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Course Description from Wenzhou Medical University

Student: Fu Hongchen

Course: Python program

Credits: 3
Score: 95
Credit Hours: 68
Professor: Lin Zheng
This course is a professional elective course for computer science and technology majors, which is
set up to meet the needs of computer application talents and is a very practical course. Through the
study of this course, students will acquire the following skills: 1. Understanding the basic
composition and programming methods of the Python language. 2. Mastering the characteristics
and uses of scripting languages. 3. Through understanding and mastering the knowledge learned,
students can use Python to develop practical applications, and lay a good foundation for engaging
in corresponding software development.

Course: Career Planning of University Students

Credits: 1
Score: 88
Credit Hours: 20
Professor: Cao Ying
Career development should not only be considered in the senior year, but also should be a theme
throughout the college career and even the entire life. The earlier we consider the importance of
career development in study and life, the better we can make career planning decisions when we
graduate, so that we can reduce blindness, and avoid the negative impact of psychological

Course: Higher mathematics

Credits: 2
Score: 95
Credit Hours: 56
Professor: Cao Zhengzi
This course is a compulsory and vital basic course in engineering vocational education, which can
facilitate students to lay the necessary mathematical foundation for learning subsequent courses
(such as engineering mathematics, etc.) and further acquiring mathematical knowledge. Through
teaching, on the one hand, students can master the basic knowledge of calculus, ordinary
differential equations, etc., and be able to skillfully use their analysis and calculation methods to
deal with some practical problems; On the other hand, through various teaching links, students
will cultivate their abstract generalization ability, logical thinking ability, computing ability, self-
learning ability, and the ability to comprehensively use the knowledge they have learned to
analyze and solve problems.
Course: Introduction to the Basis of computer engineering
Credits: 1
Score: A
Credit Hours: 12
Professor: Lin Zheng
The main knowledge points include the working principle of computer, a brief history of computer
development, the hardware structure and software structure of computer system, the representation
of data in computer, the hardware configuration and software configuration of microcomputer, the
subject classification of computing science and the future development direction.

Course: Emotional intelligence education

Credits: 2
Score: 93
Credit Hours: 32
Professor: Wu Dongfang
This course aims at cultivating students' emotional intelligence, improving their interpersonal
skills and comprehensive adaptability, as well as correctly handling various emergencies in life,
and getting along well with others.

Course: Humanities and Medical Science

Credits: 2
Score: A
Credit Hours: 40
Professor: Cui Yuan
This course could help more and more young students, including medical majors and non-medical
majors, to distinguish the relationship between philosophy, literature, psychology, law, ethics,
aesthetics and medicine. It also could introduce the development of medical science, the
transformation of health and disease, explore the philosophical wisdom in Chinese and foreign
medicine, teach students to think and summarize various medical phenomena and events such as
doctor-patient relationship, medical reform, healthy China, public health and safety from a
humanistic perspective, and better understand that medicine is humanities while cultivating
interdisciplinary thinking ability. This course also can pass on a humanistic outlook and values to

Course: Practical Taekwondo

Credits: 2
Score: 75
Credit Hours: 28
Professor: Zhang Xiaofei
The Course objective is to facilitate students to acquire the basic physical qualities required for
taekwondo and be able to teach and practice basic taekwondo skills. Students can also recognize
the relationship between taekwondo and other traditional sports as well as follow the latest
developments in taekwondo.

Course: Physical Education (1)

Credits: 0.5
Score: 80
Credit Hours: 28
Professor: Xu Shaozhe
The purpose of the course is to enhance students' physical fitness, sports awareness and exercise
awareness through a reasonable basic physical education teaching process and scientific physical
exercise process. It also can improve physical ability, cultivate their habits of exercising, and lay a
good foundation for entering the next stage of learning and exercise. Its mission is to enable
students to correctly understand the meaning of sports purposes, improve the consciousness of
exercise, and establish the concept of lifelong sports.

