line 17,18 and 19)

Data 31, where metaphor is used to highlight the speaker's prior negative experiences with love

by equating love to something terrible. "Love ever does is break and burn, and end," is a

metaphor for love as a power that brings about obliteration and end. The words "break," "burn,"

and "end" imply harm, suffering, and finality that are connected to love. It implies that the

speaker has had romantic relationships end in heartbreak and disappointment, making them sees

love as a bad and destructive energy. Hyperbole

Data 32: "Words, how little they mean" (Sad beautiful tragic, line 3)

By portraying language as being irrelevant in this situation, this point is made more clear. It

emphasizes the idea that emotions go beyond simple verbal representation by personifying words

and giving them a lack of importance.

Data 33: "There is no amount/ Of crying I can do for you" (Exile, line 28 & 29)

This line is where the singer's emotional expression is exaggerated, giving the impression that

sobbing won't make a difference.

Data 34: "And he's all that I need to fall into" (teardrops on my guitar, line 26)

Data 34, exaggerates the significance and impact of the individual, suggesting that they have a

strong influence over the singer's feelings.

Data 35: "What a shame, didn't want to be the one that got away" (babe, line 3&4)

From data 35, the line employs exaggeration to emphasize a disappointment or regret feeling.

The line exaggerates the gravity of the occurrence by calling it a "shame" and stressing that no

one wants to be "the one who got away." The emotional effect is amplified and it is implied that

the situation is particularly unpleasant or undesirable when using hyperbole. It suggests that the

speaker had great goals or hopes that were not realized and creates an impression of a missed

opportunity or loss.

Data 36: "But we were making it count" (the 1, line 23)

Data 36 demonstrates the significance and value of their relationship, implying that they were

maximizing their time together.

Data 37: "I swear you could hear a hairpin drop" (right where you left me ,line 13)

In data 37, used hyperbole to emphasize how quiet and motionless the environment was. The

speaker emphasizes the extreme stillness and lack of any disruption by implying that even the

tiniest sound of a hairpin dropping would be audible. It provides the notion that everything is so

quiet and concentrated that even the smallest noise would be audible, emphasizing the

importance or gravity of the situation.

Data 38: "And you can aim for my heart, go for blood/But you would still miss me in your

bones" (my tears ricochet, line 26 & 27)

Data 38 is a hyperbole that implies that the other person will continue to have an impact and

presence despite their best efforts to harm the speaker. The line was about wanting to hurt

someone but it pains you even more.

Data 39: "All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss" (last kiss, line 14)

In data 39, the line exaggerates the capacity to fulfil the expectations or aspirations of the person

they are addressing by saying that they don't know how to be something missed by the other

person. The singer’s emotions of inadequacy and the size of the perceived distance between

themselves and the other person are highlighted by this hyperbolic language, which also

heightens the emotional impact of the statement.

3. Personofication

Data 40: "Time/ Is taking its sweet time erasing you" (Beautiful tragic, line 16)

Data 40, used to ascribe human characteristics to time. The power to intentionally "erase" or

delete someone is granted to time. This personification of time implies that time is actively and

purposefully involved in the process of forgetting or moving on from someone. The expression

"taking its sweet time" accentuates the personification even further by emphasizing that time

moves slowly and deliberately.

Data 41: "And the life I gave away" (midnight rain, line 39)

In this line, personification enters because it explains that this presents the life as something that

can be donated while giving it human traits.

Data 42: "Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky”

(Teardrops on my guitar, line 16)

The eyes of the person are personified as having the ability to convey luck or good fortune to

someone else. It means that the person's glance or physical presence bestows luck to those

around them. This personification emphasizes the speaker's or others' perception of the person's

eyes as having power and influence by giving them depth and emotional significance.

Data 43: "You never gave a warning sign" (Exile, line 33)

Data 43 is about a human traits on the person's acts or inaction, meaning that they didn't show

any sign of the upcoming changes.

Data 44: “Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it":

(right where you left me, line 27)

The line explains girl's disconnection from the experiences and realities of others is highlighted

by the personification, which amplifies the theme of isolation or detachment. It shows time as a

witness to other people's lives and emphasizes the girl's ignorance or refusal to acknowledge

time's passing and move on.

