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TYPE  Original

PUBLISHED  02February 2023
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1109466

Fear of clowns: An investigation

OPEN ACCESS into the aetiology of coulrophobia
Peter Parry,
The University of Queensland, Australia
Philip John Tyson *, Shakiela K. Davies , Sophie Scorey  and
William James Greville 
Francisco Esteves,
School of Psychology and Therapeutic Studies, University of South Wales, Treforest, United Kingdom
Mid Sweden University,
Francis McAndrew,
Knox College, Introduction: Fear of clowns or coulrophobia is a little understood phenomenon despite
United States studies indicating that it has a high prevalence in the general population. There have
*CORRESPONDENCE been no previous investigations into the aetiology of this fear, although several plausible
Philip John Tyson hypotheses from the wider literature can be generated; the fear stems from media
portrayals of scary clowns, from the unusual physical appearance or the unpredictable
SPECIALTY SECTION behaviour displayed, or it derives from an unpleasant personal experience.
This article was submitted to
Psychopathology, Methods: The current study reviews the literature in this area and also pilots a new
a section of the journal questionnaire (Origin of Fear of Clowns Questionnaire; OFCQ) to explore the causes
Frontiers in Psychology
of the fear of clowns in a sample of 528 participants who reported such a fear.
RECEIVED 27November 2022
ACCEPTED 16 January 2023 Results: Our findings suggest that uncertainty of harmful intent, media influences and
PUBLISHED 02 February 2023 unpredictability of behaviour play an important role in the origins of coulrophobia.
CITATION There are also multiple features of clown appearance which produce a negative
Tyson PJ, Davies SK, Scorey S and experiential state and a sense of a direct threat.
Greville WJ (2023) Fear of clowns: An
investigation into the aetiology of Discussion: We conclude that the origins of clown fear are multi-factorial and primarily
coulrophobia. relate to aspects of their facial appearance, their behaviour, and how they have been
Front. Psychol. 14:1109466.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1109466
portrayed in the media. Surprisingly, fear derived from personal experience was not
one of our main findings. Further research is focused on looking at associations
© 2023 Tyson, Davies, Scorey and Greville. This
between the level of fear and each aetiological category.
is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution KEYWORDS
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is permitted, clown fear, coulrophobia, phobia acquisition, phobia, aetiology
provided the original author(s) and the
copyright owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is cited, in
accordance with accepted academic practice. 1. Introduction
No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these
terms. ‘Want your boat, Georgie?’ The clown smiled. […] ‘And a balloon? I’ve got red and green and
yellow and blue…’
‘Do they float?’
‘Float?’ The clown’s grin widened. ‘Oh yes, indeed they do. They float! And there’s cotton.
candy …’
George reached.
The clown seized his arm.
And George saw the clown’s face change.
What he saw then was terrible enough to make his worst imaginings of the thing in the.
Cellar look like sweet dreams; what he saw destroyed his sanity in one clawing stroke.
[…] ‘They float,’ it growled, ‘they float, Georgie, and when you are down here with me, you’ll.
float, too—’
IT (King, 2016)

In contemporary Western societies, clowns are typically depicted as friendly figures of fun
and comedy, perhaps best embodied in those you would find in a circus or at a children’s party.
Yet, the seemingly pleasant circus clown can just as easily upset as entertain, for example if
coaxing a shy and embarrassed child to be part of a magic trick, or with a surprise jet of water
from a lapel flower. More generally, the erratic behaviour displayed by clowns in their slapstick
comedy combined with their outlandish appearance can put an audience on edge; perhaps