Course: Medical chemistry experiment

Credits: 1
Score: 77
Credit Hours: 20
Professor: Wang Peng
Through the experimental training of this course, students can directly obtain a large number of
chemical facts, which is conducive to the learning of inorganic chemistry theory courses. Students
can flexibly use the theoretical knowledge learned to guide experiments. Through strict
experimental training, students can cultivate basic operations and basic skills in a standardized
manner. Combined with comprehensive experiments, designing experiments and innovative
experiments, students are cultivated with the ability to acquire knowledge, raise problems, analyze
problems and solve problems independently, and have a certain sense of innovation and
innovation ability; This course pays attention to cultivating students' scientific attitude of seeking
truth from facts, excellent style of diligence and thrift, careful and meticulous work style, and
team spirit of mutual cooperation, so as to enable students to lay a good foundation for learning
follow-up courses, participate in practical work and carry out scientific research.

Course: Medical basic chemistry

Credits: 2
Score: 94
Credit Hours: 64
Professor: Xie Xiafeng
This course is provided to new students majoring in clinical medicine. Students will deepen and
expand the basic concepts and basic knowledge of general chemistry and inorganic chemistry,
mainly including significant figures, English nomenclature of simple inorganic compounds,
quantum theory of atoms, electronic structure, molecular geometry, chemical reactions of main
group metal and non-metallic elements, transition elements and coordination compounds, and
nuclear chemistry.

Course: Outline of Modern Chinese History

Credits: 3
Score: 85
Credit Hours: 45
Professor: Jiang Aihua
This course mainly introduces the struggle of the Chinese people against foreign aggression in
modern times, which include the exploration of solutions for the country, major events in the wave
of reform, the new path of the Chinese revolution, the antibody war of the Chinese nation, and the
new period of reform, opening up and modernization.

Course: English (1)

Credits: 3.5
Score: 89
Credit Hours: 60
Professor: Wang Xiaodan
The teaching goal of this course is to cultivate students' comprehensive English application ability,
especially listening and speaking ability, so that they can effectively communicate in English in
future study, work and social communication. Meanwhile, it can enhance their independent
learning ability and improve comprehensive cultural literacy to meet the needs of China's social
development and international exchange.

Course: Medical organic chemistry

Credits: 2
Score: 97
Credit Hours: 48
Professor: Wang Yingying
This course is an important basic course in medical schools, which is suitable for undergraduate
teaching such as clinical medicine, stomatology, anesthesia, nursing, and imaging. This course
provides a detailed introduction to the classification, structure, nomenclature, physical properties
and chemical properties of organic compounds. The enantiomeric chapter introduces the
enantiomeric phenomenon of organic compounds and the representation of configurations. The
structure and physicochemical properties of amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids were
introduced. After learning this course, students can master the molecular structure, chemical
properties and basic theories of organic compounds in organic chemistry. Students can learn about
medicine and pharmacy, lay the foundation for subsequent courses such as biochemistry,
pharmacology, biology, health chemistry and other theoretical courses.

Course: Medical Physics

Credits: 2.5
Score: 80
Credit Hours: 56
Professor: Yu Wenlei

This course provides medical students with systematic physics knowledge, so that they can further
master the basic concepts, basic laws and basic methods of medical physics on the basis of
secondary school physics. This course can prepare students with the necessary physical foundation
for learning modern medicine, and provide the necessary basic knowledge for discussing and
solving problems encountered in medical practice.

Course: Psychological healthy education

Credits: 1
Score: 100
Credit Hours: 18
Professor: Zhang Bin
This book is compiled according to the psychological cognitive characteristics, behavioral
characteristics, development characteristics and growth laws of modern college students, and
selects the corresponding mental health knowledge and activity training programs. It mainly
involves the basic knowledge of psychology, college students' adaptation to campus life and study,
ways of getting along with classmates, friends, relatives, etc.It also instructs students to correctly
handle love problems, scientific psychological adjustment to study, employment, interpersonal
pressure, and reasonable planning of study life, self-image and career, including all aspects of
campus life.

