Speaking Test Anh 1 - Student

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PART I ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …
PART II: Individual long turn ( 10 marks)
Describe a a method of communication you use to keep in touch with your friends.
You should say:
 The method of communication you use
 How you use it
 Why you use it
 Your idea
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
PART III ( 5marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
PART I: Social interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …

PART II: Individual long turn ( 10 marks)

Describe your favourite shopping store/ center/ shop.
You should say:
 what shop you like
 where it is located;
 how it is arranged;
 and explain why you like it best.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
Well, this is such a confused topic for me because I have several shopping malls that I like and it is
not really easy to pinpoint one of them as my top favourite. However, the shopping centre which is
the most convenient for me called “aeon mall”. This shopping mall has a perfection location .
Moreover, having served the residents of my city for more over 20 years, Aeon mall is one of the
largest and busiest shopping destinations in my country which has 6 floors and an area of almost
400,000 square feet. Furthermore, aeon mall has a very beautiful and contemporary architectural
design, this mall is anchored by about 300 stores which include some of the world’s top-class
collection of designer labels and luxury brands. I like to visit this shopping mall as often as I can in
order to buy my clothes, shoes and perfumes. Everytime I come to aeon mall, no matter it’s Monday
or Sunday, the stores always full of people. Especially, it’s not only native people but also many
people from other regions or foreigners. Anyway, aeon mall is my favourite shopping mall mainly
because of its convenient. It only takes about 15 minutes to drive there and has a huge selection of
articles for all ages and sex that makes it almost impossible for customers to leave without buying
anything. Finally, I really love this mall that I always come when I’m under stress or bored. It’s
very entertaining!
SPEAKING TEST 3: Family and Friends
PART I: Social interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …
PART II: Individual long turn ( 10 marks)
Describe a friend you had as a child or teenager.
You should say:
 when and how you first met this friend;
 what things you liked to do together;
 what things you had in common;
 and explain why this friendship was important to you.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
SPEAKING TEST 4: Travel and Tourism
PART I: Social Interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …
PART II: Individual long turn ( 10 marks)
Talk about one of your most memorable trips you had recently.
You should say:
 where you went and who you went with
 where you stay and how long
 what you did
 and explain why it was one of your most memorable experiences.
You will have to talk about the topic for one
to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some 
notes to help you if you wish.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
PART I: Social interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …

PART II: Individual long turn ( 5 marks)
Describe a job you most like to have
You should say:
 what this job would be
 where you would work
 which qualifications you would need
 and explain why you would like to have this job most.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
PART I: Social interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …

PART II: Individual long turn ( 10 marks)

Talk about one activity you have done at weekend.
You should say:
1. what is the activity;
2. when you did it and how you felt;
3. and who participated in the event
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
SPEAKING TEST 7: Accommodation & Living in a city
PART I: Social interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …
PART II: Individual long turn ( 5 marks)
Describe the city you know well
You should say:
 where this city is;
 what the city is famous for;
 what part of the city you would like to live in.
 and why you would like to live there.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II
SPEAKING TEST 8: Problems and advice
PART I: Social interaction ( 5 marks)
The examiner asks the candidate about his/her name, Job, family, hobbies, …
PART II: Individual long turn ( 10 marks)
Tell about a problem you once had and how you have overcome it.
You should say:
 What the problem is;
 what you did at that time;
 how solved the problem;
 and explain what lesson you drew after this stressful time was over.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about
what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
PART III: Discussion ( 5 marks)
Further discussion about the topic in part II

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