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intentionally. Indeed, throughout history, clowns have held a more 1.2. Aetiological theories of clown fear
ambiguous and multifarious role than simple entertainer. Durwin
(2004) and Bala (2010) posit that clowns (and similar incarnations Theories of the aetiology of clown fear can be broadly split into three
such as the fool, jester or joker) embody the “trickster” archetype, a general categories: those relating to their physical appearance, those relating
force that seeks to balance good and evil and that can thus be either to their behaviour and those derived from learning and/or experience.
benevolent or malign seemingly at whim (a classic example being the Firstly, considering fear of clowns as deriving from aspects of
god Loki in Norse mythology). Uncertainty thus exists as to the physical appearance, Moore (2012) suggests that coulrophobia may stem
potential of a clown to harm as well as charm. from the uncanny valley effect which describes the feelings of eeriness
According to Stott (2012), the development of the clown into an and repulsion triggered by near human-looking objects. This theory was
overtly malevolent figure began towards the end of the 19th century, originally postulated by Mori (1970) and Mori et  al. (2012), who
perhaps most prominently in the 1892 opera Pagliacci, in which the speculated about the uneasy feelings which might be  elicited when
central character Canio murders his wife and her lover whilst someone touches a cold and limp prosthetic hand. It looks real, but does
dressed as a clown. From these earlier depictions emerge the not possess all the qualities expected for a real human hand, such as
modern trope of ‘killer clowns,’ as exemplified in the above quote warmth and visible bone structure. In contrast, a simple mechanical
featuring the clown Pennywise from the Stephen King novel It hand or a genuine human hand do not engender such negative feelings.
(1986) and subsequent film and TV adaptations. Such sinister Therefore, the quality of being ‘near-human’ is the key element which
clowns now abound in popular culture (prominent examples include causes uneasiness, and Mori and colleagues also suggested that this
the possessed clown doll in the 1982 movie Poltergeist; and Batman’s effect may be instinctual, protecting us from sources of danger such as
nemesis, the Joker) and indeed have had real-life counterparts (the corpses or unfamiliar animal species. Furthermore, this effect is
serial killer John Wayne Gacy). amplified if the item has movement. Following on from Mori, the
Are these murderous manifestations of clowns in popular culture uncanny valley effect has been offered as an explanation for feelings of
largely responsible for generating fear of clowns in the general population? unease at other human-like artefacts such as dolls, masks, puppets,
Or are they merely the embodiment of an extant fear? This paper sought virtual reality avatars and computer-generated characters in movies
to investigate the putative origins of coulrophobia – the fear of clowns. (Seyama and Nagayama, 2007). Moore (2012) suggests a cognitive
explanation for this phenomena; the emotional discomfort stems from
the item causing ‘sensory conflict’ (p. 3) because it does not fit neatly into
1.1. The prevalence of clown fear either of two item categories, e.g., the prosthetic hand is neither fully
mechanical, nor fully human. With regard to clowns, the distortion of
Coulrophobia is not a well-understood phenomenon and is not their facial features through makeup gives them a ‘near-human’ quality
explicitly identified as a specific phobia in the DSM-V (American which may elicit the uncanny valley effect; however, no research has
Psychiatric Association, 2013), despite studies indicating that it is been conducted to explore this proposition. Relatedly, one suggestion in
