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PROJECT NAME : Road Construction of the R522 Road in

LOCATION OF SITE : Mzamba, Alfred Nzo District Municipality,
Eastern Cape, South Africa
GEO3701 STEPHEN BLOU - 13676741


1.1 Background
1.2 Introduction

2.1 Project location
6.1 Bridges and Culverts
10.1.1 Environmental management principles
10.1.2 Holistic principle
10.1.3 Best practicable Environmental option
10.1.4 Sustainable development
10.1.5 Preventative principles
10.1.6 The precautionary principle

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Figure 1: Locality map showing the proposed new 522 Road

Figure 2: Map of South Africa indicating the Weinert N-Vlaues (after Weinert, 1980)

Figure 3: Annual rainfall and precipitation of the Mzamba Area

Figure 4: Topographical Map of the Mzamba area with contours

Figure 5: River catchments in the area

Figure 6: Locality map of the proposed bridge and culvert bridge

Figure 7: Geotechnical map of northeaster Transkei (Extracted from Greyling, 1991)

Figure 8: Locality map of the borrow pits/quarry sites


Table 1: Co-ordinates of the new R522 Road to Mzamba

Table 2: Weathering characteristics influenced by climate (Weinert,1980)

Table 3: Standard geotechnical laboratory tests

Table 4: Standard geotechnical in situ tests

Table 5: Geology of the drainage region

Table 6: Co-ordinates for the location of the proposed bridge and culvert bridge


Appendix A: Proposed bridge drawing

Appendix B: Proposed culvert bridge drawing

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1.1 Background
Due to the need of Geotechnical Study, Stephen Blou (Student number 13676741) has been
appointed by UNISA to conduct a detailed geotechnical investigation of the proposed new
R522 Road in Mzamba under the Alfred Nzo Municipality. The proposed facility will be
designed to accommodate a virgin road.This report is a geological investigation (Desktop
study) of the proposed new R522 Road which will include geological investigation of the
project and recommendations for the construction of the new R522 Road. The key
performance indicators are the provision of safe and sustainable road to households in
Mzamba under the Alfred Nzo Local Municipality. A further key performance indicator is to
utilize as much as possible local resources and materials. Local Contractor and labour will be
used during construction and relevant training and skills transfer will be done to ensure
sustainable project from a maintenance point of view.

The investigations’ purpose is to:

• Determine the site stratigraphy and the rocks engineering characteristics in this region.
• To identify the types, depths and sizes of the various soils that underlie the project
• Determine any geological features that can cause the new road`s development to have
a detrimental environmental impact.
• Identify any potential problem soils that may exist
• Determine the founding conditions at the planned development to aid in the projects
effective civil engineering design
• To comment on seepage or shallow groundwater

1.2 Introduction

Roads are a crucial project for any nation and serve as a gauge of its progress. One of the
essential responsibilities of Civil Engineers is their planning, design, construction and
maintenance. Geological studies are crucial to the design, stability, cost effective
construction and maintenance of any project involving Civil Engineering. These studies are
meant to give comprehensive information about the topography of the area, the lithological
characteristics of the rocks or soil, the ground water conditions and the seismicity of the
area. In this paper, we will concentrate on the topography, lithology, groundwater and
seismicity of the Mzamba area because it is the most significant factor influencing the
choice of route for the R522 road project. The composition, texture, structure and origin of
the rocks and sediments that make up the ground through which the planned route of the
road must traverse will all be covered in detail in this paper. The road could have much
greater expenses or even its stability in jeopardy if the geological properties of the location
or of the alignment are not correctly examined or evaluated.

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2.1 Project location

The proposed project starts approximately 5Km from Port Edward. It is within the Mzamba
Police Station, just off the R61. The starting point of the project is at R61 in Mzamba and
includes the Ebenezer area. The road crosses the Mzamba River (see coordinate table below)

Position number Coordinates Distance

A 31°04ʹ26ʺS 30°10ʹ57ʺE
B 31°05ʹ00ʺS 30°08ʹ51ʺE (A-B) 3.51Km
C 31°05ʹ17ʺS 30°08ʹ11ʺE (B-C) 1.19 Km
Total Distance 4.7 Km

Table 1: Coordinates of the new R522 Road in Mzamba

Figure 1 below is the locality map illustrating the location of the road with the surrounding
settlements and infrastructure. The road dissects the Emabhanoyini farming project and
Uthube Scool.

Figure 1: Locality map showing the proposed new R522 Road

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The N-Value was created by Weinert (1980) to distinguish across places with comparable
weathering characteristics. N is the Weinert N-Value, E is the evaporation for the warmest
month (in the case of southern hemisphere, countries like South Africa, this will typically be
January) and P is the total precipitation. The N-Value is based on the climatic circumstances of
a practical area and may be defined as N=12E/P. Figure 2 displays a map with the Weinert N-
Values for the Southern Africa. The Weinert N-Value is 2 for the Mzamba area (see figure 2)
indicating significant secondary minerals.

Weinert states that when the N-Values is greater than 5, physical weathering (disintegration)
will occur and where the N-Value is less than 5, chemical weathering (decomposition) would
predominate. Secondary minerals such as sesquioxide, hydromica and clay minerals will occur
as a result of chemical weathering. The underlying geology determines the kind of secondary
minerals that form.