Data 45: "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe" (last kiss, line 36)

Data 45, a personification where forgetting is more than just a passive act but rather something

that can be felt or experienced, much like sensing another person's breath. The line emphasizes

the emotional effect of this loss by describing what it feels like to be forgotten by someone with

whom they had shared a close relationship. The personification highlights the agony and desire

connected with fading memories and the sensation of being forgotten by a significant someone,

giving the emotions described in the song more depth and intensity.

Data 46: "But what a ghostly scene" (my teas ricochet, line 16)

The line left with lasting impressions to the personification, which adds a vivid and evocative

element to the description. It depicts a scene that is not only visually arresting but also

emotionally charged, possibly evoking feelings of loss, emptiness, or a sense of being cut off

from reality.

Data 47: "Turn the lock and put my headphones on, he always said he didn't get this song,

but I do, I do." (begin again, line 4,5 &6)

Data 47, where the speaker personifies the song as something that they can comprehend and

enjoy, highlighting their relationship to the music.

4. Symbols

Data 48: "My town was a wasteland/ Full of cages, full of fences/ Pageant queens and

big pretenders” (midnight rain, line 9 & 10)

Data 48, describes the town as a dreary place with oppressive structures and uncaring residents

using striking pictures. The line gives an imaginative image where structures is symbol of being

oppressive place. A symbol where a town is dangerous and waste.

Data 49: "July ninth" (Last kiss, line 9)

In data 49, July ninth may be significant to the individual and represent a particular time or event

in the relationship.

Data 50: “We gather stones, never knowing what they'll mean" (my tears ricochet, line 13)

The stones stand for deeds or words that may have important or unexpected repercussions. Some

of them may lead to good memories while some leads them to bring up the painful past.

Data 51: "On a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again." (begin again, line 20&21)

Data 51, it is where there’s a specific place where this “cafe” holds a memory. The reference to a

particular day and place represents a new beginning and the start of a new chapter in the

speaker's love life. The fact that the speaker specifies Wednesday and the venue is a cafe

suggests that this particular moment has special meaning for her. The narrative gains a sense of

specificity and detail because to the choice of a particular day and location. It can allude to a

noteworthy occurrence or meeting that happened on that specific Wednesday in the cafe.

"Watched it begin again" implies that the speaker is watching something develop or begin from

scratch. This could be a reference to different parts of their lives, such a new relationship,

revitalized inspiration or hope, reconciliation, or a general fresh start.

5. Allusion

Data 52: "Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?"

(right where you left me, line 30)

This allusion emphasizes the subject of being unable to move on by referring to the idea of being

emotionally frozen or stuck in the past. Here, there this girl who can’t move on referring to the

“who got frozen”.

Data 53: "And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves" (my tears ricochet, line 31)

Data 53, incorporates a reference to a battleship sinking, which represents the relationship's

eventual demise or loss. The lyrics evokes a potent and evocative symbol of destruction and loss

by using the picture of battleships sunk. The implication implies that there are insurmountable

obstacles or disputes in the relationship that would finally result in its dissolution. It emphasizes

the size of the emotional effect and the irreversibility of the situation by conveying a sense of

inevitability and hinting at the imminent end.

6. Simile

Data 54: "Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me" (exile, line 16)

Data 54, compares the act of getting one's knuckles bloody to the person's readiness to battle and

defend the singer thinking she’ll be save by her ex-lovers.

Data 55: "You throw your head back laughing, like a little kid." (begin again, line 13)

Data 55, emphasizes the person's sincere and carefree nature by comparing their laughter to the

joyful laughter of a child.

7. Metonymy- is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted with another

word or phrase that is closely associated with it.

Data 56: "If our love died young, I can't bear witness" (right where you left me, line 50)

In data 56, "our love died young" is a term used metaphorically to describe the conclusion or

breakdown of a love relationship. The phrase "died young" is employed as a metonymy to

represent the untimely or early end of their love, highlighting the idea that the relationship ended

before it had a chance to develop naturally. In this case, "died young" is substituted for the

concept of the relationship coming to an end prematurely.

