A Review of State Estimation of Power System Dynamic State

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© 2023 IJNRD | Volu.me 8, Issue 1 January 2023 | ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.


A Review of State Estimation of Power System

Dynamic State
1st Aliyu Sabo 2nd Dafom Nuhu Lambert 3rd Adanze Nita Ogboh
(Centre for Power Systems (Centre for Power Systems (Centre for Power Systems
Dynamic Simulation) Dynamic Simulation) Dynamic Simulation)
Department of Electrical/Electronic Department of Electrical/Electronic Department of Electrical/Electronic
Engineering, Engineering, Engineering,
Nigerian Defence Academy, Nigerian Defence Academy, Nigerian Defence Academy,
Kaduna, Nigeria Kaduna, Nigeria Kaduna, Nigeria
4th Amuna Micah Samuel 5th Abubakar Maje
Department of Electrical/Electronic Department of Electrical/Electronic 6th Galadanci Abdulrahman
Engineering, Engineering, (Centre for Power Systems
(Centre for Power Systems (Centre for Power Systems Dynamic Simulation)
Dynamic Simulation) Dynamic Simulation) Department of Electrical/Electronic
Nigerian Defence Academy, Nigerian Defence Academy, Engineering,
Kaduna, Nigeria Kaduna, Nigeria Nigerian Defence Academy,
7th Victor Christopher Kaduna, Nigeria
Department of Electrical/Electronic 8th Jalal Umar Barau
Engineering, (Centre for Power Systems 9th Almustapha Kargi
(Centre for Power Systems Dynamic Simulation) (Centre for Power Systems
Dynamic Simulation) Department of Electrical/Electronic Dynamic Simulation)
Nigerian Defence Academy, Engineering, Department of Electrical/Electronic
Kaduna, Nigeria Nigerian Defence Academy, Engineering,
Kaduna, Nigeria Nigerian Defence Academy,
10th Kabir Garba Jibia Kaduna, Nigeria
(Centre for Power Systems 11th John David Yammai
Dynamic Simulation) (Centre for Power Systems
Department of Electrical/Electronic Dynamic Simulation)
Engineering, Department of Electrical/Electronic
Nigerian Defence Academy, Engineering,
Kaduna, Nigeria Nigerian Defence Academy,
Kaduna, Nigeria

Abstract – The power demand globally has efficient operation of the system. The paper
drastically increased. This has led to the recent suggests that SCADA and PMUs should be used
development of the use of renewable energy concurrently in power systems for greater
sources (RES) in power generation. This surge in efficiency in the system.
energy need and generation has caused decontrol Keywords: state estimation, static state
in the power system network, making the power estimation, dynamic state estimation, power
pattern less predictable; therefore, real-time system, SCADA/PMUs
monitoring is critical to have a reliable and stable
operation. This paper is a review of the dynamic
state estimation process in the Nigerian power Power demand globally has drastically
system. The paper explains the static, dynamic, increased. This has led to the recent development
tracking and forecasting-aid state estimations. It of the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in
further provides insight into devices that are used power generation. This surge in energy need and
for state estimation such as PMUs and SCADA. generation has caused decontrol in the power
The paper concludes that state estimation is a system network, making the power pattern less
veritable tool for monitoring, controlling and predictable; therefore, real-time monitoring is
predicting the power system dynamic state for critical to have a reliable and stable operation.
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© 2023 IJNRD | Volume 8, Issue 1 January 2023 | ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

The operation and control of power With state estimation, power system state could
systems are in an ordered manner [1]. The be predicted and can significantly reduce the
increasing advancement and complexity of power number of network collapse, therefore increasing
systems make real-time monitoring and control the reliability and efficiency of the network.
important in achieving a dependable operation of It is against this background that this work
the power system. The achievement of aims to review the state estimation of the power
monitoring and control in the power system is by system dynamic state.
Energy Management System (EMS) functions.