Table 2: Weathering characteristics as influenced by climate (Weinert,1980)

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Figure 2: Map of South Africa indicating the Weinert N-Values (after Weinert 1980)

Figure 3: Annual rainfall and precipitation of the Mzamba area

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3.1 Mzamba Topographic Data

Figure 4: Topographical map of the Mzamba area with contours

Mzamba is a farmstead and is located in Alfred Nzo District Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
The estimated terrain elevation above sea level is 923m metres. The study area's geography varies
from mild slopes to flat plains in some inland regions within the south western extend to stunning
coastal sceneries that include canyons, deep valleys, and sheer cliffs. Some nearby settlements are
cut off by deeply cut valleys and gorges, which affect accessibility in terms of the existing road
networks. The topography has significant effects on where facilities and services are located and
provided, and it prevents the growth of transportation routes that run parallel to the shore and the N2
national highway. Areas that are steeper than 13% are classified as such. To prevent erosion, these
regions ought to be avoided. To prevent unexpected calamities, settlement expansion should be
limited on steep slopes. Development on steep slopes can result in the loss of vegetation
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and disturbance of natural drainage patterns, which can lead to erosion issues that could result in
flooding, stream sedimentation, and slope instability. The provision of infrastructure like roads and
water is severely hampered. Yet, designing and building infrastructure for hillside development can be

4. Field and laboratory work proposal

A desk study is the first step in an engineering geological study, during which all pertinent data
is obtained. In order to evaluate the site conditions, geological, topographical, orthophoto-,
geohydrological, geophysical and other maps are used. The assessment is then validated by a
site visit. Interpretations of aerial photography are used to look at the terrain from a different
perspective and to spot faults and other geological features. There are many reasons to
undertake geophysical investigations but they are particularly useful in dolomitic and
geohydrological research. The mapping and excavation of several test pits on the site are part
of field investigations.

The descriptions of the soil profiles follow the standards established by Jennings, Brink and
Williams (1973). They make it possible to describe every type of soil`s soil profile consistently.
Drill cores may be characterized using the Association of Engineering Geologists criteria for
either rotary or percussion drilling (1976). Drilling with small and large augers is another option
for obtaining samples or describing deeper soil profiles. Test pits, auger holes and drill cores
can all be used to collect samples for laboratory analysis. Table 3 summarizes the common
laboratory tests used in geotechnical investigations. The American Society for Testing, The
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO 1974) and the
British Standards Institution typically specify Standard Laboratory testing techniques (1990).

The kind of lab tests performed depends on how in depth the research is. Generally speaking,
Index properties are calculated for almost every geotechnical investigation and are the most
extensively published in the literature. To learn more about how soils and rocks typically
behave, in situ experiments may be carried out in addition to laboratory tests. Table 4 provides
a summary of common in-situ tests carried out during geotechnical investigations. The
American Society for Testing and Materials often specifies standards for in-situ tests (ASTM).

Direct and indirect correlation with geohydrological parameters can be made from many of the
abovementioned profiling techniques, laboratory and in situ tests. However, not many of
results of
geotechnical testing is widely available. For purposes of this research, the focus is on those
geotechnical data that are readily available. These are the following:

• Atterberg limits
• Soil profile descriptions
• Particle-size distribution

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Table 3: Standard geotechnical laboratory tests

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Table 4: Standard geotechnical in situ tests

5. OHS requirements
The following will apply with respect to this project:

• The Occupational Health and Safety Act, No. 85 of 1993, as amended;

• The Construction Regulations with respect to the above act, Regulation GN No R1010,
18 July 2003; and
• COVID-19 Occupational Health And Safety Measures in Workplace 2020
In terms of the Construction Regulations, the client is required to compile an occupational
health and safety specification for any intended project and to provide the specification to
tenderers. The Occupational Health and Safety Specification will be compiled and
incorporated to the tender document. Any contractor submitting a tender will be required to
include in his tender documentation, a draft Health and Safety Plan based on the Occupational
Health and Safety Act and the Occupational Health and Safety specifications. The appointed
contractor will also be responsible for implementing and maintaining his Occupational Health
and Safety Plan as approved by the client.

UNISA in its efforts to ensure optimum compliance with the requirements of the Occupational
Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and Regulations must ensure that all contractors employed

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by Stephen Blou (136676741) adhere to the minimum requirements for construction works on
any premises. Contractors must comply with and be informed of the following:


1 Site Organisational structure Must reflect on-site team

Daily sign in register
Covid-19 screening register

JCPZ Health, Safety and

3 Environmental specifications and This document must form part of the file
scope of works

4 Notifications N/A Proof of notification must be provided

Contractor SHEQ policy ❖

5 Policies signed and dated
Contractor H&S Policy
Principal contractor must provide and demonstrate to the Client suitable and sufficiently documented,
site specific plans based on the clients OHS specifications.

Furthermore, the Contractor is mandated to ensure that the public open spaces within Mzamba are
managed, maintained and conserved for the enhancement of the ecosystems and biodiversity to ensure
sustenance for both the current and future generations.

Kindly provide the documents that describe and/or relate to the items below that do relate to the project
scope of works. Kindly follow the safety file numerical order contained herein as a guide when
compiling your safety file with all the relevant documents outlined below.