8. Irony

Data 57 "Your secret has its consequence and that's on you, babe" (babe, line 18)

In data 57, the line employs irony by suggesting that the person's secret actions have led to

negative consequences for themselves, shifting the blame back to them. It’s implying how karma

comes around. The line implies that the person's activities have had unfavourable results or

ramifications because their secret has disclosed them.

Relation with Existing Studies.

Alejandro (2016) conducted this research to examine Sebuano poetry's use of figurative

language. Despite its focus on a different language and context, it shares your interest in

figurative language and your analysis of Taylor Swift's songs about heartbreak. The stylistic

analysis of a song by Lubis (2019) places an emphasis on the emotional expression of the lyrics

and their careful selection. Even though it looks at a different song, it has a lot in common with

your analysis of Taylor Swift's songs about heartbreak because it looks at how lyrics affect how

people feel. The study by Rivera and Bernardo (2018) looks at the themes, meanings, and figures

of speech in indie OPM lyrics. Even though their subject matter is different, both studies focus

on figurative language and themes like love, which are related to your analysis of Taylor Swift's

songs about heartbreak. De Pedro (2023): This socio-cultural analysis looks at Gloc-9's songs

and uses figurative language to talk about problems in society. The study's focus on figurative

language and social issues relates to your analysis of Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs, which also

touch on emotional and societal issues, despite the fact that the artist and themes are different.

Similar to Taylor Swift's songs about heartbreak, Gloc-9's songs address social issues like

poverty and corruption. The significance of figurative language, such as simile, metaphor,

hyperbole, and personification, in the effective transmission of socially relevant messages is the

subject of both analyses.

In the given review related studies excerpts look at a variety of topics related to figurative

language, emotions, and social issues in a variety of contexts. Despite the fact that the provided

RRL excerpts have nothing in common with Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs, their analysis of

figurative language, emotions, and social issues in song lyrics are common themes.


When words and phrases have secondary meanings to their literal interpretation,

figurative language is applied. According to the study's findings, the Kennedy Figurative

language applied in Taylors Swift’s heartbreak music. This contains eight different types of

figurative language, such as metaphor (31) simile (2 data), personification (8 data), hyperbole (8

data), allusion (2 data), metonymy (1 data), symbols (4 data), and irony (1 data). Metaphor is

used to describe two different things by using is or something similar to is, such as "Long

handwritten note/ Deep in your pocket" the author applied metaphor describes things more

clearly by stating a long note that is compared to something deep in the pocket, suggesting

hidden or buried emotions and thoughts when pocket is too small and shallow for its space.

Simile is used to compare something to another thing by using as or like such as : "Like you'd get

your knuckles bloody for me" this compares the act of getting one's knuckles bloody to the

person's readiness to battle and defend the singer thinking she’ll be save by her ex-lovers. It is

indicated when the author uses figurative language with obvious words and uses similes that

have an explicit meaning. Personification is used to describe an inanimate object as if alive such

as "Time/ Is taking its sweet time erasing you used to ascribe human characteristics to time. The

power to intentionally "erase" or delete someone is granted to time. This personification of time

implies that time is actively and purposefully involved in the process of forgetting or moving on

from someone. Personification is a type of figurative language style that depicts inanimate

objects as if they have human characteristics. In personification, it indicated that a thing or an

object can do the human usually. Hyperbole occurs when an author uses words that are

exaggerated in comparison to reality such as Words, how little they mean. By portraying

language as being irrelevant in this situation, this point is made clearer. It emphasizes the idea

that emotions go beyond simple verbal representation by personifying words and giving them a

lack of importance. Allusion is figurative language that show indirectly forwards a person or

even that people have known together (Kennedy 1979) such as "Did you ever hear about the girl

who got frozen?". This allusion emphasizes the subject of being unable to move on by referring

to the idea of being emotionally frozen or stuck in the past. Metonymy is when the author uses

the words or name of something that can be related to another thing, such as "If our love died

young, I can't bear witness" is a term used metaphorically to describe the conclusion or

breakdown of a love relationship. The phrase "died young" is employed as a metonymy to

represent the untimely or early end of their love, highlighting the idea that the relationship ended

before it had a chance to develop naturally. In this case, "died young" is substituted for the

concept of the relationship coming to an end prematurely. Symbols, according to Kennedy