Course: Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law

Credits: 3
Score: 85
Credit Hours: 48
Professor: Fan Yintan
This course is a compulsory course that educates college students in ideological and moral
accomplishment and basic legal knowledge under the guidance of Marxism, Mao Zedong
Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of "three represents" and the scientific
outlook on development. Through the teaching of this course, we will help students gradually
form noble moral sentiments, establish a correct outlook on life, values, morality and the legal
system, strengthen the concept of socialist legal system, improve ideological and moral quality,
establish value standards and behavioral norms that embody the moral tradition of the Chinese
nation and the spirit of the times. Meanwhile, students can pay attention to starting from
themselves and small things, and can strive to cultivate themselves into a new generation with
ideals, morality, culture and discipline.

Course: English (2)

Credits: 3.5
Score: 85
Credit Hours: 60
Professor: Wang Xiaodan

This course is aimed at cultivating students' comprehensive English application ability, especially
listening and speaking ability, so that they can effectively communicate in English in future study,
work and social communication. Meanwhile, it can enhance students’ independent learning ability
and improve comprehensive cultural literacy to meet the needs of China's social development and
international exchange.

Course: The Social-Practice Module in Curricula of Moral and Ideology

Credits: 2
Score: B
Credit Hours: 30
Professor: Hu Feihang
This course is guided by Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important
thinking of "three represents" and the scientific outlook on development, so that students can feel
its connotation and essence in practical activities and have a better understanding of it.

Course: Physical Education

Credits: 1
Score: 77
Credit Hours: 28
Professor: Zhu Feibo
The purpose of the course is to enhance students' physical fitness, sports awareness and exercise
awareness through a reasonable basic physical education teaching process and scientific physical
exercise process,so as to improve physical ability, cultivate students’ habits of exercising, and lay
a good foundation for entering the next stage of learning and exercise. Its mission is to enable
students to correctly understand the meaning of sports purposes, improve the consciousness of
exercise, and establish the concept of lifelong sports.Also, this course teaches the basic theory of
sports, health care knowledge, basic techniques and skills. Students can master the scientific
methods of exercise, have the ability of independent exercise and self-evaluation, develop the
habit of regular exercise, and constantly improve the level of sports technology. Through physical
education, this course could promote the normal development and functional development of
students' bodies, enhance physical fitness, improve health and students' physical fitness, and
enable students to acquire the physical ability and physical and mental quality required in the

Course: A Golden Key to Disputed Case-Judicial Expertise

Credits: 2
Score: A
Credit Hours: 38
Professor: Wang Hai
As an interdisciplinary discipline between law and natural science, this course focuses on the
application of science and technology in judicial practice, and has different characteristics from
traditional law courses.

Course: Clinical basis of general practice

Credits: 2
Score: A
Credit Hours: 36
Professor: Song Guanyi
On the basis of learning the basic introduction of general medicine, general management of
emergency diseases and general practice management of chronic diseases, students of all medical
majors deeply understand the basic techniques of community first aid and the referral indications
of critical diseases. Also, students can master the theoretical knowledge and skills of general
medicine, clarify the characteristics of primary health care, and then comprehensively understand
the national health care system, and establish a people-centered, family-based, community-wide
big medicine health concept.

Course: Systematic anatomy

Credits: 5
Score: 80
Credit Hours: 96
Professor: Xu Xiangdang
Systematic anatomy is the science of explaining the morphological structure of normal human
organs according to the functional system of human organs, and is an important basic course in
medical disciplines. The purpose of the study is to understand and master the morphological
structure, location and adjacency of various organ systems of the human body, as well as their
functions and clinical significance. This course could lay a solid foundation for studying other
basic medicine and clinical medicine courses. "There is no medicine without anatomy", which
shows that anatomy is the unshakable cornerstone of learning all disciplines of medicine. This
course is divided into motor system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system,
reproductive system, vasculature, sensory organs, and nervous system.

