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Topic 1: Tell about your first day at school

- Which school? Primary, secondary, high school
- Your feelings ( Cảm xúc của bạn hôm đó như thế nào?)
- What happened on that day? ( Mình làm gì vào ngày đó)
- Describe about your school/ teacher ( mô tả trường học như thế nào)
- Tense: dùng thì ở quá khứ

I have been to three schools in my life, so I would like to write about my first day at

my primary school. As I remember, my first day at school was an extremely new experience

for me when I was a child. The night before that day, I was nervous and afraid since it was

my first time going to a brand-new school. Everything was new to me, both friends and

teachers. The moment my mom dropped me off, I stood at the entrance for a few minutes with

resistance and a hesitant mind. At that time, I was staring at the school gate which was like a

huge monster’s mouth to me, but my mom grabbed my hand and took me to my class.

Fortunately, my homeroom teacher was very nice and friendly. She slowly instructed me and

my classmates to get familiar with each other and school obligations. Then, I started to make

new friends sitting next to me. After that, the class started, and my nervousness vanished. I

believe that my first day at school helped me gain confidence, which ultimately affected the

rest of my years there. Therefore, it was a memorable memory for me.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM
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Topic 2: Where do you want to visit on next

holiday? Describe about that place
- Tense: Thì Hiện tại + Tương lai

- Holiday destination: Thailand

- Reason why + describe: tourist attraction, local specialty, go shopping

Travelling is one of my hobbies, and if I have a chance, I would like to visit Thailand,

which is located next to my country, Vietnam. There are three reasons why I would like to

travel to Thailand. First of all, Thailand is best known for a variety of tourist attractions such

as Pattaya beach or Phi Phi island. If I visit Phi Phi island, I will plan to go sightseeing,

sunbathe under the palm tree and run straight to crystal clear water at Monkey beach on this

place. Furthermore, I think tasting local cuisines in Thailand will be the best experience for

someone who is not a fussy eater like me. Tom Yum soup and Pad Thai, which I would like to

taste the most, are two well-known dishes in both Thailand and Vietnam. When I tried those

two dishes in Vietnam, they were extremely delicious and tasty, so I wish I could try their

original taste. Finally, shopping is also necessary during a trip in Thailand. Because of its

affordable price, I may have a chance to purchase a cheap and quality product in the night

market or in Siam plaza. Afterall, coming to Thailand has always been my dream, and I wish

I could put my step on this place soon.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM
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Topic 3: Ways to protect the environment

- Tense: Thì hiện tại đơn

- List of ways of protecting the environment:


.Plant Tree

. Using less plastic

Nowadays, environmental problems are ubiquitous and detrimental.Therefore, we

must protect the environment as soon as possible. I would love to share some ways of

protecting the environment. First of all, we should recycle more. Many products such as paper-

based products are made to be recycled. So for the next time you want to throw away any

paper-based products, remember to recycle it. Secondly, we should plant more trees to

provide more shade as well as to create a chance to form a habitat for wild animals. As a

result, the environment will become better than it is right now. Lastly, plastic is the thing that

harms our environment the most. Plastic is proven to not decompose for more than a thousand

years or even more. When throwing plastic products onto the ground, it will forever be there

or be buried under the ground and create soil degradation. As plastics are harmful and hard

to decompose, we should use it less to protect our environment which is slowly dying.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM
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Topic 4: Real-life Experience

- What is that experience?

- When is it?

- Where do you have it?

- The differences between theories and real-life experience

- How do you feel about it?

People can learn from theories provided during school days;however, the knowledge

from the book and the theories is never enough for students.Therefore, I decided to have

practical lessons for myself. I learn about different species from mammals to reptiles in the

books but I do not understand much about it. As a result, I wasn't satisfied enough, so just

last week (bất kì thời điểm nào các bạn muốn), I booked a trip to Africa (zoo, bất kì nơi

nào các bạn muốn) to be able to observe those species in real life. Regarding the

differences, In the book, the elephant looks so angry and dangerous, but in real life, they tend

to be soft and naive. The lion cubs look cute in the book but in real life, they look dangerous

and always seek for food. I also had a chance to watch how the dolphins hunt for fish, which

is also different from what they teach in the book. Another difference is that the hippos in real

life are more dangerous than the elephant while in the book they are described as a friendly

creature. After the trip, I realized that I should have done this sooner. In the future, I will try to

have more real-life experience.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM
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Topic 5: Unsatisfying Date

- Who did you go out with?

- When was the date?

- Where did you go to?

- Why was it unsatisfying?

- How do you feel about the date?

As a teenager, dating is a common activity. However, sometimes dating can go wrong

and is unsatisfying. I also have an unsatisfying date that i would love to share. Last year, a

boy/girl (ghi tên cũng được các em) who i had just met 2 weeks ago asked me out on a

date to celebrate my birthday, so i was so excited. He/she offered to go to a famous and fancy

restaurant which I liked.Therefore, I brought out every gorgeous suit/dress that i had to wear

on the date. (Lí do thất vọng) At the very first moment, he/she disappointed me by swearing

so much. Next, when the waiter was quite busy serving other guests, he/she immediately

yelled to have the waiters and waitresses’ attention, which was very rude to me. Not having

me to wait any longer, he/she even spat while waiting for the food to be served, which was so

disgusting. I felt horrible that day as my birthday was completely ruined by that rude and

impolite person. I wish i had never gone on that date as it was so terrible. I hope i would never

see him/her again.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM
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- What does he/she look like?

- His/her personalities

- What qualities does he/she need to have?

Everybody has different types of people that they like. Some like being with handsome

ones and some enjoy being with rich people. However, I am different. My ideal lover does not

have to be handsome/beautiful but he/she needs to be tall. Since he/she is tall, he/she will be

more confident walking out with me as I am taller than the average. He/she has to be tidy as i

do not want to be with someone who is careless. He/she must be loving because i want

him/her to love my family the way he/she loves his/her family. He/she must be elegant when

we go out to some luxurious places. Moreover, he/she must love me with everything he/she

has so that i can believe he/she is a loyal person and would not do anything to break my heart.

Last but not least, it would be nice if he/she treats everybody nicely because I believe that

being with a person like this would make me happy everyday as i can keep many relationships

without making him/her jealous. So, this is what my ideal lover would be like.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM
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Topic 7: Many say that life is more

stressful than they used to be. Disagree.
In today’s world, people are caught into the hustle and bustle of life to make ends meet;

therefore, many believe that life has become more stressful than before. In my opinion, I

disagree with this statement. First of all, in comparison with the past, now we have more forms

of entertainment such as going to the bar, hanging out at the coffeeshops, playing football,

going to the game center, and so on. With many forms of entertainment which we did not have

in the past, we can release all of the stress we carry by doing these mentioned activities.

Secondly, nowadays, people can make money while playing. In the past, many had to

concentrate completely on making money by raising cows or buffaloes without being able to

rest for a few minutes. However, nowadays, we can become a streamer or youtuber, which

allows us to receive donations in the form of banking money while playing games on streams.

Last but not least, we are now able to receive more help from the government during hard

times, which we did not have in the past. Therefore, I completely disagree with the idea that

life is more stressful than before.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu
tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center

Agena English Center – Your Success – Our Passion

Cơ sở 1: 13 đường 379, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 2: 65B Lã Xuân Oai, Phường Tăng Nhơn Phú A, TP. Thủ Đức
Cơ sở 3: 25 đường 5K, phường Tân Thuận Tây, Quận 7, TP. HCM

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