(2004:569) symbol is any object or action that represents something beyond its literal self such

as, "My town was a wasteland/ Full of cages, full of fences/ Pageant queens and big pretenders"

describes the town as a dreary place with oppressive structures and uncaring residents using

striking pictures. The line gives an imaginative image where structures are symbol of being

oppressive place, the meaning of any symbol whether an object, an action, or a gesture, is

controlled by its context. Irony is when the author makes a statement that is opposite from its

true meaning, such as “Your secret has its consequence and that's on you, babe", the line employs

irony by suggesting that the person's secret actions have led to negative consequences for

themselves, shifting the blame back to them. It’s implying how karma comes around. Generally,

irony refers to something by trying to reverse the context of what happened, this figure of speech

can also be said to conceal or hide its true meaning. The sense of irony seems to be opposite to

what is being said; it is nuanced, but it may also try to give an unsubtle declaration of sense.

Overall, these findings showed that all types of figurative language adopted from X. J.

Kennedy (1979) Figurative Language. It is assumed that Taylor Swift used various figurative

languages in writing her songs in her music. It portrayed that using figurative language makes a

song more aesthetic, artistic, and meaningful. Taylor Swift’s music influence listeners just by

putting figurative languages in her songs. Figures of speech give a singer a lot of creative ways

to say what they want to say. Just like Taylor Swift, most of the singers also have the opportunity

to explore novel and imaginative means of conveying ideas, experiences, and emotions through

the use of metaphors, similes, personification, and other figures of speech. This enables them to

transcend literal expressions and inject originality and depth into their lyrics. It is also to help

listeners and fans enrich their vocabulary, learn about figurative language more deeply,

understand it, and interpret the meaning based on the context of the figurative language found in

the song lyrics. A figurative language makes lyrics powerful, like metaphors and similes, to

create vivid imagery. Taylor Swift can use descriptive language that evokes the senses to help

listeners visualize and become absorbed in the song's narrative. The ability to create mental

images enhances the music's storytelling aspect and increases audience engagement. Therefore, it

is significant for the students to study figurative language and elaborate on its meaning through

song lyrics. Figures of speech are important tools for singers just like Taylor Swift in music

because it allows them to express themselves creatively, elicit emotions, write lyrics that stick

out, and develop their own distinctive style. These instruments contribute to the overall impact

and appeal of their music and enhance the artistic quality of their music

Chapter V

This chapter summarizes the results and serves as a vital component of this research

study, consolidating the analysis and findings into a cohesive narrative. It acts as a foundation for

drawing conclusions, making recommendations, and discussing the broader implications of the

research topic.


The analysis of Taylor Swift's heartbreak music lyrics reveals that metaphors are the most

frequently used figurative language in Taylor Swift's heartbreak music, accounting for 54.40% of

the identified instances. Examples include comparing a long note to something deep in a pocket,

personal issues to demons, a relationship breakdown to a train veering off tracks, and a person's

disposition to sunshine or midnight rain. Taylor Swift's use of metaphors in her sorrow songs

illustrates how expertly she uses them to elicit strong emotions and vivid mental pictures.. Swift

successfully engages her audience using metaphorical language, which makes her songs

approachable and emotionally impactful. Her song, which is about heartbreak, has remained

popular and had an influence because of her skillful use of metaphors. On the other hand, simile

appear less frequently, representing 3.5% of the instances. One example compares someone's

readiness to defend the singer to getting knuckles bloody, while compares laughter to that of a

little kid. Personification is used in 14.0% of the instances. It involves attributing human

characteristics to non-human entities, such as time actively erasing someone or life being given

away. And there’s14.0% in hyperbole, which emphasizes exaggeration for effect. Examples

include broken glass on a white piece of fabric, matches lighting one after another, and the

greatest loves of all time ending. In allusion there’s 3.5%  that refers to another literary or artistic

work. It alludes to the Roaring Twenties and the best movies of all time in this instance. And

1.8% of the cases contain metonymy, which is a figure of speech in which one phrase is used to

refer to another. Symbols make up 7.0%  and  used to depict things or ideas that have deeper

significance. A wrecker ball represents destructive conduct, and teardrops on a guitar signify

sadness. About 1.8% of irony, this utilized to highlight a discrepancy between expectations and

reality. The research only identifies one instance of irony.


