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A Capstone Project On

Leadership Development Plan


Krishna P. Adhikari
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal

Table Of Contents


1. Write down your leadership development goal....................................................

2. Examine traits and behaviors of leaders you admire..........................................

3. Take a 360-degree review and assessments........................................................

4. Revise your leadership development goals(include timeline)............................

5. Review with your manager, coach or mentor......................................................


Leadership Development is the process of improving leadership skills and
competencies through various activities. In leadership development, staff at
all levels are taught the invaluable leadership skills that allow them to properly
lead, inspire and guide their teams to success.This type of development is
important to properly cultivate a culture of leadership throughout an
organization. To effectively action leadership development, an organization
should create a leadership development plan.

Leadership development plan template

So, how to improve leadership skills within an organization? We should start

with a leadership development plan.
It is the roadmap of how an organization is going to nurture leadership skills
in employees of all levels. It should cover goals that align with both strategic
business needs and interpersonal, or more human, needs.
It should address the needs of leaders of all levels within the
organization,both current leaders and those who wish to train for future
leadership positions.
An example of good leadership development plan is one that has the
following steps:

1. Define what type of leaders do an organization need

First of all, an organization needs to understand what type of leaders
they need, what set of skills are most essential for an organization, and
will be valuable in the future.

2. Align an employees career vision with organization business needs

Talk to the employees who will participate in this leadership
development and try to align their career vision and path with the
organization's ideas and business path.
Having the same direction in development will affect final results

3. Create a list of leadership development goals and skills

As discussed above, leadership development goals are an important
part of this strategy. Without clear goals, it will be hard to understand
what to do and how effective a plan is.
The required qualities and skills of an organization’s leadership will
determine the relevant leadership development goals.

4. Identify which methods of development to use and create a

development plan:

There are many different methods that can be used for leadership
● Mentorship programs,
● Formal training,
● Volunteering,
● Task forces,
● Working groups and committees,
● Changing the way the responsibility is taken,

Some companies will develop these methods in house, while others

bring in a third party company who specializes in this type of
development, it’s up to the company what they choose.

5. Measure and analyze the program results

As mentioned the development plan must be measurable, otherwise, it
will be impossible to quantify its success.
By using measurable goals, concrete criteria, feedback from
employees, and data, a company will be able to measure the success
of the program and make adjustments where necessary.

1. Write down your leadership development goal

Leadership development plan involves several key steps. Begin by assessing my

current skills and identifying areas for improvement. Set specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant, and timely (SMART) goals that align with my career aspirations.
Determine the development areas I need to focus on and create an action plan with
actionable steps. Seek out learning opportunities, such as workshops or mentorship
programs, and actively practice and apply new skills. Regularly reflect on my
progress, seek feedback, and adjust my plan as needed. Measure my development
over time through self-evaluations and feedback from others. Celebrate milestones
and continue setting new goals for ongoing growth. With a well-structured plan, We
can enhance our leadership capabilities and achieve our professional
objectives.Here are some examples of leadership development goals that follow the
SMART criteria:

Specific: Clearly define the aspect of leadership you want to develop.

Example: "Improve my active listening skills to enhance team collaboration and

Measurable: Establish tangible criteria to track your progress.

Example: "Increase the number of open-ended questions asked during team
meetings by 50% within three months."

Achievable: Set goals that are realistic and attainable within your current
resources and capabilities.
Example: "Attend at least two leadership workshops or conferences within the
next year to gain new insights and knowledge."

Relevant: Ensure that the goal aligns with your professional growth and the
needs of your organization or team.

Example: "Enhance my conflict resolution skills to minimize team conflicts and
improve overall productivity."

Time-bound: Set a specific timeframe to create a sense of urgency and focus.

Example: "Complete a leadership training program within six months to develop
advanced leadership competencies."

2. Examine traits and behaviors of leaders you admire

It is important to look for individuals who possess certain qualities that inspire and
guide others effectively.A leader worth admiring demonstrates visionary thinking,
able to create and communicate a compelling vision for the future. They exhibit
unwavering integrity, making ethical decisions and acting with honesty and
transparency. Empathy and emotional intelligence are also crucial, as they
understand and connect with others, building trust and fostering
collaboration.Luckily, I have found such leaders who helped me in my professional
career.Here are a name of leaders I have worked with directly or indirectly whose
leadership qualities I admire the most:

Prabin: As a direct supervisor, Prabin displayed excellent communication skills.