Compulsory Section

❖ Contractor Covid-19 Policy

All policies must be signed by an authorised person

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6 Method statements Must reflect all processes that will
be undertaken in the
❖ Start-up & site clearance execution of the project
 Machinery and tools to be used
 Number of on-site staff Signed by authorised person
 Sub contractors already chosen before submission
❖ Construction phase
 Machinery and tools to be used
 Number of on-site staff
 Sub contractors already chosen
❖ Close out phase  File close out

7 Risk assessments: Signed by Authorised person

❖ Based on scope of works. before submission
❖ Site specific assessment (Health & Safety)
❖ PPE Risk matrix
❖ Covid-19 Risk Assessment
8 Safe working procedures for significant risk bearing Signed by authorised person
tasks as quantified by risk assessment ratings and must before submission
Machinery as defined by method statement All staff members must be
Plant use, storage and refuelling as defined by method notified of relevant SWP
statement applicable to the work they
Grinders and grinding processes as defined by method preform
Training attendance registers
must be available for inspection
9 Site specific Emergency plan Signed by authorised person
❖ Incident reporting procedure (All SHE incidents) before submission
❖ Staff emergency contact register
❖ Emergency services contact register Training attendance registers
 Chemical manufacturer must be available for inspection
 Poison centre number
❖ Emergency drill evaluation report (Monthly)
❖ Hazardous chemicals spillages and
contact procedures
❖ Non-conformance procedure
❖ Covid-19 infection procedure

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10 Agreements All agreements must be dually
❖ Agreement with Stephen signed and must be available for
❖ Contractor management procedure inspection
❖ 37.2 contractor agreements with sub-contractors;
❖ Contractor tool register
❖ Contractor sign in register
❖ Contractor/s letter of good standing (Compensation
11 COID Copy of accident reports must be
❖ Letter of good standing from Compensation available for inspection
❖ Blank Annexure 1 template
❖ Blank WCL2
❖ Incident register
❖ Incident investigation template
❖ Incident reports
❖ First aid treatment register
12 OHSACT applicable appointments All appointments must be dually
(C-19 OHS), 2020 16.5 Compliance Officer signed
Construction Regulations
CR 8 (1) Construction Manager
CR 8 (5) Construction Safety Officer
CR 23 (1) (d) (i) Construction vehicles and mobile plant
CR 23 (1) (d) (k) Construction vehicles and mobile
plant inspector
General Safety Regulations
GSR 3 Appointment of first aid responder (1 for first 10
employees, thereafter 1 in 50)
Electrical Machinery Regulation 9 (4)
Portable electrical tools Inspector
General Administrative Regulations
GAR 9 (2) Incident Investigator
General Machinery Regulations
GMR 3 (c) Machinery inspector
GMR 4 (1) Machinery operator
13 Induction syllabi and, Training attendance registers
Toolbox talks which must include: must be available for inspection
❖ Fall protection;
❖ Site SHE rules;

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❖ Incident reporting;
❖ Emergency preparedness and response;
❖ Health & Safety policy;
❖ Hand safety;
❖ PPE usage;
❖ Ergonomics;
❖ Grinder safety;
❖ Electrical safety;
❖ Dust control;
❖ Fire prevention;
❖ Use of firefighting equipment; Etc.

14 Employee information Copies must be in file on

❖ Contractor employee’s ID copies submission for file approval
❖ Certificate of fitness
❖ Employee next of kin register
15 ❖ Site specific Health & Safety plan; All plans must be approved by
❖ Covid-19 SHE Management plan an authorised person

All plans must be

communicated to relevant
employees and attendance
registers must be
available for inspection

All plans must be implemented.

16 Registers & tool inspections Updated inspections reports
❖ PPE issue must be available for inspection
❖ PPE Inspection
❖ Hand tools inspection
❖ Portable Electrical tools inspection
❖ Construction vehicle and mobile plant inspection
17 Licencing and competency Where competency is required,
❖ Construction vehicle / plant operator competency; such competency must be
❖ H&S Officer competency; provided upon file submission
❖ Risk Assessor competency;
18 Contractor evaluation - Approval of sub-contractor files Evaluation reports to be kept in
PC file
Additional comments / requirements:

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6. Hydrology investigation
The initial step in geohydrological investigations is typically to carry out a borehole census within a
few kilometers of the selected site. Each borehole has a data sheet that details its location, the depth
at which it reaches groundwater, its yield, and how it uses groundwater. Several boreholes' worth of
water are sampled, and the contents are examined for factors such as pH, electrical conductivity, total
dissolved solids, main cations and anions, pertinent microconstituents, and bacteriological
Borehole pumping experiments may be carried out as part of the geohydrological inquiry to determine
the precise geohydrological properties of the aquifer. We perform step drawdown testing, constant-
rate discharge tests, and finally recovery tests. It is possible to determine crucial geohydrological
parameters as transmissivity, storativity, and hydraulic conductivity. Estimates of the well's safe yield
can be made using this data.
The research area's rivers are now mainly underutilized and are not controlled by any big dams. The
Mtafufu, Mzintlava, Msikaba, Mtentu, and Mzamba are the principal rivers that drain this area. From
the elevated inland plateau to the Indian Ocean, all major rivers are perennial and run in a
southeasterly direction. The only recognized dam in the region, the 25-meter-high Magwa dam on the
Mkozi River, controls just a relatively tiny catchment of about 5.5 km2.