present amongst both adults and children, and is represented across the popular psychology literature is that the fear of clowns stems from a
many different cultures (Loidl-Keil et al., 2004; Glasper et al., 2007; difficulty in face processing and our subsequent inability to perceive the
Seim and Spates, 2010; Barkmann et al., 2013; Meiri et al., 2017; van true emotions of the figure because of their makeup. This creates
Venrooij and Barnhoorn, 2017; Rapoport and Berta, 2019; Amirazizi, uncertainty as to the character’s intentions; the clown’s painted smile
2021; Tyson et al., 2022). Although the prevalence of coulrophobia is may be concealing anger and aggression and therefore be a potential
inconsistent across studies, the largest and most recent survey to date, threat to our safety (Flora, 2006; Christian, 2011).
including 987 adult participants from 64 different countries, reported Interestingly, the two key criteria suggested above—being a distorted
that 53.5% (528) of their sample had some degree of fear of clowns version of a human figure or having concealed facial emotions—link to
(Tyson et al., 2022). Other prevalence studies with adult populations ideas that clowns are perceived as ‘creepy.’ Subjective creepiness has been
have reported lower levels of clown fear: 17% (Rapoport and Berta, defined as a feeling of anxiety triggered by uncertainty as to ‘whether there
2019); 5.6% (Amirazizi, 2021); 1.5% (Seim and Spates, 2010). is something to fear or not and/or by the ambiguity of the precise nature of
Research involving children and young people has exclusively the threat (e.g., sexual, physical violence, contamination)’ (McAndrew and
focussed on a fear of medical clowns, who are employed to entertain Koehnke, 2016, p.  10). Indeed, in an exploration of the nature of
young hospitalised patients. Here, between 1 and 6% of those surveyed creepiness using a survey of 1,341 participants, McAndrew and Koehnke
have expressed apprehension to such characters (Glasper et al., 2007; (2016) reported that being a clown was rated as the creepiest occupation
Barkmann et al., 2013; Meiri et al., 2017). Other studies with similar from a list of 21 possibilities, and this study indicated that a peculiar
participants, whilst not reporting frequency data, also acknowledge a smile, bulging eyes, very pale skin and an odd dress sense were key
dislike of clowns in their samples (Loidl-Keil et al., 2004; Curtis et al., features of creepiness. Facial characteristics, particularly eyes, eyebrows,
2007). Interestingly, two of the studies which reported a fear of medical teeth and lips were also associated with creepiness in a study by Watt et al.
clowns in hospitalised children, also found that such a fear was present (2017), and the authors note how these areas are crucial for emotional
amongst the parents of the young patients and the medical staff, with transmission. Clown makeup which accentuates these features may
prevalence rates of between 18 and 46% (Glasper et  al., 2007; van therefore elicit a negative emotional response. In the personification of
Venrooij and Barnhoorn, 2017). the “killer clown” as mentioned earlier, these facial characteristics are
These considerable fluctuations in prevalence rates reported across exaggerated further still, with these malevolent clowns bestowed with
different studies are in part attributable to the severity of fear being lines of sharp teeth and feral eyes. Such features may go beyond being
documented in each case (see Tyson et al., 2022 for further discussion). merely unsettling or creepy and instead elicit a direct sense of threat.
Regardless of the exact figures, there is clear evidence that coulrophobia The final appearance-related aspect of clown fear relates to disgust.
affects a significant portion of the populace, and one key unanswered This emotion has been defined as a ‘revulsion response towards
question relates to the origins and causes of this fear. potential contamination’ (Cisler et  al., 2009, p.  36), from items or