After doing an analysis the study has come to the following inferences resulting from Taylor

Swift's heartbreak music. Among 10 heartbreak songs, Taylor Swift's most commonly use

metaphors, which account for 54.40% of the occurrences found. She expertly uses metaphors in

her songs to evoke strong feelings and vivid mental images. Taylor Swift's somber songs are

relatable and have a strong emotional impact on her listeners because of the metaphors she uses.

Similes are less common in her music—they only appear in 3.5% of the instances—but they

nevertheless add to the overall usage of figurative language. In 14.0% in personification and

utilized to give human traits to non-human things and deepen the lyrics. While 14.0% of the

cases use hyperbole, which entails exaggerating for emphasis. It intensifies the emotional

portrayal. In allusion, there’s 3.5% which link Swift's songs to broader cultural references by

referencing another literary or artistic work. The lyrics use metonymy with 1.8%, a figure of

speech in which one phrase is used to allude to another. And another 9. 7.0% in symbols are

used to depict things or concepts having deeper meaning, which strengthens the songs' overall

thematic components. While only one occurrence of irony was found in the examined heartbreak

song lyrics, indicating how rarely it is employed.

Overall, Taylor Swift's wide use of metaphors and other figurative language devices is

responsible for her music's enduring appeal and powerful emotional resonance. Her songs appeal

with a broad audience because to these strategies, which enable her to establish a meaningful and

relevant connection with her listeners.


Every song needs to be balance while using figurative language with clarity. The eight figures of

speech discussed in the analysis (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, allusion,

metonymy, symbolism, and irony) are commonly used and well-known literary devices.

However, there are numerous other figures of speech available, such as onomatopoeia,

oxymoron, paradox, euphemism, synecdoche, and more. The study shows that a figurative

language adds depth and emotion to lyrics, it's important to strike a balance between poetic

expression and clarity of meaning. But then we need expand and explore different figures of

speech beyond the eight mentioned in the analysis. By incorporating a wider range of figures of

speech, Taylor Swift can further enrich her lyrics, create unique and memorable expressions, and

connect with her audience on deeper levels. Expanding her repertoire of figurative language can

bring freshness and innovation to her songwriting, allowing her to explore different dimensions

of emotion, storytelling, and artistic expression.


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Language in Iligan National Writers Workshop’s Sebuano Poems. (n.d.).


Barnett, LaShonda Katrice, "Learning How to Listen': Analyzing Style and Meaning in the

Music of Abbey Lincoln, Nina Simone and Cassandra Wilson" (2012). Dissertations,

Theses, and Masters Projects. Paper 1539623358. https://dx.doi.org/doi:10.21220/s2-


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Lyric. Umsorong. https://www.academia.edu/39888713/The_Analysis_of_Figurative_La


Hermansyah, R. (2006). AN Analysis On The Messages Of John Lennon’s Song Lyric

“Imagine.” https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/an-analysis-on-the-messages-of-john-


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Table. 1 Types of Figurative Languages in Song Lyrics of Taylor Swift’s heartbreak music.

Types of Figurative Language Frequency Percentage

Metaphor 31 54.40%

Hyperbole 8 14.0%

Personification 8 14.0%

Symbols 4 7.0%

Allusion 2 3.5%

Simile 2 3.5%

Metonymy 1 1.8%

Irony 1 1.8%

Total 57 100%


List of song lyrics, Taylor Swift’s heartbreak music.

Midnight Rain Pageant queens and big pretenders

Rain, he wanted it comfortable But for some, it was paradise

I wanted that pain My boy was a montage

He wanted a bride A slow-motion, love potion

I was making my own name Jumping off things in the ocean

Chasing that fame I broke his heart 'cause he was nice

He stayed the same He was sunshine, I was midnight rain

All of me changed like midnight He wanted it comfortable

My town was a wasteland I wanted that pain

Full of cages, full of fences He wanted a bride

I was making my own name I wanted that pain

Chasing that fame He wanted a bride

He stayed the same I was making my own name

All of me changed like midnight Chasing that fame

It came like a postcard He stayed the same

Picture perfect, shiny family All of me changed

Holiday, peppermint candy Like midnight

But for him it's every day I guess sometimes we all get

So I peered through a window Just what we wanted, just what we wanted

A deep portal, time travel And he never thinks of me

All the love we unravel Except when I'm on TV

And the life I gave away I guess sometimes we all get

'Cause he was sunshine Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted

I was midnight rain And I never think of him

He wanted it comfortable Except on midnights like this (midnights

I wanted that pain like this)

