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diatrie 30 (2023) 240−246

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Review article

Cystic kidney diseases in children

J. De Groofa, A. Dachyb,c, L. Breysemd, D. Mekahlia,b,*
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
PKD Research Group, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Pediatrics, ULiege Academic Hospital, Liege, Belgium
Department of Pediatric Radiology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


Article History: Cystic kidney disease comprises a broad group of heterogeneous diseases, which differ greatly in age at onset,
Received 1 September 2022 disease manifestation, systemic involvement, disease progression, and long-term prognosis. As our under-
Revised 24 November 2022 standing of these diseases continues to evolve and new treatment strategies continue to emerge, correctly
Accepted 12 February 2023
differentiating and diagnosing these diseases becomes increasingly important. In this review, we aim to high-
Available online 14 April 2023
light the key features of the most relevant cystic kidney diseases, underscore important diagnostic character-
istics of each disease, and present specific management options if applicable.
© 2023 French Society of Pediatrics. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Kidney cyst
Bardet−Biedl syndrome
tuberous sclerosis complex
Multicystic dysplastic kidney
Cystic dysplasia
Simple kidney cyst

1. Introduction and the diseases can be associated with a wide range of systemic
symptoms and extrarenal involvement [1,2].
The incidence of cystic kidney diseases vary widely depending on Cystic kidney diseases can be classified in multiple ways and dif-
the underlying disease, ranging from 0.44 in 10,000 births for poly- ferent systems have been proposed. For example, a distinction can be
cystic kidney disease to 4.1 in 10,000 births for multicystic dysplastic made between cystic kidney diseases with a genetic base and spo-
kidney (MCDK). Likewise, the clinical presentation is highly variable radic cystic kidney diseases including MKDC and forms of cystic dys-
with benign simple cysts at one end to chronic kidney disease (CKD) plasia and CAKUT [4]. Among the genetic kidney diseases, the
at the other, and rarely even rapidly progressive disease leading to ciliopathies are the most common and include autosomal dominant
kidney failure [1,2]. In the majority of cases there is a genetic base, and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD and
with a monogenic cause identified in 50−70% of children with two or ARPKD, respectively). Ciliopathies are characterized by the involve-
more cysts and/or increased echogenicity according to one study [3], ment of the primary cilia, a microtubule-based, nonmotile cellular
structure, present throughout the body and involved in signal trans-
Abbreviations: ACE-i, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ADPKD, autosomal duction and regulation of planar cell polarity. Given the widespread
dominant polycystic kidney disease; AML, angiomyolipoma; ARB, angiotensin receptor presence of cilia in different organs, genetic mutations interfering
blocker; ARPKD, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease; CAKUT, congenital with ciliary function can give rise to a multitude of manifestations,
anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, esti-
most commonly involving the kidney, retina, liver, and brain [5].
mated glomerular filtration rate; HNF1 beta, hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-beta; MCDK,
multicystic dysplastic kidney; MODY, maturity onset diabetes of the young; mTOR, In the developing and mature kidney, they play a role in regulating
mammalian target of rapamycin; mTORi, mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor; cell proliferation and differentiation [6]. Because of misoriented,
MVP, mitral valve prolapse; RCAD, renal cysts and diabetes syndrome; RCC, renal cell increased proliferation, decreased apoptosis, and expression of a
carcinoma; UPJ, ureteropelvic junction; UVJ, ureterovesical junction; VEO-ADPKD, very secretory phenotype, cysts develop leading to replacement of the
early onset autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
normal renal parenchyma and disruption of renal homeostasis [5].
* Corresponding author at: Department of Pediatric Nephrology, University Hospi-
tals Leuven, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. In this review, we aim to give an overview of the most relevant
E-mail address: djalila.mekahli@uzleuven.be (D. Mekahli). cystic kidney diseases in childhood.

