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Talk about international cuisine


Talk about
international cuisine
During this class, you'll talk about food from around
the world and express your likes and dislikes.

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Talk about international cuisine

Let’s talk about food

Do you like this type of food?

Yes, I like this type of food.

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Talk about international cuisine

Name and describe the foods

What other adjectives describe these foods?

hot/spicy fresh tinned ripe sticky oily

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Talk about international cuisine

Research and describe a dish from each country


Jamaica Scotland


Ethiopia Ukraine


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Talk about international cuisine

Listen and write down

I am a chef so food is very important to me! I ______ simple

food such as soups and stews, for example; I ______ borscht.
My ______ food is caviar, I ______ it! Generally I don’t like food
that is too complicated or has very expensive ingredients. My
______ ever is pierogies, I ______ them! My grandmother is
Polish and eating them reminds me of her, she was the best
cook I have ever met and the reason I became a chef!

List the underlined foods in order from most to least liked.

British English favourite

QAE favorite

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Talk about international cuisine

Put the words into the correct column

Positive Neutral Negative

I love cereal!

Ice cream is their He doesn’t mind

I love cereal! I think bananas are ok.
favourite! sandwiches.

Juan doesn’t really Anna likes lentil dahl a

She hates strawberries. I don’t like spicy food.
like hamburgers. lot.

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Talk about international cuisine in the present

Correct the sentences

1. Love me chocolate.

2. I like not pasta.

3. Like you paella?

4. I’m not liking spicy food.

5. My favourite food is being pizza.

6. I am hating spicy food.

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Talk about international cuisine

Ask and answer

what/to eat/food/for

does/your family?

is/least favourite?

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Talk about international cuisine

Complete the dialogue

A Which country are you from?

B I am from South Korea.

A What is your favourite Korean food?

B Definitely kimchi. I love it!

A What’s that?

B It is made from fermented vegetables and it’s really delicious.

My mum eats it with every meal. It is the most famous Korean
dish! Where are you from?

A I am from Italy, do you like Italian food?

What is a famous dish from your country?

Fish and chips is a famous dish from England.

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Talking about international cuisine 1

Create questions to ask and answer

Asking for descriptions/opinions Asking for more information Making suggestions

Can you tell me more about

What’s … like?
[noun phrase]? How about …?
Can you tell me more about …?
Do you like …?
How do you you make [noun Why don’t you try …?
How do you you make ...?
What do you think of …? phrase]?

What is your favourite dish and why?

My favorite dish is my mum’s catfish stew, because it is very comforting to eat.

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Talking about international cuisine 1

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Talk about international cuisine

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