The mainstay of the energy management system
is state estimation (SE). It provides a catalogue of State estimation determines the crucial
the real-time state of the system for use in other assessment of a power system's real operational
EMS functions [2]. Therefore, state estimation is status as a necessity for a competent and reliable
a requirement for the proficient and correct operation. Given the several crucial functions SE
operation of the power system anywhere in the performs in the detection of abnormal situations,
world. generator correction actions, and contingency
State estimation determines the crucial analysis, its relevance to power systems and the
assessment of a power system's real operational operation of restructured systems is increasing.
status as a necessity for a competent and reliable In a broader sense, SE is divided into three
operation. Given the several crucial functions, SE categories: dynamic SE, tracking SE, and static SE
performs in the detection of abnormal situations, (DSE) [2]. Fig. 1 shows the role of state
generator correction actions, and contingency estimation in the power system. It involves
analysis, its relevance to power systems and the contingency analysis, dynamic security analysis,
operation of restructured systems is increasing. optimal power flow, control and management,
In a broader sense, SE is divided into three security enhancement and other applications.
categories: dynamic SE, tracking SE, and static SE
(DSE). Based on the measurement set
corresponding to that moment, SSE determines
the power system status connected to a given
time. The SSE algorithm is iterative and starts
with a flat initialization. Therefore, SSE utilizes
weighty calculations that cannot be done in short
intervals. TSE was introduced to carter for the
deficiency of SSE. Its estimation starts from the
last computed state variables instead of a flat
point. SSE and TSE both utilise a single set of
measurements to estimate the state of the power
system. The DSE, also known as forecasted-aided
SE, was created as an improvement over
estimators, and it is increasingly relevant in
modern energy management systems. DSE can Fig 1. Role of state estimation in power system
forecast the power system gradually over a short The following [4] form the foundation of
period. Estimation further employs both estimating theory:
measurement and prediction data sets at the 1) system modelling, measurement, and
same time. The estimating error that results from analysis of all noise traits.
the use of historical-based forecast data during 2) a standard for mixing or matching model
significant changes in the power system state
output and measurements.
variables is one of the difficult parts of utilising
DSE [2]. DSE can capture the dynamics of the 3) Using the above task's numerical
system states properly, and it will be crucial for approach, you can estimate the quantities
power system control and protection as the and determine their uncertainty.
complexity of the system grows [2].
The power system dynamic state refers to 4) If any of the aforementioned steps are
the changing nature of the power system over inconsistent, an internal consistency
time. These changes occur because of changes check will be performed to see whether
in frequency, voltage, and current. In practice, they need to be modified.
power system states may undergo drastic
changes during hourly load fluctuations, A. Static State Estimation
component outages, or network switching. In
A further simplification of the TSE leads to the full
such conditions, the inclusion of predicted values
disregard of the state transition information and
could degrade the power system state estimation.
the retention of only the nonlinear measurement
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© 2023 IJNRD | Volume 8, Issue 1 January 2023 | ISSN: 2456-4184 | IJNRD.ORG

function in the SSE. The states at earlier time any conditions. When system dynamics are truly
steps are therefore unknown to SSE [4]. It is believed to be absent or negligible and state
important to note that SSE might function more transitions are only fueled by smooth evolution, it
effectively in the presence of abrupt changes may be misleading to refer to a quasi-steady
than TSE. Comparatively speaking to DSE, it is state operating condition as "dynamic". In reality,
unable to track system dynamics. Unlike DSE, it we refer to the produced estimators as either
only permits observation of the state vector using FASE or TSE in this circumstance [3], [11].
the most recent batch of measurements.
C. Forecasting-Aided State Estimation
Performing a FASE when incorporating pseudo-
measurements into SSE through state or FASE is a precise application of the DSE
measurement forecasting [4], [5], [6]. The linear concept to quasi-steady state settings, where the
state estimation, which combines voltage and changing elements of xk are neglected and the
current phasors from PMUs to produce a linear state transition model (change in operating point)
measurement function, is a more recent iteration is only driven by slowly stochastic variations in
of SSE (LSE) [7]: the power injections (demand and generation).
Additionally, the FASE approach presupposes that
(1) the state-transition model (4) is linear, in contrast
to the earlier DSE formulation. , which results in [7]
where H is a constant matrix made up of yk = Akyk−1 + ζk−1 + wk
information about the transmission lines in the zk = h(yk, p) + vk (4)
system. LSE can monitor the online voltage where yk stands for the algebraic state variables,
magnitude and angle for each bus at the PMU specifically the bus voltage magnitudes and
reporting rate. The real dynamics of the system, angles; additionally, the necessary transition
such as the shifting loads and machine statuses, matrix Ak and the trend vector k1, which is a
are not monitored. function of uk, are determined from historical
time series data, avoiding the need for nonlinear
B. Dynamic State Estimation state-transition models. Exponential smoothing
The dynamic state vector or model regression or recursive least squares are the
parameters of the overall discrete-time state- often employed methods for that. [8] [12].
