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The Case Analysis below shall illustrate the integration of Social Innovation
Fundamentals (SIF), the Human-Centered Design and Sustainability, in a rather
straight forward exercise of finding a solution from Basic Principles, Concepts and
Definitions, Conservation of Energy, The Ideal Gas and the Processes of Ideal
Gas. It emphasizes the significance of applying the use of a thermodynamics that
served as a working model using established principles of Newton’s Law.

The Model shall simulate the conditions by which a proposed project/product shall
be subjected to, and consequently, knowing the set of responses that shall be
developed. It eliminates the expensive and long trials before the project can be
implemented. It prevents unwanted costs that could add up to the market price of
the product. The simulation results shall predict the untoward consequences of
using the product or implementing the project, hence, safeguards shall be instituted
prior to commercialization.

Above all, students shall be able to hone their creative skills and analytical thinking
ability by probing the outcomes of simulation.

Statement of the Problem: There will be 2 sets of problems:

1. Mr. Atkinson is on trial is on trial for criminal negligence because his
company’s steam boiler exploded. Mr. Atkinson’s job was to monitor the
pressure in the boiler to make sure that it does not go above the safe limit of
6895kPa gauge. He testifies that just before the explosion, his control panel
showed that the pressure was 5860kPa gauge, the temperature was 400oC,
and the specific volume was 0.037 m3 per kg. All gauges were tested and
found to be functional during the investigation following the explosion. The
prosecutor says that Mr. Atkinson fell asleep while on duty. As a technical
witness, what can you say about the case? Use the table below to get the
specific gas constant of the steam.

2. A large manufacturer of air compressors is developing an air-cooled piston
model and a water-cooled piston model, each having a diameter of 5 inches.
The prototype was harnessed to a pressure gauge and the following readings
were taken during the compression stroke. For each model, find the polytropic
index, n, of this process and calculate the non-flow work done. Which of the
prototype designs will be more efficient?


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