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Bank Public Bank Public Islamic Bank CIMB

2015 1.407868995 0.745662792 0.6274

2016 1.385974433 0.814404519 0.74634
2017 1.403317058 0.718587328 0.90977
2018 1.349774286 0.76237281 1.06038
2019 1.289059053 0.714530433 0.77719
2020 1.224408216 0.786545015 0.75351

Mean 1.367198765 0.7511115764 0.824216

Standard Deviation 0.049296428537 0.0404923079208713 0.1659108011
Coefficient of Variation 0.036056519212 0.0539098440140501 0.2012952929
Coefficient of Variation (%) 3.6056519 5.3909844 20.1295293
CIMB Islamic Maybank Maybank Islamic
0.740526145 0.986298047 0.775482552
0.81504327 0.946237222 0.735845463
0.750281511 1.018797335 0.857840216
0.851476685 1.035442644 0.877210428
0.73947664 1.015761841 1.02728951
0.73283221 0.965979154 0.629715734

0.7793608502 1.0005074178 0.8547336338

0.05103533391495 0.03512423984 0.11258942963736
0.06548357401049 0.03510642622 0.13172458083439
6.5483574 3.5106426 13.1724581
Public Bank ROA (%) Total Net Income (RM '000)
2015 1.407868995 5121239
2016 1.385974433 5267435
2017 1.403317058 5546979
2018 1.349774286 5664912
2019 1.289059053 5579443
2020 1.224408216 5367736
Mean 1.367198765
Standard Deviation 0.0492964285375
Coeffiecient of Variation (%) 3.6056519

Public Islamic Bank ROA (%) Total Net Income (RM '000)
2015 0.745662792 340447
2016 0.814404519 404462
2017 0.718587328 410478
2018 0.76237281 473997
2019 0.714530433 492154
2020 0.786545015 536004
Mean 0.7511115764
Standard Deviation 0.0404923079209
Coeffiecient of Variation (%) 5.3909844

CIMB Bank ROA (%) Total Net Income (RM '000)

2015 0.6274 2895945
2016 0.74634 3632957
2017 0.90977 4607966
2018 1.06038 5663353
2019 0.77719 4455187
2020 0.75351 4350481
Mean 0.824216
Standard Deviation 0.1659108011252
Coeffiecient of Variation (%) 20.1295293

CIMB Islamic Bank ROA (%) Total Net Income (RM '000)
2015 0.740526145 404025
2016 0.81504327 543201
2017 0.750281511 639821
2018 0.851476685 830309
2019 0.73947664 788010
2020 0.73283221 780200
Mean 0.7793608502
Standard Deviation 0.0510353339149
Coeffiecient of Variation (%) 6.5483574
Maybank ROA (%) Total Net Income (RM '000)
2015 0.986298047 6986388
2016 0.946237222 6963892
2017 1.018797335 7796874
2018 1.035442644 8355936
2019 1.015761841 8475649
2020 0.965979154 8167568
Mean 1.0005074178
Standard Deviation 0.0351242398448
Coeffiecient of Variation (%) 3.5106426

Maybank Islamic ROA (%) Total Net Income (RM '000)

2015 0.775482552 1212486
2016 0.735845463 1337727
2017 0.857840216 1737084
2018 0.877210428 1975610
2019 1.02728951 2519229
2020 0.629715734 1539280
Mean 0.8547336338
Standard Deviation 0.1125894296374
Coefficient of Variation (%) 13.1724581
Total Assets (RM '000) Total Liabilities (RM '000) NPL (%) GDP (Billion) EPS (sen)
363758206 331450467 0.5 301.4 131.1
380052826 344689055 0.5 301.3 134.8
395276247 356830587 0.52 319 141.7
419693282 377596819 0.49 358.6 144.4
432830675 388084371 0.55 365.3 142
438394314 393900266 0.48 380 136.8

Total Assets (RM '000) Total Liabilities (RM '000) NPL (%) GDP (Billion) EPS (sen)
45656965 42693259 0.66 301.4 168
49663526 46078364 0.6 301.3 185.3
57122911 52935959 0.58 319 182.2
62173912 57628857 0.6 358.6 205
68877962 63973986 0.55 365.3 212.9
68146640 63072942 0.48 380 232

Total Assets (RM '000) Total Liabilities (RM '000) NPL (%) GDP (Billion) EPS (sen)
461577143 419344515 3 301.4 33.6
486766887 438687729 3.3 301.3 41
506499532 456693097 3.4 319 49.6
534089043 481501072 2.9 358.6 59.7
573245655 515776579 3.1 365.3 47
585813189 529999990 3.43 380 20.48

Total Assets (RM '000) Total Liabilities (RM '000) NPL (%) GDP (Billion) EPS (sen)
54559181 50953063 1.05 301.4 40.4
66646891 62496716 0.98 301.3 54.32
85277458 80482452 0.66 319 63.98
97514003 91999527 0.62 358.6 83.03
106563204 100232390 1.56 365.3 78.8
106463661 99762063 1.59 380 78
Total Assets (RM '000) Total Liabilities (RM '000) NPL (%) GDP (Billion) EPS (sen)
708344503 644831046 1.43 301.4 72
735956253 665481430 1.6 301.3 67.8
765301766 690118161 1.58 319 72
806991681 729254421 1.28 358.6 74.2
834413015 750343791 1.33 365.3 73.5
845522180 765343791 1.33 380 72.92

Total Assets (RM '000) Total Liabilities (RM '000) NPL (%) GDP (Billion) EPS (sen)
156352454 148085863 0.65 301.4 480.3
181794557 172705882 0.79 301.3 495.5
202495053 193183644 0.81 319 617
225215061 214737697 0.72 358.6 655.4
245230675 234170678 0.75 365.3 743.3
244440454 233013014 0.69 380 454.2
Equity to Asset (EA) Cost to Income (COSR)
0.088 30.5
0.093 32.3
0.097 31.9
0.1 33
0.103 34.4
0.101 35.7

Equity to Asset (EA) Cost to Income (COSR)

0.065 37.4
0.072 38.4
0.073 40.5
0.073 39.9
0.072 40.4
0.074 39.4

Equity to Asset (EA) Cost to Income (COSR)

0.091 60.1
0.096 53.9
0.098 51.8
0.098 49.8
0.102 55.5
0.095 56

Equity to Asset (EA) Cost to Income (COSR)

0.066 59.3
0.062 52.9
0.056 51.2
0.056 48
0.059 55
0.063 54.2
Equity to Asset (EA) Cost to Income (COSR)
0.088 48.2
0.097 47.1
0.098 48.6
0.096 47.5
0.101 46.7
0.095 43.7

Equity to Asset (EA) Cost to Income (COSR)

0.053 47.1
0.049 46
0.046 48.2
0.046 46.3
0.045 45.2
0.046 43

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