0929-693X/© 2023 French Society of Pediatrics. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
J. De Groof, A. Dachy, L. Breysem et al. Archives de pediatrie 30 (2023) 240−246

2. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease The diagnosis of ADPKD is usually made through kidney ultra-
sound, performed either in the prenatal period or throughout life.
ADPKD is the most common hereditary kidney disease with an Prenatal manifestations of ADPKD include kidney enlargement and
estimated prevalence ranging from 1 in 400 to 1 in 1000 live births. hyperechoic kidneys with or without macroscopic cyst formation.
It is also the fourth most common cause for kidney replacement Prenatal radiographic presentation can mimic ARPKD or hepatocyte
therapy worldwide, and accounts for 7−10% of patients with kidney nuclear factor-1-beta (HNF1-beta)-associated disease, although com-
failure with a median age at onset of 60 years [7−9]. pared with ARPKD, oligohydramnios is usually absent. Postnatal
ADPKD is caused by mutations in the PKD1 (80−85%) and PKD2 ultrasound diagnosis is based on the presence of kidney cysts [18].
genes (15%), coding for polycystin-1 and polycystin-2, respectively, The presence of one or more cysts in children with a positive family
which are both components of the primary cilium. The disease is history is highly suggestive of ADPKD. However, in the absence of
characterized by the development of multiple kidney cysts in both kidney cysts, the diagnosis of ADPKD cannot be ruled out because
kidneys leading to progressive loss of kidney function. PKD1 muta- kidney cysts can develop until the age of 40 years [19].
tions are associated with a more rapid kidney disease progression In patients with a known family history of ADPKD, multiple
compared with PKD2 mutations [10]. More recently other genes have approaches for screening need to be discussed with the parents and
been identified in a small percentage of patients (GANAB, DNAJB11, the mature child. Ultrasound is used most often, given that it is read-
ALG9) with generally milder disease manifestations in GANAB muta- ily available and noninvasive. Alternatively, genetic testing can be
tions, while there is a need for further characterization in the latter offered, especially in families with a known mutation or for patients
two [11]. with an unusual severe clinical course. A third option is to defer
ADPKD disease manifestations in children are often nonspecific screening and to monitor for disease manifestations (hypertension,
and include abdominal, flank, or back pain, which is reported in 16 proteinuria), which can be done without uncovering the transmission
−30% of cases [11]. Decreased urinary concentrating capacity − mani- status [11].
festing as polyuria, urinary frequency, and enuresis − is seen in up to In patients with incidentally discovered kidney cysts without a
58% of patients. Gross hematuria occurs in 10−14% of patients before family history of ADPKD, the first step is to screen parents (or grand-
the age of 16 years. Urinary tract infections can also occur. Nephroli- parents if parents are under 40 years) for kidney cysts using ultra-
thiasis and cyst infections are very rare in children [12]. sound. If familial imaging is normal, further work-up for cystic
Hypertension is increasingly recognized as an early, asymptom- kidney diseases should be started [11].
atic disease manifestation and occurs in about 20% of pediatric Management of ADPKD in children is mainly based on dietary life-
patients [11]. One study using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring style interventions (reduced salt intake, improvement of physical
found that almost 35% of ADPKD children displayed hypertension activity, healthy body weight etc.) as well as control of hypertension
and 18% of children had isolated nocturnal hypertension [13]. Hyper- and proteinuria. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-i)
tension in ADPKD is multifactorial and besides cyst expansion caus- or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) are the first-line therapy for
ing ischemia and activation of the renin−angiotensin system, other hypertension and/or proteinuria [16].
mechanisms have been described. Hypertension is associated with Other therapeutic options are currently under investigation in
increased renal cystic burden, increased total kidney volume (TKV), children. The vasopressin antagonist (tolvaptan), which is currently
faster decline in kidney function, and increased cardiovascular used in adults with rapid disease progression of ADPKD, is not yet
morbidity and mortality. Classically, hypertension precedes kidney licensed for children. A large placebo-controlled trial to assess the tol-
function decline and thus represents a therapeutic target for early erability and safety of tolvaptan in adolescents was recently termi-
intervention [11,12,14,15]. nated and results are expected soon [7]. Mammalian target of
Mild proteinuria is seen in about 20% of pediatric patients with rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors are not recommended as no benefit on
ADPKD. It is an established risk factor for progression of CKD and rep- the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) could be demon-
resents another target for early intervention [11,16]. strated in adult clinical trials, while it was associated with important
As a ciliopathy, ADPKD is associated with several extrarenal adverse effects. Likewise, somatostatin analogues are not recom-
manifestations including cysts in other organs such as the liver, mended. There is no consensus on the use of statins in combination
pancreas, heart, brain, and seminal vesicles. Liver cysts are rare in with ACE inhibitors as trial results are conflicting [16].
children (<5%) and no severe hepatic manifestations have been
reported [12,16]. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) has been reported in 3. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
up to 12% of children with ADPKD. However, in a recent retrospec-
tive cross-sectional analysis conducted in the United Kingdom, ARPKD is less common compared with ADPKD with an estimated
102 echocardiography examinations were performed o children prevalence of 1 in 20,000 live births. Nevertheless, it remains an
with ADPKD (mean age, 10.3 years) and only one patient (0.98%) important cause of kidney failure in the pediatric population as more
was found to have true MVP, thus showing a lower prevalence than 30% of patients will progress to kidney failure within the first
than previously reported [12,17]. These data need to be validated decade of life [1,20].
by larger cohorts. Intracranial aneurysms, although an important ARPKD is caused by mutations in the PKHD1 gene, encoding the
cause of early cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in adults, fibrocystin protein. It is expressed predominantly in the kidney, liver,
are very rare in children. Therefore, routine screening is not rec- and pancreas. In the kidney, it is localized in the primary cilia, making
ommended in children [12,16]. ARPKD part of the broader ciliopathy group of cystic kidney diseases
Since many patients remain asymptomatic until the age of onset [20]. Mutation analysis of the PKHD1 gene can be helpful in predict-
of kidney failure, the disease was historically considered to be an ing the course of the disease, with, for example, a double truncating
“adult-onset” disease [16]. However, recent studies have shown that mutation conferring a worse prognosis; however, more research is
a significant proportion of patients already develop symptoms during needed to increase our understanding of the interaction of different
childhood, including hypertension and proteinuria [13]. In addition, a mutations [21]. In addition, a new gene, DZIP1L, was recently identi-
small proportion of children show very early onset ADPKD (VEO- fied in a small subset of patients with often milder disease [22].
ADPKD) or unusually rapid disease progression. Combined with the ARPKD usually manifests prenatally or in the neonatal period.
onset of novel therapeutic options, early recognition and manage- Typical findings include bilaterally enlarged kidneys with or without
ment of clinical symptoms in childhood are becoming increasingly oligohydramnios. In severe cases, oligohydramnios can lead to a Pot-
important [11]. ter sequence with pulmonary hypoplasia. Kidney function at birth
J. De Groof, A. Dachy, L. Breysem et al. Archives de pediatrie 30 (2023) 240−246

