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Current first name: Brynn Current last name: Daigle

Birthdate: January 9th, 1792. Mother: Astrid Roy

Birthplace: Upper Canada Father: Maximilian Lavigne
Real age as of 2022: 230 years old “Current” age: 32 years old
Languages: English, French (and their evolutions),
Inuktitut, Mi’kmaq, Onondaga Magic Specializations: Necromancy, Alchemy

My mother was part of the White Council. She was also very opened about her disgust towards
Christianity established in our country as she had her own spiritual and magical beliefs. She
never prayed, never attended church, refused to marry before giving birth to me and already was
encouraging equality between men and women. To my eyes, she was incredible.

June 26th, 1799, a date I hate to remember.

After many years of constant threats and bullying by our neighborhood, the population of our
town organized a special witch hunt in which she has suffered greatly. Being a man, my father
was forgiven for being with a “horrible monster” and I was taken away in a religious school to
correct my unworthy manners. In other words, they tried to completely drench me of my
“witchcraft” knowledge to replace it with their… wonderful values.

Up until 18 years old, I’ve been trapped and almost brainwashed in that school. In those years,
they made me forgot my mother’s face, her voice, her spells, everything. When I was finally
allowed to leave, I was so desperate, sad, angry, and lost that eventually, I had fallen into dark
magic: yes… necromancy. Today, I’m really not proud of myself but back then, I wanted to get
revenge for what they have done to my mother and many other women like her just for being
themselves and living freely. I wanted to avenge her and to make humans suffer for their lack of

I spent at least 10 years learning the forbidden form of magic before actually trying it out on
someone - or a whole population - . My first victims? The leaders of my mother’s witch hunt. I
came back to our village, which like any other, was home to a graveyard and imposed a curfew
at midnight, “or else”. If I saw anyone outside at that time on certain days, I would enjoy
terrorizing them by bringing back their dead loved ones and making them slowly destroy their
houses, night after night. Getting ahold of my new power, I eventually started draining the lives
of villagers, making them my own dead servants until the last surviving people had left the
ruined town.

I managed to escape the White Council until 1900 arrived, 80 years after I started practicing
necromancy. The worst years of my life, I admit. Even if I wasn’t using much of my powers in
recent time, they cursed me with Damoclès’ Malediction for treason of goodwill, forcing me to
calm down forever. Because my mother was once part of them and my actions could be
explained as mourning after her terrible death, they didn’t kill me instantly and instead made me
an exception. Thank goodness that my parents’ friend was ready to vouch for me! Although, he
made sure that I understood that there was no such thing as a third chance… that sentence still
gives me chills!

After getting hit by the curse, the Council then ordered me to repair the damage I had done at my
turning point: therefore, they wanted me to recreate my former village and make it a nice place
for humans to live. Although, since I was 108 years old, I was unable to do such physical tasks.
With the promise that I would finish my recreation by 2 years, they gave me permission to make
myself younger, even though that was using dark magic. I instantly went back to 18 years old,
but still with white hair (later on, I would use that as an excuse for fashion or following modern
trends.) I then quickly finished the task and I thought I was done with the curse… foolish, am I
not? Of course, the Council was very happy with my work but still wasn’t completely satisfied. I
now understand that 80 years of terror (although, not consecutive) couldn’t compare to a simple
rebuilding project but back then I was really mad. In addition, they made me a part of many
dangerous missions, all of them still to pay for my crimes.

In the long run, removing necromancing from my life has made it much easier and less stressful.
After all, being a simple magician in today's world can be explained with tricks or even internet
montages. And so, I moved to another city after reaching a certain age and changed names before
starting a new life again. Since modern times, I’ve been living much more like my inner child in
order to completely abandon my past self. I’ve also opened a tea shop, (in which my likings of
alchemy has influenced) named “the Jasmine Dragon” in Montreal, the city I'm currently living
in. The shop also offers a variety of herbs and natural medicinal products for my secretive witchy
people or my friendly humans! (Yes, I’ve learned to forgive them… well… some of them.)

After the recent opening of my business, I got visited by a young girl who constantly tried to
make eye contact with me. Assuming she needed my attention desperately, I engaged and
somehow, got lost in the moment. It felt as if I could read her soul perfectly, as well as she could
read mine in a moment of full vulnerability. Then, everything got back to normal, the little girl
acting as if she just came into the shop. Confused, I still greeted her like any other. She then
confessed having lost her parents. I tried to convince her that I couldn’t be of much help and that
I could take her to the police station for better results, but she kept insisting that she wanted my
help only, since I looked trustworthy compared to officers. I finally fell for her and decided to
give her a hand. She gave me all the information she had, which was very poor nonetheless, but I
can’t really blame her: she must’ve been stressed out of her mind!