space model presented in (2) and (3) are Alternatively, without taking into account
estimated using several nonlinear filters created any further information regarding the problem's
within the Kalman filter architecture [8]. structure, the present values are calculated from
(2) a weighted average of the most current preceding
data, with several weights that are exponentially
(3) decreasing. The FASE technique offers
satisfactory results, typically better than the more
A prediction step using (2) and a straightforward TSE, when the input or trend
filtering/updating step using (3) are typically vector changes efficiently. However, because the
involved. state transition coefficients need some time to
, a set of points chosen from the adjust to the new environment, results may be
probability distribution of (2) or directly from it obtained that are possibly erroneous when there
can be used to construct the predicted state are sudden changes caused by things like loads,
vector given the state estimation at time step in DERs, and system topology, to name a few [13].
particular , which is To address that, the literature has recommended
the skewness test, the normalised innovation
dependent on the attributed weekly probability
vector-based statistical test, and other mitigation
distributions. In terms of the filtering step,
measures. However, the Gaussian assumption,
predictions and measurements from time step k
which is frequently violated in actuality, is used in
are used to estimate the state vector and its
these tests, resulting in undependable detection
covariance matrix [9].
levels. Furthermore, it continues to be quite
Depending on how the state statistics are
difficult to distinguish between various oddities.
transmitted, various Kalman filters are available,
The anticipated state offers helpful information
including the extended Kalman filter (EKF),
for security analysis and preventive control
unscented Kalman filter (UKF), ensemble Kalman
procedures, which is one of the benefits of FASE
filter (EnKF), and particle filter (PF) [3], [10].
that is commonly mentioned. However, to take
Given that the computational power is adequate
advantage of the benefits of such a look-ahead or
for the magnitude of the problem being
forecasting capacity, there must be enough time
addressed and that the equality and inequality
for a reaction. This may not be the case in
criteria are properly enforced, the resulting state
transmission systems with scanning rates of only
space equations (2) and (3) make it possible to
a few seconds. Readers can consult the two
rigorously apply DSE to any power system, under
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FASE review publications for more details. [6]. power systems. Differences in implementation in
D. Tracking State Estimation terms of measurements, models, observability,
The FASE can be reduced to TSE under execution rate, outputs, and applications, SSE and
the presumption that the state transition matrix DSE have different requirements [8]. Table 1
Ak is an identity matrix and the change in the provides a summary of these variations.
state vector is negligibly small [14][15]. The TSE Table 1. Comparing SSE and DSE [8]
model is formally represented as Variables SSE DSE
yk = YK−1 + wk, Measuremen SCADA PMU/DFR
zk = h(yk, p) + vk, (5) t reading reading ranges
ranges from from 1/30-1/240
where the random walk (state change) wk is 2-10 sec. sec.
assumed to be a white Gaussian noise with a Observability Binary Time-varying
known covariance matrix and a zero mean. The (whether (Strong/weak/n
lack of a suitable model to reflect the dynamics observable ot observable)
of the system state is one of the difficulties in or not)
developing TSE. The system state remains Update 1 snapshot 1 prediction + 1
unaltered, save from an additive Gaussian noise speed (every ∼2- filtering (every
wk, under the quasi-steady state assumption 10 sec.) 1/30∼1/240
made by TSE. The trend k1 is no longer trivial sec.)
because of the rising penetration of DERs and Models Numerical Differential-
flexible loads, and the state change cannot be power flow numerical
easily substituted by white Gaussian noises. This equations equations
situation is made worse by changes in network
Background largely both centralised
topology and parameters brought on by the
distributed and
switching of lines, transformers, capacitor banks,
or decentralised
or shunt reactors. As a result, it is difficult to
adopt TSE for real-world uses.
