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AustraNian Susin€6$
Registry $ervicer

Application tar a director identification number *

for people living outside Australia

Use this application form if yan are living outside Australia and Wh€n eamffinglftisfosn
don't have the required idsttry documents to apply online. s Answer all questions, stherwise we may nced to eontaet
For more irformatisr about director ID visit y*u f*r m*re infonnaticn.
abrs. gov.auldirectorl D ,,s Print this form and write elearly, using a blaek or dark
blue pen.
lf we can process your app{icatior with the infornutior you Use &SeK LETIIRS a*d prir:t one eharaeter iR eaeh box.
prwide and confirm your details with our systems, we'll send =,
confinaation of your direaw lD to tte postal address m
:. Plaee a* X'in allapplieableboxes. '
this application. : Dont *se conection fluid cr coveri*g stiekers.
':', Read the privaey statenl€*t in $ec#ar E and sign the
We willoontet you if we need nore infsmation. deelaration al th€ €fid of the form.
,:, Provide aeceptabl€ identity docurnents listed in $ection D
6f this form.
Sots Penalties apply for providing false or
misle*ding informatisn.

Section A: Tax file number

Do you have an Australian tax numberr (TFN)?
file nu
*" m Have you applieri for a TFI'i? ves I t'&
l,lote: lfs not an offence if you don t provide your TFltJ. l'lowever, providing your TFN and the id€ntity documents in $eetion D
wiii help us verify your idemity The Registrar of ABRS is authorised by the C*rp*ratisns Act 200? and the eorparalions
(Aboriginal and Torres Strait lslander) Ad 2A06 to requ€st your TFN.

Section B: Application requirements

Yor can apply fs a director lD if you are;
e an eligible officet or
a intend to become an eligible officer within 12 months after applying.
An eligible officer is an appointed director or atternate director (acting in that capacity) of a cornpany or body corporate that
is a registerd Australian hdy or registered foreign compafiy, or an Aboriginal and Tones Strait lslander corporation.
The Registrar of Australian Business Registry Services nray determine that a particular person or class of persons are not
eligible officers.
To beelqiUeto be a director, you must
w be an individual
m be at least 18 years old
., n*t be disquafified from managing c*rporati*ns unless your apBoi*tr*e.rt is made with the perrnission of the Allstralian See urrties
& lnvestments Cornn:issiorr (ASIC), Office af the Registrar of lndigenous Ccrporations {ORle), ar with leave sf the Court.

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