Human Trafficking Peer Recruitment

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Peer Recruitment
Human Trafficking peer recruitment is a major issue impacting youth globablly. California’s
Child Welfare System faces challenges in keeping youth who are actively recruiting safe,
while working simultaneously to keep youth who are are not being trafficked safe.
Unfortunately, youth who are actively recruiting are often denied placement as a result of
safety concerns for their peers. Notably, the California Child Welfare Sytem faces challenges
in placing many youth due to maximum space capacity issues; thus, creating additional
barriers for youth actively recruiting or who have a history of recruiting peers.

Objectives and Goals

Goal # 1 Goal # 2 Goal # 3

Identify startegies to prevent Immediately disrupt Educate support-systems
(reduce) peer recruitment Instances of peer on best practices to support
occurances recruitment upon identification youths’ needs and saftey

Key Stakeholders

Youth Caregivers Child Welfare Policymakers

Educating youth Through education, California Child Public policy
about potential Caregivers gain the Welfare is controls operations
dangers of human opportunity to practice mandated to of government
trafficking and harm-reductive care in respond to all agencies. Policy
peer recruitment support of youths’ official reports directly impacts
tactics decreases well-being. Therefore, of suspected youth who have
the likelihood of the education of Caregivers commercial been peer recruited
victimization for serves as both a reparative sexually into human trafficking
youth + peers. and preventive measure. exploited children and those at-risk.

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