varies widely and can sometimes even improve over the first months symptoms generally developing around 4−6 years of age. The first
of life [23]. The age at onset of kidney failure is highly variable too signs are most commonly polyuria and polydipsia related to a
and depends mostly on age at presentation, with patients who pres- reduced urinary concentrating ability before the onset of decline in
ent in the neonatal period developing kidney failure earlier in life. GFR. Hematuria, proteinuria, and hypertension are absent or mild.
Other kidney manifestations include hyponatremia, urinary tract With progression of CKD, anemia, metabolic acidosis, and growth
infections, renal calcifications, and systemic hypertension. Hyperten- retardation arise [28]. The diagnosis is suggested by renal ultrasound.
sion, in particular, can be severe, with a reported prevalence of 55 Kidneys are typically normal sized to small with bilaterally increased
−75% and often already observed in the first months of life [20]. echogenicity and loss of corticomedullary differentiation. At later
All patients with ARPKD have associated hepatobiliary disease stages, small cysts can be present, typically at the corticomedullary
caused by a developmental ductal plate malformation. Intrahepatic junction [18,28].
bile ducts become progressively dilated with possible cyst formation Infantile nephronophthisis, caused by mutations in NPHP2, is a
(Caroli syndrome) and progressive portal tract fibrosis leads to portal very rare cause of nephronophthisis. In contrast to the juvenile form,
hypertension. Possible consequences are ascending cholangitis and severe hypertension is common. Ultrasound findings include
esophageal varices with risk of bleeding, both associated with signifi- enlarged kidneys and cortical microcysts, sometimes already present
cant morbidity and mortality. No clear correlation between renal and prenatally. Adolescent nephronophthisis is caused by mutations in
hepatic disease severity has been demonstrated [20]. NPHP3 and is clinically similar to the juvenile-onset form with a later
The diagnosis is usually made through ultrasound. Typical ultra- onset of kidney failure [18,28]. In 10−20% of cases, nephronophthisis
sound findings include bilaterally enlarged kidneys with heteroge- is associated with extrarenal findings, including involvement of the
neous parenchymal echogenicity, multiple small cysts (usually eyes, central nervous system, liver, or musculoskeletal system
smaller than in ADPKD), and loss of corticomedullary differentiation. [26,27]. Associated ophthalmologic manifestations are the most com-
Although ultrasound is the most useful imaging tool, additional infor- mon. Retinitis pigmentosa, resembling Leber’s congenital amaurosis,
mation is often necessary to confirm the diagnosis (e.g., family his- or late-onset retinal degeneration is present in about 10−15% of
tory, genetic testing, etc.). The most important differential diagnoses patients (Senior−Loken syndrome). A less common form of ocular
include VEO-ADPKD, HNF1-beta disease and other ciliopathies such involvement is seen in Cogan syndrome with oculomotor apraxia
as nephronophthisis [18,20]. (impaired horizontal gaze and nystagmus) [27].
Neonatal prognosis and management usually depend on the Anomalies of the central nervous system are seen in Joubert syn-
respiratory status, with a reported early mortality rate of 30−40% drome, which is characterized by developmental delay, neonatal
related to pulmonary hypoplasia. With advances in neonatal support- breathing anomalies, muscular hypotonia, and ataxia. The most typi-
ive care, newer reports have shown better survival. After the neona- cal finding is demonstration of the “molar tooth sign” on magnetic
tal period, 1-year survival rates of 92−95% have been reported for resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, caused by cerebellar vermis
patients who survive the first month of life [20,23,24]. aplasia/hypoplasia and midbrain/hindbrain malformations [27].
First-line therapy for hypertension are ACE inhibitors or ARBs, and Given this association, MRI of the brain is recommended in all