Course: Histology and Embryology

Credits: 3.5
Score: 78
Credit Hours: 40
Professor: Zhang Na
Histology is the science of studying the light microscopic structure of the body under an optical
microscope and its relationship with its function under an electron microscope. Embryology is the
science that studies the development of individuals and their mechanisms. The purpose of teaching
this subject is to enable students to acquire basic theories and basic knowledge about the
microstructure and embryonic development of the human body, and to obtain some basic skills
training. Through the teaching of this discipline, students are required to identify the light mirror
structure of various cells, tissues and major organs, identify the ultrastructure of major cells and
tissues of the human body, understand the relationship between these structures and functions.
Students could have a more systematic understanding of the early occurrence of human embryos
and the occurrence of major organs so as to lay a good foundation for learning other basic
medicine and clinical medicine.

Course: Medical cytobiology

Credits: 2
Score: 82
Credit Hours: 24
Professor: Yang Jifeng
Cytobiology is a very important basic frontier discipline in modern life sciences, and it is also an
important basic discipline of modern medical pharmacy. Cytobiology is the science of studying
the law of cell life activities at the microscopic, submicroscopic and molecular levels of cells. As
the basic unit of life activities, cells are also the basis for the occurrence and development of
various diseases. The solution of many major medical problems must rely on research
breakthroughs at the cellular level. For students majoring in medicine, it is very necessary to learn
the course of Cytobiology to lay the foundation for learning other courses in basic medicine and
clinical medicine. The basic requirements for learning in this course include three aspects: 1.
Master the basic theory, knowledge and technology of Cytobiology more systematically. 2.
Understand the latest research progress in the field of molecular Cytobiology as much as possible.
3. Understand the close relationship between cytobiology and medical pharmacy and other fields.

Course: Introduction to History of Quantum Physics

Credits: 2
Score: B
Credit Hours: 30
Professor: Lin Li
This course introduces the major events and important scientists that promote the development of
quantum physics on the time axis, as well as the interaction between scientists, showing the
humanistic world of great physicists and the magnificent development process of quantum
physics. This course is a useful supplement to the teaching content of university physics, which
can help science and engineering students better learn university physics knowledge.

Course: Regional anatomy

Credits: 1.5
Score: 76
Credit Hours: 46
Professor: Han Liping
Regional anatomy is the study of the location, morphology, body surface markers and projections,
hierarchy and adjacencency of organs and structures according to the local division of the human
body. It is a basic course of medical specialties that connects basic medicine and clinical medicine,
and is an important foundation for various disciplines of clinical medicine. On the basis of the
knowledge of systematic anatomy, through the study of this course, this course highlights the three
basic requirements, cultivate dialectical scientific thinking methods and independent learning
ability. It achieves the purpose of understanding the basic theory of the morphological structure of
local organs of the human body. Students can deepen and consolidate the basic knowledge of the
general morphological structure of organs as well as master the basic operation skills of local
anatomy. It can enable students to lay a solid foundation in local anatomy for learning related
basic courses and clinically important courses (internal, external, gynecology, pediatrics, imaging,
diagnosis, etc.).

Course: Military theory and practical training

Credits: 2
Score: 75
Credit Hours: 24
Professor: Shao Hehong
This course takes national defense education as the main line. Through students' study and
practice of military theory and military skills training, students can master basic military theories,
military knowledge and skills, enhance national defense concept and national security awareness,
strengthen patriotism and collectivist concepts, legal awareness and organizational discipline, as
well as promote the improvement of the comprehensive quality of college students. This course
could lay a good foundation for the training of reserve soldiers and reserve officers of the Chinese
People’s Liberation Army.

Course: Introduction to the Basic Principle of Marxism

Credits: 3
Credit Hours: 45
Professor: Yuan Linbo
This course is a course on basic principles of Marxism formed after the new integration of the
original three courses of Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy and scientific socialism in
accordance with the requirements of the new teaching program of the Central Propaganda
Department and the Ministry of Education in 2005. It is a public basic course and compulsory
course for all students.

