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In his last speech, Manson struggles to comprehend how the needs of the patients and
how the practice of medicine take a back seat to the pursuit of money

.  When Dr. Ivory, Freddie hamson & Deedman indicate that the importance of his motive for
making money, Manson recognizes that other doctors share this motivation.  He is unable to
convince them to retreat from this position of materialism and is unable to persuade them to
embrace a position that is not so embedded in that of money.  It is an early indicator that money
holds so much sway in the medical profession, something that Manson speaks to at the end of
the money

2. Discuss the organization of medical practice in the UK as presented in The Citadel.

 Cronin offers a vision of medical practice where there are external forces which weigh upon
medical professions.  Judgments, diagnoses, and actions are not made without considering these
external realities.  The organizational structure of medical practice is shown to be one where
doctors are subject to an external force.

 Andrew sees this in Aberalaw.  The organization of  medical practice is predicated upon public
approval.  Doctors are not free to make medical diagnoses without the consent of the
community. .  In London, Andrew recognizes how money and wealth drive the organization of
medical practice.

When Andrew moves to London, another external reality defines the organization of medical
practice in the United Kingdom.  Andrew comes across the material element as playing a
critical role in the organization of the medical community

3. From The Citadel, why do you think there was no unity among the doctors?

The "right the choose their doctor" plays a large role in the lack of unity amongst the doctors.
Doctors were competing for patient approval, recognizing its importance.  Any attempts at unity
could undermine their own standing in the community, reflective of how doctors in Aberalaw/
London were at the whim of public approval.

Doctors like Andrew cannot forge unity amongst one another because of their insistent fear of
public rebuke. When Andrew stands up for Stillman and his nurse, it becomes clear that Andrew
has established "enemies" and that there was an active campaign for all of the other patients to
leave him.  

Chapter (31-33)

1. Frances Lawrence is part of th wealthy crowd that Andrew aspires to join . Disscuss frances
character and the relationship between frances and Andrew
The teptation of the character frances lawrance can be seen at once as a physical & emotional
one and also as a symbolic ethical temptation . She draws Manson away temporarily away from
Christine . to be tempted by Lawrance is to be tempted by new values : medical corruption,
money, and social staus.

2.  It becomes clear that each medical case explores more of Andrew's own understanding
about the medical profession and his own approaches to it. Discuss

The patients don't really do much to change Andrew's understanding about medicine as much as
they illuminate his perspective on the medical profession.

The case of Mary Boland teaches Andrew that sometimes sacrifices have to be made when a
doctor is committed to the needs of their patient. Andrew realizes that when the professional
institution does not have the patients' needs at mind, one might need to go outside of the
institution in order to serve.

3. “You know that it’s the truth. You did the operation so badly that it was almost

a) a- Who is the speaker and who’s the addressee?

b) why is the speaker so angry ? What is the consequences of this operation ?

c) this case is considered to be a lesson for the speaker . Explain This statement

. Patients like Harry Vidler teach Manson about how much money can ruin the profession and
how money and materialism corrupt a pure enterprise such as medicine and healing.  Harry
Vidler teaches Andrew that butchers can masquerade as doctors.  

4. “ I am sorry . I can be of no further service to you.But I am sure that there are many
other doctors in this area who will be very pleased to tell you that you are ill “

a) a- Who is the speaker and who’s the addressee?

b) The speaker seems to have taken a critical decision to wards his proficiency . Expalin

, the lack of value that the London doctors place on the lives of their patients holds a
tremendous influence on Andrew's view of medicine and his place in it. This influences
Andrew's life when he decides that he must turn away from making money at such a driven

c) What does the previous quotation reflect about the speaker?

Miss Basden teaches Andrew about how good it can feel to tell someone they are healthy and
not have to manipulate their fears for money
In seeing how the London doctors operate, their lack of values casts a very large impression on
Andrew and compels him to change his approach to administering medical services to his

Chapters (34-35)

1. What was Christine ‘s idea after selling their practice in London ?

She suggests working with denny & Hope together . They could work togheter and share their
knowledge and provide a really useful service for their patinets

2. Why did Andrew Manson decide to ask Dr.Stillman to take over Mary Boland’s Case ?

3. Andrew began to feel that he started to correct his mistakes . Elaborate on this statement by
mntioning the steps he started to take

He told Mary Boland about the new arrangement that he had made to be in Dr.stillman’s
hospital . He also sorted out the patients who really were ill from those who only imagined that
they were . He also dumped Mrs. Lawrence when she called him again.

4. “ Our aim must be too set an example in medical practice “

a) a- Who is the speaker and who’s the addressee?

b) How could the speaker & the addressee set an example of the advantage of the doctor’s

They decided to choose an industrial town where five or six doctors are working against each
other. In this town they would have the best opportunity to show the advantage of doctors with
different qualifications working together.

Chapters ( 36-39)

1. How has christine’s death been a turning point in Andrew’s character and his view of
life ?

“ You are to be blamed for her death . This is a punishment for your crimes . You tried to
make money and that was a crime. Noow God is punishing you .

When Manson drifts away from his wife, who was helping him with his research, he also drifts
towards greed. He becomes disillusioned with his social work as a physician and soon begins to
treat more wealthy patients. The death of his wife symbolizes an awakening, and Manson
returns to his principles.
2. Why was Andrew Manson Charged with corrupted practitioners?

He is reported for working with a non-licensed American physician. He has sent Mary Boland
to Dr.Stillman’s hospital who is not a qualified doctor. Stillman was successful in handling
pulmonary disease according to Andrew, but he was not recognized because his ideas were
untraditional. Stillman was successful in handling pulmonary disease according to Andrew, but
he was not recognized because his ideas were untraditional.

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