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Title : Kovalan

Actors: Kovalan: Alex

Reza: Sareh

Aadhi: Nakulan

King Prithviraj: Jay

Rani Padmini: Hasti

Princess Kayalvizhi: Narmadha

Lord Sharanyu: Abdul Hadi

Lord Suria: Ali Fayez

Maid: Helia

Princess Manimegalai: Raja ☹

Narrator: Iris and Roshan

Time Duration: Act 1 till Act 4 : 12 minutes

Act 5 : 8 minutes
Act 1

A prolonged drought has hit the Padawan nation. Their people suffer because of the lack of water

to manage their crops. Here, a farmer tries to cultivate what was left by his parents' inheritance.

Kovalan is his name, and his friend, Aadhi, tries to help cultivate the plantation.

(20 sec)

Kovalan: Oh my God, help me to endure this. Aadhi!!! Help me on this, don’t just stand over


Aadhi: What should I do? The land is dry, and there is nothing we can do...Unless we start

to worship Sharanyu, the lord of clouds.

Kovalan: Aahh! Talk too much, no time to talk!!!

Meanwhile, Kovalan's old friend, Reza, who currently holds the status of Minister in the Palace,

came to stroll around the area and bumped into Kovalan.

(50 sec)

Reza: Hey there, Kovalan, long time no see…still working?

Kovalan: It's easy for you to talk like this. For people like me, work is the only way to get a bite

of rice, different from you.

Aadhi: Is that Reza, our childhood friend?

Reza: Let me get straight to the point. The palace has announced that they are looking for

a match for their princess, Manimegalai. The king and queen are pleased with

anyone who can answer their three questions.

Kovalan: Why are you telling me this?

Reza: You see, you are an intelligent guy since we have been friends since childhood. I

want to help you and think you are the right fit for the princess. Think about it.
Later that night, Kovalan lay looking at the sky that covered him while imagining the face of the

princess he was going to marry…

(20 sec)

Kovalan: How good it would be if I married the princess of this country...as Reza said.

Aadhi: There is a saying in my language “Hanya Jauhari mengenal Manikam”

Kovalan: What’s that?

Aadhi: Only the wise know what the best is for him.
Act 2

The next day, preparations to invite guests of honour and grooms who want to marry the princess

are pretty busy. The workers are going up and down to complete their tasks. But someone is not

impressed. That is the Queen of Padavan, Rani Padmini and her little princess, Kayalvizhi.

(46 sec)

Kayalvizhi: Who are these people? Are we going to let them be chosen by the King?

Padmini: I won’t let him do this. Both of you are my princess, my precious. I always think for

the best of you. The one person that I can think of for all the confusion is Reza.

Kayalvizhi: Reza!!!....Reza!!! come here

Reza: My Queen, My princess…I am here in your presence. What did I do that makes you

angry? I should have blamed myself for your anger…especially you, Princess


Padmini: Enough is enough… I have had it with these issues in this palace. Girl…girl…come


Kayalvizhi: GIRL!!!

Maid: Yes, my Queen!!!

Padmini: Bring me a cold-pressed pomegranate juice, shaken but not stirred for both of us.

Maid: But, it’s still in the morning….

Padmini: It’s evening somewhere else…now bring me the juice…

Kovalan has reached the palace among the others. He is nervous, first-time being in the court,

looking around and amazed by the architecture of the court. Reza was running towards him,

welcoming him with warm hands.

(20 sec)

Reza: Hey there buddy, you OK?

Kovalan: I’m not sure that I m in the right place. I was excited at first, but now I feel nervous.

Something is not right, Reza.

Reza: Why are you thinking too much? All is well. Fret not; I’m here for you.
Act 3

The King, Prithviraj, and his Queen, Rani Padmini, welcoming all into the palace and wishing the

best of luck to those who competing. The queen is not pleased with the competition, then suddenly

a bolt of lightning struck in the middle of the hall…

(35 sec)

Sharanyu: Behold!!!, The God, The Myth, The Legend, The one and only, Lord Sharanyu, are

here to seek the alliance with the Padavan’s.

Padmini: This is getting interesting!!

Sharanyu: Listen all…you have no idea who you are competing with. I could make you all kneel

before me if I unleashed my ultimatum power that will destroy this country…. unless I

am marrying the princess.

Prithviraj: Lord Sharanyu, please, do not hurt my people. I have no idea that you also

competing with others. I have special respect for you, my Lord

While they were arguing, a bright light spark in the middle of yard. They taught Lord Sharanyu did

it. Then, there is a silhouette from the centre of that bright light.