Course: English (3)

Credits: 2.5
Score: 81
Credit Hours: 60
Professor: Wang Xiaodan
This course is to cultivate students' comprehensive English application ability, especially listening
and speaking ability, so that they can effectively communicate in English in future study, work and
social communication. Meanwhile, it can enhance their independent learning ability and improve
comprehensive cultural literacy to meet the needs of China's social development and international

Course: Physical Education

Credits: 1
Score: 82
Credit Hours: 28
Professor: Lin Tian
The purpose of the course is to enhance students' physical fitness, sports awareness and exercise
awareness through a reasonable basic physical education teaching process and scientific physical
exercise process,so as to improve physical ability, cultivate students’ habits of exercising, and lay
a good foundation for entering the next stage of learning and exercise. Its mission is to enable
students to correctly understand the meaning of sports purposes, improve the consciousness of
exercise, and establish the concept of lifelong sports.Also, this course teaches the basic theory of
sports, health care knowledge, basic techniques and skills. Students can master the scientific
methods of exercise, have the ability of independent exercise and self-evaluation, develop the
habit of regular exercise, and constantly improve the level of sports technology. Through physical
education, this course could promote the normal development and functional development of
students' bodies, enhance physical fitness, improve health and students' physical fitness, and
enable students to acquire the physical ability and physical and mental quality required in the

Course: Physiology
Credits: 4.5
Score: 77
Credit Hours: 72
Professor: Liang Shaohui

This course takes some clinical medical undergraduates as the specific implementation object, and
takes the human physiology course as the research object. Its knowledge content is more inclined
to the connection with the clinic, which can not only help students better understand, learn, master
and consolidate important knowledge points, but also help students learn to use theoretical
knowledge to solve practical problems. The course has eight chapters: cell, blood, circulation,
respiration, digestion, urine production, nerves, and endocrine reproduction.

Course: Biochemistry
Credits: 5.5
Score: 74
Credit Hours: 76
Professor: Mao Sunzhong
This course is a compulsory course for students of clinical medicine and other majors in our
school, and it is one of the basic core courses. The rapid rise of biochemistry (especially molecular
biology) in the past two decades has greatly improved people's understanding of the nature of life
and greatly promoted the development of other disciplines. Biochemistry mainly includes four
aspects: First, structural biochemistry, which mainly studies the structure, function and properties
of various biomolecules, including proteins (amino acids), nucleic acids (nucleotides), enzymes
(coenzymes), sugars and lipids. The second is metabolic biochemistry, which mainly studies
various chemical reactions in living organisms, mainly catabolism, anabolism, energy metabolism,
and related regulatory mechanisms. The third is the transmission and regulation of genetic
information, mainly studying the storage, transmission, expression and regulation of genetic
information. The fourth is medical molecular biology (molecular medicine), mainly introducing
commonly used molecular biology technologies, such as recombinant DNA technology, PCR
technology, DNA sequencing technology, blot technology, biochip technology, etc. It is an
important tool for exploring the pathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of diseases at the
molecular level, laying a solid foundation for learning other basic disciplines and clinical medicine
courses, and is a necessary course for studying clinical medicine courses.

Course: Pathophysiology
Credits: 3
Credit Hours: 48
Professor: Xu Yixiao
Pathophysiology is a basic medical discipline that studies the laws of functional and metabolic
changes and related mechanisms during the occurrence and development of diseases. The teaching
of this course needs to be based on the relevant knowledge of normal human morphology, function
and metabolism, and at the same time shoulder the task of communicating basic medicine and
clinical medicine, with distinctive characteristics of "bridge discipline". Therefore, the teaching of
pathophysiology is not only about passing on the relevant knowledge in the textbook, but also
paying attention to the cultivation of students' independent learning, comprehensive analysis and
clinical logical thinking ability. This course implements a hybrid teaching mode combining online
self-study and offline flipped discussion, which on the one hand helps students to fully grasp the
basic knowledge of medicine, on the other hand, guides students to improve their independent
learning ability, improve their comprehensive quality, and lay a solid foundation for the learning
of clinical disciplines and the final clinical practice.

