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Pricas, Edhel Mark O.


Give an example of Human Computer Interaction.

1. IoT technology

* Pre-touch phones were used to present the idea of "pre-touch sensing" in a recent HCI
breakthrough. In other words, the phone may identify how the user holds it or which finger is
closest to the screen when operating it. The device immediately predicts the user's intents after
spotting the user's hand movements and completes the task before the user delivers any
instructions. The "paper ID" technology, which fundamentally digitizes paper and performs
activities based on gestures by focusing on man-machine interaction variables, senses the
environment, detects gestures, and links to other IoT devices.

2. Eye-tracking technology
*Based on the gaze point, eye tracking determines where a person is looking. Eye-tracking the
user's gaze is captured by devices using cameras, together with certain embedded light sources for
clarity. These gadgets also employ image processing and machine learning techniques. the ability to
detect gaze accurately. Using speech recognition software.

4. AR/VR technology
*Hence, the combination of AR/VR technology and HCI assures that the task is completed with
fewer mistakes and reaches higher levels of accuracy and quality. HCI research is presently focusing on
research in areas like sentiment analysis and brain-computer interfacing enhance the AR/VR experience
for the user. This has just been possible thanks to "Dexta Haptic Gloves," which are virtual reality Gloves
are able to detect and process touch data including surface hardness and softness, among others. These
by locking and unlocking the finger joints as the user moves their fingers, gloves can memorize their
movements. In the VR setting, they converse. The gloves can later duplicate the captured information of
sentiments that range in intensity in real life.

5. Cloud computing
Also, a worker can access cloud data from anywhere in the world by using SaaS-based cloud services.
Workflows and assistance are streamlined in such virtual environments. Without compromising
effectiveness, seamless remote team connection across industrial verticals productivity. As a result,
typical offices will become obsolete over time, mostly because of HCI and SaaS.

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of HCI.

*HCI, or human-computer interaction, has the benefit of being simpler to administer because it
incorporates a software interface. With the HCl software, IT managers can stay on top of monitoring and
troubleshooting. Due to its reliance on commodity hardware, such as white boxes or x86 platforms, HCI
has reduced operating and capital expenditures. HCI is easier to use, more scalable, and versatile. The
ability to buy it is simple. HCI can provide greater data protection. Given that a hypervisor is a part of it,
it can function as a virtual computer. Even worse, technology that disregards the principles and best
practices of effective human-computer interaction might raise the possibility of operational human
error. Depending on the nature of the work being done, even a seemingly insignificant human error
could have a significant influence on cost, safety, and other crucial aspects.

3. Differences between Human and Computer.

*The power of the human brain to make judgments independently and its capacity to store a
limitless amount of knowledge make this the most important distinction between a human and a
computer. A computer, in contrast, requires programming to carry out the tasks and has a constrained
amount of data storage space.

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