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SCUT Final Exam

2022-2023-2st Semester《Calculus I & II (二)》Reviewing Exer Chapters 12
Notice: 1. Make sure that you have filled the form on the left side of seal line.
2. Write your answers on the exam paper .
3. This is a close-book exam.
Seat NO.

4. The exam with full score of 100 points lasts 120 minutes.
Please answer the following 5 questions.

x2 y2  2 3 1 
1. Find the tangent plane of + + z 2 = 1 at the point  , , .
4 9  3 3 3

2. Let f ( x , y ) = arctan x + ( )
y , find f (2,1).

3. Suppose xyz + x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 2,find dz (1,0, −1) .

Student ID

2 f
4. Let f ( x , y )= 
xt 2
e dt ,find .
0 xy (1,1)

 2 z2
 x + y 2
+ = 1,  1 1 2 
Chinese Name

5.Find the tangent curve of  4 at the point − ,− , .

  3 3 3
 x + y + z = 0,

《Calculus I & II (二)》Reviewing Exercises For Chapter 12, Page 1 of 3

Finish the following 5 questions.
 x2 y
 4 , ( x , y )  (0, 0),
6.Let f ( x , y )=  x + y
Please discuss whether f ( x , y ) is continuous

 0, ( x , y ) = (0, 0).

f ( x , y ) f ( x , y )
and together with exist at the origin (0,0) or not.
x y

7.Let y = f (e x ,cos x ), where f ( u, v ) has continuous second order parcial derivatives.

dy d2 y
Find , 2 .
dx x = 0 dx x=0

《Calculus I & II (二)》Reviewing Exercises For Chapter 12, Page 2 of 3

8.Let z = z( x , y ) satisfy the equation f (cx − az , cy − bz ) = 0, where f (u, v ) has continuous
 z z
first partial derivatives. Please compute a + .
 x y

9.Let f ( x , y ) = x 2 (2+y 2 ) + y ln y , please find its local extreme.

10.Find the minimum distance between the origin and the surface x 2 y − z 2 + 9 = 0.

《Calculus I & II (二)》Reviewing Exercises For Chapter 12, Page 3 of 3

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