ToR of District ASHA Trainer

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__ I
TOR of District ASH rainer
Name of Resource pool District ASHA Trainer

Entire Bihar
Total'Number Needed

Honelsrlun-l & TA/DA :- Per Day Honorarium and TA/DA us pen Cot o, CoA guiAetinei

Age Limit ;- Minimum age 25 years as onlateO O:-09,2020

h4aximum age 65 years as on dated 01.09.2020

Essentiai Qualification :

Diploma Course (2 Years Full Time) in ANM (Auxillary Nurse

& Midwifery) training course from a recognized
ANM Training institute and the candidate should be registered
with the "Bihai Nursing
'-- - o Council,,with at
least two vears of experience as trainer

GNM (General Nurse and Midwifery)/ Nursingl Post
Basic Nursing from any nursing school or
institution recognized by the lndian Nursing Council and
the candidate should be registered with the
Nursing Council with at reast two vears of experience as
'/ Candidates shouid have permanent registration from Bihar
Nursing Registration Council/ lnclian Nursirrg
Council/ Any State Nursing Council.
'/ selected candidates shouid provide the permanent registration
from Bihar Nursing Registration Council
(B N RC), patn a.

Bachelor in
Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)/ Bachelor in Unani
Medicine and surgery
(BUMS)/Bachelor in Homeopathic Medicine
and Surgery (BHMS) from recognized University/lnstitution
candidates should have Permanent registration in and
state council of Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine, Bihar,
Patna and for Homeopathic doctors, Bihar State Ayush
with at least two vears of experience as a trainer
Post Graduate (Fuli Time) in Public Health
/ social work/ social science with at least two
!'rv years
rle J r^,"rLirEr
as a trainer in health program orsociar mobirizationar
Post Graduate Diploma (FullTime) in Public Health/
social work with at leasttwo years exper.ience as,
trainer in health program or social mobilizationaltraini

o Retired Staff Nurse/Nurse/Sister tutors.

' Any C"r,ifi..,"/Dipror. Cor^" i,', Corprtur Apoli.r,ion (Mini*rm six Months).
o willingness to work as a trainer in the ASHA program as part
time basis.
' Ready to travel in the districts /brocks/ sector area
of Bihar as per requrrement,
e Understanding and empathy for rural poor and women.
o Ready to invorve in different types of training as per
the need of the program.

o shortlisted candidates will be trained in ToT" only successful

candidate will be allowed to impart
the training.

$fu-- ily''
frn. H I- u1/zu>o
{q-}q lsngc frxrq d 3rfl.fd {lwq dl enqn C q'rc,{f, 5,6 gq 7 qq 3rq flffi i q.frTfHfl frr}
-"t,t d sriyq d {--q {nr qq 3rfrR-{d qRTeffi) o-T poot d-qri frd qri tg
Udrq 3{.qfDl,ci (ql
ql{d d r.Hft-r d) * ontine eil?qq Gil=Tkd farS u-rd d r qs fr-flrq{ fdr€r fi s-ft_x d Fr+E-d
GTs-I-qI r+fu.flrm q< tR FrCe-{ tg rfr t r qqF-o arqfH am eTrar o) sRraor t-i d g+u fr as

Per NHM, Got Norms thfr q<r G srdl qf,T eq Enrt t GTerffff Errr rifrErrroTffin uq i)
l-,q "C-cH tg qT.T !-fr fuql vl w.+-or t I

S.No Name of Total Number of Eligilitl, Criterea

Resource Pool Trainers needed
1 District ASHA 500 Essential Oualification : f
Trainer Diploma Course (2 Years Full Time) in ANM (Auxillary Nurse &
Midwifery) training course from a recognized ANM Training
institute and the candidate should be registered with the "Bihar
Nursing Council" with at least two y-ears of expefience as trainer

GNM (GeneralNurse and Midwifery)/ B.Sc Nursing/ Post Basic
B.Sc Nursing frotn any nursing school or institution recognized by
the Indian NLrrsing Council and the candidate should be registered
with the Nursing Council *ith at least tuo vears of experience as
trai ner