often multiple agents are necessary [20]. If dialysis is necessary in the patients with nephronophthisis and developmental delay [18].
neonatal or pediatric period, peritoneal dialysis is the mode of choice. Liver involvement, characterized by liver fibrosis, can be found
In patients with both severe kidney and hepatic involvement, com- isolated or in syndromic associations. Meckel−Gruber syndrome
bined or sequential liver and kidney transplantation is possible, for (MGS), for example, is a lethal syndrome characterized by occipital
which ARPKD is one of the major pediatric indications [23]. encephalocele, postaxial polydactyly, liver fibrosis, and cystic kidney
Historically, unilateral or bilateral nephrectomy has been per- disease. Other syndromes include Joubert, Boichis, and Arima syn-
formed in order to improve respiratory and/or nutritional difficulties drome [27]. Screening abdominal ultrasound for liver fibrosis is thus
caused by compression by the enlarged kidneys. Improvements in recommended in all patients [18].
nutrition have indeed been reported after nephrectomy, although Skeletal anomalies are also possible, the most common form being
the effects on respiratory function are less clear. These potential ben- Jeune syndrome, also known as asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy. Clini-
efits need to be weighed against the possible side effects. Important cal features include rib cage narrowing, sometimes severe enough to
disadvantages include expedited loss of kidney function and even cause respiratory failure, polydactyly, and brachydactyly [27].
possible neurological sequelae secondary to arterial hypotension Situs inversus can occur in patients with infantile nephronophthi-
after nephrectomy [20,23]. Currently, nephrectomy is not routinely sis, sometimes associated with ventricular septal defects or other
recommended and possible advantages and disadvantages need to congenital heart defects [27].
be carefully weighed, taking into account the kidney function decline Currently, no specific treatment exists for nephronophthisis.
and the need for kidney replacement therapy early in life [24]. Management includes supportive therapy and kidney replacement
4. Nephronophthisis
5. Bardet−Biedl syndrome
Nephronophthisis is an autosomal recessive cystic kidney disease
and the most frequent genetic cause of kidney failure during the first Bardet−Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a rare, autosomal recessive ciliop-
three decades of life, with a median age at onset of kidney failure of athy with a prevalence of around 1 in 100,000. A total of 21 BBS genes
13 years [25]. The incidence varies widely and is reported between 1 have been identified, which account for 80% of cases. Mutations in
in 50,000 and 1 in 900,000 births with differences in incidence BBS1 are the most common and account for about 50% of cases. BBS
around the world [26]. Clinically, three types are distinguished: an is primarily characterized by rod-cone dystrophy, polydactyly, obe-
infantile form with onset of kidney failure prior to 4 years of age as sity, and genital anomalies with about 50% of patients developing
well as a juvenile form and an adolescent form with median age at kidney anomalies [29]. Kidney manifestations include a wide range
onset of kidney failure of 13 years and 19 years, respectively [27]. of anomalies, including polycystic disease, hydronephrosis, atrophic
Mutations in 26 genes have been identified, most of which localize to kidneys, dysplasia, loss of corticomedullary differentiation, or devel-
the primary cilia. Yet in only one third of patients is a pathogenic opmental anomalies (persistent fetal lobulation, horseshoe kidney,
mutation found [5,26]. ectopic kidneys, renal agenesis, renal duplicity). Prenatal ultrasound
Mutations in NPHP1 are the most common and represent 20−25% often shows enlarged, hyperechoic kidneys without corticomedullary
of identified cases [5]. It causes juvenile nephronophthisis, with differentiation [18,29]. About 8% of patients develop kidney failure in
J. De Groof, A. Dachy, L. Breysem et al. Archives de pediatrie 30 (2023) 240−246