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environments which are perceived to hold an infectious threat. A (3) Their makeup hides emotional signals so we cannot determine any
number of studies have identified revulsion as a feature of spider and harmful intent.
blood injection injury phobias (Sawchuk et al., 2000; Cisler et al., 2009; (4) Their makeup reminds us of death, infection or blood injury and
Bianchi and Carter, 2012) and one study reported similar findings with thus evokes a disgust or avoidance response.
specific phobias for wasps, bees and woodlice (Münstedt and
Mühlhans, 2013). Importantly, it appears that disgust is a separate b. Behaviour
concept from fear, with the two emotions being distinguished
physiologically, neurologically, cognitively and facially (Cisler et al., (5) Their unpredictable behaviour makes us feel uncomfortable.
2009). Disgust is also experienced more generally in response to items
or situations that remind an individual of death (Bianchi and Carter, c. Learning and/or experience
2012); for example, people have a reluctance to sleep in a room in
which someone had recently died, or to touch a dead body (Olatunji (6) The fear is modelled the fear from family members.
et al., 2007). In relation to fear of clowns, it is plausible that elements (7) The fear stems from negative portrayals of clowns in the media.
of clown makeup, with an emphasis on white face paint with bright red (8) The fear originated from a frightening experience with a clown.
lips and nose, might be perceived as a contagious threat. Here, the
white may act as a reminder of the pallor of the face of an unwell or It is of course likely that a combination of the factors listed above
deceased person (Stewart-Shaw, 2019), and the red; a reminder of the may contribute to the fear of clowns. Indeed, several of the causative
erythema that often co-occurs with infection. explanations may relate to an innate neurobiological fear response as
Secondly, behavioural explanations of clown fear focus on the is seen in other specific phobias (Garcia, 2017). Furthermore, there
unpredictability of their behaviour, and like some of the explanations may be  individual differences in the origins of such a fear. The
relating to physical characteristics, also relate to the concept of creepiness. methodology employed in this study will assist us in determining the
McAndrew and Koehnke (2016) surveyed the mannerisms associated with relative contribution of each of the explanations, and enable us to look
creepiness, and here, unpredictability of behaviour was rated highly with at associations between all the plausible causes. An original
participants responding affirmatively to the statement; ‘I am uncomfortable questionnaire was designed for this purpose, and this is the first study
because I  cannot predict how he  or she will behave’ (McAndrew and to focus specifically on the origins of coulrophobia.
Koehnke, 2016, p.  13). The wider literature on specific phobias also
suggests that perceived unpredictability may be a key feature in eliciting
alarm, and this has been demonstrated in studies with spider fearful 1.3. The current study
individuals (Armfield and Mattiske, 1996; Vrijsen et al., 2009; Klahn et al.,
2016). Furthermore, studies with children have reported fearful responses This project had three key aims;
to toys which make unpredictable noises, such as laughing at random
intervals (Gunnar et al., 1984; Yip et al., 2019). Clown behaviour might 1. To assess the psychometric properties of a newly developed
reasonably be  considered unpredictable due to the nature of their measure; the Origins of Fear of Clowns Questionnaire (OFCQ).
performance where there is an emphasis on sleights of hand and magic 2. To explore the origins of clown fear in a sample of individuals
tricks. Indeed, Durwin (2004) suggests that the fear of clowns is a cross- who reported such a fear.
cultural phenomenon stemming from our unease at those who subvert 3. To explore the relationship between the demographic factors of
social norms and break behavioural taboos. And again, when this erratic gender and age on the self-reported origins of clown fear.
behaviour goes to extremes, it can be more than merely uncomfortable or
unsettling and instead be perceived as directly threatening.
Thirdly, explanations for clown fear can be  extrapolated from 2. Methods
research into the development of other specific phobias, and relates to
this phenomena stemming from learning and/or experience. Specifically, 2.1. Participants
Rachman’s (1977) three pathways theory of fear acquisition suggest that
the development of a specific phobia may be  caused by; (1) direct A snowball technique was used to recruit participants, with the
experience, (2) observation (modelling) or (3) instruction/information. survey being widely distributed both within the host institution, the
Here, the fear may be the result of an early frightening experience, may University of South Wales, United Kingdom, and externally via social
be ‘handed down’ from one generation to the next or might stem from media. There was considerable emphasis on participants sharing the
negative media portrayals of clowns in popular culture (as described in survey with international contacts in order for data to be captured from
the opening paragraphs). Rachman’s (1977) tripartite theory has some a wide population sample. After removing inadmissible responses, our
empirical support in the general specific phobia literature (King et al., survey sample consisted of 987 participants, of whom 790 (80%) were
1998; Muris et al., 2008; Coelho and Purkis, 2009; Loxton et al., 2018). females and 197 (20%) were males. From this total population, it was
In summary, within three broad categories, the preceding discussion primarily the participants who asserted that they had some degree of
has outlined eight plausible explanations for the origins of clown fear; fear of clowns who were of interest in the current study, and this sample
a. Physical appearance numbered 528; 53.5% of the total sample. Of this subgroup, 450 (85%)
were female and 78 (15%) were male. The sample of participants
(1) Their ‘proto’ human image makes us uneasy (the uncanny affirming a fear of clowns included nationals of 52 different countries,
valley effect). although the majority were born in the United Kingdom. The age range
(2) Their exaggerated facial features convey a direct sense of threat. for the utilised sample was between 18 and 72 (M = 28.20; SD = 9.95).