Course: Pathology
Credits: 4.5
Score: 92
Credit Hours: 60
Professor: Wang Ping
Pathology is a medical science that studies the etiology, pathogenesis, morphological structure,
function and metabolism of diseases, reveals the occurrence and development of diseases, and
thus clarifies the nature of diseases. Pathology not only studies the morphological structure,
function and metabolic changes of organs, tissues and cells in disease states, but also explains the
relationship between these changes and clinical symptoms and signs, and analyzes the diagnosis,
prognosis and outcome of diseases. Therefore, pathology is both an important foundation for
studying clinical medicine. It is also a bridge between basic medicine and clinical medicine, and
has long been hailed as a bridge discipline. Since pathological diagnosis is regarded as the most
authoritative final diagnosis in clinical diagnosis, it occupies an important position in the diagnosis
of diseases. In addition, pathology absorbs the latest research methods and achievements of
contemporary molecular biology, so that the observation of pathology goes deep from the organ
and cell level to the subcellular, protein and gene level.It also occupies an important position in
medical science research.

Course: Parasitology
Credits: 1.5
Score: 87
Credit Hours: 20
Professor: Jiang Xuefeng
Medical parasitology is a science that studies the morphological structure, life rules and
interrelationships between parasites related to human health and the human body and the external
environment, including six parts: general theory, medical protozoa, medical worms (flukes,
tapeworms, nematodes) and medical arthropods. It is a foundational course in medicine and
medical-related majors.

Course: Mao Zedong Thought and the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Credits: 3
Score: 79
Credit Hours: 30
Professor: Fu Ping
This course is a basic course in university politics. The main contents that need to be studied in the
introduction to Mao Zedong Thought are Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of
socialism with Chinese characteristics. The essence of Mao Zedong Thought is to emancipate the
mind and seek truth from facts.

Course: Physical Education

Credits: 1
Score: 83
Credit Hours: 28
Professor: Sun Lanyong
The purpose of the course is to enhance students' physical fitness, sports awareness and exercise
awareness through a reasonable basic physical education teaching process and scientific physical
exercise process,so as to improve physical ability, cultivate students’ habits of exercising, and lay
a good foundation for entering the next stage of learning and exercise. Its mission is to enable
students to correctly understand the meaning of sports purposes, improve the consciousness of
exercise, and establish the concept of lifelong sports.Also, this course teaches the basic theory of
sports, health care knowledge, basic techniques and skills. Students can master the scientific
methods of exercise, have the ability of independent exercise and self-evaluation, develop the
habit of regular exercise, and constantly improve the level of sports technology. Through physical
education, this course could promote the normal development and functional development of
students' bodies, enhance physical fitness, improve health and students' physical fitness, and
enable students to acquire the physical ability and physical and mental quality required in the

Course: Situation and Policy

Credits: 2
Score: B
Credit Hours: 32
Professor: Song Lin
Education on the situation and policy is an important part of the ideological and political
education of students in institutions of higher education. The course on situation and policy is an
important part of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities, the main
channel and position for conducting situation and policy education for students, and a compulsory
course for every student.

Course: English (4)

Credits: 2.5
Score: 87
Credit Hours: 60
Professor: Wang Xiaodan
The teaching goal of university English is to cultivate students' comprehensive English application
ability, especially listening and speaking ability, so that they can effectively communicate in
English in future study, work and social communication. Meanwhile, it could enhance their
independent learning ability and improve comprehensive cultural literacy to meet the needs of
China's social development and international exchange.

Course: Functional experiment

Credits: 3
Score: 97
Credit Hours: 96
Professor: Xu Junjun
Functional experiment inherits and develops the core content of physiology, pathophysiology and
pharmacology experiments, emphasizing the integration of multiple disciplines. This course is
aimed at medical students in clinical medicine, anesthesiology, nursing and other medical majors.
Through the study of this course, students are familiar with the normal physiology, disease
development and the basic laws of drug treatment. While mastering the basic skills of medical
experiments, they will form a way of thinking from animals to human bodies and from basic to
clinical, laying a solid foundation for subsequent courses, clinical practice and scientific research.

Course: Medical Ethics

Credits: 1.5
Score: 77
Credit Hours: 88
Professor: Chen Si

Medical ethics is a compulsory subject for the qualification examination of licensed physicians in
China, an indispensable professional compulsory course for the cultural quality education of
medical students, and an indispensable part of the knowledge structure of qualified medical
workers, which is conducive to tempering medical professionalism and ethical decision-making

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