He wanted a bride

I was making my own name Right Where You Left Me

Chasing that fame Friends break up, friends get married

He stayed the same Strangers get born, strangers get buried

All of me changed Trends change, rumors fly through new

Like midnight skies

Rain, he wanted it comfortable But I'm right where you left me

Matches burn after the other You left me no choice but to stay here

Pages turn and stick to each other forever

Wages earned and lessons learned Did you ever hear about the girl who got

But I, I'm right where you left me frozen?

Help, I'm still at the restaurant Time went on for everybody else, she won't

Still sitting in a corner I haunt know it

Cross-legged in the dim light She's still 23 inside her fantasy

They say, "What a sad sight" How it was supposed to be

I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop Did you hear about the girl who lives in

Right when I felt the moment stop delusion?

Glass shattered on the white cloth Break-ups happen every day, you don't have

Everybody moved on to lose it

I, I stayed there She's still 23 inside her fantasy

Dust collected on my pinned-up hair And you're sitting in front of me

They expected me to find somewhere At the restaurant, when I was still the one

Some perspective, but I sat and stared you want

Right where you left me Cross-legged in the dim light, everything

You left me no, oh, you left me no was just right

You left me no choice but to stay here I, I could feel the mascara run

forever You told me that you met someone

You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me Glass shattered on the white cloth

no Everybody moved on

Help, I'm still at the restaurant

Still sitting in a corner I haunt My Tears Ricochet

Cross-legged in the dim light We gather here, we line up

They say, "What a sad sight" Weepin' in a sunlit room, and

I, I stayed there If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too

Dust collected on my pinned-up hair Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe

I'm sure that you got a wife out there All the hell you gave me?

Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you

'Cause I'm right where 'Til my dying day

I cause no harm, mind my business I didn't have it in myself to go with grace

If our love died young, I can't bear witness And you're the hero flying around, saving

And it's been so long face

But if you ever think you got it wrong And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the

I'm right where you left me wake?

You left me no, oh, you left me no Cursing my name, wishing I stayed

You left me no choice but to stay here Look at how my tears ricochet

forever We gather stones, never knowing what

You left me they'll mean

You left me no, oh, you left me no Some to throw, some to make a diamond

You left me no choice but to stay here ring

forever You know I didn't want to have to haunt you

But what a ghostly scene

You wear the same jewels that I gave you

As you bury me

I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this

'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I pain

was brave Crossing out the good years

And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the And you're cursing my name, wishing I

wake? stayed

Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet

Look at how my tears ricochet

And I can go anywhere I want

Anywhere I want, just not home Exile

And you can aim for my heart, go for blood I can see you standing, honey

But you would still miss me in your bones With his arms around your body

And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all

at the sky) And it took you five whole minutes

And when you can't sleep at night (you hear To pack us up and leave me with it

my stolen lullabies) Holdin' all this love out here in the hall

I didn't have it in myself to go with grace I think I've seen this film before

And so the battleships will sink beneath the And I didn't like the ending

waves You're not my homeland anymore

You had to kill me, but it killed you just the So what am I defending now?

same You were my town

Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Now I'm in exile, seein' you out

You turned into your worst fears I think I've seen this film before

I can see you starin', honey

Like he's just your understudy I never learned to read your mind (never

Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me learned to read my mind)

Second, third, and hundredth chances I couldn't turn things around (you never

Balancin' on breaking branches turned things around)

Those eyes add insult to injury 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I

I think I've seen this film before gave so many signs)

And I didn't like the ending So many signs, so many signs

I'm not your problem anymore You didn't even see the signs

So who am I offending now? I think I've seen this film before

You were my crown And I didn't like the ending

Now I'm in exile, seein' you out You're not my homeland anymore

I think I've seen this film before So what am I defending now?