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2.2. Materials fear of questions and the Origin of Fear of Clowns Questionnaire
(OFCQ). The survey was active between 16 September and 31
The survey consisted of an initial set of questions relating to key December 2019 and following cessation, data were exported to IBM
demographic information (i.e. gender, age). Participants were then asked SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Version 26) for analysis.
if they were afraid of clowns with a dichotomous ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response
required. Additionally, the question ‘How Afraid are you of clowns’ was
posed with options for responses being ‘Not at all,’ ‘Somewhat/Slightly,’ 2.4. Statistical analysis
‘Moderately’ or ‘Extremely.’ The data for the current study was drawn
from the participants who answered that they were either ‘Somewhat/ Descriptive statistics consisting of frequencies and mean scores were
Slightly,’ ‘Moderately’ or ‘Extremely’ afraid of clowns (528 participants; used to present the demographic characteristics as a group and the
53.5%). Following this, an original questionnaire was presented for gender split across each origin theme. Inferential analysis involved; (a)
completion: the Origin of Fear of Clowns Questionnaire (OFCQ; see a Pearson’s r correlation involving age and origin themes, (b) a one-way
below). The questionnaire package was created and distributed using an Analysis of Variance with Bonferroni post-hoc comparisons to explore
online survey software platform.1 group differences between each origin theme, and (c) a Multivariate
Analysis of Variance was used to explore the effect of gender across each
2.2.1. Origin of Fear of Clowns Questionnaire origin theme. Finally, a factor analysis of the Origin of Fear of Clowns
The Origin of Fear of Clowns Questionnaire (OFCQ) was designed Questionnaire (OFCQ) was used to explore associations between the
to investigate the potential causative factors behind clown fear in Likert items within and the factor structure of this measure.
participants who expressed such a fear. The research team collaborated
to create the items to be included in the scale, based on the aetiological
themes identified in the literature review above. The measurement tool 3. Results
was a 7-point Likert scale (1-Totally Disagree to 7-Totally Agree)
incorporating 28 statements covering the 8 causative themes. In 3.1. Comparison of origin categories
addition, 4 items were included which covered general physiological
reactivity to clown stimuli giving a total of 32 items. Considering the mean Likert scale scores for each of the eight
Examples of questionnaire items include; causative themes, the ones which attracted the highest level of assent
“I think clowns look disturbing” (Physical Appearance: were; Hidden Emotional Signals (M  = 5.20, SD  = 1.44) and Negative
Uncanny Valley). Media Portrayals (M = 5.03, SD = 1.45), whilst items relating to Modelling
“I cannot read a clown’s facial expression” (Physical Appearance: (M = 2.78, SD = 1.62) and Frightening Experience (M = 2.65, SD = 2.03)
Hidden Emotional Signals). attracted the lowest levels of agreement. Mean ratings and ranks for each
“I worry a clown will do something unexpected” (Behaviour: causative theme are shown in Table 1.
Unpredictability). Differences between these theme categories were statistically
“I have a significant family member or close friend who is afraid of significant for the whole group according to a one-way ANOVA
clowns” (Learning/Experience: Modelled from Family or Friend). [F(7,4,216) = 214.847, p < 0.001], and Bonferroni Post-Hoc comparisons
“I have seen scary scenes in films involving clowns” (Learning/ revealed that each mean score was statistically distinct from all others
Experience: Media Portrayals). (p  < 0.01  in all cases), except for Uncanny Valley Effect vs. Negative
“I feel my heart racing when I  see a clown” (General Media Portrayals (p = 0.359), and Unpredictable Behaviour (p = 1.00),
Physiological Reactivity). Negative Media Portrayals vs. Hidden Emotional Signals (p = 1.00), and
This scale demonstrated high levels of reliability with an initial Unpredictable Behaviour (p = 1.00), Modelling vs. Frightening Experience
Cronbach’s alpha figure of 0.950. One item was deemed necessary to (p = 1.00) and Hidden Emotional Signals vs. Unpredictable Behaviour
remove “I was not afraid of clowns when I was younger” due to an item- (p = 0.551). SPSS-adjusted p-values were reported here.
total correlation of −0.128 (the other item-total scores were all positive
and ranged from 0.156 to 0.854). The Cronbach’s alpha figure increased
to 0.955 with this item removed. The split-half reliability co-efficient for 3.2. Demographic characteristics and origins
the amended 31-item OFCQ was 0.948. of fear of clowns