He was always open and approachable, actively listened to team members,
and provided clear and constructive feedback. His ability to communicate
effectively fostered a positive and collaborative work environment.

Sarah: Sarah, a senior executive in another department, demonstrated

exceptional strategic thinking. She had a clear vision for the organization's
future and consistently made informed decisions based on thorough analysis
and consideration of various factors. Her ability to think critically and
strategically inspired confidence and enabled the team to achieve long-term

David: David, a project manager, exhibited strong empathy and emotional

intelligence. He genuinely cared about his team members' well-being and
regularly checked in with them, offering support and guidance when needed.
His empathetic leadership style created a sense of trust and psychological
safety within the team.

Lisa: Lisa, a cross-functional team leader, was highly skilled in delegation. She
effectively assigned tasks and responsibilities, ensuring that team members
had the necessary resources and support to succeed. Her delegation style
empowered team members and allowed them to showcase their strengths
and grow professionally.

Michael: Michael, a CEO, exemplified a commitment to continuous learning and

personal growth. He actively sought out new knowledge, attended
conferences, and encouraged his team to pursue professional development
opportunities. His dedication to self-improvement inspired others to do the
same and fostered a culture of continuous learning within the organization.

3. Take a 360-degree review and assessments
A 360-degree review is a comprehensive feedback process that involves gathering
input from multiple perspectives, including peers, subordinates, superiors, and even
self-assessment. This feedback provides a well-rounded view of an individual's
performance, strengths, and areas for improvement. The purpose of a 360-degree
review is to gain insights into one's leadership capabilities, interpersonal skills, and
overall effectiveness. It helps identify blind spots, discrepancies between self-
perception and others' perceptions, and areas that require development.These
assessments typically involve gathering feedback from multiple individuals who
work closely with me, such as peers, subordinates, and supervisors. I conducted
360-degree reviews with following steps:

1. Identify your raters: Selected individuals who have direct experience working
with me and can provide valuable feedback on my leadership skills. This
includes peers, subordinates, supervisors, and even external stakeholders or

2. Developed a feedback questionnaire: Created a structured questionnaire that

covers relevant leadership competencies, behaviors, and skills. Included
questions that focus on my strengths, areas for improvement, and specific
aspects of leadership I want feedback on.

3. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality: Assured raters that their responses will
remain anonymous and confidential to encourage honest and unbiased

4. Distributed the questionnaire: Shared the questionnaire with my identified

raters and requested their participation. Provided clear instructions on how to
complete and submit the questionnaire.

5. Collected and analyzed feedback: Once I received responses, compile and

analyze the feedback. Looked for patterns, common themes, and areas of
consensus or divergence in the feedback.

6. Reflect and identify areas for improvement: Reflect on the feedback received
and identify areas where you have strengths and areas that require
development. Consider how the feedback aligns with your self-assessment
and identify any gaps or discrepancies.

7. Develop an action plan: Based on the feedback and your self-reflection, create
an action plan for leadership development. Set specific goals, identify
resources or training opportunities, and establish a timeline for implementing
changes and tracking progress

Self-assessment is an ongoing process, and it's important to regularly revisit and
update my assessment as I grow and develop as a leader. Used these insights
gained from my self-assessment to guide personal and professional growth, and
continuously seek opportunities to refine my leadership skills.

Reflect on experiences: Took some time to reflect on my leadership experiences.

Considered roles, responsibilities, and achievements as a leader. Reflected on
the projects I've led, teams I've managed, and any challenges I've faced.

Identify strengths: Thought about the leadership skills and qualities that I believe
I excelled in. Areas where I consistently received positive feedback or where I
felt confident and effective as a leader. Examples include communication,
decision-making, problem-solving, or team-building skills.

Recognize weaknesses: Identified areas where I felt I may have room for
improvement. I honestly considered feedback I have received in the past .
These weaknesses include specific skills or behaviors that I struggle with or
areas where I felt less confident as a leader.

