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Explanatory text is a text in which to explain what is being told / done about what is being done /

Aim :

to explain an event so that the reader is easy to understand


1. The information contained is based on facts (factual).

2. The thing that is discussed is a phenomenon that is scientific in nature or related to science.

3. It is informative and does not try to influence the reader to believe what is being discussed. Use
sequence marker words.

General structure:

1. General Statement

Contains a general explanation of the phenomenon to be discussed, it can be an introduction to the

phenomenon or an explanation. In the example text above. The general explanation written in this
text is in the form of a general description of tsunami, why tsunami occur, and how the tsunami
event processes occurred.

2. Row of Explaners

Contains an explanation of the process why a tsunami can occur or be created and can consist of
more than one paragraph. A list of explanations that describe and detail the causes and
consequences of the tsunami.

3. Interpretation (Optional)

The closing text is optional, and not mandatory. The closing text referred to is text which is the
essence or conclusion of a general statement and a series of explanations. Optionally, it can be in
the form of a response or to draw conclusions on the statements in the text.
Language features:

Tense, like past tense, present tense, Passive voice, direct speech.

Example explanatory text


Landslides or often called soil movements are a geological event that occurs due to mass movement
of rocks or soil with various types and types such as falling rocks or large lumps of soil. In general,
landslides are caused by two factors, namely driving factors and triggering factors. Driving factors
are factors that affect the condition of the material itself, while trigger factors are factors that cause
the movement of the material.

Although the main cause of this event is gravity affecting a steep slope, there are other factors that
also play a role, including erosion, slopes of rock and soil weakened through saturation caused by
heavy rain, and volcanoes that create deposits of dust that are quiet, heavy rain and a stream of

There are many things that can be done to prevent landslides, such as not making ponds or rice
fields on slopes, not building houses under cliffs, not cutting trees around the slopes, not cutting
cliffs perpendicularly, and not building buildings around rivers.

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