early childhood with the majority needing renal replacement therapy genetic by identification of a pathogenic variant in either TSC1 or
before the age of 5 years. Conversely, many patients with structural TSC2 or based on a constellation of major and minor clinical findings.
kidney anomalies do not develop functional kidney disease. Treat- Pursuing a genetic diagnosis before onset of clinical manifestations
ment is primarily supportive with aggressive management of diabe- can be beneficial to ensure adequate follow-up and treatment [35].
tes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome to minimize an adverse Follow-up of the kidney manifestations comprises regular assess-
impact on organ systems already affected (eyes, kidneys) [29]. ment of kidney function, screening for hypertension, and abdominal
A phase 3 trial using setmelanotide, a potent melanocortin receptor imaging. MRI is the preferred imaging modality since fat-poor lesions
type 4 agonist for the management of obesity and hyperphagia in are easily missed on kidney ultrasound [18,35]. Multidisciplinary fol-
BBS, has been recently completed and could become an additional low-up is necessary for extrarenal manifestations.
management option in the future [30]. Over the past years, mTOR inhibitors (mTORi) such as everolimus
and sirolimus have become the mainstay of treatment for large
6. Tuberous sclerosis complex (>3 cm) AMLs as they have been shown to reduce both tumor size
and vascularization [33]. Recently, analysis of data from the Tuberous
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem, autosomal Sclerosis Registry to Increase Disease Awareness (TOSCA) database
dominant syndrome characterized by hamartoma formation in multi- confirmed the efficacy of mTOR inhibitors since no patients in the
ple tissues including the kidneys, brain, skin heart, and lungs. It has study exhibited kidney hemorrhage after starting mTORis [36]. Addi-
an estimated incidence ranging from 1 in 6000 to 1 in 10,000, inde- tionally, mTORis have been shown to have beneficial effects on sube-
pendent of population, ethnicity, or sex. It is caused by loss-of-func- pendymal giant-cell astrocytoma and epilepsy burden [37].
tion mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes, encoding for the proteins For acutely hemorrhaging AMLs, selective embolization followed
hamartin and tuberin, respectively. Together they form a complex by corticosteroids remains the preferred treatment. Nephrectomy is
that downregulates the mTOR pathway essential for cell prolifera- to be avoided as this can contribute to progressive loss of kidney
tion. Mutations in TSC2 are more common, found in approximately function and development of kidney failure. For hypertension, ACE-I
70% of patients and associated with a more severe phenotype com- are the first choice of treatment [35].
pared with TSC1 mutations, which are found in 15−20% of patients;
in 10−15% of patients no mutation is found. Even though TSC has a 7. HNF1-beta-associated nephropathy
dominant inheritance, 60−70% of mutations arise de novo. Further-
more, TSC shows variable expression with a highly variable disease HNF1-beta-associated kidney disease is the most common mono-
severity and spectrum of organ involvement even within families genetic cause of kidney malformations, reported in 5−38% of patients
[31,32]. with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT)
Kidney lesions are among the leading cause of morbidity and mor- [38]. HNF1-beta is a transcription factor, encoded by the HNF1-beta
tality in TSC [33]. The most common kidney manifestation of TSC are gene and expressed in multiple organs, including the kidneys, uro-
angiomyolipomas (AML), characterized by abnormal growth of blood genital tract, and pancreas, leading to a wide range of kidney and
vessels, smooth muscle cells, and fat cells. They start developing in extrarenal symptoms. Over 50 different mutations are described,
childhood and by adulthood; AMLs are reported in 50−80% of inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, yet about 50% of muta-