(65 sec)

Suria: There is no introduction needed for me, ladies. I m the one who made your everyday

life fill up with joy and cheerful memories. Without me, your life will be dark and filled

with hatred. Without me, there are no others who could live in this universe. Without

me, there is no SHARANYU!!!

Sharanyu: Don’t you dare to challenge me Boy…you couldn’t handle it when I lift up my

weapon. I can disintegrate you with my bolt of lightning…

Suria: What do you think where your lighting is from?

Prithviraj: My Lords, please do not quarrel with each other. I believe we can come into a

solution. Please let me help you, my Lords

Sharanyu: I don’t need your help!!!

Suria: To all of you that think they might have the chance to marry the princess and

compete with us, step forward!!!

After hearing that, all but Kovalan fled from the court. Both Lord Sharanyu and Lord Suria stunned

that Kovalan is the last man standing. Both of them laughed looking at Kovalan, humiliates him,

that he has no chance at all against them.

Act 4

Kovalan was surprised by the words thrown by Lord Sharanyu and Lord Suria, after all he has

been worshipping them since childhood, and his parents before him. Kovalan could not contain his

feelings, when insulted by his own God, then said…

(50 sec)

Kovalan: I didn’t expect my own God could do this to me, maybe I worship a coward after all.

Suria: How dare you talking to me, I could make you…..

Kovalan: Yeah..yeah, I know you can…but you cannot be as smart as I am now…

Sharanyu: If you think you can beat us in this competition, you are making a grave for yourself,

boy. You are a farmer, who depending on us for your crops. You should be thankful,

not competing with us. Without us, you are nothing, without us, who you are? And

now, you are challenging me for this competition? Ok, I will crush you before even

we start the game.

Kovalan: I am waiting…
Act 5

All the common people are waiting in the palace grounds to witness this three-way competition.

Although many thought that Kovalan had no chance to compete with them, a few of them, were

proud of Kovalan's courage to compete with the Gods

(4 minutes and 30 seconds)

Prithviraj: Thank you all for coming. For the first time in the history of Padavan, in a search for

a compatible alliance for our daughter and your princess, the palace has decided to

organize a competition. I am thrilled to have Lord Sharanyu and Lord Suria to join us

as the participants and of course, Kovalan.

Suria: We don’t need to acknowledge him. Afterall he is a peasant.

Padmini: Without further do, we can start our competition with the first question of the

competition. “What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a

thousand years”?

Sharanyu: What kind of questions is this?

Suria: I been alive for more than 65 million years now…never ever thought about counting

a minute of my life…

Kovalan: It’s easy, the letter “M”, Minute has one ‘M’, Moment has two ‘M’ and thousand years

has none.

Padmini: Oh my, that is correct.

Reza: Good job Kovalan.

Prithviraj: Can I ask the second question, My Queen?

Padmini: Yeah, go ahead.

Prithviraj: Thank you, My Queen. This is getting very interesting. Ok, let me think…Ok, “The

more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I”?

Suria: It’s you, King Prithviraj

Prithviraj: No, it’s not.

Sharanyu: Is it money? I guess…

Kovalan: No, my King, I know the answer. It is footsteps. The more you take steps, the more

you leave the footsteps.

Prithviraj: I am impressed, Mr. Kovalan.

Kovalan: Thank you, My King.

Sharanyu: This is not fair, asking about everything about this world.

Kayalvizhi: In that case, allow me to ask a question for them.

Suria: What possible a child can ask a question to us?

Kayalvizhi: If you want to marry my sister, I have all the rights to ask…you are already losing two

questions, and still talking like a champ.

Sharanyu: Ok little girl, fire it away.

Kayalvizhi: Here the question. I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes.

Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?

Sharanyu: What on the earth you asking, girl? Could you repeat the question again?

Kayalvizhi: I can, here the question again. I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no

eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?


Kovalan: May I answer the question. Its him the answer…

Sharanyu: What? I don’t understand.

Kovalan: You see, Clouds can fly anywhere without the wings, and when its rain, it doesn’t

need an eyes to ‘cry’, and clouds can block the light go through them, hence the

darkness. Got it?

Padmini: That concludes the competition. We have the winner.

Sharanyu: This can’t be happening!!!

Reza: Oh my God, Kovalan. You did it…I’ m so proud of you…

Prithviraj: Hear all, it is decided then. Mr. Kovalan will marry my daughter, your princess of

Padavan. May I present you, Princess Manimegalai!!!

The moment appears. Everyone is waiting for the princess to appear. Kovalan waited with a

pounding heart. His efforts were not wasted. His love for the princess never wavered. The moment

when the princess stepping out.


Kovalan: That’s the princess???

-The End-

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