Evaluate leadership style: Consider leadership style and approach like Am I

more authoritative, collaborative, or transformational? Reflect on how my style
influenced my interactions with others and the overall impact on my team or

Assess emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence is crucial for effective

leadership. I evaluated self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social
skills. Reflect on how well I understood and managed my own emotions and
how effectively I connect with and understand the emotions of others.

Set goals for improvement: Based on my self-assessment, there are key areas
for improvement. These are specific and actionable goals that can help me
enhance my leadership abilities. I can acquire new skills, seek development
opportunities, work on changing certain behaviors, or seek some mentorship.

Develop an action plan: Created a plan of action to address identified areas for
improvement like some specific steps, timelines, and resources needed to
achieve my goals. Considered seeking feedback from others, attending
training programs or workshops, or working with a mentor or coach to support
my development.

4. Revise your leadership development goals(include

I revisited and aligned my goals with the traits of leaders I admire and the insights
gained in refining my leadership development plan. Here's a revised version of the
goals, taking into consideration those fact:

1. Cultivate emotional intelligence: Strengthen self-awareness, empathy, and
relationship-building skills to create a positive and supportive work
Timeline: Engage in a comprehensive emotional intelligence training program
over the next six months, focusing on self-reflection and applying strategies to
build stronger connections with team members and stakeholders.

2. Promote strategic thinking and decision-making: Sharpen long-term planning

and decision-making abilities to drive organizational growth and innovation.
Timeline: Enroll in a strategic thinking course within the next four months and
actively apply strategic approaches in current projects and initiatives. Seek
opportunities to engage in strategic discussions and collaborate with cross-
functional teams.

3. Empower through effective delegation: Develop delegation skills to empower

team members, increase productivity, and foster professional growth.
Timeline: Attend a delegation skills workshop within the next two months and
practice delegation techniques with a specific project within the following
month. Regularly evaluate and adjust delegation strategies based on
feedback and team performance.

4. Cultivate cross-cultural leadership competencies: Build cultural sensitivity

and inclusive leadership skills to effectively lead diverse and multicultural
Timeline: Engage in a cross-cultural leadership development program over the
next eight months, including cultural sensitivity training and actively seeking
diverse perspectives in decision-making. Foster an inclusive team culture
through ongoing initiatives and awareness-building.

5. Master conflict resolution and constructive feedback: Develop techniques for

managing conflicts and providing constructive feedback to promote a positive
work environment.
Timeline: Enroll in a conflict resolution course within the next three months and
practice conflict resolution strategies in team meetings and challenging
situations over the following six months. Regularly seek feedback from team
members to gauge effectiveness.

5. Review with your manager, coach or mentor
I got some valuable insights, guidance and support after I reviewed with my
manager.I was open to their input, actively listened to his Perspective and engaged
in a constructive dialogue.His guidance and support contributed significantly in my
Professional growth. Here are some of his thought:

Insight into organizational priorities: My manager provided insights into the

strategic priorities of my organization. He helped align my development goals
with the needs and objectives of the organization, ensuring that my growth
efforts contribute to the overall success of the team and company.

Expertise and experience: My manager often has extensive experience in

leadership roles. He offered valuable advice and shared his own insights and
lessons learned from his career journeys. His expertise helped me identify
areas for improvement and provide guidance on the most effective strategies
to enhance my leadership skills.
(Valamis 2023)
Goal setting and planning: My manager assisted me in setting clear, measurable
goals and developing a plan to achieve them. He helped me break down my
goals into actionable steps, provided suggestions for relevant training or
development opportunities, and supported me in creating a realistic timeline
for my growth.

Feedback and performance evaluation: Regular check-ins with my manager

provided an opportunity to receive ongoing feedback on my progress. He
provided constructive feedback, identified areas where I have made
significant improvements, and offered guidance on areas that require further
attention. This feedback loop helps me stay accountable and adjust my goals
and strategies as needed.

Accountability and motivation: Reviewing goals with him creates a sense of
accountability. He helped me set milestones, track my progress, and hold me
accountable for taking action towards my goals. Additionally, his support and
encouragement motivated me to stay focused and committed to my
development journey.

Valamis. 2023. “CEO.” Leadership Development Plan: Template with Example with






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