patients [32,33]. Most are asymptomatic but can cause hematuria, tions arise de novo. In addition, the genotype−phenotype correlation
hypertension, and flank pain. The most common major complication is poor and expression can be highly variable, even within the same
is spontaneous intralesional bleeding, which can be fatal. Risk factors families [39,40].
associated with spontaneous bleeding include the size of the lesion Cystic kidney disease, including cystic dysplasia, is the predomi-
(>3 cm), the speed of growth, and the presence of intralesional nant renal manifestation in pediatric and adult populations, seen in
aneurysms [32]. Approximately 5% of benign AMLs found are fat poor up to 73% of patients. Other anatomical anomalies reported include
and need to be differentiated from the more serious malignant epi- renal hypoplasia, horseshoe kidney, duplex kidney, hydronephrosis,
thelioid AML and renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which have a more rapid or kidney agenesis [39].
growth. Malignant tumors are reported in about 3% of patients and Kidney function can range from normal to kidney failure with
although rare in children, they have been reported in this patient most typically a slowly progressive deterioration of the kidney func-
group, even from a very young age [32,33]. tion throughout life, with a faster decline noted in adulthood. Devel-
Another major kidney manifestation are renal cysts, occurring in opment of kidney failure during childhood is rare; nevertheless, a
30−45% of patients and varying from microcystic involvement to the small subset of patients seem to have rapidly progressive loss of kid-
presence of multiple large cysts. A more severe, early-onset pheno- ney function and development of kidney failure early in life, almost
type is seen with deletions of the adjacent TSC2 and PKD1 genes, con- always related to severe, bilateral dysplasia [41]. One retrospective
stituting the TSC2/PKD1 contiguous gene deletion syndrome, study of 14 pediatric patients found progression to kidney failure in
reported to occur in 2−5% of patients [34]. six (43%) at a median age of 10.7 years with one patient manifesting
A complete review of the extrarenal manifestations of TSC is during the neonatal period [38].
beyond the scope of this review but are briefly summarized here. Other kidney manifestations include hypomagnesemia secondary
Neurological manifestations include characteristic brain lesions (cor- to hypermagnesuria and hyperuricemia with possible early-onset
tical tubers, subependymal nodules, and subependymal giant cell gout in severe cases [39].
astrocytomas) and patients have a high risk of developing epilepsy, Since HNF1-beta is expressed in a multitude of organs, including
cognitive impairment, and developmental delay. Neurological mani- the kidney, pancreas, and urogenital tract, mutations can result in a
festations are the most important determinant of morbidity and mor- variety of clinical manifestations. Most typically is the association
tality in early childhood [34]. Other manifestations include typical with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5 (MODY5), also
skin lesions (angiofibromas, shagreen patches, focal hypopigmenta- known as renal cysts and diabetes syndrome (RCAD). Other associated
tion). Cardiac lesions (rhabdomyomas) can be detected in utero or in features include pancreatic hypoplasia and exocrine pancreatic dys-
early childhood in the majority of patients, can regress spontane- function. Urogenital tract malformations are also seen, most com-
ously, and are useful for early diagnosis. Lung involvement (lymphan- monly in females as uterine or upper vaginal malformations.
gioleiomyomatosis) is seen in the majority of female patients [31]. Asymptomatic liver dysfunction, manifesting as elevated liver
International guidelines on diagnosis, surveillance, and manage- enzymes, is another possible manifestation. Autism spectrum disor-
ment have been recently reviewed [35]. The diagnosis can be either der has been reported more frequently in patients with HNF1-beta
J. De Groof, A. Dachy, L. Breysem et al. Archives de pediatrie 30 (2023) 240−246

