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Q1) What is a word processor? Write any two features.

ANS: A document refers to a set of written pages. The process of creating a documkent is called
documentation. A word processor is an application software, which is capable of creating, editing,
formatting, storing retrieving ,saving, and printing documents.

Two features of a word processor are: • It provides an easier and faster method to type the text. • It
provides various formatting features, such as boldface, italics, underlining, font name, font color etc.

Q2) Name any three popular word processors.

ANS: Three popular word processors:

• MS Word-Desktop utility

• Google Docs-Internet based utility

• Open Office, LibreOffice - Desktop utility

Q3) Write about LibreOffice Writer.

Ans: LibreOffice Writer is a word processor application of LibreOffice Suite.

1. We can produce letters. Reports, newsletters ..etc., quickly and in a presentable manner.
2. We can insert graphics, draw picture using various drawing tools , integrate with objects from
other files and applications.
3. We can use colours, stryles, fonts, borders, and various effects on text.

Q4) What do you mean by editing text?

ANS: Editing text means making corrections to it, and manipulating text in a manner that would lead to
the desired end result. This process includes inserting, deleting, copying, moving, finding and replacing a
particular text in a document.

Q5) What do you mean by non-printable characters?

ANS: These are the characters that do not appear in a printed document, which are used for formatting
the documents, so they are also known as formatting marks. The most common non-printable
characters in word processors are space( .), non-breaking space (o), Tab character (), Line Break(  )
and paragraph mark(¶).

Q6) What do you mean by formatting? Explain its types.

ANS: Formatting means changing the overall look of a document. In LibreOffice Writer we can apply
different types of formatting – Text Formatting, Paragraph formatting and page formatting.

Text Formatting: Text formatting is applied in a document to enhance the appearance of text and
individual characters. It increases the readability of the document. Text formatting is done in several

1. Using format menu

2. Using foramatting toolbar
3. Using context meny
4. Using character dialog box
5. Using properties pane
6. Using keyboard shortcuts

Common Text formatting are: changing font, font size, font style, font color, text case, etc.

Paragraph formatting:

It is the most important factor in the overall appearamce of a document. It includes paragraph
alignments, paragraph indentation, paragraph spacing, borders and shading effects. Paragraph
formatting contributes the most to the final appearance of the document.

Page Formatting: it means making changes in default settings of a page. It includes settings of page
layout, size, orientation, margins, etc., page formatting is performed, if the default page settings do not
meet your requirement.

Libreoffice allows different options using that we can format a page like

 inserting page breaks,

 setting up basic page layout using styles,
 inserting header and footer and page numbers,
 dividing a page into coloumns,
 defining borders and background of page, etc.

Q7. What do you mean by a table . Explain in detail

A table is an organized arrangement of text in the form of rows and columns. Table is a useful way to
organize and present large amount of information. They can oftern be used as an alternative to
spreadsheets to organize data. A well designed table converys information in a more meaningful way
rather than the text written in the form of a paragraph.

Operations performed on table are:

1. Creating table
2. Inserting columns/rows in a table
3. Deleting columns/rows in a table
4. Splitting and merging table
5. Moving, copying, deleting a table.
Q8. Explain Mail merge in Libreoffice.

Ans: The mail merge feature is used to combine a data source with the main document. It saves our
time and energy to send letters to multiple addresses. It primarily enables automating the process of
sending bulk mail to customers, subscribers or general individuals.

To perform mail merge, we require

1. Data source ,

2. Main document and

3. Merged Field.

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