As shown in Table 1, mean scores for all Physical Appearance and

2.3. Procedure Behaviour items were marginally higher for females compared to males,
whilst only one of the Learning and/or Experience items followed this
This study complied with the British Psychological Society Code of pattern (Negative Media Portrayals). The other two items within this
Human Research Ethics (British Psychological Society, 2014), and was category (Modelling, Frightening Experience) showed the opposite
granted ethical approval from the University of South Wales Faculty of pattern with males scoring higher than females. However, a Multivariate
Life Sciences and Education Ethics Committee. The project was Analysis of Variance revealed no statistically significant effect of gender
advertised on several social media platforms, and via internal on origin themes F(8,519) = 1.93 p = 0.054; Wilks’ Lambda = 0.971,
University messaging forums. After providing online consent, ηp2 = 0.03. There was likewise no significant difference in self-reported
participants completed the demographic questions, fear and level of Physiological Reactivity between male and female participants, 3.39 vs.
3.66: t(525) = 1.09, p = 0.277.
Pearson’s r correlations were used to examine the association
between age and the eight-origin theme mean scores on the
1 OFCQ. When correcting for multiple tests by multiplying each reported

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TABLE 1  Mean ratings and ranking for causative themes with gender split.

Origin category Causative theme Mean score whole Rank order Mean gender split
group (SD) (whole group) (Male vs. Female)
Physical appearance The Uncanny Valley Effect 4.78 (1.55) 4 4.49 vs. 4.83

Direct Sense of Threat 3.99 (1.75) 5 3.89 vs. 4.00

Hidden Emotional Signals 5.20 (1.44) 1 4.91 vs. 5.25

Disgust/Avoidance 3.40 (1.59) 6 3.25 vs. 3.43

Behaviour Unpredictable Behaviour 4.96 (1.57) 3 4.55 vs. 5.03

Learning and /or Experience Modelling 2.78 (1.62) 7 2.91 vs. 2.76

Negative Media Portrayals 5.03 (1.45) 2 4.93 vs. 5.04

Frightening Experience 2.65 (2.03) 8 2.73 vs. 2.63

p value by the number of correlations (9), only the association between highest ratings of agreement in respective rank order. These were
age and Hidden Emotional Signals was statistically significant (r = 0.152, followed by Direct Sense of Threat, Disgust/Avoidance and Modelling.
N  = 521, p  = 0.009). This indicates that as the age of participants Perhaps surprisingly, the lowest level of agreement was for questions
increased, the mean score across this subscale also increased. relating to having had a Frightening Experience in the presence of a
clown; indicating that simple, direct conditioning alone is an insufficient
explanation of clown fear in the majority of individuals. However, what
3.3. Factor analysis is unclear at this stage is the level of fear associated with each origin
category and this is the focus of continued research.
A principal component analysis of the OFCQ using varimax No statistically significant sex differences were observed for any of
rotation revealed a four-factor solution explaining 64.97% of the total the origin categories, suggesting that common aetiological factors
variance. Eigenvalues of 14.50, 2.38, 2.06, and 1.20 were obtained for the account for coulrophobia in both males and females, and this is
four factors, accounting for 46.78, 7.67, 6.65, and 3.88% of the variance, illustrated in Figure 1. Again this finding is somewhat surprising given
respectively. The factor loading is shown in Table 2. Items are grouped that sex differences in fear are widely reported (e.g., Cornelius and
by the original causative theme categories. Averill, 1983; Ramikie and Ressler, 2018; Day and Stevenson, 2020).
Factors 2 and 3 readily lend themselves to conceptual categories and Relatedly, females typically show greater disgust responses than males
correspond fairly well to our putative causal themes: Factor 2 items (Al-Shawaf et al., 2018), so a more prominent difference on the Disgust/
clearly relate to “unpredictability of behaviour and uncertainty about Avoidance subscale in particular was anticipated. The sex imbalance
harmful intent” (unpredictable behaviour and hidden emotional (85% F, 15% M) in our sample could account for this lack of difference
signals). Factor 3 items related solely to “negative media portrayals.” Of to an extent. There were no statistically significant correlations between
the items loading most heavily onto Factor 4, two items relate to direct age and causative themes except for Hidden Emotional Signals, indicating
instruction or modelling from family, a third relates to influence from that as age increases, so does uncertainty about a clown’s harmful intent.
reading books, so this factor could be identified as “familial or cultural This could indicate a greater vigilance for potential threat or greater
transmission.” However, the fourth item that loaded most heavily onto difficulty in emotional processing with advancing age.
this factor; ‘Clowns remind me of disease and illness,’ complicates the Our factor analysis of the OFCQ supported a multifactorial
picture somewhat. As the majority of the items loaded onto Factor 1, it explanation, and confirmed the importance of media influences (i.e. a
is somewhat more difficult to conceptually characterise this factor, since learned/instructed mechanism) and the unpredictability/uncertainty
the items originated from different putative causal themes based on our about harmful intent (i.e. a cognitive mechanism) as important
review of the literature. However, the majority of these items relate to aetiological contributors. Such explanations suggest a rational basis for
physiological reactivity (e.g., I feel my heart racing when I see a clown), the fear of clowns; if for instance one has reason to suspect harm in the
disgust (e.g., clowns make me feel sick to my stomach), direct sense of presence of a specific stimulus (having observed or been instructed
threat (e.g., I worry that a clown might harm me) and the uncanny valley about erratic or overtly threatening behaviour) then an aversion to that
effect (e.g., I think clowns look disturbing). We could say therefore that stimulus is rational. Rachman (1977) suggested that fears are acquired
this factor may represent “visceral reactions to the grotesque or unusual.” through one or a combination of pathways: (1) direct conditioning, (2)
vicarious learning, and (3) negative information/instruction. Our
findings provide some support for all three pathways in the development
4. Discussion of clown fear; less so for the direct pathway, but more so for information-
induced fear, e.g., through the media and popular culture. Fright-
This study set out to investigate the origins of coulrophobia, and for induced media content can have sustaining effects into adulthood
this purpose, we  constructed the Origins of Fear of Clowns consequently from exposure as a child or teenager (Custers and Van den
Questionnaire (OFCQ) to measure the extent to which a range of Bulck, 2011) and many retrospective studies examining undergraduates’
hypothetical causal candidates contribute to clown fear. Results from memories of emotional reactions to media support this view (Harrison
this instrument found broad support for all theorised aetiological factors and Cantor, 1999; Hoekstra et al., 1999; Cantor, 2004).
to varying degrees. Hidden Emotional Signals, Negative Media Portrayals, However, other stimuli evoke fear reactions without prior training
Unpredictable Behaviour and the Uncanny Valley Effect attracted the (unconditioned fear stimuli), and indeed, most items from the OFCQ