mutations compared with the general population, but more research 8. Multicystic dysplastic kidney
in this area is necessary [39,42].
The diagnosis can be suggested based on ultrasound findings, but MCDK is the most prevalent cystic kidney disease, occurring in 1
genetic confirmation is necessary as ultrasound findings are nonspe- in 4300 live births. It is the most common cystic disease diagnosed
cific. Prenatal ultrasound can be characterized by isolated bilateral antenatally with a 100% sensitivity rate of antenatal ultrasound for
hyperechogenic kidneys [18]. diagnosing MCDK [1]. The condition is predominant in males and
Multiple screening tools have been developed to help decide characterized by multiple, noncommunicating kidney cysts without
which patients to screen for HNF1-beta mutations with the goal of intervening normal parenchyma [45]. By definition, there is no resid-
reducing screening costs while not missing mutations. These are ual kidney function left. In bilateral cases, development of severe oli-
based mainly on findings from kidney imaging and associated bio- gohydramnios and Potter sequence lead to fetal demise. A substantial
chemical anomalies [43,44]. proportion of patients with unilateral MCDK have associated anoma-
There are currently no guidelines regarding the follow-up of lies of the contralateral kidney, including vesicoureteral reflux, ure-
patients with a known HNF1-beta mutation and no consensus about teropelvic junction (UPJ), and ureterovesical junction (UVJ) stenosis.
routine screening for possible associated anomalies. Transabdominal These anomalies need to be monitored given the risk of urinary tract
ultrasound of the genital tract in girls is recommended [18]. Abdomi- infection in a solitary kidney [46].
nal ultrasound for screening of pancreatic anomalies can be consid- Naturally MCDKs tend to involute, either partially or completely
ered. Monitoring of uric acid levels in the prevention of gout may be with the highest velocity of involution seen early in life. Additionally,
indicated in adolescent or adult patients as is follow-up for the devel- hypertension is rare and the malignancy risk is low and seems com-
opment of diabetes [40]. parable to the general population. Conservative management is thus

Fig. 1. Key findings of different cystic kidney diseases.

AML: angiomyolipoma; UT: urinary tract; MODY: maturity onset diabetes of the young; US: ultrasound; ARPKD: autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease; ADPKD: autoso-
mal dominant polycystic kidney disease; MCDK: multicystic dysplastic kidney; HNF1B: hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-beta; TSC: tuberous sclerosis complex.

J. De Groof, A. Dachy, L. Breysem et al. Archives de pediatrie 30 (2023) 240−246

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