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Christmas in Ukraine

Chr stmas n Ukra ne s celebrated on the 7th January.

Usually people fast (don't eat anyth ng) all day but you m ght start the day
dr nk ng some holy water that has been blessed at church. The ma n Chr stmas
meal, Holy Supper s eaten on Chr stmas Eve (6th January).
You can't start eat ng the meal unt l the f rst star s seen n the sky.
The star represents b rth of Jesus, so when you see the star, Chr stmas
can start!
The meal normally has 12 d shes wh ch represent Jesus's 12 d sc ples.
The ma n d sh s often 'Kut a' a type of a k nd of sweet porr dge made
of wheat.

In the room where you eat Holy Supper, there s D dukh decorat on.
The D dukh s a made from a sheaf of wheat and symbol ses the large
wheat f elds n Ukra ne.
Ukra n ans leave all the food on the table after the Chr stmas Eve d nner for
the ent re n ght for dead people's spr t. ch ldren crow, grunt, moo, bark, and
meow under the table on Chr stmas Eve for breed ng of l v ng be ngs.
After the meal, people love to s ng carols/songs called 'Kol adky'. People
can s ng the songs around the table or n the streets.They somet mes carry
br ghtly colored stars on poles when they go s ng ng. The Ukra n an most
popular carol s 'Shchedryk'

Go to the l nk and test yourself:) festyle/well-know-ukra n an-chr stmas-
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