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Proceso de selección FP DUAL
Check the correct answer
Q1: What's____ name?
a. you b. she c. your d. yours
Q2: We're Chinese. We're____ Beijing
a. for b. from c. in d. at
Q3: Jane's____ nice and polite.
a. a b. from c. very d. at
Q4: ____ a light
a. Do have you b. Do you got c. Have you got d. Are you have
Q5: Margaret____ usually come by bus
a. doesn’t b. isn’t c. don’t d. aren’t
Q6: They____ at home last night
a. aren’t b. weren’t c. don’t d. didn’t
Q7: What____ you say
a. are b. have c. were d. did
Q8: Why____ crying
a. are you b. you are c. do you d. you do
Q9: Where____ to spend your holidays next summer?
a. you are going b. are you going c. you will d. will you
Q10: ____ never been to the theatre before
a. I’ll b. I’m c. I can d. I’ve
Q11: Seiko watches____ in Japan
a. are made b. made c. make d. are making
Q12: Where____ when you met him?
a. does he live b. was he live c. was he living d. is he living
Q13: If____ I’ll tell him you called
a. I’ll see him b. I see him c. I’d see him d. I saw him
Q14: What____ since you arrived
a. are you doing b. will you do c. did you do d. have you been doing

© 2022 KPMG, S.A., sociedad anónima española y firma miembro de la organización global de KPMG de firmas miembro
independientes afiliadas a KPMG International Limited, sociedad inglesa limitada por garantía. Todos los derechos reservados. 2
Check the correct answer
Q15: Wine____ made in Italy for thousands of years
a. have been b. is being c. has been d. are being
Q16: My husband____ live in Spain
a. use to b. was use to c. used to d. was used to
Q17: I would go out more____
a. wasn’t married b. didn’t marry c. wouldn’t marry d. haven’t married
Q18: I was very____ in the story
a. interest b. interesting c. interested d. interests
Q19: You____ come if you don’t want to
a. don’t need b. needn’t c. needn’t have d. didn’t need
Q20: I____ see you tomorrow. I’m not sure
a. maybe b. will c. can d. might
Q21: ____ is bad for you
a. Smoking b. The smoking c. To smoke d. Smoker
Q22: I____ told him if I had known he was your brother
a. hadn’t b. wouldn’t c. wouldn’t have d. don’t have
Q23: He____ living there for three years before they found him
a. had been b. has been c. might be d. could be
Q24: I wish you____ all the time
a. don’t shout b. won’t shout c. wouldn’t shout d. haven’t shout
Q25: By the time you arrive____
a. he’ll leave b. he’ll have left c. he leaves d. he left
Q26: The house____ built in the 16th century
a. might have been b. might be c. might have be d. might have
Q27: Don’t forget____ me a newspaper
a. buying b. that you buy c. to bought d. to buy
Q28: Whenever there was a visitor, the dog____ to the door
a. will run b. is running c. would run d. was running
Q29: He is an executive in____
a. the car industry b. car industry c. car industries d. car industrial

© 2022 KPMG, S.A., sociedad anónima española y firma miembro de la organización global de KPMG de firmas miembro
independientes afiliadas a KPMG International Limited, sociedad inglesa limitada por garantía. Todos los derechos reservados. 3
Check the correct answer
Q30: Peter sold his car____ save money
a. as a result b. so he c. in order to d. because to
Q31: He advised me____ the doctor
a. that I see b. to see c. seeing d. see
Q32: I____ travelling by bus
a. am not used to b. didn’t used to c. used to d. do not used to
Q33: He didn’t come last night. I was that he____
a. had b. did c. have d. has
Q34: I am going to a wedding. I need to____
a. be cutting my hair b. cutting my hair c. have my hair cut d. get cut my hair
Q35: Which would you____ have, gold or silver?
a. prefer b. could c. rather d. better
Q36: My sister has been in hospital. I wonder how she____
a. is getting on b. gets on c. to has got across d. is getting away
Q37: The man said he did not____ to go by bus
a. care for b. bother about c. mind having d. much mind
Q38: Although he confessed to the crime, the judge let the boy____
a. alone b. come in c. off d. forgive
Q39: I’ve never____ that word before
a. gave away b. come across c. come over d. come into
Q40: The student could not answer the question, so he____
a. gave off b. gave into c. gave up d. gave away

© 2022 KPMG, S.A., sociedad anónima española y firma miembro de la organización global de KPMG de firmas miembro
independientes afiliadas a KPMG International Limited, sociedad inglesa limitada por garantía. Todos los derechos reservados. 4
Q1. A B C D Q21. A B C D
Q2. A B C D Q22. A B C D
Q3. A B C D Q23. A B C D
Q4. A B C D Q24. A B C D
Q5. A B C D Q25. A B C D
Q6. A B C D Q26. A B C D
Q7. A B C D Q27. A B C D
Q8. A B C D Q28. A B C D
Q9. A B C D Q29. A B C D
Q10. A B C D Q30. A B C D
Q11. A B C D Q31. A B C D
Q12. A B C D Q32. A B C D
Q13. A B C D Q33. A B C D
Q14. A B C D Q34. A B C D
Q15. A B C D Q35. A B C D
Q16. A B C D Q36. A B C D
Q17. A B C D Q37. A B C D
Q18. A B C D Q38. A B C D
Q19. A B C D Q39. A B C D
Q20. A B C D Q40. A B C D

© 2022 KPMG, S.A., sociedad anónima española y firma miembro de la organización global de KPMG de firmas miembro
independientes afiliadas a KPMG International Limited, sociedad inglesa limitada por garantía. Todos los derechos reservados. 5
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act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

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