Figure 5: River catchments in the area

Group / Formation Major Rock Type Age

Clay beds and fossiliferous shelly
Mzamba Formation Cretaceous
Table 5: Geology of the drainage region

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A study was done on the area of concern in terms of hydrology. The study's objectives were to
evaluate the feasibility of a first phase of groundwater supply in the Mbizana area and to identify any
significant groundwater supply-related difficulties. The study's findings were intended to make
recommendations for potential development directions for sources of future raw water supply. A
simple desktop geohydrological characterization of the research region was included in the feasibility
study. Results of the study in relation to geology were that:
"Sedimentary rock underlies the research area (Mbizana Magisterial District)."
Inside the sedimentary rock, yields of 2.0 l/s are feasible and, in extreme circumstances, can reach
12.0 l/s. Nonetheless, the average projected output from these aquifers of fractured rock would be in
the range of 1.5 l/s. The presence of dolerite intrusions raises average yields in the study area, and
20% of the boreholes that target the influence zone of dolerite intrusions produce more than 5.0
l/s.The average borehole discharge rate, according to the data that were available for this
investigation, is 0.24 l/s. Also, it was discovered from the data on groundwater chemistry that the
region's Electrical conductivities (EC) hardly ever went above the level that is safe for human
consumption. EC is regarded as a reliable measure of the general quality of water. It was discovered
that the local groundwater was primarily of the calcium-magnesium bicarbonate kind. Ionic exchange
in the groundwater flow routes also led to some sodium and chlorine enrichment. Such ionic
exchange and enrichment are signs of active groundwater circulation. The research area's
groundwater was found to have generally acceptable quality.This water can be used for construction
but the onus lies with the Engineer of the project.

6.1 Bridges and Culverts

Bridges and culverts are used in the planning and building of roads to equalize ponds and marshes
on both sides of a road; transfer water from one side to the other; and allow cattle, wildlife, or cars to
pass below the road. Bridges and Culverts can be built in place or composed of pre-cast components,
depending on the hydraulic capacity needed and the features of the water flow. Although metal
culverts are also used, concrete is often the chosen material for bridges and culverts. Appendix A
and B shows the typical drawings of the proposed bridge and curlvert.In Mzamba there is a river
called Mzamba River which is located between CH 3450 and CH 3930 from the starting point which is
Point A on the R61 (see table 6 for co-ordinates) a new bridge is proposed to be built there and
secondly,Mtentwana River which located between CH 2500 and CH 2560 from the starting point
which is Point A on the R61 (see table 6 for co-ordinates) a new culvert bridge is proposed to be built

Planning is given to the following when building bridges and culverts across a perennial stream:

• The potential effects on everything or anything connected to fish, other aquatic organisms, bird
nesting, endangered species habitat, navigation, wetlands, flooding, agricultural drainage,
erosion, and natural visual attractiveness.
• appropriate soil erosion control measures.
• Fish passage, flow management, and bridge, culvert size and placement during installation.

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• Pre-cast concrete or corrugated metal pipe structures are economical choices for smaller
bridges or culverts.
• Constructing the water's natural flow. Ideally, there should be enough bridge or culvert
openings to span the entire breadth of the natural water stream.
• Weather patterns. To lessen the chance of damage and erosion during construction, bridges and
culverts should be put in during dry seasons.
• In shallow water and on steep slopes, corrugated metal culvert pipes are preferred to smooth
bottom culverts as a fish route. Water velocity is slowed by the corrugated surface, making it
more fish-friendly. However, where significant load carrying and lifespan are required, metal
culverts are not advised. They are not suggested in corrosive situations either.
• Bridges mostly come in standard shape whereas pipe culverts can be elliptical, circular, or
even have pipe arches. It's more typical to see circular shapes. When roadway height is
limited, it can be required to employ alternative forms or many smaller pipes.
• Water depth, height of the road embankment, hydraulic performance, and considerations for
fish and wildlife all go into the choice of bridge or culvert shape.
• To provide for wildlife and low-flow times, in terms of culverts, at least one closed-section pipe
per culvert should have its invert buried 150 to 300 millimeters into the streambed and closely
aligned with the stream channel.
• Open bottom culverts are ideal in areas where fish and wildlife migration is a major concern.
Nevertheless, bottomless systems need concrete support footings and are typically 30% to
50% more expensive than circular or oval pipes. During installation, the building of a bypass or
equivalent arrangement must also be taken into account.
• Bridges with adequate spans are the favored solution for some high-value streams. Any effects
will be minimized by a structure that spans the entire water channel.
Instalation of Bridges or culverts
To ensure a successful construction project, the following steps are taken in bridge/culvert design
and installation planning:
• A thorough site assessment, appropriate sample, and testing to create a clear picture of the
• Suitable planning for each step of the building.
• Channelization of the stream with the least amount of modification to the natural stream
flow to allow for the progress of construction. Only in extreme cases and when there are no
other options is this done.
• The culvert must be properly aligned with the stream channel in order to prevent erosion
and to make it easier for fish and other wildlife to migrate.
• All environmental, health, and safety regulations as well as best practices must be properly

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CHAINAGE (from starting point at
31°5ʹ4.88ʺS CH 3450 -CH 3930
Bridge 30°8ʹ42.01ʺE
CH 2500 – CH 2560
Culvert Bridge 30°9ʹ26.73ʺE
Table 6: Co-ordinates for the location of the proposed bridge and culvert bridge

Figure 6: Locality map of the proposed bridge and culvert bridge

7 Identification of Geology

While the Mzamba Formation is only found along the coastline outcrops from Port Edward to E
ast London in Southern Africa, Upper Cretaceous rocks are typically found as narrow, disconti
nuous coastal strips around the subcontinent's southeast coastlines, from Mozambique to the
Transkei (Greyling, 1991). Unconformably, the Lower Palaeozoic quartzarenite of the Msikaba
Formation, the Natal Group, or the Upper Palaeozoic diamictite of the Dwyka Group are overlai
n by the Upper Cretaceous Mzamba Formation (Liu and Greyling, 1996). The Cretaceous strat
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a at the mouth of the Mzamba River are composed of beds of shelly limestone and mudstone i
nterbedded with calcareous fine-grained sandstones.
Conglomeratic limestone with grains ranging in size from granules to pebbles makes up the lo
west bed of the sequence.

