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1. Write a client-server program using TCP sockets to echo the message send by the client.

2. Write a client-server application using TCP Sockets where client can send message
and server respond with the reverse of them.

3. Write a client-server program using UDP socket. Client send list of N numbers to server and server
respond the sum of N numbers.

4. List the different types of JDBC drivers. Compare the various driver types for their advantages and

5. Write a program to insert student records to database using prepared statement.

6. What is CallableStatement? Show that how to use it to call a stored procedure running
at database layer.

7. Describe the servlet life cycle with life cycle methods

8. Discuss the use of GET and POST with example.

9. Write a Web application using servlet to find the sum of all the digits of an input integer.

10. Explain functionality of Cookie.

11. What is session? Explain session management using HTTPSession.

12. Explain use of ServletConfig and ServletContext object with example.

13. Differentiate between GenericServlet and HttpServlet.

14. Write a Java Servlet of registration form to insert given details into database.

15. Write a Login servlet. Take input username and password from html file login.html and
authenticate the user. Write the web.xml.

16. What is Filter? List the applications of filter.

17. Develop a jsp code which reads the student detail from web page and stores it in database.

18. JSP Exception Handling.

19. Explain page directive in JSP with example.

20. Explain JSP life cycle phases.


21. List the JSTL core tags and explain any two with example.

22. Write a java bean named “student” having roll no and name having getter & setter
methods. Write a JSP page to set the roll number and name for a student object and
then print them by reading from object.

23. Develop JSP page to display student information with subjects for particular semester
from database.

24. Discuss JSF Convertor Tag.

25. List the JSF facelets tags and explain any two.

26. List the JSF validation tags and explain any two.

27. Explain JSF life cycle phases.

28. Explain Hibernate Architecture and Object Relation Mapping in Hibernate with java code
and required XML files.

29. What is hibernate? What is main advantage of using hibernate than using SQL?

30. Develop program to get all students data from database using hibernate. Write necessary
xml files.

31. Draw and explain Spring Framework Architecture.

32. Briefly explain spring bean life cycle.

33. Develop small application using Spring MVC framework.

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