Outputs Mathematic Dynamic
III. SSE AND DSE COMPARED al variables variables,
(voltage including those
While DSE is a new tool for the industry
magnitudes related to
and system operators, SSE has grown to be a
and angles) machines,
frequently utilised tool in modern EMS. As a first
dynamic loads,
byproduct, topological observability analysis
and DERs
delivers a binary response, but it also provides
other useful information, such as which buses Applications monitoring Control,
(islands) are observable or which pseudo- and monitoring
measurements need to be added to restore full managemen (operator in the
observability at the very least. Based on the t (operator in loop), and
factorization of the Jacobian or Gain matrices, the loop) adaptive security
numerical observability analysis offers a (operator out of
"spectrum" or range of observability solutions, the loop)
depending on the condition number of the matrix
being factorised. Due to aberrant network To increase redundancy, SSE mostly uses
characteristics or measurement weights, a SCADA measurements that are updated every
network may be topologically observable but not 2–5s and a few PMU measurements. However,
algebraically (numerically) observable. In some since PMU measurements are synchronised while
cases, a network can be numerically observable SCADA measurements are not, there is a problem
for a certain combination of weights, but not for with effectively integrating those two sources of
others. This is not exactly "binary." It is essential data. In contrast, quick and synchronised
to clarify their implementation and functionality measurements for DSE are used, and they may
differences and, at the same time, enable a clear originate from PMUs and digital fault recorders.
path transition from SSE-based EMS to the future These measurements have a reporting rate of 30
DSE-based EMS with power electronics- to 240 samples per second (DFRs). Additionally,
dominated power systems. the observability theory for SSE and DSE differs
It is possible for a network to be significantly from one another [11][8].
quantitatively visible in some circumstances but The topological, or numerical, based
not in others, not really "binary." Clarifying the observability analysis for SSE is typically used to
implementation and functional differences is decide whether or not the system is observable.
crucial to facilitate a smooth transition from the Observable islands may be identified if the
current SSE-based EMS to the upcoming DSE- system cannot be observed [8]. Additionally, the
based EMS with power electronics-dominated observability analysis can reveal whether or not
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there are various solutions to the SSE problem in shown in Fig. 2.

the presence of ampere readings, where multiple
solutions may exist based on the type of
remaining measurements and the loading point.
When the ampere measurement value is almost
zero (an unloaded line), a network may be
uniquely visible for severely loaded situations yet
"unobservable" (i.e., have an undefined Jacobian)
in those cases. This results in indetermination. As
a result, although the response is often binary, it
depends on the line loading.
In DSE, however, one may speak about
strong, weak, or unobservable systems.
Calculating the observability matrix's smallest
singular value from the Lie derivatives is one Fig. 2. Functional diagram of the between SSE
technique to put this into numerical form. and DSE [8]
Stronger (weaker) observability for a specific
measurement set is indicated by higher (lower)
values of the smallest singular value of the
observability matrix [16]. The outcomes of E. Classification of Error
observability are also time-varying because the By using observability analysis, you may find
problem is nonlinear and time-dependent. It is out if the specified sample sizes are estimating
important to note that the system may not be the state vector. Using the real-time
visible but still be detected for DSE in certain measurements that are now available, typically
circumstances [9]. consisting of real and reactive power, the state
A little less strong concept than estimator calculates the voltage magnitude and
observability is detectability. If all of the phase angles at each bus. Telemetered
unobservable states are stable, a system is measurements have been divided into the three
detectable. The computing capacity is further categories below based on how serious the
challenged because each prediction correction inaccuracies that were introduced were [7].
step of the DSE needs to be solved numerically (i) Extreme error: 𝜎 is the standard deviation
more quickly than the PMUs, DFRs, and MUs scan
rate. Decentralized/distributed DSE or parallel of measurements, and the absolute
computing techniques for centralised DSE are difference between the measured value and
frequently recommended [4] as solutions to this the true value is greater than 20𝜎 .
SSE and DSE produce different results. (ii) Gross error (Bad data): occurs where the
While DSE gives estimates of the dynamic state variance between the measured value and
variables, such as those connected with the true value is between 5𝜎 and 20𝜎 in
generators/dynamic loads/DERs, SSE provides absolute terms.
estimates of the algebraic variables, such as bus
voltage magnitudes and phase angles. (iii) A normal mistake (error): occurs when the
Additionally, a joint DSE is available [4] that discrepancy between the measured and true
simultaneously estimates dynamic and algebraic value is less than 5𝜎 in absolute terms.
variables. A linear state estimation (LSE) method
Through pre-filtering and measurements,
that keeps up with the PMU refreshing rate has
the incredibly inaccurate data are disregarded.
been devised for some PMU observable networks
Simple verifications of the incoming raw
[4]. It does not, however, follow the system
measurement data (such as Limit cheeks) can
dynamics in practice. The models utilised for SSE
eliminate some recurrently inaccurate data.