,/ Candidates should have permanenr resistration irorn Bihar

Nursing Registration Councili Indian Nursrn_s Council, Anv
State Nursing Council.
'/ SelecteC candidates should provide the permanent legistratton
from Bihar Nursing Registration Council (BNRC). Patna.
Bachelor in Avurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMSy Bacheior in
tJnani Medicine ancl Surger,v (BUMS)/Bachelor in Homeopathic
Medicine and Surgerl (BHMS) from recognized
University,rlnstitution and candidates shouid have Permanent
registration in State Council of A1'urvedic and Unani iVedicine,
Bihar, Patna and for Homeopathic docrors. Bihar State Ayush rvith
at least two years of exrlerience as a trainer.
[-ost Graduate (Full Time) in Public Health / Social Work/ Social
Science with at least nvo years experience as a trainer in health
program or social mobilizationai trainings
Post Graduate Diploma (Full Time) in Public Healrh,, Social Work
with at least two years experience as a trainer in health program or
social tnobil izational traininss.

Preferred :
r Women Candidates. I
r Retired Staff NurseNurse/Sister tutors'
o Any Certificate/Diploma Course in Computer Applicatiort
Minimurr Six Months)'

qET-q fu{ql
qRTero) ig ron qq ft--qd
1 Bdffi Resource pool d.ftTq d-qri frti u-fi erA tf, "X
rgNa-g r{frfr, A 3rftsrqd Website "statehealthsocietvbihar.ors" q(
Bil $qslq E'

ffi downioad fu-ql q1 q-ft<r * I

2 qqrq ft-{rfi 01 R{dEr 2o2O c

3Tlq 25 F-"*-fi) ed w 3rfDr6dq urg fu<rm ot
ftreEr zoz-o o\ os ($.q{d; q{ *'t t

3 Resource Pool d ftd t{ftr frtd qIi qrA qRTeT-fr} ig ord 3q.rq vq
tierFT.n C-.Tdl EqIR d frq CutoffDate 31'8'2020 d-rfti

{6-fi sTrq?fi {-w {qNaq {ifrfu,fr.flr 6 "m

," d. C.areers Link q{ fr-d-fi !a6 fr]{.fl fr{eT 6T
d',- -* tg ron qq fr-qd frdrT d
qFfd qd
c-.d gv online ffi@t 'FT
tqrq fufl 3{d<-fi cr fu-S.,q *,

5 t-- Resource Pool 6{ online 311.,rqq i frlq frH{f, B :-

(i) ffiqT{qfrE ffiqdEqt)

(600 d\'1 slqtlEr acp /
( iil ffi3lfrqfrfU 31 3fE--aq1 2020

rlrn '# q ilcBd crq#

ec) ut rorq g# =il =. q : '''a:-3;st -; --:-:-); r
;;; ;; ' waiting List {rn iqraz llFfr 2-= ' = f= weosite
,,stateheatthsocietvbihar.orel' * +n q-fi U-O_teF dl ftfU d qfi +i + ft1 ==u (Valid)

.,i\ --.+N- :.j, ToT(Trainingof Trainer) q,-q1-qT uTtrylfr-Gl 3I1n q.QT&Id qn Finai
2.q..1. r--<r:<4<-j
1r ffi n
?-{q ror q qlw d ; ;;. q-s f,6-ql o,d'lT I dqqa,.q u_tr 3*qf'tqi
gr-ql NHM' Gold Norms
#o, o.rqr -ri- qe rpwuifrnn €Tft-T 5r16q lrqftsrd fu'ar
d ergew f,oql Gri-fl t

q-g1 3r1-daq3;-dlTirT{ E-d q aZ 11rft ? I i1-q

ffi( Resource poot qf} Rfu. qf\poot
*1qa4 fu-eT{ g_ffi Resource Cl 1]En1, ffiq-{ o} !-.e< sr?' qr ^gff Resource
ic ]{dtT fttfi ,t -*= a slTfrIft ig q-fl-e,frTq
qQTer'l (3ilPn) dq' Il\Ju
Etd t q-rq e-0 no {j!-d
{sTqa4 rlfrfr 6) W}TN lrcqr as++ 423117 w erfl: to:so !!o
Fo-qr wr rrm-rr iI ,
\"r'"'i ' I t