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TABLE 2  Factor loadings and item-total correlations of the OFCQ. The bold factor loading coefficients indicate strong affiliation to each of the causative
theme categories.

Item Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 TOTAL IC

Uncanny valley effect
I think clowns look disturbing 0.620 0.355 0.359 0.705

Clowns look odd and often seem very out of place 0.552 0.428 0.383 0.709

Clowns make me feel uneasy 0.781 0.365 0.824

I think clowns seem more like demons or aliens than humans 0.585 0.321 0.673

Direct sense of threat

I cannot remember a time when I was not afraid of clowns 0.669 0.576

If I saw a clown, I would be on edge 0.818 0.321 0.854

I worry that a clown might harm me 0.685 0.361 0.789

Clowns seem like a potential threat 0.691 0.421 0.820

If I saw a clown, I could not help focusing my attention on it 0.544 0.401 0.683

Hidden emotional signals

I cannot tell what a clown is thinking 0.739 0.534

I find it difficult to read a clown’s facial expression 0.739 0.584

When someone is dressed as a clown, I cannot tell who is underneath 0.712 0.527

I would not want a clown to be in close proximity to me 0.740 0.368 0.812

Clowns make me feel sick to my stomach 0.834 0.729

I cannot stand the sight of clowns 0.857 0.811

Clowns remind me of disease and illness 0.347 0.680 0.401

Unpredictable behaviour
If I saw a clown, I could not tell how the clown will behave 0.438 0.663 0.692

I worry a clown will do something unexpected 0.619 0.506 0.755

I cannot tell if a clown is friendly or if they will make fun of me 0.455 0.634 0.675

I think clowns are creepy 0.573 0.416 0.381 0.705

A parent or family member has told me to be wary of clowns 0.786 0.302

I have a significant family member or close friend who is afraid of clowns 0.357 0.508 0.156

Negative media portrayals

I have read stories in the news about people dressed as clowns harming others 0.743 0.406

I have seen videos within the media about killer clowns 0.766 0.392

I have read books involving killer clowns 0.438 0.502 0.198

I have seen scary scenes in films involving clowns 0.632 0.276

Frightening experience

I have had a negative experience with a clown 0.516 0.464 0.472

I was not afraid of clowns when I was younger* −0.128

Physiological reactivity
If I saw a clown, this would make my muscles tense up 0.867 0.844

Clowns make me break out in a sweat 0.869 0.787

I feel my heart racing when I see a clown 0.883 0.828

Clowns make my skin crawl 0.825 0.803

*This item shown here for completeness, but was omitted prior to PCA.

loaded onto a factor which represented a more emotional and autonomic of unease or revulsion. This suggests that there is also a more instinctive
reaction to clowns, encompassing the items relating to heightened “gut” response involved in clown fear, akin to that experienced in the
physiological reactivity, a more ambiguous sense of threat and feelings presence of fear-relevant stimuli such as snakes or spiders.

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Mean origin subscale scores between males and females who self-reported somewhat/slightly afraid of clowns or above. None of the gender comparisons
were statistically significant, but the consistency of responses to each causative theme is clearly illustrated.

