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Business Information Systems

Chapter 1
Information Systems in Global Business Today

Based on the book “Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Company”
by Laudon, K.C. and Laudon J.P., 16th Edition copyrighted © 2020 by Pearson Education Ltd.
Dr. Elena Gorbacheva | Business Informatics 1 (OWIN)
Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Course Structure
Part One: Organisations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise
 Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
 Chapter 2 Global E-Business and Collaboration
 Chapter 3 Information Systems, Organisations, and Strategy
 Chapter 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

Part Two: Information Technology Infrastructure

 Chapter 5 IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies
 Chapter 6 Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management
 Chapter 7 Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology
 Chapter 8 Securing Information Systems

Part Three: Key System Applications for the Digital Age

 Chapter 9 Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications
 Chapter 10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
 Chapter 11 Managing Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence
 Chapter 12 Enhancing Decision-Making

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Part One — Organisations, Management, and
the Networked Enterprise

 The major concepts in the Information Systems (IS) field are introduced

 The following questions are addressed:

 What is an IS, and what are its management, organisation, and technology
 Why are IS so essential in businesses today?
 Why are IS for collaboration and social business so important?
 How can IS help businesses become more competitive?
 What ethical and social issues are raised by widespread use of IS?

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today

 What is an Information System?

 The Role of Information Systems in Business Today

 Support of Business Processes by Information Systems

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Definition: Information Systems

 A boundary-spanning field connecting business and Information Technology (IT)

 Information Technology (IT) - All the hardware and software technologies a company needs in order to
achieve its business objectives

 Hardware - A physical part of an electronic device (e.g., computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet etc.)
 Software - A collection of instructions that tell the electronic device how to work and perform a task
(e.g., applications running on your electronic device)

 Hardware and software are technical foundation and tools for IS, similar to the material and tools
used to build a house

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Definition: Information Systems

 Information – Data (streams of raw facts) that have been shaped into a form
that is meaningful and useful to people

 System - A set of interrelated components that (hopefully) work together

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Data vs. Information
Example: Sales at convenience stores

 Data - Streams of raw facts

 Information - Data that have been shaped into a form that is meaningful and useful to people

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Basic Activities of an Information System

 Three basic activities of IS

 Input: Captures raw data from a

company or external

 Processing: Converts raw data

into meaningful information

 Output: Transfers processed

information to people or
activities that use it

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Business Perspective on Information Systems
Management, organisation, and technology dimensions of IS

 A combination of management,
organisation, and technology
dimensions shape IS

 Main components of IS:

 Tasks that need to be performed to
address business challenges
 People who perform these tasks
 IT that supports people in
performing the tasks (technology)

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Business Perspective on Information Systems
Management Dimension of IS

 IS support managers in their work and decision-making

 Examples:

 Setting the organisational strategy for responding to business challenges

 Allocation of the human and financial resources to coordinate the work

 Development of new products and services

 Redirecting and redesigning the organisation

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Business Perspective on Information Systems
Organisational Dimension of IS

 IS serve each level in the organisational


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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Business Perspective on Information Systems
Organisational Dimension of IS

 Various organisational factors shape IS

 Separation of functional areas (e.g., sales and marketing, human resources,

finance and accounting, manufacturing and production)

 Business processes

 Organisational culture

 Organisational politics

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Business Perspective on Information Systems
Technology Dimension of IS

 Hardware and software

 Information Technology (IT) infrastructure ( Chapter 5)

 Data management technology ( Chapter 6)

 Networking and telecommunications technology ( Chapter 7)

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Information Systems as an Academic Discipline

 IS is interdisciplinary and deals

with issues and insights from a
number of other disciplines

 Technical approach
 Focus on mathematically based
models to study IS

 Behavioural approach
 Focus on changes in behaviour
triggered by IS

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Information Systems as an Academic Discipline
Historical term: “Management Information Systems”

 BUT: in this course under “Management Information Systems” a specific type

of Business Intelligence delivery platforms serving middle management is
understood ( Chapter 2)

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
What is an IS? How does it work?

 IS support solving a problem or a challenge facing a company and represent a

combination of management, organisation, and technology dimensions

 IS collect, store, and disseminate information from an organisation’s

environment and internal operations to support organisational functions, as
well as decision-making, communication, coordination, control, and analysis

 IS transform raw data into useful information through three basic activities:
input, processing, and output

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
What are the management, organisation, and technology components of IS?

 The management dimension of IS involves such aspects as leadership, strategy,

and management behaviour

 The organisation dimension of IS involves such aspects as the organisation’s

hierarchy, functional areas, business processes, culture, and politics

 The technology dimension of IS consists of hardware, software, IT

infrastructure, data management technology, as well as networking and
telecommunications technology (including the internet)

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
What academic disciplines are used to study IS and how does each contribute to
an understanding of IS?

 The study of IS deals with issues and insights from the disciplines following
both technical and behavioural approaches

 The technical disciplines focus on mathematically based models to study IS and

include computer science, management science, and operations research

 The behavioural disciplines focus on changes in behaviour triggered by IS and

include psychology, sociology, and economics

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today

 What is an Information System?