qsq rqxcq qrfth
frqn frftT
{ldrq {qnaq frpTq S Grd.fd irw dl enflT o} ltqqa 5,6 Tq z gq 3tq flfmd t qfrTfl*--a fun
wi d s-{iyq t rr-q rnr q'q 3rfrftfi qRT&rC zh-t poor d-qx frtd qd tg EdFq 3{xqfdd,' ls]
qtrf, d il,rRo t) r\ onrine end-fi 3nqkd frrd q.rd t I qs fr--arq-q ftxJl fi qorq d frqfr-6 31arqr
rrfr"<Tn qE sq Frq}sq ig i-S t r qqF-a GTlqfmi HRT oTIyrT o] qPretor ti d q-cro { As per NHM,
Got Norms tfro q.l gq qrdT qrrT tq E)rrT t sFqf#i ErqT Hft-ff.m7Fr+E.o sq r\ rlqTqfw{ i-g
"frri {fr fuqr qr qrm-cr t r

S,NO Name of Total Nurnber ol Eligiliti,Criterea

Resource Pool Trainers needed
1 District ASHA 500 Essential Oualification :

Trainer Diploma Course (2 Years Full Time) in ANM (Auxillary Nurse &
Midwifery) training course I}om a recognized ANM Training
institute and the candidate should be registered with the "Bihar
Nursing Council" with at least two years of experie,nce as trainer

GNM (General Nurse and Midwifery)/ B.Sc Nursing/ Post Basic
B.Sc Nursing fion.r an1 nursinq school or institution recognized by
the Indian Nursine Counc jl and the candidate should be registered
with the Nursing Council rrith at least trro rears of errrerience as
'/ Candidates should have permanent registration from Bihar
Nursing Registration Councill Indian Nursins Council Anl
State Nursing Council.
'/ Selected candidates should provide the permanent registration
frorn Bihar Nursing Registration Council (BNRC), Patna"
Bachelor in urredic \ledicine and Surgery (BAMS)i Bachelor in
Unani Medicine and Surgen (BUit{S)/Bachelor in Homeopathic
Medicine and Surgerl (BH,\,IS) fi'on'i recognized
University/lnstitution and candidates should har e Perrranent
registration in State Council of A1,u11's6i. and Unani ivledicine"
Bihar, Patna and for Homeopathic doctors, Bihar State Avush rvith
at least two years of experience as a trainer.
Post Graduate (Full Time) in Public Health / Social Work/ Social
Science with at least tu'o rears erperience as a trainer in health
program or social mobilizational trarning-s
Post Craduate Diploma (Full Time) in Public Health/ Social Work
rvith at least two years experience as atrainer irr hearth prograln or
social mobilizational trainings.
Preferred :
o Women Candidates.
. Retired Staff Nurse,Alurse/Sister tutors.
. Any Cenificate/Diploma Course in Computer Application
(Minimum Six Months).

1 $4fl Resource Pool d fid fuR frtd .ilri ql-d qRreffii fu ron Tq ft-q"d ft-{pr n-.'q
YgNa4 q"frfr, RET{ d 3r€lQiT Website "statehealthsocietybihar.ors" qq Eqf,q B,
ftTq) download fu-qr qr qm-dT * I

2 araq eirg ffio or funq-i 2o2o d 2s (q-"Arr) qd fq GrD-f,dq eng ffio or

frnre.q 2o2o d 65 (tfl6) q{ s}rft r

3 sffi Resource Pool d ftd furi frrd qri at-d qRTeffi) tg oTd Gr5lrq W
eteTDr-fi qirq-f,I {.qrR d ftq cutoffDate 31.08.2020 Eitt
4 Sz96 3Tlqeff ll-w {ql{a-s 1]-Rfr,fuilR d 3rJDred Website
"st?tehealthsocietvbihar.ors', d Careers Link q{ fr-d-q' m-{d fr-{Td fr{q or 3Eqrdq
ord gq online 3il+qq o-{ rrm-d r sm tg ron gq fr-{Td ft-&T qFio el# sT {
rqTq {sT,. 3rT}@ +1 frd(lt
5. sffi Resource eoot
-fg ontine 3il-ifi dl frfu ftqqf, | :-
(i) On ne 3ndqq'rG dI qRrl frfu ,u P-ow{ 2o2o (10:oo d-$ WfEq ) t
(ii) On ne enilrq rEi dT GTtilq fillq I sr ?i-fl^qr{ zo20 (6.00 +S eiu-*qn n-o )