So I'm leavin' out the side door You were my town

So step right out, there is no amount Now I'm in exile, seein' you out

Of crying I can do for you I think I've seen this film before

All this time So I'm leavin' out the side door

We always walked a very thin line So step right out, there is no amount

You didn't even hear me out (you didn't Of crying I can do for you

even hear me out) All this time

You never gave a warning sign (I gave so We always walked a very thin line

many signs) You didn't even hear me out (didn't even

All this time hear me out)

You never gave a warning sign (I gave so Sad Beautiful Tragic

many signs) Long handwritten note

All this time Deep in your pocket

I never learned to read your mind (never Words, how little they mean

learned to read my mind) When you're a little too late

I couldn't turn things around (you never I stood right by the tracks

turned things around) Your face in a locket

'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I Good girls, hopeful they'll be and long they

gave so many signs) will wait

All this time (so many signs) We had a beautiful magic love there

I never learned to read your mind (so many What a sad beautiful tragic love affair

signs) In dreams

I couldn't turn things around (I couldn't turn I meet you in warm conversation

things around) We both wake

'Cause you never gave a warning sign (you In lonely beds

never gave a warning sign) In different cities

You never gave a warning sign And time

Ah, ah Is taking its sweet time erasing you

And you've got your demons

And darlin' they all look like me

'Cause we had a beautiful magic love there

What a sad beautiful tragic love affair

Distance, timing

Breakdown, fighting Babe

Silence, the train runs off its tracks What about your promises, promises?

Kiss me, try to fix it What about your promises, promises,

Could you just try to listen? promises? No

Hang up, give up What a shame

For the life of us we can't get back Didn't want to be the one that got away,

A beautiful magic love there yeah

What a sad Big mistake, you broke the sweetest promise

Beautiful tragic That you never should have made

Beautiful tragic I'm here on the kitchen floor

Beautiful You call, but I won't hear it

What we had a beautiful magic love there You said no one else, how could you do this,

(uh-uh) babe?

What a sad beautiful tragic love affair You really blew this, babe

We had a beautiful magic love there We ain't getting through this one, babe

What a sad beautiful tragic love affair (yeah, yeah, yeah)

This is the last time I'll ever call you, babe

(This is the last time, this is the last time)

This is the last time I'll ever call you, babe

(What about your promises, promises,

promises? No)

What a waste

Taking down the pictures and the plans we Didn't want to be the one that got away

made, yeah How could you do this, babe? (Eh, eh, eh,

And it's strange how your face doesn't look eh, eh)

so innocent You really blew this, babe (babe, eh, yeah,

Your secret has its consequence and that's eh)

on you, babe We ain't getting through this one, babe

I break down every time you call (yeah, yeah, yeah)

We're a wreck, you're the wrecking ball This is the last time I'll ever call you, babe

We said no one else, how could you do this, (This is the last time, this is the last time)

babe? This is the last time I'll ever call you

You really blew this, babe I'm here on the kitchen floor

We ain't getting through this one, babe (yea, You call, but I won't hear it

yea, yea) You said no one else

This is the last time I'll ever call you, babe We ain't getting through this one, babe

(This is the last time, this is the last time) I break down every time you call

This is the last time I'll ever call you We're a wreck, you're the wrecking ball

Since you admitted it (oh-oh), I keep You said no one else

picturing (oh-oh) This is the last time I'll never call you, babe

Her lips on your neck (oh-oh), I can't unsee (yeah, yeah, yeah)

it (oh-oh)

I hate that because of you, I can't love you,


What a shame

Begin Again I watched it begin again

Took a deep breath in the mirror You said you never met one girl who had

He didn't like it when I wore high heels As many James Taylor records as you

But I do But I do

Turn the lock and put my headphones on We tell stories and you don't know why

He always said he didn't get this song I'm coming off a little shy

But I do, I do But I do

Walked in expecting you'd be late But you throw your head back laughing

But you got here early and you stand and Like a little kid

wave I think it's strange that you think I'm funny,

I walk to you 'cause

You pull my chair out and help me in He never did

And you don't know how nice that is I've been spending the last eight months

But I do Thinking all love ever does

And you throw your head back laughing Is break and burn, and end

Like a little kid But on a Wednesday in a cafe

I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, I watched it begin again

'cause And we walked down the block, to my car

He never did And I almost brought him up

I've been spending the last eight months But you start to talk about the movies

Thinking all love ever does That your family watches every single

Is break and burn, and end Christmas

But on a Wednesday in a cafe And I want to talk about that

And for the first time The 1

What's past is past I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit

'Cause you throw your head back laughing Been saying "yes" instead of "no"