The region's underlying geology is primarily made up of:

• Limestone - is a sedimentary rock largely made up of the mineral calcite, a type of

calcium carbonate. It often develops in shallow, warm, and transparent marine
environments. It typically takes the shape of an organic sedimentary rock as a result of
the buildup of shell, coral, algal, and fecal waste.

• Tillite - originated in the Dwyka sediments. These soils combine to create a hard, rocky
clay that drains slowly, is typically somewhat acidic, and becomes flooded during the
rainy season.

• Gneiss - is a foliated metamorphic rock that can be recognized by its bands and lenses
of different compositions. Some bands contain granular minerals with an interlocking

• Arenite - Detrital rock with a medium grain size (as sandstone, graywacke, arkose and
orthoquartzite). This sort of soil is prone to erosion.

These qualities result in the area's soils having weak potential for soil formation and development.
The structure of the underlying geology is often unsuitable for crop production, acidic, and likely to be
prone to erosion.

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Figure 7: Geotechnical map of northeastern Transkei (extracted from Greyling , 1991)

8 Identification of problem soils

Problem soils are, to put it simply, any soils that need extra thought, mitigation, and/or design
precautions to avoid irreparable harm to the environment, property, or infrastructure. Many
geotechnical issues, including differential movement, excessive erosion, slope instability, etc., are
caused by these soils.Geological formations, past and present climatic circumstances, and
geomorphological processes all have an impact on landscapes, geological dangers, and problematic
soils. All engineering works or constructions are built into or on top of rock formations and/or dirt. a
complete. At the planning and design stages of any engineering project, having a solid grasp of
geology is essential for spotting potential geological dangers and geotechnical limitations.Geology
knowledge will help the project manager and/or design engineer make decisions and apply efficient
mitigation and design procedures to keep risk and damage within reasonable bounds.
After the best route alignment has been determined, a careful examination of the broad soil patterns
needs to be done. The likelihood that the material will be reasonably consistent and require less
preparatory field inspection and subgrade center-line survey increases as the number of soils being

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traversed decreases. The soil types that the road will travel through can then be evaluated in further
depth. Regarding the test findings from the local geology terrain, materials, and their properties in
terms of the following problem soils, the soil types alone will provide useful information:
Expansive soils - At the moment, they are identified by having a plasticity index (PI) > 32.
Dispersive soils - These soils have the potential to cause significant road embankment distress as
well as the catastrophic failure of earth embankment dams.
Collapsible soils - Potentially collapsible materials are indicated by soils with high single-sized fine
sand content, silty sands, or clayey silts (such as deep regic soils, some residual granites, arkoses,
and "dirty" sandstones, as well as various other residual or transportable materials). In drier locations,
fine silty or sandy soils with high feldspar or kaolin levels may also be susceptible to collapsing.
Saline soils - Roads and other constructions may have serious issues if saline soils are present.
Although sodium makes up only a small fraction of these materials' high soluble salt content, these
materials can cause soluble salts to crystallize in the top of base courses in roadways, loosening the
compacted base course, and beneath road surfacings, causing bituminous seals to blister and
Acid sulphate containing materials - These soils are few in South Africa; they are likely found in
peat bogs that cause harmful acidity as they drain, as well as in semi-arid to dry regions that are
vulnerable to excessive evaporation.
Compressible soils - Soils with poor or obstructed drainage may be composed of materials that are
susceptible to substantial settlement when subjected to road or traffic loading.
Dolomitic soils - Dolomite-based soils have special issues that can best be determined from
conventional geological maps. When building infrastructure on dolomite, the possible issue and
requirement for a professional assessment are typically discovered early in the project.

Soils prone to liquefaction - Materials that may be prone to liquefaction can be indicated by soils
with high silt contents or high clay sized components 0.002mm but that are primarily quartz with little
clay minerals.
Problem soils:
Decomposed granite – poor shear strength
Sepertine- exhibits fracture
Sandstone- exhibits friability
Silt-no plasticity or cohesion
Clay-plasticity and cohesion

In reclamation we often use chemicals but this leads to impairment of the ecosystem functions.
Problematic soils have been divided into 4 groups based on the characteristics of the soil, namely:
• Physical problem soils
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• Chemical problem soils
• Biological problem soils
• Nutritional problem soils

9 Identification of borrow pits/quarry sites

Figure 8: Locality map of the borrow pits/quarry sites

Description Co-ordinates
Borrow pit 1 31°5ʹ3.07ʺS 30°8ʹ20.63ʺE
Borrow pit 2 31°4ʹ42.95ʺS 30°10ʹ26.94ʺE
Table 5: Co-ordinates of the borrow pits

Construction of the 5 km long R522 Road in Mzamba was proposed by Unisa. The Department of
Environmental Affairs (DEA) issued environmental authorization. Two borrow pits have been
suggested as a result of the construction in order to get the building materials. To produce high-
quality material, crushed G4-G6 ferricrete horizon material will be acquired and mixed. The sub-base
layer will be constructed using this G4/G5 quality crushed gravel material, and additional materials,
including backfilling, will be utilized for the project's remaining layers. There are 1.5 hectares in each
borrow pit. The borrow pits will be filled in and rehabilitated after the R522's construction is finished.