6. qqq e-T 3lr"I{ :- q{FI ta frE{,frfoT d s5e- 100 .\- . -.-- ,- S. ?fl:[
3rrirTq q{ tw {I.* -dq-R
di qr-ffi r

Name of Total Academic Experience Women Retired Staff Computer

Resou rce \umber Qualification (25 Marks) Candidate nurse/Nurse Certificate
Pool Needed ( 50 Marks) (10 Marks) iSister Tutor ( 5 Marks)
( l0 Marks)
District 500 50 marks ( Additinal 5 rU .\I3rh: 10 Marks 5Ma
ASHA 0.5 for each marks for rks
Trainer percentage of each
marks irr completed
essential years oYer
q Lralificatron) and abor e
25 Marks)
t- ,--\_ \
E-r qr dr q) 3rts)fi 3TrqFfur

d. Eqrq ero
{arr dr fteTf{q sr+t c-q ft-f} d. GilEnv qq mw 6={i di ftaft t isn W { ts-r_d
@q i uw s*i I r]Tjq e-m-
*i* ;#t; fr".t,
Ht. o-{i \-{ $q1-q q=q frfU lld d. qT e'q,11 Eil
s+qfUzii d} frerft fr tun {dfi d. fi GrB_m
E s{d {arr o, frsTf{uT si-qb,} t&iDrf, q,r.,q_dT
qs fo-qT qdrr GTarrd,
.'8, qrjq-il ild 3rrq?ff teTr oq d uw r*i q_sd d sirqq
gf, d 3rier-6 e+*qe-fi e-qiq i .,qqs qft
d ni t$ sqffi d) {fuil e-r-d ofi e}d
d u*rq__
{ qen u-"tfu-d qrq d Grfit'} qniqTm d oq ; r
,r,," d} urq.x,
8' Documenr verification d fuq FE{fufuo
fu sq r) w u$+'I <i ;rftq-ffi ffic m ?, ero q= Tq srq 6Trr.wd w fr
. Copl of-Online Filled up Applicant d war eqRu"o g_r_,, a1q_r r

qiq qr'ilhd rTriq + 3{-il-d-{'qnd=JT*
.' Photo identity proof
(Recent phorograph)
lAadhar and pAN cardlD.i"ir* LicenceiVorer
ID Card/passport)
' HH a-T lrleq ( Proor or Date
or Birth) tg +tr* s-Sffl u,T ta ooq_qd /
' Qualification Mark Sheet/Degrees rrom (From
fril,ij}ijX;*' Xth tirr rast
t copy of work Erperience cetificate (
In the absence of work experience
candidate wiil submit the joining certificate
letter ,=Li."ing letteriorder and in case
se*,i,g employees. Iaresr ,uiur1, "ra of
' If the candidte is working in ary, Governmen,;;;;. considered, ),
NOC from the Competent"authority. on coo.;;;;;; ization-

e trn E* q Tqfr-d ei*q?fi qR

tot n B-ff r-& +d ll,.aiting list ild 3Tqtwr
6-t ToT qtflqT tr.r+{x i Waiting List vaq {qna4 B, dr ffi";'he.
w qnn q* #; "Ft d) fr_Dr; i_ .t a ft\ qrq

' il,l -#m

L,H# "ffi
r-*: s*
irqrin NHM
I I f-\,^
rqsrrqri -
dI ftfu *wr 3[]rq q-d qT qa
Resource Pool
lrNa4 !]frft frels Resourcedipool dI
rrffi t r r.,q
Resource poor s) furT fu-{ft
r*ri a sqrwrrqfuHn furuT C rqE m_ri q.f E_ffi,
";, m-G or Gfrrmryrwfud
i-qq-fr tr
c"E, F @n
ir'q rq*a,',frfr ri'(#.#:;fiL,THHTffi q.ereToT (.,,r=ri 3T,"rT ni,r'q
mO o+qC fu--qf ^W
""4' q\ I
gB-dT tf
qtJ" t"l
la I
vtGq {ilre4 Hfrfrftily

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