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There is not universal definition of the product development cycle.

Business disagree about how many stages the cycle includes .Even
those who agree on thze number of steps disagree about where one
ends the next starts.
I-Caracteristics of product development.
1-definition of product development.

The product development cycle is the process of taking a product

from an idea through its market release and beyond. This cycle
involves many several departments in company :product
managers,developers,designers,QA testers , and others.

2- The different stages of product development.

Here is how we define what we view as the seven stages of the
product development cycle.You can use »v these steps as a guide to
creating your own product.
-Stage1 : Develop the idea
This is the brainstorming stage.The product team looks foe ways to
solve the problems for their user personas.During this phase,the
team will generate several prduct ideas.
-Stage2 :Validate the idea.
By the end of the first stage,the team will have a long list orf product
concepts.The goal now is to narrow the list to one product or feature
worth pursing.Thera are several ways of screening ideas to learn
which are the most viable.
-stage3 :Build a prototype.
For a company that develops software,the engineering team can
create a very simple mockup of the application.they could even
develop only a wireframe.

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