After a successful tracking spell ritual (which was done “at the bathroom”, not wanting to risk
anything with the little kid), we started to wander the streets, but I noticed that she’d been
leading the way onto the good path, following the particles as if she could see them. She did
seem like a…- no no I’m unravelling again!

I tried not to overthink and just kept walking, wanting to comfort her though she didn’t seem like
she needed it anymore. She was rather calm and collected to the opposite as how she was back in
my shop. Eventually, she harshly grabbed my arm and directed me on another path. I didn’t
question her and just followed. We arrived near a crooked door between two buildings and
entered after the youngling had opened it. Inside was a seemingly normal apartment setup and
two people standing.

-“Mom! Dad!”

I smiled, happy for the girl that we had found her parents and started exiting the place when I got

-“Where do you think you’re going? You just helped us. We would be honored to keep you as a
guest for dinner.”

-“Uh… well… my shop is still in its opening hours, and I have to be there… so I must sadly
decline your kind invitation. Bringing back your daughter was my pleasure, you don’t owe me
-“I don’t think you understand. You have to stay.”

Removing the dark arts from my life has truly improved it but has made me a little less cautious.
I’m much more of an airhead now and sometimes I really seem like an innocent idiot.

-“Um… alright…”

… I cringe at my decision-making skills constantly.

During dinner, the ambiance was extremely tense, and I felt sick after each bite. Maybe I was
just not used to their cuisine…

-“Alright let’s get straight to the point. Miss, we’ve been avid customers of your shop-“

-“Ohhhhh… I knew your faces were familiar! You really liked my homegrown valerian plants
and belladonna!”

-“… moving on. We’ve scanned your soul through multiples spells and rituals and sent our
daughter to confirm our hypothesis today through soul-gazing. Brynn, you used to practice dark
arts, right?”

I froze. I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. And I finally realized why the girl
tried so desperately to grasp my gaze. I had totally forgotten about that ability. To be fair, I had
never used it before, being absolutely terrified of its vulnerability.

I admit, there have been some parts in my life where necromancing has called back to me...
where I almost couldn't resist the urge to fall back into it... but today wasn’t the day.

In fact, the day would never come.

-“Hey, don’t be scared. We’re not here to hurt you or report you. Listen… we are also
practitioners of it, and we have been searching for years for new members in our small group.
Big organizations are too life-threatening and less subtitle, so we would rather hide in the
shadows. So, would you be interested?”

I instantly got up.

-“N-no. I’m sorry. I’ve abandoned the arts decades ago and I am never going back. It has never
done good for me.”

Walking quickly towards the exit, I opened the door, ready to leave.

-“I won’t report you either to the White Council. I’m not a horrible person anymore. But please,
leave me alone. Never come back to my shop. Never cross my path again. I already got members
of the Council watching me a lot, so contacting one won’t be a challenge. Be careful. Thank you
for dinner, and goodbye.”

Scared that they would try to trap me in their house, I slammed the door shut and ran as fast as I
could across the busy streets. For once, I was proud of my reaction and decision. I would also
have to put a protection spell on my business and home now…

In the end, I still constantly live in the fear that authorities will find out about me. I'm scared that
I slipped somewhere throughout my few identities. Hopefully, my new life in Montreal can be
normal: I am Brynn Daigle, 32 years old, a tea shop owner. I started studying in Cegep to
become a paramedic, but creating my own little business made my heart sweeter. I met my
familiar back in 1847- wait... that's not very... uhhh... I mean Felix is my 6 years old blind ginger
cat that I've rescued from the city's dangerous streets. I love gardening, cooking, and hiking. I
live in a small cozy apartment filled to the brim with plants above my shop. I am also single but
happy! Online sites don't interest me and I'm too lazy to actually pursue love so... that's my

First life: 1792-1900

Name: Florence Nikita Magalie Roy
Place: Upper Canada
Occupation: Nurse
Significant Lover: Arthur Hill (human)
Age before changing lives: 108 years old
Reasons of changing: Reconstruction project.

Second life (starting at age 18): 1900-1922

Name: Isabelle Hampton
Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Occupation: Barmaid
Significant Lover: Irene Reid (mermaid)
Age before changing lives: 40 years old
Reasons of changing: Threats due to feminist and queer activism.
Third life (starting at age 18): 1922-1961
Name: Ève (Murphy) Tremblay
Place: Trois-Rivières, Québec
Occupation: Military Nurse
Significant Lover: Nathan Tremblay (sorcerer)
Age before changing lives: 57 years old
Reasons of changing: Death of her lover.

Fourth life (starting at age 18) : 1961-1990

Name: Violet Martens
Place: Steinbach, Manitoba
Occupation: Librarian
Significant Lover: Edouard Fontaine (dark sorcerer)
Age before changing lives: 38 years old
Reasons of changing: Removal of the curse.

