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1. Batch processing can be used to process large amount of data at once.

It can be used to
process employees’ payroll/paychecks. Batch processing can be used to process less
important data as it needs to wait for the computer to be less occupied. Batch processing is
useful for process that requires the computer for a while since it waits for the computer to
be less busy.

Real time processing can be used to process the data from rockets. Real time processing
involves sensors since it needs to be able to respond quickly to the changes in data. Real
time processing is crucial at the speed of a rocket since 1 small data deviation can cause a
large deviation in a short amount of time (ex: a 1-meter deviation can cause the rocket to be
off course by 10 km). Real time processing fires the rocket engines when the rocket is off
course which means it is involved in output processes.

2. Forward chaining is when the computer is presented with information and is tasked to find a
goal. This means that the computer has the effect and is trying to find the what is causing
this effect (cause & effect scenario). Example: The computer is presented with symptoms
and is trying to find what virus causes the symptoms.

Data -> Rules -> conclusion (IF a=1 & b=2 THEN c=3, IF c=3 THEN d=4)

Backward chaining is when the computer is presented with a goal and is trying to find the
information linked to it. This means that the computer has the cause and is trying to find the
effect of it (cause & effect scenario). Example: The computer is presented with the virus and
is trying to find the symptoms caused by the virus.

Subgoals (data) <- Rules <- Goals (conclusion)

(IF a=1 & b=2 THEN c=3, IF c=3 THEN d=4)

3. Experts -> Knowledge base -> Inference engine -><- User interface (advice) -> <-(query) User

The experts input their knowledge into the knowledge base. The knowledge base acts as the
store of information for the expert system. It contains most of the information related to its

The inference engine is basically the search engine of the expert system. It receives data
from the user interface and it infers this data by finding the information in the knowledge
base. Then the inference engine comes up with a conclusion from the information it
obtained in the knowledge base and sends it back to the user interface for the user to read.

The user interface is the bridge between the user and the expert system. The user inputs a
query to the user interface and the user interface sends it to the inference engine. When the
inference engine comes up with a conclusion, it is sent to the user interface and the user
receives an advice from the expert system through the user interface.

4. The non-expert user goes to the expert system and inputs a query using the user interface
about a specific symptom. The user interface sends this data into the inference engine
where the inference engine will obtain a specific disease from the knowledge base and uses
it as a conclusion. The inference engine will now send the conclusion to the user interface
and the user now has the information about the illness. The user can input another
symptom if they are doubting the advice and the process will repeat. The new symptom will
now help to narrow down the answer.

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