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The following are the main tasks involved in the pre-construction (pre-mining) of the borrow pit areas:
• Completed detailed geotechnical investigations.
• Contractor to verify the procedure and create a method statement for the construction and use of
the borrow pits.
• The contractor will create a plan that details the location of construction features and activities,
including fencing arrangements, access, aggregate and topsoil stockpiles, container storage facilities,
crusher plants, office and support buildings, haul routes, overburden placement, etc.
• Identify the borrow pit site's concentration of flow and drainage patterns from the past.
• Building of haul and access roads.
• Site preparation, including fencing the borrow pit areas and cleaning, grubbing, and other debris.
• Remove topsoil and any remaining overburden material and store it safely (in temporary stockpiles)
for rehabilitation.

The following are the main tasks involved in constructing and using appropriate building materials
obtained from borrow pits (mine process):
• Site drainage and stormwater management, such as building sediment holding areas around the
borrow pit area, basins and water diversion devices are used.
• Control borrow pits, including the floor of the excavated areas and side slopes.
• Control pollution-related effects' effects (noise, air and water).
Excavation of necessary material: To extract the necessary quantities of construction material, the
material will be removed from the borrow pits using an excavator.
• Blasting operations to be managed so that sound pressure levels are kept below the generally
acknowledged "no damage" standard of 140 dB.
• Before to and after blasting, inspect any structures that might be impacted.
• If blasting is necessary, it is necessary to notify nearby landowners and businesses well in advance
and to take the necessary safety precautions.
Material processing (screener):
• Excavated material will be loaded into a screener, where it will be processed and heaped.
• A front-end loader will load all construction-related materials into haul vehicles (such as tipper
trucks), where they will be transported to the needed construction locations.

The following activities will take place during the borrow pits' closure phase:
• All fencing, site infrastructure (office/store), mining machinery (screener, haul trucks), and
debris/waste will be taken down;

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• Excavated borrow pits will be filled with overburden from stockpiles left over from the building and
operating phase.
Site rehabilitation:
The borrow pits will be leveled, replanted, and grassed with native grasses to mix in with the
surroundings. On the borrow pits, hydroseeding and fertilization will be used.
Closing of borrow area: For the proposed borrow pits, a Closure Plan will also be necessary. The
closure strategy will guarantee that the borrow area gets rehabilitated, and that following closure,
vegetation successfully takes hold once the area has been closed. The EMPr will include steps for
the rehabilitation of the borrow regions during closure.
The equipment to be used includes the following:
• Excavators
• Bull-dozers, front-end loaders, backactors;
• Tipper trucks;
• Graders
• Water trucks; and
• Lowbed truck (transporting machines on and off site)

10 Environmental considerations

A typical EMPr is an environmental management tool used to ensure that undue or reasonably
avoidable adverse environmental impacts of the construction, operation and decommissioning of a
project are prevented, and that the positive benefits of the projects are enhanced. This EMPr will be
compiled as a guideline for the mitigation and management measures to be implemented to avoid,
reduce and minimise potential environmental impacts arising out of the construction phase of the

The EMPr forms part of the contractual obligations to which all contractors/employees involved in
construction, operation, or decommissioning work must be committed. It serves as a guideline and
baseline information document for the construction and operational of the proposed project and aims
to comply with section 24N of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998)
also known as NEMA, as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Notice No R 982
as amended.
This EMPr:
• Identifies project activities that could cause environmental damage (risks) and provides a summary
of actions required;

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• Identifies persons responsible for ensuring compliance with the EMPr and provides their contact
• Provides standard procedures to avoid and/or minimise the identified negative environmental
impacts and to enhance the positive impact of the project on the environment;
• Provides site and project specific rules and actions required, including a site plan/s showing:
➢ Areas where construction, maintenance, or demolition work may be carried out;
➢ Areas where any material or waste may be stored; and
➢ Allowed access routes, parking and turning areas for construction or construction related
• Forms a written record of procedures, responsibilities, requirements and rules for contractor/s, their
staff and any other person who must comply with the EMPr;
• Provides a monitoring and auditing programme to track and record compliance and identify and
respond to any potential or actual negative environmental impacts; and
• Provides a monitoring programme to record any mitigation measures that are implemented;

The EMPr is partly prescriptive (identifying specific people or organisations to undertake specific tasks,
in order to ensure that impacts on the environment are minimised), but it is also an open-ended
document in that information gained during the construction activities and/or monitoring of procedures
on site could lead to changes in the EMPr. This EMPr thus supports the on-going proactive mitigation
and the duty of care to the environment. The EMPr shall therefore allow for risk minimization, rather
than just ensuring legal compliance. The purpose of this EMPr is thus also to allow the user to make
minor amendments to ensure continual revision and improvement of risk mitigation through the
continual re-assessment of risks associated with the activity.

The compilation of an EMPr for an activity which is likely to result in significant environmental impacts
is typically compiled at the culmination of a thorough investigation into the receiving environment and
the identification and assessment of likely environmental impacts (i.e. Environmental Impact
Assessment - EIA). This EMPr forms part of a Basic Assessment process (under the provisions of the
NEMA). This EMPr aims to comply with the requirement of Appendix 4 of the EIA Regulations (GNR
982) as amended. These requirements are systematically addressed in the subsequent sections of this
report. The primary objectives of the EMPr are as follows:

• To promote sustainability and describe an action programme to mitigate negative impacts as far
as possible;
• To be a practical document that sets out both the goals and actions required in mitigation.
Though the term “mitigation” can be broad in definition, it means in this context to “allay,
moderate, palliate, temper or intensify.” Mitigation of a negative impact means that its effect is
reduced. Mitigation of a positive impact means that its effect is increased or optimised; and
• To indicate responsibilities for the implementation of these action items within the EMPr.