Fifth life (starting at age 18): 1990-2008

Name: Eliana (Robinson) Wolfe
Place: Toronto, Ontario
Occupation: Husband’s personal secretary
Significant Lover: Aaron Wolfe (unknown)
Age before changing lives: 36 years old
Reasons of changing: Tensed marriage.
Sixth life (starting at age 18): 2008-PRESENT
Name: Brynn Daigle
Place: Montreal, Québec
Occupation: Tea shop owner
Significant Lover: -
Age before changing lives: -
Reasons of changing: -

Details on Brynn’s past lives:

Florence: In the past, she contacted her dead mother, hoping to find answers on much more
powerful spells and creatures to keep avenging her but Astrid kept warning her and trying to stop
her. Florence also refuses to speak to Maximilian, since he didn’t seem to do anything against the
injustice of his wife’s death. She met her familiar, Felix back in 1847, him keeping the form of a
calico cat throughout most of his life. She has had multiple relationships, but all of them failed
pretty quickly since she refused to settle in and follow what seemed to be the church’s morals.
Arthur Hill has been her longest relationship with almost 4 years together. They broke up once
he found out about her dark magic, as she had been hiding him from (normal magic didn’t bother
him). She then spent most of her time with Felix and other dark magic practitioners doing
some… very illegal stuff until she was caught and cursed by the council. Even with everything,
Florence wishes that her name (not full, of course) goes down in history and that she would be
remembered as the greatest necromancer, but the rest of her “identities” do not wish the same,
especially Brynn. They wish to be forgotten in time.

Isabelle: Exhausted from a long day at work, she met her girlfriend Irene Reid on the beach.
They lived together in a beach house that they build for themselves with the help of a few
friends, near the water in order for Irene to live. During this life, Felix shapeshifted himself a lot
through small mammals and sea creatures in order to follow the girlfriends on their sea
adventures. Irene would swim in the sea next to Felix as Isabelle would drive a stolen boat. She
got along very well with Irene’s sea and fairy friends. Unfortunately, Isabelle was forced to
engage in conversion therapies because “being gay was a mental illness”. The sessions drifted
her away from her lover until finally, she couldn’t even bring herself to see her. She just stopped
going back to their shared home and never saw Irene again. The conversion therapies terrorized
her off of dating women again, even though she has had multiple female crushes. She remained
cursed all of this life.

Ève: Wanting to help during the second war after realizing the effects of the first world war, she
volunteered amongst the military as a nurse and traveled overseas to heal allied soldiers. She
learnt to utilize her magic as support instead of as power (that’s where she started to discover
alchemy.) She meet her husband, Nathan Tremblay, who was also a nurse as he was seen as too
weak to fight. After the war, they lived a happy and wholesome life together in a calm
countryside farm. Felix had taken the appearance of a Rottweiler. They ended up getting
married. She was very close to Nathan’s family, especially her niece and nephews and would
often babysit or spend time with them. She requested an audience with the help of her sorcerer
husband to remove her curse, but it got denied, as she had nothing to prove of her worthiness
according to the Council.

Violet: She met Edouard Fontaine in the library she worked. Felix kept his appearance of a
Rottweiler. They never got married, and nothing very interesting happened in this life up until
Edouard started stirring up some trouble within the wizard community of Manitoba. Turns out,
he was a dark arts practitioner. Since she refused to participate in his small-scale revolution, her
boyfriend defied her in a dual in which he almost killed her, but she ended up surviving thanks to
Felix’s help. Later, she requested another meeting with the White Council and with the grandiose
help of Averill, she finally got rid of her curse while promising to start a new peaceful life,
abandoning magic.

Eliana: Saved from the cops questioning her as she entered Toronto, she found home in Aaron
Wolfe’s house at her first night in the big city. He was later revealed to be the owner of the best
car dealerships in Ontario once he had offered her a nice stable job. They deeply fell in love and
got married one year later. Felix took the appearance of a German Shepherd. Everything was
going well until Aaron started pressuring Eliana into having a child to ensure a future for his
company, which of course, didn’t please her. Although, tensions aside, both of them really
enjoyed having long summer road-trips in Aaron’s convertible car and were known throughout
the city for being a powerful and a successful couple that everyone should look up to. It’s
important to note that they both thought of each other as “human”. Eliana nor Aaron had never
used magic. The relationship ended... differently than others. Eliana suspected Aaron of cheating
since he was distant and rarely at home at night and… decided to ruin his company’s name, crash
his most valuable cars, and burn down his house while both of them were inside. It was the first
time in decades since Eliana had used magic and lost control due to her anger. She doesn’t know
whether he survived or not. The police investigation and White Council reported the situation as
an accident, though, they think it’s suspicious that no corpses were found. Aaron and Eliana have
been legally declared dead two weeks after, making a wreck in the local news. Although, the
White Council would know of their survival, still viewing the situation as an accident.

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