and DSE implementation differ. Algebraic
However, some significant mistakes will evade
equations are employed to represent the system
this pre-filtering and enter the estimating stage,
model for SSE since the generators and loads are
when their impact on the outcome needs to be
simply modelled by power injections in SSE. While
reduced or removed. Gross mistakes could be the
for DSE, a set of data is used to represent the
result of equipment failure or metre malfunction
generators, dynamic loads, DERs, etc., and their
controllers. It should be noted that installing
A faulty data processor can identify
PMUs at every generator terminal is not
measurements that contain bad data (gross
necessary; the DSE can be used if the generator
inaccuracy). When flawed data is found, it
terminal can be observed using a local LSE. A
pinpoints which measures are flawed. These are
functional diagram between SSE and DSE is
taken out from the list of measurements that will
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be used to estimate the state [11]. numerical robustness of the estimators.

Moreover, they pave the way for
developing estimators with very high scan rates,
A. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUS) making it simpler and possible to detect system
Due to the extensive usage of Phasor dynamics that are now neglected by present state
Measurement Units (PMUs) and advanced estimator
communication infrastructure in power systems, In electrical power system engineering, SE
it is now possible to develop a quick and reliable refers to static SE; this computes the condition
DSE tool. A new generation of power system (state) vector at a particular time instant from
monitoring systems included in the Wide-Area measurements captured at the equal time instant,
Measurement System (WAMS) is made possible where the process is done several times at K but
by expanding the deployment of Phasor did not include any physical modelling of the time
Measurement Units (PMUs). PMUs can precisely habit of the system. The DSE method depends on
and directly measure state variables such as bus the following general dynamic model, which is in
voltage magnitude and phase angle. They can its discrete state transition form as shown in (6)
enhance the resilience and accuracy of the and (7)
estimation process as a result [1].
The following are some advantages WAMS (6)
has over traditional metering infrastructure [9].
1) PMUs are placed following precise
instructions, tested during commissioning,
and routinely calibrated. (7)
2) Advanced calculation techniques and self- the estimated (predicted) state at K time
check/self-diagnostic capabilities are built
is Jacobian of F calculated at K time, acts
into PMU devices. Additionally, PMUs feature
16-bit or higher A/D converters that offer a as a command coming from linearization, is
the covariance matrix of predicted state, Q the
very fast sampling rate and extremely
precise measurements. covariance matrix of noise assumed to have
anormal distribution at zero mean.
To synchronize the A/D phase-locked loop
(sampling clock) and provide the PMU data with C. STATE ESTIMATION IN POWER SYSTEM WITH
the precise time of measurement, a GPS receiver SCADA, PMUS
is added to the PMU structure. Additionally, the Power system monitoring, data collecting,
data's time synchronization quality is transmitted. and control tasks are handled by a new
B. Synchronized Phasor Measurement Units generation of equipment. Supervisory Control and
(PMUs) Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are the name
State estimation (SE) was introduced long given to this group of tools. A SCADA system is
ago as an essential application for managing and an amalgamation of software and hardware
maintaining power system stability and control technologies that offers a versatile range of
for the operation transmission grid effectively. functions. The parameters set in the system's
The state estimation received and processed the database, which allows for future development of
measurement of some electrical quantities, which the power system network, determine the actual
include; voltage, current magnitude, power flow use of a given SCADA system. This is
and net power injected. State estimation acted as accomplished by the application of sophisticated
a locator of contingency or an error in the real-time database techniques, which
measurement of the stated quantities in the continuously update the system's database to
power system. PMU is a kind of device, which reflect the current state of the power system [3].
digitally operate in a synchronized way to Power system state estimation analyses
measure the values of quantities stated above in the received measurements to provide the most
the power system PMU provides a solution accurate approximation of the system's states.
by evaluating and monitoring a large multi-area Before being passed to other Energy and
power system since their operation is more Management System (EMS) application functions,
interdependent. Multi-areas refer to the such as the controllers for the Automatic
geographical or based on the voltage level of the Generation Control (AGC), contingency analysis,
system. Synchronize phasor measurements and load analysis, it can be thought of as a
become of highly important technological solver filtering channel that processes the raw
as it provides simple and accurate identification measurements primarily from the Supervisory
of topo-logical and parameter errors, maintain Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system
system observability, and improve statistical and [18].
A crucial piece of equipment for power
IJNRD2301297 c780
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