This EMPr shall be deemed to have contractual standing on the basis that its contents and specifically
objectives are a detailed expansion of the environmental risks and consequent requirements of the
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Environmental Authorisation. Where relevant, the Applicant is responsible for delegating responsibility
for compliance to designated parties (internal or external). Such delegation must be legally binding to
the extent relevant.

The objectives and targets in this EMPr are further guided by the NEMA, and specifically by GN R982.
Thus, the underlying principles of sustainable development are the ultimate objectives and target of this
report. The EMPr has included measures to ensure that the development activity complies with the
following principles, as instilled in the NEMA, amongst others:
• That the disturbance of ecosystems and loss of biological diversity are minimised and remedied;
• That pollution and degradation of the environment are avoided, or, where they cannot be
altogether avoided, are minimised and remedied;
• That waste is avoided, minimised and reused or recycled where possible and otherwise
disposed of in a responsible manner;
• That a risk-averse and cautious approach is applied, which takes into account the limits of
current knowledge about the consequences of decisions and actions; and
• That negative impacts on the environment and on people’s environmental rights be anticipated,
prevented and remedied.


This section has attempted to identify relevant laws and regulations that are applicable to the proposed
project. The purpose of this is to provide the applicant with an overarching understanding of how the
different sections of legislations define and integrate the different spheres of the environment.
Understanding these will ensure long term and continued alignment with their principles. The applicant
should ensure that legislation applicable to the development is kept up to date.

10.1.1 Environmental Management Principles

NEMA establishes a general framework for environmental law, in part by prescribing national
environmental management principles that must be applied when making decisions that may have a
significant impact on the environment. These principles are briefly summarised below:

10.1.2 Holistic Principle

The Holistic principle, as defined by NEMA (Section 2(4) (b) requires that environmental management
must be integrated, acknowledging that all elements of the environment are linked and inter-related
and it must take into account the effect of decisions on all aspects of the environment and all people in
the environment by pursuing the selection of the best practicable environmental option (defined below).
Holistic evaluation does not mean that a project must be looked at as a whole. It rather means that it
must be accepted that there is a whole into which a project is introduced. If the indications are that the
project could have major adverse effects, the project must be reconsidered and where appropriate re-
planned or relocated to avoid an adverse impact or to ensure a beneficial impact.

10.1.3 Best Practicable Environmental Option

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When it is necessary to undertake any action with environmental impacts, the different options that
could be considered for the purpose must be identified and defined. The Best Practicable
Environmental Option (BPEO) is defined in NEMA as “the option that provides the most benefit or
causes the least damage to the environment as a whole, at a cost acceptable to society, in the long
term as well as in the short term.”

10.1.4 Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development was introduced in the 1980’s with the aim to ensure that the
use of natural resources is such that our present needs are provided without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs. The constitution of South Africa is built around the fact
that everyone has the right to have the environment protected through reasonable legislative and other
measures that secure ecologically sustainable development. The National Environmental Principles
included in the NEMA require development to be socially, environmentally and economically

10.1.5 Preventative Principles

The preventative principle is fundamental to sustainable development and requires that the disturbance
to ecosystems and the pollution, degradation of the environment and negative impacts on the
environment be avoided, or, where they cannot be altogether avoided, are minimised and remedied.

10.1.6 The Precautionary Principle

The precautionary principle requires that where there is uncertainty, based on available information,
that an impact will be harmful to the environment, it is assumed, as a matter of precaution, that the said
impact will be harmful to the environment until such time that it can be proven otherwise. The
precautionary principle requires that decisions by the private sector, governments, institutions and
individuals need to allow for and recognise conditions of uncertainty, particularly with respect to the
possible environmental consequences of those decisions. In South Africa, the DWS (then DWAF)
adopted a BPEO guideline in 1991 for water quality management and in 1994 in the Minimum
Requirements document for waste management

11 Recommendations on slope stability investigations

Slopes are potential hazards that can be expected. Naturally, there is a balancing act between
uplifting and downcutting,erosion and deposition, soil formation and soil removal. The natural
tendency to achieve a state of balance is referred to as the equilibrium state. Geomorphology is an
essential part of engineering geological or geotechnical investigation. After the geomorphic prcesses,
activities such as erosion lead to products such as erosional landform features which include Convex
slope, mid-slope, foot slope and toe sloe slope just to name a few. Slope is one of the factors that
affect weathering and erosion. In terms of gravity, the greater the slope of the landscape, the greater
the shear stress in the soil. If the slope is too steep for the specific shear strength of the material then

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failure will occur and the material will move downslope until a state of equilibrium is reached. Various
types of slope failure can occur like:

• Slumps: Downward,outward sliding and rotation

• Falls: Free falling of detached rock/soil/material from a slope
• Slides: Downward movement on a fairly planar failure surface
Mass movement can also lead to slope instability and occurs in a flow behaviour. There are two types
of flow:
• Slurry flows: Mainly a mixture of soils/rock, air water
• Granular flows: May start of with water but is mainly a dry flow of soil, rock and air
Factor of safety = Angels (Shear strength – force stabilizing)/ Devils (Shear stress – force
Angels are above and devils below. In terms of factor of safety, if there are more angels than devils,
the mass will be stable. If there are more devils than angels, the movement (or slope failure) will
occur. It is important to note that the shear strength criterion is provided in terms of effective stress.
This allows for the reduction in cohesion and friction angle, and a decrease in normal stress
associated with water or pore water pressures in a slope.
Stability may be affected by changing any of forces acting in the scenario. These may include:
• Increase in moisture content (decrease shear strength);
• Erosion or excavation in the toe area (decrease in shear strength);
• Weathering and decay (decrease in shear strength);
• Earthquake or blasting (increase the shear stress);
• Removal of vegetation (removal of plant roots and decrease in soil suction with decrease in
shear strength).
A typical slope can be divided into a number of units, depending on the relative position, angle and
nature of the slope:
1.Upper convex segment (or waxing slope);
2. Cliff (or free) face;
3. Straight segment below the cliff face (or constant slope); and
4. Lower concave segment (or waning slope).

The units in the nine-unit model are:

1. Interfluve (slope angle: 0° to 1°);
2. Seepage slope (slope angle: 2° to 4°);
3. Convex slope (slope angle: >4° to 45°);

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4. Fall face (slope angle >45° to over 65°);
5. Transportational mid-slope (generally 26° to 35°);
6. Colluvial foot-slope (typical slope angle 4° to 26°);
7. Alluvial toe-slope (typical slope angle 0° to 4°);
8. Channel wall;
9. Channel bed.
The following should at least be considered when assessing the susceptibility of materials to erosion
in terms of slope:
• The gradient or steepness of the slope angle (the steeper the slope angle, the higher the
potential flow velocity);
• The nature of the slope (will the water flow be concentrated, or will it be sheet flow?). Take into
account high energy conditions vs. lower energy conditions
• The length of the slope or exposed area (the longer the slope, the greater the volume of water
in the runoff and the higher the flow velocity);

The method of slope protection used on projects will depend on many factors, including:

• The potential cause of damage necessitating slope protection;

• The climatic conditions (regular high-velocity winds or high-intensity storms);
• The nature of the soil in the embankment, such as clayey soil, sandy soil or rock and gravel
• The consequence of excessive erosion (embankment failure with potential loss of life,
environmental concerns, undercutting of a critical structure, etc.).

Now that you have some background of the fundamentals, we can list potential erosion protection
measures. Slope or erosion protection measures may include, but are not limited to:

• Placement of topsoil with improved grading or a non-dispersive nature to protect erodible

• Placement of mulch and seed for surface protection (spread of material on ground surface
such as hay);
• Placement of reinforced turf mats;
• Hydro-seeding and the establishment of vegetation with thick root networks to stabilise and
entrap transported sediment;
• Establishment of hardy vetiver grass hedgerows to trap sediment;
• Rock or gravel protection, pitching or gabions;
• Compaction of soils (increase the particle packing, friction, cohesion and, ultimately, the shear
• Chemical stabilisation to increase shear resistance (increase in cohesion component in the
shear strength criterion). Chemical stabilisation (e.g., cation saturation) can also be considered
to reduce the dispersiveness of soils. This will be covered in the “problem soil” learning unit;

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• Incorporation of geotextiles;
• Placement of gabion mattresses;
• Placement of barriers such as retaining walls;
• Chutes (partial diversion of concentrated water flow) and stilling basins;
• Change of slope angle; and
• Water drainage design.

Some measures which are more specific for agricultural purposes may include:

• Reduce grazing loads (do not overgraze);

• Implement longer fallow periods (for vegetation to recover);
• Reduce deforestation; and
• Prevent or limit veld fires.

12 Conclusions and recommendations

12.1 Recommendations
• Additional tests that will be needed on site will be recommended by the Engineer
• The stormwater drainage is not limited to this report
• A thorough investigation is needed near the two rivers (Mzamba and Mtentwana River)
to check for the stability of the soil before the construction of the two bridges
• The Engineer will check the structural adequacy of the steep sections of the road and
consider the vertical and horizontal alignment of the road and there is high run-off in
the along the surface along the road so care should taken in the stormwater design
during the design stage.

12.2 Conclusion

For the detection of problematic soils and the preliminary route location of new roads, informat
ion currently available on the land type and soil maps might be of great value.
This low-cost information source has promise for use at all stages of project planning.
Although though the recommendations for earthworks, excavations, and foundation design re
st with the designer, it is not anticipated that a large amount of earthworks will be needed dep
ending on the final design arrangement. If the suggestions are taken into account, the investig
ation conducted suggests that the proposed site chosen for the construction of the road is suit
able. Keep in mind that the information obtained from the various positions forms the basis for
the overall interpretation of the geotechnical conditions. Through extrapolation, interpolation,
and expert judgment, the condition intermediate to these has been deduced. The project's
design must take into account the many types of streams, stream flow, needs for fish and
wildlife, construction tools, construction techniques, bridges, and ground conditions.
Comparable cost studies should be analyzed as soon as reliable geotechnical data is
available. Before establishing a location or starting activities there, the Client's SHEQ
department must approve the SHEQ files. Baseline mitigation strategies for poor soils include
better farming techniques, such as planned early rehabilitation of donga erosion.

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13 Link to the presentation

14 References
Geomorphology – Learning Unit 4
CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA by Zamampondo Susela
The Natural Road Construction Materials of Southern Africa

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15 Declaration



1. I understand what academic dishonesty entails and I am aware of UNISA’s

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2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I have used
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3. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention
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4. I did not make use of another student’s work to submit as my own.



SIGNATURE: Stephen Blou

DATE: 17/06/2023

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