Non-associative theoretical accounts argue that direct or indirect face makeup and hair colour, and whether the makeup fully or partially
conditioning events are not required for the onset of fear responses to covers the face and then measuring subsequent reactions to these
stimuli that have some type of evolutionary or biological significance stimuli. Finally, one important area that was not considered within the
(Menzies and Clarke, 1995). Thus, the aversive pairing of an current study is the link between adverse childhood experiences and
unconditioned stimulus to an unconditioned response is no longer the coulrophobia. There is evidence to suggest that early trauma is linked to
sine qua non for fear acquisition (Mackintosh, 1983). anxiety disorders in adulthood, including social phobia (e.g., Bruijnen
The question that then follows is, why should a clown elicit such et  al., 2019), and some negative clown characteristics, such as
instinctual reactions? What are the stimulus properties of clowns that unpredictability or sense of threat, may be features of an early abusive
engender such a response? A clown is a compound stimulus consisting relationship. Therefore in individuals who have suffered trauma and
of many different individual elements. It may not be  any of these adversity, a clown may trigger their fears from childhood. This should
individual elements that is in itself frightening, but rather the be another focus for future research.
juxtaposition of these features. That said, some of the clowns that This study is not without limitations. Further investigation using
anecdotally are often described as scary (including the aforementioned equal numbers of males and females is warranted. Indeed, only 15% of
Pennywise, who is meant to be so, but also including Ronald McDonald, our sample were males and an important consideration for any study in
who is not) do share some common physical attributes—a full face of this area is the evidence of sex differences in the fear response (Lebron-
white makeup with red accents, with no flesh tones visible underneath, Milad et  al., 2012). Therefore studies should be  cautious in drawing
and red hair. Indeed as mentioned earlier, the literature has already general conclusions from a mixed sample, especially one with such a
proffered a number of prominent theories of clown fear consistent with gender imbalance. Nevertheless, there was a remarkable degree of
such observations. Firstly, the uncanny valley effect—because clowns are consistency between male and female participants in the mean origin
not-quite-human in appearance, and this effect may be amplified by scores for each causative theme as can be seen in Figure 1. A second
makeup that completely covers the skin or exaggerates certain facial limitation relates to the severity of clown fear and how this might
features—and secondly, the particular combination of pallor and redness be related to aetiological factors. Indeed, we do not know if any of our
in a clown’s makeup is reminiscent of disease and contagion. These participants would meet the diagnostic criteria for a specific phobia
factors can combine to give a clown an appearance of deformity, to according to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) and
which (sadly, but nevertheless unavoidably) humans have a natural therefore we are unable to determine the extent to which a clinically
reaction of revulsion and fear. Prior research has found that faces with recognised fear is associated with specific aetiological factors. Relatedly,
mismatched or disproportionate facial features (e.g., bulbous nose, it would have been also useful to consider associations between fear of
protruding forehead) can produce unease/unpleasant feelings in clowns and other fears/phobias, and indeed other mental health problems
participants (Seyama and Nagayama, 2007) and MacDorman et  al. such as anxiety and depression. Future research should consider
(2009) suggest such feelings are deeply rooted in the basic emotion of comorbidity and common aetiological factors associated with all
disgust because of the human mechanism of pathogen avoidance. Our co-occurring mental health conditions. Another focus for further study
results now provide some corroboratory evidence to support these prior should be in obtaining autobiographical narrative accounts of the origins
hypotheses in the literature. Future research could provide a stronger of clown fear through interviews. This methodology would enable the
test of these hypotheses by, for instance, presenting participants with a collection of rich, qualitative data and provide further important insight
series of images of clowns, varying the colour and configuration of their into this intriguing, and little understood, phenomena.

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In conclusion, this study is the first to investigate the aetiology of Author contributions
clown fear and to consider competing explanations of the origins of
this phenomena. We constructed an original questionnaire for this PT, SD, and WG: writing – original draft and writing – review and
purpose, and our findings suggest that media influences, editing. SS: original data collection, writing – original draft, and writing –
unpredictability of behaviour and uncertainty about harmful intent review and editing. All authors approved the final version of
play an important role in the origins of coulrophobia. There are also the article.
multiple features of clown appearance which produce a negative
experiential state and a sense of a direct threat. Certainly our findings
offer an explanation as to why clowns feature as figures of fear within Conflict of interest
popular culture.
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence
Data availability statement of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as
a potential conflict of interest.
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made
available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Publisher’s note
Ethics statement All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
approved by the University of South Wales, Faculty of Life Sciences and reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
Education Ethics Committee. The patients/participants provided their claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
written informed consent to participate in this study. endorsed by the publisher.

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