Like a little kid I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't

I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, though

'cause I hit the ground running each night

He never did I hit the Sunday matinée

I've been spending the last eight months You know the greatest films of all time were

Thinking all love ever does never made

Is break and burn, and end I guess you never know, never know

But on a Wednesday in a cafe And if you wanted me, you really should've

I watched it begin again showed

But on a Wednesday in a cafe And if you never bleed, you're never gonna

I watched it begin again grow

And it's alright now

But we were something, don't you think so?

Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool

And if my wishes came true

It would've been you

In my defense, I have none

For never leaving well enough alone

But it would've been fun

If you would've been the one

(Ooh) We were something, don't you think so?

I have this dream you're doing cool shit Rosé flowing with your chosen family

Having adventures on your own And it would've been sweet

You meet some woman on the internet and If it could've been me

take her home In my defense, I have none

We never painted by the numbers, baby For digging up the grave another time

But we were making it count But it would've been fun

You know the greatest loves of all time are If you would've been the one

over now (Ooh)

I guess you never know, never know

And it's another day waking up alone

But we were something, don't you think so? Last Kiss

Roaring 20s, tossing pennies in the pool I still remember the look on your face

And if my wishes came true Lit through the darkness at 1:58

It would've been you The words that you whispered for just us to

In my defense, I have none know

For never leaving well enough alone You told me you loved me

But it would've been fun So why did you go away?

If you would've been the one Away

I, I, I persist and resist the temptation to ask I do recall now the smell of the rain

you Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane

If one thing had been different That July ninth, the beat of your heart

Would everything be different today? It jumps through your shirt

I can still feel your arms Sit on the floor wearing your clothes

But now I'll go All that I know is I don't know

Sit on the floor wearing your clothes How to be something you miss

All that I know is I don't know I never thought we'd have a last kiss

How to be something you miss Never imagined we'd end like this

I never thought we'd have a last kiss Your name, forever the name on my lips

Never imagined we'd end like this Ooh

Your name, forever the name on my lips So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used

I do remember the swing of your step to watch you sleep

The life of the party, you're showing off And I feel you forget me like I used to feel

again you breathe

And I'd roll my eyes and then you'd pull me Hope it's nice where you are

in And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful

I'm not much for dancing, but for you, I did Sit on the floor wearing your clothes

Because I love your handshake, meeting my All that I know is I don't know

father How to be something you miss

I love how you walk with your hands in I never thought we'd have a last kiss

your pockets Never imagined we'd end like this

How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle Your name, forever the name on my lips

of saying something Just like our last kiss

There's not a day I don't miss those rude Forever the name on my lips

interruptions Forever the name on my lips

And I'll go Just like our last day

And something reminds you you wish you I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at

had stayed night

You can plan for a change in the weather He's the reason for the teardrops on my

and time guitar

But I never planned on you changing your The only thing that keeps me wishing on a

mind wishing star

So I'll go ask them how you are He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't

And I'll keep up with our old friends just to know why I do

Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't

Teardrops On My Guitar breathe?

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't And there he goes, so perfectly

see The kind of flawless I wish I could be

That I want and I'm needing everything that She'd better hold him tight, give him all her

we should be love

I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's

And she's got everything that I have to live lucky 'cause

without He's the reason for the teardrops on my

Drew talks to me, I laugh 'cause it's just so guitar

funny The only thing that keeps me wishing on a

But I can't even see anyone when he's with wishing star

me He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't

He says he's so in love, he's finally got it know why I do

right So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light

I'll put his picture down and maybe get some

sleep tonight

'Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on

my guitar

The only one who's got enough of me to

break my heart

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't

know why I do

He's the time taken up, but there's never


And he's all that I need to fall into

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't



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