 The Role of Information Systems in Business Today

 Support of Business Processes by Information Systems

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Information Technology Investment

 Consists of investments
into hardware, software,
and communications

 Grew between 1999 and

2017 from 21% to 33% of
all investments in the US

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Variation in Returns on
Information Technology Investment

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Information Systems Complementary Assets

 The additional investments required to derive value from the investments in IT

 Complementary assets include organisational and managerial assets

 IS bring value when companies invest in complementary assets in addition to

investments in IT

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Information Systems Complementary Assets

 Organisational assets
 Appropriate business model
 Efficient business processes

 Managerial assets
 Incentives for management to innovate
 Teamwork and collaborative work environments

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
The Value of Information Systems to Business

 Increased productivity
 Increased sales, revenue, and profitability
 Increased quality
 Cut costs
 Improved customer service and experience
 Improved long-term strategic positioning
 Innovations
 Compliance with governmental regulations

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
The Value of Information Systems to Business
Technological trends triggering business transformation

 Mobile digital platforms

 Examples: smartphones, tablets, netbooks, digital e-book readers (e.g., as Amazon’s Kindle)

 Big Data
 Massive sets of unstructured/semi-structured data from web traffic (e.g., customer
transactions), social media, sensors etc.

 Cloud computing
 Model of computing in which computer processing, storage, software, and other services are
provided as a shared pool of virtualized resources over a network, primarily the internet
 Note: Computing - Any activity that uses computers to manage, process, and communicate
information; includes development of both hardware and software

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
How do IS transform business, and why are they so essential for running and
managing a business today?

 IS are a foundation for conducting business today

 In many industries, survival and the ability to achieve strategic business objectives are
difficult without extensive use of IS

 IS trends, which trigger business transformation, include mobile digital platforms, big data,
and cloud computing

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that IS provide genuine value
for organisations?

 In order to obtain meaningful value from IS, organisations must complement

their technology investments with appropriate organisational and managerial

 These complementary assets include new business models and business

processes, supportive organisational culture and management behaviour, and
appropriate technology standards, regulations, and laws

 New IT investments are unlikely to produce high returns unless companies

make the appropriate managerial and organisational changes to support the

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Premier League: The Power of IT Analytics
Case Study

Read the case and attend to the following question:

 What role did technology play in Leicester City’s success as a football team?
Assess the contributions of technology described in this case study.

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Premier League: The Power of IT Analytics
Case Study

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today

 What is an Information System?

 The Role of Information Systems in Business Today

 Support of Business Processes by Information Systems

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Definition: Business Process

 A collection of activities that takes one or more inputs and creates an output that is of
value to the customer (Hammer & Champy, 1993)

 Represents flows of material, information, and knowledge

 Organisations can be seen as a collection of business processes

 Can be tied to a functional area (functional business processes) or be cross-functional

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Examples of Functional Business Processes

 Manufacturing and production

 Assemble a product, check the product for quality

 Sales and marketing

 Identify customers, sell the product

 Finance and accounting

 Create financial statements, pay creditors

 Human resources
 Hire employees, evaluate job performance

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Business Processes and Information Systems (IS)
IS can enhance business processes by…

 Increasing efficiency of existing processes

 Automating steps that were manual

 Enabling entirely new processes

 Change flow of information
 Replace sequential steps with parallel steps
 Eliminate delays in decision-making
 Support new business models

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Example: The Order Fulfilment Process

 Each rectangle represents an activity, which is one part of the larger business process
 Each circle represents a functional area of the business involved in the business process
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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Value of the Process Paradigm

 Process paradigm
 Process-centred approach to management
 Focus on processes, instead of functions
 Is at the core of the Business Process Management (BPM) discipline

 Productivity gains (reduced cost, increased speed, improved quality etc.)

 New opportunities to innovate and continuously transform businesses

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Definition: Business Process Management (BPM)

 “A discipline involving any combination of

 modelling,
 automation,
 execution,
 control,
 measurement, and
 optimisation
 of business activity flows,
 in support of
 enterprise goals,
 spanning systems,
 employees,
 customers, and
 partners
 within and beyond the enterprise boundaries”
(definition by the Workflow Management Coalition,

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
BPM Antecedents

 The work simplification and quality control tradition

 Focus on quality improvement of business processes
 Approaches used: Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma etc.

 The management tradition

 Focus on the alignment of business processes with organisational objectives

 The Information Technology (IT) tradition

 Resulted in the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) movement
 BPR main idea: A radical rethink and redesign of business processes with the help of IT

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Modern Understanding of BPM
“Six Core Elements of BPM” by Rosemann & Vom Brocke (2015)

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Steps in Business Process Management

1. Identify processes for change

2. Analyse each of the identified processes (‘as-is’)

3. Design the new process (‘to-be’)

4. Implement the new process

5. Continuously measure and improve the new process

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
‘As-is’ Business Process for Purchasing a Book
from a Physical Bookstore

 Purchasing a book from a physical bookstore requires many steps to be performed by both
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| Business customer 1 (OWIN) 40
Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Redesigned (‘To-Be’) Process for Purchasing a
Book Online

 Use of the internet technology makes it possible to redesign the process for
purchasing a book, so that it requires fewer steps and consumes fewer resources

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
What are business processes?

 Business process is a collection of activities that takes one or more inputs and
creates an output that is of value to the customer

 Activities forming a business process define how specific business tasks are

 Business process represents a unique way in which an organisation coordinates

work, information, and knowledge

 Managers need to pay attention to business processes, because they determine

how well the organisation can execute its business, and they may be a source of
strategic advantage

 There are business processes specific to each of the major business functions, but
many business processes are cross-functional
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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Lessons Learned
How are business processes related to IS?

 IS can automate parts of business processes

 IS can help organisations redesign and streamline business processes

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Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today
Dr. Elena Gorbacheva

Dr. Elena Gorbacheva | Business Informatics 1 (OWIN)

Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today

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